Lost: Border Terrier In South West (DE22)
- Dog ID 10039
- Status Lost
- Registered 01 Jan 2004
- Name TILLY
- Gender & Breed Border Terrier
- Age Adult
- Colour
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 01 Jul 2007
- Lost In Region South West
- Lost In Post Area DE22
- Date Reunited
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- Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Views 2033
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- 2007-10-31 13:05 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Message passed onto Karen. Jan xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-30 23:55 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Thanks glynafon, I will contact Karen who is helping owner of Tilly. Jan xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-30 07:14 Glynafon
- Sorry website below should read www petsearchuk.gov.ukLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-29 17:08 Glynafon
- 713 23.10.07 Horton South Glos. Border Terrier Female. Adult. Wearing black collar with bones on and a metal bone hanging off with no Iddetails. No /mchip found May have been stolen. www.petsearch.org.ukLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-09 10:00 kjkay
- Hi all checked out details of the border terrier that was at rescue centre in Chorley sadly it wasn't Tilly but thanks to everyone for getting in touch, it was a long shot but worth a try! Will keep eyes and ears open for the yoorkshire terrier that has gone missing in StHelens recently we'll keep our fingers crossed for you. Thanks again Karenxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-07 12:23 kjkay
- Thanks for update will will check this out straight away. Thanks again Karenxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-07 11:15 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Thanks twoDs for cross checking. Message left for Karen who is helping owner search for Tilly to take a look at your post and leave us an update. Jan xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-06 13:10 twoDs
- Theres a young grizzle bitch on DogPages in Chorley who has had puppies worth a try? http://www.dogpages.org.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=152490Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-08-27 16:23 kjkay
- Hi all, been away on hols went to see Tilly Hi all been away on hols went to see Tilly's owner yesterday and theres still no news at all. Thanks to everyone who's helping Karen and familyxx. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-08-27 12:40 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Spoken to Karen and Tilly still remains missing with no sightings. Karen will leave an update a.s.a.p. Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-08-25 00:11 doglady
- Any news on Tilly?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-13 10:37 kjkay
- Hi Jan, just to let you know i spoke to Tilly's owner yesterday and he said there have been no sightings or news on the whereabouts of Tilly. He's still very upset but is very grateful for all the help and support everyone has given so far. Once again thanks to everyone, Karen xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-11 09:39 kjkay
- Hi Hannah, thanks for your help, we have had no news about Tilly so far and no sightings of her either. She still has a few weeks left before she is due to have her pups, i suppose we may her something around the time the pups would be due to be sold on to their new homes! Whatever happens i'm sure with all the help and support that everyones giving fingers crossed we should hear something soon! Once again thanks to you all! Karen xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-10 16:58 Hannah
- Come home soon Tilly. I have added her details to my forum Find Missing Dogs (http://findmissingdogs.proboards67.com/index.cgi). xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-05 09:19 kjkay
- Hi Jacky, Thanks for your help, i've been really pleased by all the support we've been given, it just goes to show that there are lots of kind hearted people out there, any help is very much appreciated by us all. Karen and family xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-04 13:41 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Jacky-uk thanks for your help. Karen I will try and contact Keelagh she may contact you beforehand. Great if Tilly gets media coverage. Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-04 12:59 jacky-uk
- Started to email local schools, got bunged off site for over use! I made a start though - Lawn Primary, Brackensdale Infant, Ashgate Primary, Bemrose Community, Cherry Tree Hill Infant, Da Vinci College, Derby Grammar School, Derby High School, Derby Moor Community Sports College, Emmanuel School, Gayton Junior, Ivy House, Lakeside Community Primary - will carry on with rest tomorrow x x hope there is some good news soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-04 11:51 kjkay
- Hi Keelah, you contacted me by phone yesterday asking if it would be possible to do a press release on a friends dog that's gone missing in derbyshire, the dog is called Tilly. I've spoken to her owner and he's happy to do the press release but has asked if he can use my details eg. my home phone no etc. If there's a problem concerning this would you call me on my home phone as i've called you today and left a message on your answer phone. Once again thanks to everyone who's involved with the search i'm sure we will here something soon, fingers crossed! Karen xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-03 21:02 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Thanks Keelah quick to respond as usual. Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-03 18:23 Keelah
- message left with karen who is checking with owner re media coverage consent so i can do press release tomorrowLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-02 22:13 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Andrea thanks for helping Tilly's owner with the postering. I have sent you smaller posters which are ideal for handing out etc. Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-02 20:04 kjkay
- Hi Jan, yes i contacted Just For Dogs myself today, also the RSPCA Centre at Brailsford Derbyshire. They had already been notified by our friends at the rescue centre in Mackworth. Thanks!Karen xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-02 19:59 kjkay
- Hi, Andrea that would be a great help as you are in the local area, i know Kirk Langley myself. Once again thank you to everyone for all their help we do appriciate it. Karen xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-02 16:29 buffysmum
- Has anyone strange called at the house recently for any reason and shown an interest in Tilly. If the pups are going to be pedigree this may be the reason she is now missing. There are plenty of irresponsible people out there that would buy a pedigree pup without papers for the right, price you only have to look in the Blue. I have had a dog that wanted to nest for some time before the pups were due so it is not unheard of. Take care Tilly. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-02 16:00 Andrea Derby
- Hi. I live in Kirk Langley, which is near the Mackworth area. I will put up a poster in the local pub and circulate the email. If I can help, I can be contacted at a.c.price@penninehealthcare.co.uk xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-02 13:50 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Karen have Just For Dogs rescue centre and the others on the link I posted earlier been contacted? Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-02 11:08 kjkay
- Hi, spoke to Tillys owner first thing today and he says he has notified his local police station so fingers crossed! Thanks for all the help you are giving. Karen xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 23:14 Ali-W
- If she is only half way through pregnancy it is unlikely she would be thinking of "nesting" yet. In my experience that only happens very very late, if at all. Hopefully she will be safely home by then.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 22:47 doglady
- Is Tillys pups going to be pedigree? if so look out for ads in the paper, But I do feel she as gone to ground to have her pups. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 21:03 doglover123
- I do hope Tilly is soon found. She really does not need the stress, bless her. Stay safe sweetie. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 19:29 kjkay
- Hi, just spoke to our friend (Tillys owner), he's getting over the shock now and starting to remember more details he now says his side gate must have been opened when he was out shopping, so the dog escaped through the front gate as he entered the cottage. As soon as he realised she was gone he went out front which is a very quite lane and there was no sign of her, we now think somebody was waiting in a car as she seemed to have disappeared so quickly. Friends were out looking all day yesterday and all day today and there have been no sightings of her. Karen xxx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 14:23 buffysmum
- As Doglady says she might be looking for somewhere to 'nest'. Take care little Tilly and stay safe darling. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 13:34 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Karen great to see you on board, everyone on DL will try their best to help you find Tilly for her owner. Please try and keep us up to date with any sightings and where has been posted etc. Ask any helpers in the area to also check the site and if possible register. Good luck and hope Tilly is home soon. Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 13:26 kjkay
- hi, thanks for all the help so far fingers crossed! karenLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 13:20 Unknown
- Hurry home Tilly darling stay safe until you are found xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 13:00 doglady
- May be Tilly is in hiding to have her pups all sheds garages and other areas where she can make her nest. ask the local people to check there garages and sheds inside and out ie round the back of them Hope she is home soon. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 12:58 twoDs
- Have put details on BTW and TerrierTalk asking for help postering.Do hope she's found very soon for her safety and also for the pups too.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 12:29 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Karen who is helping on behalf of the owner is having problems logging on. Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 10:51 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Thanks Sylvieliz for info. Karen the link for JFD is http://www.justfordogs.org/ Also breed rescue centres for the area try http://www.dogpages.org.uk/central.htm Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 10:18 Sylvieliz
- Am going away on holiday today in a few hours but try contacting Just for Dogs a rescue centre at Brailsford. They get a lot of stray dogs from that area. 01335677444 Hope she is found soon. SylvieLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-01 01:32 UNKNOWN
- Come home soon sweetie pie x be safe ! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-06-30 23:24 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Thanks Nik for getting her on so quickly and emailing helpers. Spoken to friend of owner. Tilly wandered from her home today and her elderly owner has been out searching. he is not in good health himself and needs help. Obviously he is very worried especially as Tilly is pregnant. Jan xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-06-30 23:19 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Posters need to be put up in the area a.s.a.p. lamposts, entrances to parks, vets, petshops, ask postie (go to sorting office), milkmen, binmen, taxi drivers, schools, youth clubs, pubs, takeaway shops, dog training clubs. Handout smaller posters to people, especially dog walkers and deliver to houses etc. Put A4 poster in car windows. Check Police stations and Dog Warden. RSPCA and rescue centres need checking regularly and preferably visited in person, by owner or someone who knows Tilly. Fingers crossed she is found soon. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-06-30 23:03 Unknown
- Local organisations and helpers notified.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-06-30 22:17 Unknown
- Tilly's owner is elderly and is being helped by a DogLost helper who is not local. Anyone with any news on Tilly should phone 0151 287 3906.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18