Reunited: Sable Andwhite Sheltie Male

  • Dog ID 101200
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 12 Jun 2016
  • Name COSMO
  • Gender & Breed Male Sheltie
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour sable andwhite
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 12 Jun 2016
  • Where Lost Potters bar.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area EN6
  • Date Reunited 15 Jun 2016
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 11987
  • COSMOPoster Image
  • COSMOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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So pleased to hear this.
Fantastic news!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great news :) Welcome home Cosmo.x

Well done to all involved.
Bet he needs a good bath bless him 😁
I can't tell you how happy I am about this .... Hope Cosmo is not too traumatised by his adventure and stays safe in future 😃
What great news. Hope he appears in good health despite everything. Well done everyone involved in his search. I bet you will all sleep well tonight! X
Fantastic news xxx stay safe and at home xxx
thank goodness! so pleased to read this, stay safe COSMO x
Great news x
One last comment - could people take down any posters they see about - to help owner.
Wonderful news - Now stay safe Cosmo. Thank you everybody who helped.
OMG so pleased. Please keep us updated. Hope the car didn't do any damage to him. ❤
That's brilliant! Such good news 😄😄😄😄
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! thanks for letting us know. Well done team cosmos!!
Thank goodness, I'm so relieved! Welcome home Cosmo xx
We have just found him, we were searching on the farm at the top of Stagg Hill and he was at a gate at the far end of the field. Thank you everyone for all your help
Laura Sexton
He has been found :) x
ssdogs - Wrotham Park Estate Manager has emailed me today to ask for news on Cosmo, would you like access to the estate to search? It's sprawling but I think a lot of it is well groomed and would be possible to scan across easily / use binoculars. they also use buggies on the estate and might even drive you around to search in all the far corners.
Been out with dogs around the Highstone, Green and on Old Fold Manor Golf Course, not sure he would have come this far but anythings possible as he hasn't been seen. Will try and get some posters out in this area as there are plenty of dog walkers. The furthest this way I did yesterday before I ran out was one outside the nursing home on Kitts End Road
No sign of Cosmo today, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack round here as there are so many fields that have either got crops in or long grass above your knees which is not very helpful when trying to spot a sheltie that is wanting to be elusive. We have been in touch with Highways Agency and also the Network Rail. I am following up lead for possible drone and tracker, just wish he would give me a sign of where he is.
I know a Romany Gypsy who would ensure that any Gypsies in the area would help to search and keep Cosmo safe - they have a close relationship with each other - travellers might not be Romany - but from other countries and have other codes of ethics.
I've only ever heard them referred to as travellers. But someone else may know more. What difference does it make? (not being rude, I'm genuinely interested!)
Can anyone tell me if it is a travellers site or a Romany Gypsy site please.
I agree the the m25 is terribly noisy and hopefully will scare Cosmo away, I encountered lanes I never knew existed today that were very close to it and the noise was tremendous. The rain has been horrible so hopefully he has found shelter, let's hope he is spotted really soon. Has anyone been to the travellers site?
Does Cosmo like other dogs? Would seeing another dog bring him out of hiding if he saw one?
PS there is a third golf course in the area - Dyrham Park and the estate surrounding that, again not exactly the direction he was travelling but it's poss he could stray onto their land. I will try and find contact details.
I mentioned earlier that I know the estate manager on Wrotham Park, I'd already emailed on Sunday and he replied yesterday to say that they are all eyes. I am certain he would allow access to the estate for owner and helpers to search, it is massive and is a place I would go if I was a dog, but as the person said earlier it's a private estate and nobody else walks there, apart from Lady Byng probably! A few staff live on site. The fences are very low and in places broken, so he could have got in, although it may be the opposite direction given that he was seen by the hospital yesterday. I noticed how high the hedgerows are and the grass in the fields is so high he could be hidden. Regarding the M25, as I said before it goes up above the A1000, I would very much doubt he would stray there, he would have to walk to South Mimms roundabout t or a long way in the other direction, I think the noise of the traffic would deter him too. With all this rain he is sure ot be sheltering somewhere and I really hope he will poke his little nose out and be found soom x
Might be worth posting a new thread on Streetlife Potters Bar with info and pics of Cosmo and where to keep a look out.
Would it be worth getting a search party organised for the weekend if he's not been found, or would that not be a good idea.
As far as I know, and I could be completely wrong, there isn't any dog walking in the main part of the estate which has a1000 one side and Kitts End Road the other, it is also quite well fenced, although not a high fence. They own most of the land around this too and there are some little public footpaths but some of them don't really go anywhere apart from a short distance across a field. If those fishing lakes are in the main estate, the people who fish generally park in lay bys on Kitts End Road and there are several posters along there.
Been looking on Google at the area - Do many Dog Walkers use Wrotham Park - it might be worth while putting posters up there and is there fishing in Green Brook and Beech Hill Lake, posters might be good there. Will keep searching the map for places shelties like to hide - they like areas where they can catch small food such as mice and rabbits. they also like wooded areas where they can easily hide and where the trees might shelter them. Hay barns are another hiding place used in the past. When does the local paper come out - it might be worth placing a fairly large advert in there - I think the owner will have contacted Network Rail and the Highways Authority but worth checking regularly in case one of their workers sees him and just thinks it is a fox. Hoping for some news soon - keep the faith.
Just got back from another drive round the area and putting up some more posters, Waggon Road, Dancers Hill Road, Bentley Heath, Kitts End Road.. There are loads up already so just filled some gaps. The hedges and crops are all so high now it's hard to see into the fields, but had the best look I could but sadly nothing. Really hope there is a sighting soon. The Shire Golf Club and Bentley Heath CC said they will display poster also. The railway line and M25 are rather worrying, am hoping there is secure fencing for all the livestock so Cosmo cannot gain access to either.Last edited: 2016-06-14 15:53:33 by 3labs
Have you thought about hiring someone with a Drone to scan the area he was last seen in? Might be able to spot him.
I have been walking round the fields at Ganwick Farm where he was sighted early yesterday but no sign of him. Will be going round to replace and put more posters. Will try and widen area just in case. If anyone else can too the more the better. Thanks for everyones effort, just wish we could get some news.Last edited: 2016-06-14 12:51:18 by ssdogs
I have been out driving all around the area, from Barnet Rd [from Barnet] through Bentley Heath, all around the perimeter of Wrotham Park, up to South Mimms and back round in a big square along through Potters Bar and back down Barnet Rd past the areas where he was last seen. I am out again in a minute and will drive down past Ganwick Farm / Wagon Rd to see if there is any sign of him. I will keep my eyes peeled. Sorry have not been able to foor search yet. Fingers crossed he will turn up asap x
Sharing again - hope there is some good news soon.
This weather isn't helping. Wish it would stop raining for you 😞
If you want some more posters put up I should be able to do some later this afternoon. Just tell me where you would like them. Really sorry there is no sign of him yet.
Have been out looking this morning for my boy, but no sign of him :-(
Cosmo - please show yourself this morning.
Really hope today brings a sighting of Cosmo.
Aren't people horrid, surely they have something better to do! Someone commented on my FB that they saw a similar dog running up the a1000 in m25 direction at 7.30 this morning, but nothing further. I'll look on here in the morning and fingers crossed in the meantime that Cosmo is seen.
I have keys for the field at BHCC if you want to get in there
There hasn't been anymore sightings or leads of him since this morning, just some hoax calls and messages! Have been given details of a tracker so have made contact to see if that will help.
Anymore sightings?
Handed in a poster at Ganwick Farm, Waggon Road which the lady said she will kindly put up. She saw Cosmo this morning in the fields behind the farm down near the railway line (which thankfully she said is fenced off) and she had told the owner. Went for a walk round the back of the garden centre and Bentley Heath way but saw nothing. Will check here for sightings.
I've emailed a copy of the poster to the Shire Golf Club, Old Fold Manor Golf Club and filled in an enquiry form for Bentley Heath CC so hope to hear from them soon.
Could someone contact Bentley Heath Cricket Club - I cannot contact on Fbook - please - and the Golf Course. Thank you.
Wrotham Park Estate wrote back this morning, their staff are on the lookout, the estate stretches all the way into Barnet so hopefully that is covered. I am about to tweet all the businesses in there too as they will be coming and going in and out of the estate and travelling along that main road. They may see something. I'm making sure I repeat not to approach etc

yes of course, Audrey was much bigger, but as you say hope they may have a smaller one.
Freddie - that was a very large trap - but they may know who has a smaller one.
Have sent an Email to Ray Dedicoat - who had the trap used for another Sheltie. Awaiting his reply to see if it would be available if needed.
There was a dog locally recently - Desperately Seeking
Audrey - where they set a trap, not sure who did it, but it worked. She was missing twice for long periods and went to trap both times. Will try and find owner on FB now to see if they can contact Cosmo's owner.Last edited: 2016-06-13 12:21:29 by .
If it is raining hard Cosmo will have found somewhere to lay low, he will probably not come out until it is quieter. It is now 24hrs since he went missing and if he follow true Sheltie traits he will now go into survival mode - nobody - even his owners must not shout out, stealth will be needed. He will no longer recognise his own family. We need to ensure he stays in the same place, away from danger. Does anyone know who has a trap in the area - if he goes into fields or wood land this might be the only way to catch him.
If anyone sees him - turn sideways on to him so that he does not see you looking at him, call the owner and watch where he goes, if you have food (dried liver is good) on you carefully throw some on the ground, get up slowly and leave further pieces behind you - walk very slowly turn sideways to see if he is following - do not face him or make eye contact. I pray he is seen soon.
Yes I wondered about the travellers site but wasn't sure about popping in
there is a travllers site right there too, wonder if anyone has popped in to see if they have seen him? it's bwteen Duke o Y and the Hospital on main road
Thank u - I've friend requested u on FB! I have tweeted football club, couldn't find them on FB x
Put some posters (hopefully waterproof) up on side roads between hospital and going up towards high street p bar which is apparently direction he was last seen going in. Been chucking it down so going back after lunch but not entirely sure where to look at the moment. Also drove around for a while but no sign. Saw lots of posters on A1000 and around pub and garden centre.
Freddie12 - thank you - I am Alice Ash on Fbook, shared to lots of sites, cannot share to Potters Bar football Club can you or do you know anyone who can - Schools have been given posters by owner.
I'm @thedogfinder on Twitter and Emma Pratt on FbookLast edited: 2016-06-13 09:53:38 by .
I tweeted Potters Bar Eye, Potters Bar Life, Wyevale, @POtters Bar, Potters Police, Dogsmissing, Harveys Army last night, have updated all the tweets with the latets sighting. I've put on Facebook pages for Potters Bar - Duke of Tork Pub, Wrotham Park, Potters Bar Community Hospital, DogLost North London, DogLost Herts. I might be able to get to area today to help search but not til 2pm sorry x
I've also sent the details to the Welwyn and Hatfield Times (Potters Bar edition) via their online form submission.
How did Cosmo escape, from his home or on a walk? Does he know the area that he may try to make his way home?
Have shared details to Harvey's Army, Murphy's Army and Spotted in north London and surrounding areas.
It must be Potters Bar Community Hopsital on the main road where he was hit by the car - Barnet Rd, Potters Bar EN6 2RY
Phone:01707 653286
Which hospital has the dog been sighted near?
Cosmo is from Potters Bar EN6 postcode
I know staff at Norfolk Lodge, I'll let them know to look out for him. Last edited: 2016-06-13 09:26:37 by .
I just rang the lady to see if she had seen this post. She had been to the hospital but not found him. She can't see these posts while she is out so if there is any more news please can someone phone her as I will be out for a bit. Thanks Last edited: 2016-06-13 09:03:59 by 3labs
Taken from thread on Streetlife.

Just saw this dog by the hospital on way out of potters bar - I did try to get him to come into my car but he's very frightened so that's not going to work. Another lady in a sliver car had the same idea.....

He seems to be in the same area so who ever owns this dog needs to get down there sooner rather or later as traffic is building......
Would someone please get posters to all schools in the area - children will cover many streets and areas. We need a thousand eyes.
Freddie 12, that all sounds great. The only other business I could think of round there is Norfolk Lodge Nursery which isn't in the immediate vicinity but generates a lot of traffic along that road. I can do some posters this afternoon, probably about 2.00pm, but I will keep an eye on here and hope there is some good news in the meantime. Do you know where Cosmo actually lives, in case he is trying to get home? Last edited: 2016-06-13 08:23:40 by 3labs
I'll tweet all the businesses in the Wrotham Park Business Park when i get home at 9. I put phone numbers for Garden Centre and pub below, also Wrotham PArk estate manager is on: 020 8275 1234. They will let you into the estate so that you can have alook. they might even ring the residents in Bentley Heath who are mostly tenants.My bet is that he is taking shelter in the garden centre itself. Hope they open soon
Have been out searching for him across the fields around Dancers Hill Road/Bentley Heath since first light. No sign of him, if anyone does see him he may be wary of strangers so please do not try to get to close as he may run off again. Please ring me on my mobile 07885966496. Have been in touch with local vets, rspca, police. Nothing so far.
Hertsmere dog warden 020 8207 2277
Here is the number for the Barnet dog warden 0208 359 46 00 , although area is strictly speaking Hertsmere BC so don't know whether they have a different number - think ring Barnet first, they will tell you if it's a different one. Best wishes, Emma
Wyevale Garden Centre details
Dancers Hill Road
Bentley Heath

Telephone: 0844 288 5110
Fax: 0844 288 8110
Email: Garden Centre

Read more:
Pub phone number is 020 84404674
I've sent same mail I send to Wrotham Park to the Duke of York nursery - the wyevale garden centre. That's a big site there on the corner and is the direction he ran
Just passing on a message from The Duke of York pub where we think Cosmo was last seen: Duke of York Hi Emma, we can confirm that the dog was sadly hit by a car outside the Duke of York today. There were a few people trying to catch it. One of our team saw the dog running towards the garden centre so could possibly speak to staff there? If you hear of any other sightings near us at the Duke, please give us a call and we will come out and help search for it. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
I've emailed the estate office and have shared this on FB and Twitter a smuch as I can with local contacts, I have stressed not to try and approach or catch Cosmo and have asked people to ring owner if there is a sighting or any info
Don't know if owner of dog is familiar with area, but next to the garden centre there used to be a garden machinery place but it's closed and the land was sold to a developer to buidl houses, which have all been built and are for sale, but as far as I know none are occupied yet. There may be a sales office / show home but apart from that there would not be many people about. The next little hamlet along is Bentley Heath where there area a few houses. Most of the land and properties nearby are owned by Lord Byng and form part of The Wrotham Park Estate. I will email the estate office in case the dog strays onto their land. Wrotham Park is literally across the road from where the dog was spotted last. It's a big sprawling state. It has a business park and the offices will be open from 8am I would think tomorrow. Def worth a visit. x
Last edited: 2016-06-12 23:32:05 by .
The sightings of the dog that may have been hit by the car do sound like it could be this Sheltie, I've been cross posting on FB and can also share on Twitter. Luckily the M25 goes above this area on a bridge so hopefully dog would not find it's way onto that road. There are a lot of open fields near to the nurseries and garden centre [Wyevale] so hope it will take some shelter nearby and be found safe and well soon. Fingers crossed x
Emailed advice to owner
If you have personal clothing which has not been washed - please peg it out on the line - when it gets quieter - he may pick up the scent and it could lead him home. Have shared to lots of sites - hoping posters can be printed and displayed - can the poster state - DO NOT CHASE PLEASE.
shared Paw Helping Dogs in Need, good luck I hope he comes home soon.
Wise advice, especially as this pub is extremely near the M25, and also on a very busy main road.
If seen please do not chase, he will keep running, sit down near him and ring the owner, Shelties can be very frightened if chased and will get into more danger.
Have left a voicemail for owner re the Duke of York sighting.
Have shared locally and also seen already being shared on several other local FB groups. I can take some posters up to the pub and garden centre and the houses round there sometime tomorrow if there is no further news. I am carless tonight.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Posted FB Twitter
Info taken from Streetlife Barnet. It says the following.
Runaway dog by Duke of York Pub

If anybody has lost a dog tonight there was a small fluffy dog running in the main road by the duke of York pub about 6.30/6.45 tonight. We lost it running off down Dancers Hill Road behind the garden centre. I think somebody notified the RSPCA as unfortunately the dog did take a knock from a passing car. However it still couldn't be caught and ran off seemingly uninjured. Hope dog and owner are safely reunited soon. The attached pic is similar to the dog we saw but not the actual one.

Link to Streetlife thread edited: 2016-06-12 20:05:02 by H20
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in EN2,4,5,6. WD6,7. AL9.

Drone SAR

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