Stolen: Black, With Chocolate Brown And Grey Round The Edges Poodle Cross Female
- Dog ID 104136
- Status Stolen
- Registered 29 Aug 2016
- Name CHAOS
- Gender & Breed Female Poodle cross
- Age Adult
- Colour Black, with chocolate brown and grey round the edges
- Marks & Scars She is a jackapoo
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Investigating Force Sussex Police
- Date Lost 27 Aug 2016
- Where Lost Taken from Brookfield park
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area BN17
- Date Reunited
- Other Info She was taken around 8am, by a couple while I was out walking her. Very friendly, tame.
- Listed By Mouse
- Views 6868
- View Poster
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- 2023-12-04 13:57 Mini-minx
- 2021-09-23 21:12 HazY
- 2021-09-23 19:46 Malton
- Medway Council Stray Dog Service have a poodle cross . It’s on FB and worth checking.
- 2021-01-20 01:19 Debbie123
- 2020-08-31 02:40 LupusSarcina
- Rescued dogs. - 2018-12-22 20:35 DollyDot
- 2018-12-04 21:07 Blackdog
- Poodle cross girl picked up by SDK wardens in Surrey.. - 2018-01-26 00:40 Scruffy Dog - Central Team Volunteer
- please check this one 124819 on doglost.
- 2018-01-09 00:09 vickmck
- Could the dog have had the fur dyed?
- 2017-08-04 13:15 Mandy
- can someone check this one
- 2016-11-27 15:44 Doglover
- Could someone ask owner to check this one please ..... - 2016-10-06 08:11 ClaireC
- Owner confirmed not Chaos. The search continuesLast edited: 2016-10-06 08:11:45 by ClaireC
- 2016-10-06 07:06 ClaireC
- A similar looking dog is circulating on fb today looking for owner. I have asked where this found one is being kept and will post update.
Pets located reference CV0072935Last edited: 2016-10-06 07:24:06 by ClaireC - 2016-09-04 11:00 choowie74
- 2016-09-03 23:06 LYNN
- A dog similar has been found up NORTH.. they don't give the sex of their found dog. Link is here..
- 2016-09-02 17:27 Doglover
- Skywalker99 I could not have said it better myself....Well said...
- 2016-09-02 15:49 Jennifer Brown
- Ravenette ..
I gave some posters to a friend yesterday who lives near Brookfields and asked them to pin up wherever possible. - 2016-09-02 12:38 Skywalker99
- Whoever has Chaos needs to give the dog back now, this is a particularly heartless (and brazen) theft, and whoever took Chaos should be deeply ashamed of themselves. Clearly not nice people.Last edited: 2016-09-02 12:40:47 by Skywalker99
- 2016-09-02 12:37 Skywalker99
- This is the owners post from Spotted Littlehampton....Anon - This is a warning to dog owners, and an appeal for information. I was walking my jackapoo in Brookfield's yesterday morning off lead and a couple approached her, undid her collar with I.d on it and put lead round her and started walking off. I called her and she sat and refused to move, but they picked her up and walked off. I tried to follow them and called her but they were too fast. I have austism and I'm going through a really bad patch, my dog is not just my only company, she keeps me calm when I am getting overloaded and keeps me safe during black days. She is a little black dog, six years old and very friendly. I am aware it too late for me to get her back but please other dog owners be aware of this couple. I don't recognise faces so all i can say is a male and female, scruffy and older than teens. I don't have any photos of her but she is microchipped. Any information please comment she is my world, I don't have anything I can offer but please keep a look out for her.
- 2016-09-02 12:34 Abbie Girl
- there are now three dogs missing in Littlehampton,Hazels, a little pup and and a chichuahua. Not sure whats going on in Littlehampton. All on spotted Littlehampton
- 2016-08-31 19:50 Nina
- Do we know if this lady the owner has any family, friends or a care or case worker who might be able to help.
- 2016-08-31 19:41 Skywalker99
- Understand it will be hard for the owner to cope with, but could someone local contact the press on her behalf and keep her name out of any article? This will be very hard for the owner to deal with and the people who took chaos need to return him now.
- 2016-08-31 18:24 choowie74
- 2016-08-31 17:15 Ravenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
- Thank you so much onlyjen. Do you know if any are up in Brookfields? x
- 2016-08-31 16:25 Jennifer Brown
- I have fixed the poster to every entrance to the Rustington - East preston - Ferring Greenswardes.
My heart goes out to the owner, I hope she is recovered soon - 2016-08-31 12:38 Doglover
- CJ ....great news that you now have CRN X
- 2016-08-31 11:08 CJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
- Success- I now have the CRN status updated to stolen.
- 2016-08-31 11:02 CJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
- I have phoned 101 to check a report has been made - they could tell me it has but not give the CRN. It was suggested I use the 101 email to ask so one has been sent out plus I also have sent an email to an officer I have as a direct contact in this force in the hope if on duty can get this for me..
- 2016-08-31 10:57 Doglover
- CJ ............Hazel Reilly,s comment ........15 Hours ago ..........
Jen Gillibrand
Jen Gillibrand Hazel, I'm the local Doglost Co-ordinator. I've been trying to call you. Left a message, will keep trying.
Like · Reply · 1 · 23 hrs
Hazel Reilly
Hazel Reilly I am trying to work out how to message you. I have emailed doglost I think. I can't do phone calls, I tend to use messenger or email. Thank you for your patience and help
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
I hope this information helps. And someone can confirm to me that they have seen it. Thankyou. Last edited: 2016-08-31 10:58:25 by Doglover - 2016-08-31 10:55 Doglover
- CJ .....Hazel Reilly,s comment on Spotted LITTLEHAMPTON on 29 Aug ..
lly I have managed to put it up on doglost and reported to police now. Thank you for all the advice and support. I am getting help to make sure I have contacted all the relevant people. Thank you, and please take care of your dog, so this doesn't happen again. - 2016-08-31 10:50 Nina
- I understand the lady who has had Chaos stolen is autistic can the Autistic society offer any help do you think
- 2016-08-31 10:46 Doglover
- CJ ....Owner has reported to Police she has said this on Spotted LITTLEHAMPTON replying to another post, so I then replied please get this number to Doglost so they can help. My post on Doglost dated 30 Aug is letting you all know this. I hope she gets back to you.
- 2016-08-31 10:33 CJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
- Have sent a text and an email stating i need a CRN which owner will get once this has been reported to police.
Until I have a CRN I cannot change to stolen. - 2016-08-31 10:12 Abbie Girl
- I have posted on every local group from Littlehampton to Shoreham that I can find and will keep bumping the posts. Chaos is being shared nationaly so he is continuing to be shared via Facebook. Someone made a good suggestion about contacting the local newspapers (Herald, Littlehampton Gazzette) but Im unsure whether Hazel could cope with this. Also ITV Meridian News and BBC South have been very proactive in putting out stories on Stolen/Missing dogs recently, but I am concerned about Hazels capacity to deal with such things but it would certainly get the message out to those not on Facebook. Also if anyone is dealing with the Police or assisting it would be great if they could ask Sussex Police to add to their facebook page as many people share their posts. Im happy to assist if I can do any good but do not want to overwhelming Hazel or put her in a position where it is difficult but any publicity is a good thing. Also does anyone know if any postering of Littlehampton has been done? Have all the local vets been postered/added to facebook pages?
- 2016-08-30 20:52 Ravenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
- Hazel, I have sent you an email x
- 2016-08-30 19:18 Doglover
- Skyninchar ....the dog found in Berkham
Stead has been reunited but not this one as far as the Spotted LITTLEHAMPTON is concerned. Is that the OP you are referring to please. - 2016-08-30 18:26 skyninchar
- comment on op is that dog is reunited....sorry
check this found dog edited: 2016-08-30 18:35:19 by skyninchar - 2016-08-30 17:32 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Ravenette..tx..if you login as being a C0-0rdintor will be able to view the ladies email..tx
- 2016-08-30 16:48 Mouse
- Sorry, I can't do phone calls, so phones normally off. How do I contact you? Hazel
- 2016-08-30 15:29 Skywalker99
- Needs LOTS of shares
- 2016-08-30 15:18 Ravenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
- I have been trying to contact owner since this morning .... phone goes straight to answerphone so have left message. Have also left message on FB. If your reading this Hazel please switch your phone on or call me x
- 2016-08-30 13:13 Doglover
- Alison.....Owner has reported to Microchip company and the Police..Have left message on Spotted Littlehampton for her to give Doglost the CRN number.
- 2016-08-30 12:08 AlisonH
- Ravenette is dealing with this. Cj cannot help unless the owners can provide a Crime number.
- 2016-08-30 11:55 Skywalker99
- Admin...CJ needs to assist, and also someone with the rest of stuff that needs doing...owner is autistic
- 2016-08-30 11:51 sarap3038
- Please someone local help this lady with all the reporting etc that needs doing. I'm miles away and on holiday at moment. There must be someone who can help.
- 2016-08-30 07:50 Unknown
- Thank you Ravenette hope things get sorted think owner will need a bit of help bless her x
- 2016-08-30 00:09 csquaredb
- On the Spotted Littlehampton thread, someone commented that their dog was also missing - a black puppy, evidently missing for 2 days. They were also advised to register on Doglost. It may have no connection at all, but late last night (28th) on Doglost Surrey, we had a report of 2 black dogs, maybe cockerpoos, running along the A281 between Dunsfold and Horsham near the Horton Duck Farm. The sighter tried to stop, but the dogs ran off travelling fast. She didn't come across anyone looking for them. Haven't seen any further reports and local enquiries have so far drawn a blank. I crossposted all the info to Doglost West Sussex this morning.Last edited: 2016-08-30 00:20:08 by csquaredb
- 2016-08-29 22:21 Doglover
- Rave nettle...I found the post and shared it to my group and it has been shared to most groups on Facebook from my group.It is on Spotted LITTLEHAMPTON and on that site as well as mine I suggested Doglost so am pkeased to see it is now on. It is difficult for the owner as she is Autistic.mLast edited: 2016-08-29 22:22:23 by Doglover
- 2016-08-29 22:09 Unknown
- Shared to national Facebook page.
- 2016-08-29 21:45 Ravenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
- I am out and not back for another hour or so and Nik has just contacted me re this, I had also just heard from my sons partner who saw it on Spotted LA on fb ... so word is spreading already!. I will call owner in the morning x
- 2016-08-29 21:41 Sue - onestopalldogs
- Shared fb twitter x
- 2016-08-29 20:40 AlisonH
- Email alerts sent to postcodes BN12,BN16,BN17,BN18
- 2016-08-29 20:25 Unknown
- I have lightened the photo xx
- 2016-08-29 20:24 Unknown
- The Lady who owns the dog has Autism so has facial blindness so is not really able to say what the thieves looked like only they were older than teenagers, a male and female and scruffy Please help. would it be possible for co-ord of the area to maybe help her with the Police crime number .The owner needs her dog back asap. so Please all help
- 2016-08-29 20:14 Unknown
- Photo uploaded may have to refresh
- 2016-08-29 20:11 skyninchar
- one on my group, this dog was stolen, not sure if crn has been obtained yet
- 2016-08-29 20:07 Unknown
- Thanks skyninchar for the pic. Last edited: 2016-08-29 20:19:09
- 2016-08-29 20:04 Doglover
- Jayne if you do not have a photo I have one I could send to,you Last edited: 2016-08-29 20:08:22
- 2016-08-29 20:03 Doglover
- Shared