Reunited: Sandy Colour Chihuahua Female
- Dog ID 104546
- Status Reunited
- Registered 09 Sep 2016
- Name SANDY
- Gender & Breed Female Chihuahua
- Age Adult
- Colour Sandy colour
- Marks & Scars White markings to face and belly
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 08 Sep 2016
- Where Lost Langley, Middleton, Manchester
- Lost In Region North West
- Lost In Post Area M24
- Date Reunited 04 Feb 2021
- Other Info MICROCHIPPED. Possibly been stolen from back garden with POPPY another female Chihauhau. Family are all absolutely heart broke 5 year old daughter won't eat or sleep. Please help and MAKE THEM TOO HOT TO HANDLE. If FOUND she should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (which is the LAW)
- Listed By Laura
- Views 3100
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2021-02-04 19:18 #stoppettheft
- Ohhh, how wonderful is this... I do hope She is OK, all things considered 🙏😔. She was used for breeding perhaps?😡💔.. the result of a combined Police & RSPCA raid?..or maybe as result of a public tip off?.. Huge Thankyous to all concerned..
Prayers for Poppy to be located & brought home safely too 🙏🐾...
- 2021-02-04 16:47 clairec
- So happy to hear this! Hope Poppy is found too
- 2021-02-04 12:32 Vizslamum
- What lovely news for her owners. Fingers crossed Poppy next. xxx
- 2021-02-04 10:47 Will
- Hi everyone,
Today we received the most amazing news, after over 4 years of being missing, Sandy is home! She was recovered by the RSPCA on the 1st February 2021 from Essex and collected by her owner's yesterday. I am delighted to hear this news and I wish Sandy and her owner, Laura all the best in the future.
Sadly, Poppy is still missing - please keep sharing to get her home too! Reunited photo to follow! - 2016-10-01 20:11 Laura
- Hi thank you every1 for all your help none of them are my babies tho 😩 Thanks for all ur support and information xx
- 2016-10-01 19:36 IlovemyboyBarclay
- Hi :) There have been 3 chihuahua's found in Swindon and one of them looks a bit like Sandy. The ID is 105304 :)
- 2016-09-29 14:21 Allison
- 2016-09-09 21:11 Sue - onestopalldogs
- Shared fb twitter
- 2016-09-09 20:39 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- I have shared with DL FB Page, Public & Twitter. I hope Sandy is safely back at home soon. X
- 2016-09-09 20:05 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
POPPY's page is ID104548 and SANDY's ID104546 - 2016-09-09 18:59 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Laura has duplicated SANDY's details ID104529. - 2016-09-09 18:49 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Did both Sandy & Poppy go missing at the same time?
- 2016-09-09 18:45 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent to helpers in M9,24,25. OL9,10,11.