Reunited: Unknown Male

  • Dog ID 108511
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 08 Dec 2016
  • Gender & Breed Male Unknown
  • Age
  • Colour
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Found 08 Dec 2016
  • Where Found Pontefract
  • Found In Region North East
  • Found In Post Area WF7
  • Date Reunited 08 Dec 2016
  • Other Info Crossposted from facebook please contact Wakefield Council on 0345 8 506 506 and quote ref CRM:LVE:SD-002562/01.
  • Listed By Sandra Watt
  • Views 1691


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if someone other than the dog warden had picked him up owners might have been looking for him for ever...........
Like many others, I would happily pay release fees to get my girl back. It makes me so sad that people go off on one because someone has actually made sure their dog is safe. Not all dog wardens are given scanners to work with, they are expected to work miracles. The kennels should have scanned - it is "best practice" - but there is actually nobody who is legally obliged to SCAN any dog. Microchips also fail.
Last edited: 2016-12-09 20:33:43 by wensmum
Other way of looking at it is DW kept your dog safe from harm and to other road users! Imagine if he had run out in front of a vehicle the results.of which dont really bear thinking about! I dont think any of them ever take dogs back to owners but do notify owners of chipped.dogs of where there dog is. I know you feel upset that this was such a short distance involved but guess it depends on their remit.
DogLostSandra Watt
genie 44 - I agree but I dont know how the dog wardens work. I would have thought they would carry a scanner with him and check the microchip details and try and make contact with owner before removing to dog home. I know there are numerous dogs recently with no microchips or details out of date but looks that in this case the microchip, and local contact, should have lead to the dog warden to the owner very quickly. I will move this dog over to reunited now.
posted on original post by owner>>Barbie Mangham Yes Paula Marie Webster it was Trevor Bear! He had gone off on a little escapade, not even sure how he got out but wandered down to building site at end of lane, 1 of builders came up to tell me so I jumped in car & raced down there to be told the dog warden had JUST taken him.....oh & she told the guys there that she KNEW where he was from, the farm down the lane (approx 400 yards away) BUT instead of contacting us she took him to bloody Ossett so apparently we would have to pay a fee to get him back!! 😡😡😡 the question I'm asking now is; is this ethical? When you know where a 6 month old pup is from & it's literally a stones throw away, why the hell would you put his family thru all that stress & expense by taking him 20 miles away? My view is that they just wanted to get some money out of us. Bloody rip off!! We are responsible dog owners & Trevor Bear is microchipped, very calm & friendly to everyone & all dogs etc. To add insult to injury, dog warden then rang my hubby to 'tell him off!' You can use your imagination to tell what response he got! Despicable behaviour from dog warden service, unethical, rude & cruel!! X
Surely somebody must be missing this beauty!

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