Stolen: Beige French Bulldog Female

  • Dog ID 110911
  • Status Stolen
  • Registered 02 Feb 2017
  • Name BRENDA
  • Gender & Breed Female French Bulldog
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour beige
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Investigating Force Wiltshire Police
  • Date Lost 01 Feb 2017
  • Where Lost The Lake , Daunstey, Chippenham.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SN15
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 14014
  • BRENDAPoster Image
  • BRENDAExtra Image


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Hi skee8 please email pic to and quoting name of the shelter so we can contact owner please xx
I can share a photo with the owner but I don't know how to on here.
Hi. Chipped? Could you please state which shelter so owner can contact to check x
Comment awaiting moderation
No news sadly, but given the circumstances of living right near Fishing Lakes I fear the worse :(
any news?
I'm surprised this little one is still missing. Is there a Facebook page for her as well? x
Any updates at all and is there a Facebook page for Brenda?
One has been found
Any updates at all? xx
Any updates at all? xx
OMG, has anyone looked into the 8 month old French Bulldog on Gumtree re comment below??
Two different French bulldogs being sold on gumtree Essex, 1 is 11 weeks old and the other 8 months.
sharing to groups x
Troy was another French bulldog stolen just a few days after Brenda and less than an hour away in Oxfordshire. Would it be worth speaking to his owners and the Leamington Spa police who reunited them. There might just be some links or leads to theft of this breed that could be followed up. Sorry if I am stating the obvious and you've already done all this. Still sharing and hoping Brenda is home with you soon x
Shared Twittered
Thank you CJ much appreciated
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
updated to stolen. new link x posted to FB and twitter alerts sent out.
Jayne I will do that now thank you very much
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Please send CRN number alongwith your dogs id to
We have again contacted the police and they have given me a CRN number, crime number, but there's still no news on Brenda.
We are back Tuesday and will, again, contact police to get our CRN number and we will also be able to contact as many sites as possible for lost and stolen pets, it's been extremely difficult for us not being in a position to pursue getting her back in the way we want to but this will all change as of Tuesday, thank you all very much
Can owner obtain a CRN number from the police please so this little Frenchie can go over to STOLEN? URGENT!
Thank you Jenny & Tiga xxx
Well done Jenny and Tiga X
We had Jenny and Tiga, from K9 Tracker, at the lake tracking Brenda's movements and the outcome of the search has shown that little Brenda has NOT ventured into the lake and drown but more than likely has been taken and is alive somewhere. We will endeavour to make as many sites etc aware that she has been stolen and will continue to offer a substantial cash reward to anyone who has information leading to her whereabouts or to anyone who brings her back safely, no police will be involved to those who return her as we just want her home and safe our whole family are devastated . Thank you to everyone who has continued to help in the search for our Brenda we will make her too hot handle and hopefully get her back.
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Tiga went to track yesterday and Brenda needs to be made too hot to handle.
Can owner go to the media to get some local tv coverage plus newspapers maybe?
Ok, thanks I've just shared again and pray she is found as soon as possible.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Annamaria, you can share direct from this page using the tabs at the top of the description. Facebook is great for spreading the word but a lot of our members do not have accounts so it is best to have all updates here for all to see.
I have sent a message with link to Brenda to Jenny K9 search, olivemead please contact Jenny asap.
We contacted "K9 Search" who use bloodhounds and it was they who advised that the 10hr window was our best bet but we would gladly use "K9 Tracker" if they thought we had a chance of tracking where she last was. The whole perimeter of the lake both the margins within the lake and around the lake have been checked twice thoroughly to no avail, it's extremely hard being away with the different time zones and also the logistics, all we want to do is come home and try and find her. I'll send K9 Tracker an email and see what they say, thank you.
The lake was checked , the rabbit holes checked, decking checked as far as possible. Posters have gone up.
Owner is now thinking she was Stolen so they are pursuing that as well.

olivemead has had fair amount of help and advice from various people.
Who told you a tracker dog is no good after 10 hours? l think you need to talk to K9 Tracker ?
And has anyone gone onto the Lake and checked the edges?
We haven't set up a page for her but she has been shared through out FB and also on lots of lost dogs sites and also through her microchip so hopefully we will find out some information of her whereabouts, thank you.
I've been checking on the comments for this poor pup. Is there a Facebook page for her, as I will share?
Yes we've contacted a K9 Tracker but were advised that a tracker dog would be in affective after 10hrs?
Has owner contacted Jenny & Tiga K9Tracker, only a puppy and possibly lost or trapped in the area she lives.
sharing to groups x
Yes the lake must be checked ,there was a post of a lost puppy which was found in bulrushes 3 days after it went missing a very lucky pup indeed. Keeping my fingers crossed for yours just remember puppies will go very quiet & still when lost so may not respond to her name .
Worse case scenario...have you got someone to go along the lake edge in a boat to check she hasnt falling in ? Look for any badger holes she could of gone down
Last edited: 2017-02-05 12:16:30
Yes everywhere we can think of has been checked and we've also thought the same thing about her wondering off as she is so young. We are wracking our brains constantly for anywhere where she could be??
Have you checked everywhere you can think of to see if this pup is stuck or hiding & too scared to come out .Seems odd that this pup would stray away from the other dogs as they are usually not very brave. Would the other dogs bark if someone who they did not know approached ?
Shared on Facebook. "Puppy" in heading on pink page might get more shares if Admin can amend post? Not local sadly or I would help you look for her...Hope you get Brenda home soon x
Our son has had some help from people from the village we feel helpless as we are not back until 14/02/17 but he is doing as much as he can and we are trying to do what we can from here
Inform EVERYONE this puppy is missing - has the son got any help?
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
If a finder is keeping her, it's time to advise authorities and perhaps set up a Facebook page to make her too hot to handle....think about who knows of her....poster in every neighbourhood letter box, advise all vets in area and make sure chip company notified....I know will will have all this info to hand but time to cover all angles ....any finder must report her found the law xx
Have the police been informed, I really think they should?
aw bless her hope you get her soon xx
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Thanks for the update Reynard, I do hope she is found safe soon.
Owner on holiday , son at home (first no.) Brenda was let out for a wee 3pm for ' just 5mins' with other dogs , they searched area and with a gun dog, scent seems to end just about 50' feet from house, seems she may have been picked up but could be hiding as scared and many places she could get stuck, so hopefully we will be able to help with advice
Two professional Dogwalking fields in area so Mandy will alert them.Last edited: 2017-02-03 21:42:37 by Reynard
Will contact owner
Lost OR STOLEN please? Shared Twittered

DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting xx do we know how lost?
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope Brenda is safely back at home soon. X
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Shared to DogLost Wiltshire Facebook Group & Tweeted @DogLostUK - fingers tightly crossed that Brenda is home very soon x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared Facebook & Twitter
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SN4,5,11,14,15,16.

Drone SAR

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