Lost: Tri Colour Jack Russell Terrier Female In South East (TN39)

  • Dog ID 114742
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 08 May 2017
  • Name ANNIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour tri colour
  • Marks & Scars Elderly with grey muzzle and Black upside down heart shape mark on Left hand side of her Torso.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 07 May 2017
  • Where Lost Kites Nest Wood, Little Common, Bexhill
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN39
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info REWARD OFFERED FOR SAFE RETURN ~ STILL MISSING Annie is 14yrs old and was last seen in Kite's Nest woods. PLEASE be aware it is REQUIRED BY LAW to REPORT finding a dog to the DOG WARDENS.
  • Listed By Jools61
  • Views 8130
  • Alerts Sent 823
  • ANNIEPoster Image
  • ANNIEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Appears in Countrymans Weekly 1st November
I live in Bexhill & Today (Monday 14th Aug) at about 8pm I was driving past the Ravenside shopping centre and was just passing that massive field where there is a Circus showing. I saw a very strange looking person with an elderly Jack Russel just at the entrance to the Circus/field. This person (a female I think) had tattoos - wild hippy type hair & odd scruffy clothing. The woman was being very gentle towards the elderly dog. I think it could have been Annie - right size, color & markings.
I was on route to the hospital or I would have stopped. Can someone please go & check out the Circus & nearby area??

And the guy so many people saw with an elderly dog??
- lives within walking distance of the Co-op in Devonshire Road Bexhill.
He is a low life drunk who lives with an alcoholic female who is a nasty piece of work, known for her foul mouth. This couple have had 6 'new' dogs over the past year - some puppys - some older - all vanishing within a few months.
Try asking in Roses Kebab - they are a lovely family & know ALL the locals - they should be able to identify these 2 scum bags.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Meet with Owner this morning sadly no further news. Local posters have been taken down although I did print off 10 new ones and the owner is going to put a few up locally.
There have been a lot of fb shares and many people in Bexhill are aware and have been looking out for Annie.
Owner has been back to Sidley last Saturday and asked local people if they new of the lady who was seen dragging the Jack Russell, but nobody seems to know of her.
The Chap seen with the elderly Jack Russell going up escaator in Robert Dyers was thought to be a homeless guy. Members of Dom's Food Mission have been keeping eyes open for him in case he is seen again with the dog, sadly nobody seems to knows of this chap. They are wondering if he is a homeless guy from Bexhill.
I will keep checking Animal Wardens found pages, just in case She turns up somewhere and her chip is not recognised...

Last edited: 2017-06-17 12:33:05 by TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Still no news on dear Annie, so so sad.... :(
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thank You Alison
Bumped due to possible sighting.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
The owner also confirmed that there was a sighting of a Jack Russell in HighWoods a week after Annie went missing, Owner and a Friend went and had a good look around soon afterwards, but no joy.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just had a chat with Owner. A friend of the owner was driving through Sidley on Friday (2nd June) and spotted a lady "dragging" an elderly Jack Russell along. The friend stopped and got out of car to speak to the lady, but the lady was abusive and so the friend who was on her way to an Apt got back in car and went off.
Owner went to Sidley Yesterday and knocked on doors around Estate asking if anyone knew of the lady, but with no joy. The owner has given some shops flyers, although some shops said they wouldn't take them. The Owner then sat on a bench for a couple of hours and Spoke to Dog Walkers as they went past and told them about Annie and also the lady that had been seen with the dog on Friday.
Owner is hoping to go back over to Sidley Tomorrow or Wednesday to sit in her car and see if she spots the lady again.
I too had a message saying that a chap had been seen in Robert Dyers in Hastings last Tuesday (30th May) going up the escalator with an elderly Jack Russell, The lady that saw the chap had seen him previously but didn't appear to have a dog previously.
I will re share on local fb groups this evening & I keep checking various webpages including Animal Wardens Page of any found dogs, just in case Annie's Microchip is not reading.
No sign of anything this evening.....covered both fields and part of the wood, but light was fading. Box with owners belongings still there and plenty of posters seen. Drove home through to high woods back to Hastings but all very quiet tonight
Taking Frankie out for a walk so heading over to Bexhill, will update if any news
Can't believe still no news.......will try and get over there with Frankie for another walk and look round
Annie's owner asked me if I could go to the area again as difficult for her on the uneven ground. At weekend went from Willow Drive to woods to field where Annie was. Bumped in to Terry and his dog who showed me where he saw lady who was with Annie looking/waiting for her and the field where Annie was last seen, before she ran in to woods (seen by someone else). He exercises his dogs in the area regularly and has searched the woodlands many times there since she went missing. Unfortunately nothing found at all. Walked round fields. Annie's owner is so sad at not knowing and no trace of the collar or new sightings. She would rather know if something has happened to Annie (as on owned farmland) so she can stop searching.... Last edited: 2017-05-30 00:48:32 by Heather
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Still no news, Poor Annie, Is heartbreaking not knowing what has happened to her.
Have re shared on local Bexhill / Sidley/ HighWoods fb pages this evening, and also onto the Kloofs Caravan & Motocross fb pages both of which are in Sandhurst Lane area.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Sadly the dog see last night was a bigger dog than Annie... Had a drive around area Coney Burow Lane/Sandhurst Lane/ HighWoods/ Ninfield/ Catsfield still lots of posters up in local area, sadly no sightings.Texted Owner who says still no news, she Thanks everyone for helping to look for Annie.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just spotted this on local fb page, have messaged person to ask for better description and sent a link to Annie's DogLost page, also asking them which part of Bexhill Seafront this was.

Just to warn everyone that along bexhill seafront there's a dog running it's definitely not with its owner! Please pass it on to find and let the owner know! It's running in and out of the road. Please check your dog is ok. It's white with black patches
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Any Updates?
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Had a walk around area from Spring Lane down field and up and around woods this afternoon at about 5pm. Met a chap with Jack Russell in woods, he already knew of Annie and had been keeping a look out for her. Came across some very big setts in middle of woods listened the best we could, but a lot of noise from nearby gardens, Sadly no new sightings of Annie, lots of posters still up in area.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Sadly still no new sightings of Annie. I have taken off that Annie was wearing a Pink Collar when she went missing, Owner has said today that she was wearing a Blue Patterned Collar when she went missing.
Took Frankie for a walk where TK and I explored the other evening. Walked up through all the fields and into the woods. Lots of posters in area. Box with clothing etc remains but sadly no sighting of Annie today. Am working next two days, but hoping for good news soon. Be great if jenny is able to help
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Lots of shares on local fb pages, so sad that Annie has still not been found despite all the posters and leaflets through houses, fb shares & local's looking out for her.
I've contacted the Star at Normans Bay,The Lamb on the Marsh Road and the Lamb Inn at Wartling.
I have sent them all Annie's lost dog link and asked if they would kindly print off a poster and put up in the pub.
Have driven up and down Sandhurst and Coneyburrow Lane at different times of the day and night.
No sightings of Annie.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have just spoke with owner, sadly no news on Annie.
Owner went out last night with a friend around 9pm and had a search around area. She took some posters, but saw there was lots up in local area, so only added one more.
Have texted Jenny, am waiting to hear back.
Walked through Public Footpath fields from Sandhurst Lane area again. Went in to all farms and large properties backing on to area from Whydown/Straight Lane - The Old Byres, Holmes Farm, Grey Stud, Whydown Farm and Hope Farm Tearooms leaving poster/sheet details and everyone will keep a look out and tell neighbours. Went to Barnhorn Pond Farm in Coneyburrow Lane and spoke to all the BMX users there. Rang local farmer Dave who sells logs locally (advertised on sign outside Barnhorn Pond Farm) who will keep a look out for Annie. One farmer said there is good sheep netting fence around the farm perimeters (to prevent the lambs getting out) especially up Coneyburrow Lane so Annie would only be able to get through gateways/drives/entrances not directly in or out of the fields. Unfortunately no new sightings. Really hope the lady with the tracker dogs can come tomorrow? Last edited: 2017-05-21 21:40:10 by Heather
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Had drive down Conney Burrow / Sadhurst Lane earlier. Put 9 posters up along these roads in an attempt that local people will keep their eyes peeled. Then we went & parked up at Bottom of spring Lane, walked down past where Annie went missing, spotted the item of clothing that Annie's owner has left in box. owner has changed the clothing item regularly to keep the scent fresh. Carried on down field, up through next field. followed up public footpath and through farm, coming out opposite Kloffs Caravan Park, walked down Sandhurst Lane where we met up with Heather. I wll let her update as she has visited various local places today. Then we carried on our walk up fields leading back to spring lane. we did come across some badger sets in the field leading up to spring lane, had a good listen and used funnel/hosepipe, but sadly heard nothing. When we got back up to bottom of spring lane one of the neighbours called us over as she had heard about the poss sighting in Coney Burrow Tues/Wed. had a lonng chat, she is keeping her eyes peeled. Hoping that the increased posters will bring in some more sightings.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thank You Alison,
Just spoke to Owner to ask if any more news on Annie, Unfortunate;y no more news.
I know Alison and heather are planning to have a walk around area after lunch. I will print off some posters and go and put up along Sandhurst Lane / Coneyburrow Lane in a bit. as this is near to where last 2 poss sightings have been & really need to get more posters up along that area. Owner is extremly grateful to everyone that is helping to look for Annie.
Hi TK,
Yes he said either Tuesday or Wednesday 16th/17th of May.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Hi Alison, please can you confirm when this sighting was /
Am I right in thinking the farmer said it was either Tues 16th or Wed 17th he wasn't quite sure..
I drove around Coneyburrow Lane / Sandhurst Lane this evening on way home about 8.45 ish. I did see the tail end of something heading through a hedge into the bottom of the Caravan Field, It looked like a badger, but cant be sure. I tried to look through hedge but couldn't see anything.
I saw one poster by entrance to Caravan Park, unfortunately it was very wt and laying on floor. Apart from this, I didnt spot any other posters. If anyone can put posters up around the area we desperately need to get some up in Sandhurst Lane, ConeyBurrow Lane area. Posters also need to go up around Little Common itself, by the shops, so that passers by may see them. I will try and print some more off and put some up tomorrow.
Spoke to the farmer on Coneyburrow Lane and he said his niece and nephew saw a Jack Russell running up the lane.
He was aware than Annie was missing.
I checked best I could in my van driving up and down the lane many times but of course I could not access his land or fields to search on foot.
There are many lamb at them moment and I'm worried Annie may be going on his fields.
Who knows she could have kept running and be a few miles away still.
I have driven up Coneyburrow Road & Sandhurst Lane twice today and yesterday. . No sign of Annie.
Will return over the weekend on foot.
Hope to organise a search on foot soon starting from one Spring Lane over the fields to Sandhurst Lane.
Please let me know if anyone can help.

Last edited: 2017-05-19 22:52:37 by Alison
Searched round area from public footpath along Sandhurst Lane towards Kites Nest Woods/Cowdray Park Road, many rabbit warrens with loose undergrowth, boggy areas, streams.... Enquired at Whydown Place, Whydown Coach House/Stable (backs onto Highwoods),Pinewood Lodge(Whydown), Gotham Farm (Sandhurst Lane). Went up and down Coneyburrow Lane. No sign of Annie but people in this area will look out for her. There is a farm called Barnhorn Pond Farm in Coneyburrow Lane could this be the area where on 2017-05-18 07:36 DogLostTK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex commented about a pond/farm? Really hope she is seen soon.
Last edited: 2017-05-19 22:47:52 by Heather
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thank You Jayne x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in BN24,27.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Hi Admin, Please could email alerts be sent out to BN24 & BN27, just in case Annie has gone further afield. Thank You
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I spoke to Alison earlier today, she had a drive around the area earlier today, I had a drive around area this evening, Sandhurst Lane area. stopped off at the old prison & asked the security guard if there had been any reports of a dog around the camp, he said they do regular patrols around the grounds but wasn't aware of any staff seeing her. There was a poster by Kloffs caravan park, but didnt see anymore, so if anyone could print off and put up around Coneyburrow / Sandhurst Lane area that would be so helpful.
Stopped off in local Tesco's on way home, had a quick look in last weeks Observer newspaper, there was a short story on Annie on page 5 so hopefully local residents who brought the paper would have seen the post.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Spoke with owner last night, Annie is known for chasing rats etc and once stayed under a shed for many hours as the rat had gone under there.
Owner said that she was alerted by a chap that a terrier type dog had been seen this Sunday, I thought the owner said by the ponds? by the farms? The owner went straight over with a friend and they knocked on peoples doors in Sandhurst Lane.
Im not familiar with area and im not sure where owner means, I jhave asked Teresa to try and find out exactly where owner means. I will up date as soon as i hear.
If this sighting was Annie it would mean that she wasn't trapped and is still in area.
Just wondering if this link might be of use to you as well-

They have groups all over the country.
Watching and hoping here too x
Have spoken with TK this evening.
We think we need to go back and door knock on all houses backing onto Kites Nest Wood to ask once more to check under sheds as Annie liked to chase rats especially and could be trapped.
I have sent a message to another dog tracking company (www.lostdogtracker.com) in hope that they may help asap.
TK will take a poster to a Senlac vets in Battle tomorrow.
Thinking that as Annie is quite chubby and 14 rabbit warrens may be to small for her to have climbed inside?
Wondered if badgers sets would be more probable and if so would she have the strength to pull herself back out if deep inside and not as fit as a badger with strong limbs and claws.

Still praying for her safe return.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have found out today that unfortunately Jenny is away this week so not available at the moment.
Thats for updating blog after our search yesterday TK,have had trouble logging on. Shame we didnt find anything but at least i know area where she went missing. Hope jenny can help track soonLast edited: 2017-05-17 13:51:15 by ALI
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I have sent a text to Jenny. I know she is always inundated with requests for help with missing dogs up and down the country, as well as working, so cannot always respond straight away, but fingers crossed.

Well done on all the searching and postering, which will continue until she is found x
I was told that Jenny had been contacted already, but as time running out I decided to email her myself just a moment ago.
Hoping for a reply asap
Is Jenny not available? Www.k9tracker.co.uk, or www.lostdogtracker.com.
Hoping we can locate a tracker dog asap as I believe they can only successfully track upn14 days?
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
That is interesting Alison, If she has chased something into someones garden she may have got trapped under a shed etc, We have leafleted all the houses that back onto the area of woodland right up to top of Cowdray Park Rd asking people to check gardens & sheds etc, i just hope that people do, although I wonder how many will? ..
Sorry to hear that TK didn't see sight nor sound of Annie tonight :-(
Annie's owner old me that Annie once hid under a garden shed for 24 hours and would not come out as there was a rat under there.
With this in mind I wondered if local residents should all check their sheds and outhouses, and also the local farm should be informed too as I guess there would be many out houses there.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thank you Alison for all your hard work, and everyone else that is helping with the search for Annie.
I have uploaded the map as the 2nd picture. The White arrow shows where Annie was last seen by the Gentleman after she ran off on Sunday 7th May. She was in this field and when called by the getleman she headed back into the wooded area where the white arrow is.
I met with Ali - Doglost Helper, this evening at 7pm and we walked into the field via Spring Lane. There is now fresh clothing inside a cardboard box with a black plastic bag over it left where Annie originally ran off from, which will help with keeping it dry, and a poster attached saying about missing Annie.
We headed down the first field and into the second field where Annie was last sighted in. We went up into the woods and checked as best we could all of the upper part of the woods. making our way back down through the woods and back up original field and out onto spring lane.
We met a lady in the woods who was already aware of Annie. There were some setts & holes in middle part of woods, which Im sure have already been checked, but we did listen with hose/funnel.
Still lots of posters up in local area, and the leaflets we put through houses on Sunday would cover all of the houses that back onto the woods right up to the very top corner.
We drove back up towards High Woods & through Sidley.
I think the next step maybe would be to see if we could search some of the immediate farms or speak with the landowners to ask them to check their outbuildings etc, and also the caravan site. Although I think the owner has contacted them when Annie first went missing. I will not be around tomorrow, but will check page tomorrow evening. Fingers Crossed ..Last edited: 2017-05-16 22:18:07 by TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Tracker dogs or drones with heat-seeking cameras have had success when the area where the dog is missing is quite specific.
Alison, perhaps if you emailed the map to admin@doglost.co.uk they could add it to this page as the second picture ?

Re parting bramble - I have found "Grabbers" invaluable for this task. You can use them as you would a stick or for holding bramble out the way.

Has anyone notified the Ramsey family that own the farm on Coneyburrow Lane??
I met with Frank at 5pm
He showed me where he sighted Annie running back into the woods.
Is there any way I can add a map here to let everyone see?
TK is on her way now to look as I have shown her on a map I sent on FB Messenger.
Again some parts of this woodland are unkept and difficult to walk through. Need wellington and old clothes.
Maybe a stick to part the bracken and brambles as she may have been off piste?
I had no time to search tonight as I had dogs with me but hope to hear some news later from TK
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
In light of the sighting away from where Annie ran off, and sounding like it may be in the direction of High Woods, there was a sighting of a terrier type dog the following day at High Woods, posted on Bexhill on Sea fb group, are we certain that this wasn't Annie?
Can be around later if any help is needed......will wait and hear from Alison re outcome of meeting at 5pm
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sounds promising! Good luck team Annie!
I am meeting this gentleman today at 5pm at end of Spring Lane.
. He will show me exactly where he sighted Annie in field, then running into woods.
I want to be accurate as to where this is incase I have marked the wrong place on my map.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Hi Teresa and yes, a search of the woods etc in that area would be good. I will have to leave you, TK and Alison to organise it on here with everyone else who is helping (thanks again to all of them!) if that's ok as I will not be around.
It's possible someone saw her at the caravan park but if they have taken her home they are still required by law to report finding her to the Dog Wardens regardless of where they live. I think if anyone had found her there that they would have asked the management/reception staff if anyone had lost her. So perhaps would be good idea to ask the caravan park personnel who was there and if any of them found a dog?
Good to hear from Castle that posters already at the caravan park and a few more in area but please remember the more posters the better.
TK: already passed info to Jenny

PS I have changed the first telephone number on this page to that of Annie's owner at the request of Castle.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I am at work at mo, so cant do much but just had to have a peak as Alison had told me about the sighting... Oh this puts a different light on things, as she may be further away than we first thought. Clarkey if you could please ask Jenny if she is able to help that would be so so helpful.
I will be free in eves Today till Thurs, and then about during day on Fri & Weekend. will log back on again early afternoon when finished work.
Oh my goodness we need to search that area. When can we get together to search? Also I am worried that if she went to caravan park someone visiting the site may of taken her in and gone home with her. There are posters up at the caravan site.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Oh goodness, thanks for that Alison and yes, it's very important information. Definitely worth checking as I'm not sure she would have gone too far. It would certainly explain why there have been no sightings of Annie over the last week.
I will also pass this on to Jenny and ask if she would be able to help when she is back in the area.
It would be a good idea to get posters up in that direction, especially at entrances to footpaths and in car parks to the woods. Also to any houses that back on to them and the surrouding land if possible. Are there any farms in that area and if so it would be wise to let them have a poster as well. Annie could even have gone there to shelter at night and may not have been seen if hiding in a barn or outbuilding. Looking on google map there's Kloofs caravan park too which is another place that she may go to if she smells food.
I'll keep an eye on the page to see updates but wish all of you the best of luck with the search.
Last night my partner and I searched the dense woodland behind the stream.
I went back to the end of the stream where it goes underground under a very low bridge. I got inside with my torch and walked on my knees looking really well. No sightings there so that's covered. I also checked it from on the other side of the low bridge too.
I would like to add a map here so I circle where we searched, Is this possible?
I have had some very important information from a friend that was with the lady that was walking Annie.
He told me that he waited 20 minutes or so with this lady whilst she was waiting for a Annie to return from the spot by the stream. He then carried on his walk up the field and over a style into the next field with the woods on his right hand side.
He then sighted Annie in this field, he called her but she ran straight back into a different section of woodland to the one further down she disappeared from.

It is also very dense and full of bracken and would be difficult to search easily.
I feel this area needs to be covered and hope that I can arrange a group of people to help?
Could anyone let me have Their Thoughts!
I appreciate I'm second guessing as everyone else is and that she may have travelled a long way by now of course too.

Last edited: 2017-05-16 08:39:55 by Alison
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Alison the fb page is Bexhill on Sea group and also Sidley!
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
My hubby , daughter & I met up with Alison & partner this evening, we split up and had a good search around the very brambly area around the stream near to where Annie ran off. I will let Alison update where she searched. I searched the area between field and stream adjacent to houses at bottom of Spring Lane, Hubby & daughter went down the stream and then we met up and went up into the woods and made our way back over to the corner area of brambly dense folage. we only came across one set of holes and they were at the edge of the field, we listened with hosepipe/funnel there. We left at 9pm as it was getting dark. spoke to a dog walker who was already aware of Annie. On the way back we saw someone had hung up owners coat on a tree, I guess they thought someone had dropped it, we put it back on ground with brick on it. It may be worth having a different piece of clothing with fresh scent on being left as the other has got a bit wet over last couple of days. still lots of posters up in area. heartbreaking she still hasn't been found.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Alison, I have just seen your message, I will join you, be there at 7pm will meet you by where she went missing from..
Good luck Alison hope you find her.
I'm going back tonight at 7pm with my partner to re look under low bridge with my powerful torch. And also try to cover some more dense woodland areas on other side of the steam to the left of where Annie was last seen.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks TK, Springermad, Alison and all of you who have helped search. Such a shame that Annie has not been found yet. If Annie is stuck down a hole then, as we know from other dogs who have done the same thing, it may take a while for her to get herself free. Usually this happens when they have lost some weight and can wriggle their way out. As Annie is relatively close to home and knows the area then she would probably be able to make her own way home, but I would suggest that bedding/owners unwashed clothes is still kept out near where she went missing so that she can smell it and settle with it as it'll be familiar to her.
I'm away now for a few weeks but I know that TK, Springermad and Alison will continue to support and advise you. Hopefully Annie will be found soon and will be back home where she belongs.
Very best of luck with your search.
I have been thinking about Annie and a terrier with a liking to chase rabbits etc...
With this in mind I searched the small area of dense woodland behind the area she was last seen at.
I really want to go back and carry on searching this area of woodland quite difficult to access for people, but easy for small dogs to get through.
I wonder if we could arrange another search in this area but appreciate you would need to be fairy fit and willing to climb and push through brambles etc.
You would need proper footwear and old clothing, maybe wellington boots as the stream is a little deep in parts.
I do have a powerful torch but didn't have it on me when I looked under the low bride. I can bring it next time. The torch on my mobile phone was not strong enough.
It would speed the search up if there were a group of us.
I suggest the area to the left of the stream and on the other side of the bank where Annie was last seen running off.
I am not sure how deep it goes back or for how long as I am not familiar with these woods.
Also can somebody tell me which FB page Annie's missing details are on and if another search party can be drummed up.
Regarding the fella I know with a snake camera, he says it only reaches down a metre and is willing to come along if anyone actually hears barking from any holes.
His boss has a much more professional one that reaches down a long long way but it's so expensive he wasn't keen to lend :-(
I also asked another friend who's son runs a drain firm but his camera is on a job out of the area. . Last edited: 2017-05-15 16:33:18 by Alison
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Jenny is aware, but unfortunately not available at the moment.
The streams have been walked along and searched by a few people, the bridge is a small bridge and would probably be able to see under it with a high powered torch.
She had a collar on when she disappeared so there is the possibility she may have got caught up as the wooded area is extremely brambly and dense in places, also she may have got stuck down a hole, A number of people have been listening down holes they come across with hosepipe/funnels. Local folk are still actively searching the area for her.
It's certainly not for the want of trying that this lovely old lass hasn't been found yet.
I have the required snakecam but am too far away to loan it to you. If nearer,I'd try and have a look under the bridge that Alison mentioned yesterday. Is there someone from a local diving/caving club that would be willing to do this for you?
Could someone personally telephone any drain companies - as the email requests appear not to be fruitful.
I don't know the area but could Annie be caught up in wire netting? Trapped underneath anything? In a deep ditch? She sounds pretty fit if she still chases the bunnies but even the fittest youngest dog often remains silent if caught up in anything or trapped.
Is Jenny able to help?
Thoughts with you all, especially her owner, and hoping to read a positive outcome soon x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So heartbreaking that Annie has still not been found, there are posters up around local area, houses that back onto woods where she went missing have had leaflets asking to check gardens, sheds etc
So many local people are aware she is missing, and have been out searching area, and people are posting on fb that they are walking around local areas looking for her.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to anything else we can do?Last edited: 2017-05-15 12:04:54 by TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have updated Heading to Annie Still Missing. can alwasy change it again if there is another planned Search.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
My daughter walked and searched through High Woods yesterday afternoon, and says the posters are still up and people are well aware of missing Annie. Fingers crossed some news will come soon. It was great to see so many people at the search on Saturday, what a supportive local community there is in that area.
Today at 6 pm I decided to look in the part of the wood where there is no access or public footpath.
I thought there'd would be more sets and warrens there as very quiet and remote. My friend and I searched the area of dense woodland directly behind the stream where the owners coat has been left. We walked in the stream itself and I went All the way to the end of the stream at the bottom of Spring Lane. I had to keep climbing the river bank and back down again as some areas were difficult to pass with thick bracken and bushes and areas where the stream was a little deep and had slippery mud.
At the end of the stream the water went back underground through a very low bridge and it was too dark to see clearly inside this area. I could make out many objects lying in the water under the bridge but without a powerful torch I could not be sure what they were.
We also went through these woods checking holes with the hosepipe and funnel calling Annie's name loudly then putting the funnel to our ears in hope of any barking.
Sadly nothing.
There is still a lot of unused woodland we didn't have time to search to the left of where Annie's owner left her coat.
I shall try to go back again and search this way another day very soon.

Searched all round Whydown, High Peartree Wood, kites nest and other areas in Gotham yesterday and today!! No luck I'm afraid! Was it definitely her at Little Common School Gates? If yes she may have crossed into Broad Oak Park. Also met another lovely lady this pm in kitesnest with two terriers looking too ! Found some huge badger setts in the middle of kitesnest but am sure you looked all round that area yesterday ! Too much wind noise, chainsawing and motor cross noise to hear well today! We will keep looking :-)
Please et yourself sighted soon Annie. Paws xd.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have been around area this morning, Have put Flyers asking people to check their gardens, sheds, etc through all the houses that back onto the woods, Spring Lane, Fontwell Avenue, Oakfield Way & Cowdray Park Road.
Met a few people, all of whom are already aware of Annie and all had been looking for her.
Drove around and have put a few more posters up around area, Oakley Rd, Chestnut Walk, Willow Drive. Drove up to High Woods, already a poster by etrance to woods, put another one up by car park exit.
There are alot of people looking out for Annie, isso sad that she has still not been found x
So sorry no happy outcome. Hoping for good news soon and thinking of owner.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just to update following the search for Annie this afternoon.
There was a lot of kind people who helped to search the fields and woods where Annie disappeared from. Despite everyone looking, sadly Annie has still not been found. Posters are up in local area, although you can never have enough posters, so please if any one can print off and put any more up that would be so helpful.
Annie ran off into the wooded area and has not been seen since, there were a few of us with hosepipe & funnels who listened down holes we came across, and my hubby walked both ways up and down the stream. Leaflets were put through immediate houses that back onto the woods doors asking them to check gardens, sheds etc.
Although Annie has been walked here before, I think I am right that she was walked in from a different foottath from the one she has previously walked in from.
There is a lot of sharing on local fb pages, so word is definitely getting around.
Owner is keeping gate open in case she should make her way back home & a post on fb says that the owner is very grateful to everyone for their help.

DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I will be down to help in the search today x
Good luck everyone.
I have left two messages with people I know that run a blocked drain company locally.
Waiting to hear if they have a snake camera they are willing to lend out.

I googled rabbit warrens to see depth and range etc..
I know a man who has ferrets used for rabbitting and thought about a camera attached To Them?
Does anyone know of a photographer that would have a camera of this kind?
I could ask if if he is willing to try this method if safe?
Would they At least show us if there is a dog stuck down any of the holes?
I have packed two funnel and hoses and water and bowl for Annie if found plus a towel for my friend Paul to bring along today.

Maybe find out where exact last sighting of Annie was?
I shall go along later today when I have finished work to look if she is not found.
Praying for her safe return.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you Alison...that will be useful!
Also if anyone has access to a snake camera that would be useful.
Been thinking about Annie for days
Very important idea re funnel and hose technique mentioned by co ordinator to try to locate her.
spoke to Annie's owner yesterday in Little Common yesterday who told me she likes to chase rats and rabbits.
I am unable to come today at 2pm but my friend will be there and I have made two funnel and hose devices for him to take along.
If she is underground this is very good advice as ground search could be wasting precious time?

Last edited: 2017-05-13 09:21:58 by Alison
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Am able to help with search, will see you a bit later.
Will bring a few posters and will bring hosepipe/funnel.
Praying Annie is found ..
Am too far away to help, but wishing everyone all the very best in the search for Annie Will be with you in spirit, Paws, and fingers xd.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good luck today everyone!
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Castle for your update and TK for helping out with posters again.
Unfortunately I will not be able to go on the search tomorrow as my elderly dog is very unwell. However, I will be thinking of you and hoping for a postive result.
Hopefully the posters will bring in a sighting soon if Annie is wandering around.
If she is stuck in a rabbit hole then maybe the hosepipe/funnel method (please see my post below) will pinpoint where she is.
Teresa is organising the search tomorrow and I have given her a little advice about how to go about it although she sounds more than capable! There's obviously more chance of finding Annie if the searchers split up.
Maybe some to search rabbit holes and others to look in places that Annie may have got herself into but not able to climb out of.
She may also be hiding in bushes, under outbuildings/sheds or even in garages/gardens etc if she is very tired. If you see anywhere that she may have been sleeping such as a flattened place in the grass then please check all around there.
Very best of luck to you all.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Had a drive around area earlier, checked on posters in Spring Lane as it was raining so hard last night when I put them up wasn't sure if they would stay put, All still there, also put a couple of posters along road leading to Little Commom School.
Revised posters being put out today with details of where we are meeting tomorrow for the search. Going around Kites Nest Wood area.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks TK & to the other kind gent who was out searching in the rain. Hopefully will be a bit drier tomorrow.
If anyone with posters need them laminated please go to Tea on the Beach in Bexhill as the owner Janet has offered to do them for us. It would be great to get a load of them done in time for the search on Saturday.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Went out early eve, Parked in Spring Lane & made way through woods and walked around fields and woods. Saw owners item of clothing which has been left, although it was raining fairly hard so has got a bit wet. Met a chap and his dog who has been out searching past few days. Put some posters up around Spring Lane, had to abandon putting up any more as raining again & tape not sticking too well.
Search is going ahead this Saturday at 2.30 pm. We will meet at the bottom of Spring Lane as this leads into Kites Nest Wood. I understand that there will be something in this week's Observer ex
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So sorry to hear that Annie has still not been found. Can someone clarify please where Kites Nest Wood is, as I cant see it on Google Maps. Is there an entrance off a particular road?
I could go and have a walk around area this evening if I know roughly where to look.
I will take some posters with me & have shared on fb.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Organised search on SATURDAY afternoon. Details of where to meet and what time to be confirmed.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Have seen on Fbk how many lovely people are trying to help find Annie. Many thanks to all of you.
Just to clarify that 14 yr old Annie is owned by a very elderly lady who is obviously distraught that she's not home yet. Annie was with her friend Castle, who she knows very well, when she ran of in Kite's Nest woods on Sunday. Castle has and is doing absolutely everything to find her and is following all our advice but no luck yet. Annie is microchipped, spayed and has a collar with a tag on it. Dog Wardens are aware that she is missing and microchip company informed.

I've had another chat with Castle and I gather that Annie has been known to go after rabbits and rats (a proper terrier, bless her!)
If you go searching for her please check out rabbit holes. You can do this by using a hosepipe with a funnel taped to it. Or you can use a 2 litre plastic bottle cut in half to make a funnel. The idea is that you put the hosepipe down the hole and call Annie, then you need to be very quiet and listen (with funnel to ear) to see if any response like whining or scratching in the hole. Now obviously there are many rabbit holes near where Annie was lost but is always worth a try with this method. We had a terrier lost recently who was found this way. People had already checked the hole she was in but heard nothing until using the hosepipe/funnel method. Simple but effective!
There is a lovely lady who is organising a search for Annie at the weekend, probably on Saturday afternoon. Hopefully lots of people will join in to search and also to get a lot more posters up please as there are not nearly enough yet.
Large ones for lamp posts, entrances to footpaths/car parks and where lots of people will see them. You can reduce these to small ones (A5) which are great for handing to people you meet when you are searching.
To clarify telephone numbers on this page: 1st one is for Castle and 2nd one is for family frined organising the search on Saturday afternoon.
Please call or text the numbers if you have seen Annie since she was lost on Sunday. Many thanks to everyone for supporting Annie's eldely owner.
Owner visited farms around Kites Nest Wood and I have put on Facebook asking people to search outbuildings in that area.
Her microchip no is added in database
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Well done Castle. I'm a little surprised that Annie has not been found yet as usually dogs do not stay lost in the Bexhill/Little Common area for long.
I think an organised search at the weekend would be an excellent idea although I obviously hope that Annie has been found before then.
The most important thing to do is to make sure that there are as many POSTERS up as possible all over the area. This will let everyone know that Annie is lost and if anyone has taken her in they will know to call you asap. It's also the very best way of getting sightings come in which would help you know whereabouts Annie is.
Try to stay positive and let's hope little Annie will turn up at her home or nearby very soon.
Did another search this morning - nothing. Owner is waiting to hear from the lady at Maidstone with a tracker dog. Someone on Facebook has suggested a search party at the weekend.
Followed a regular walk that owner does last night and will go again this morning. Also going to leave a piece of owners clothing at dusk.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope Annie is safely back at home soon. X
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
It sounds like Annie is making her way home so a little soon to ask Jenny.
Just to say that the Dog Wardens and local vets are aware that Annie is missing.
Are Jenny and tiga able to help? Www.k9tracker.co.uk
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Annie has still not been found but I have spoken to the lady (LynnC) who was walking Annie for her owner when she ran off. The first tel number on this page is hers so please contact her asap if you see or have seen Annie since Sunday.
Annie is 14yrs old and lives in Little Common area.
The sighting in Highwoods was apparently another JR but the sighting by the Little Common School gates yesterday 3.15pm'ish is thought to have been Annie. Her elderly owner lives quite close to there and it's on the route of a regular walk that she has been with her.

LynnC has printed some posters already and is putting them up so that people are aware Annie is still lost.
If anyone is able to help get more posters up please it would be appreciated.

I have sent out our Doglost email advice and advised to leave bedding out etc so that Annie has a familiar scent to go to when she returns.
I'm hoping that Annie will make her way home very soon. Best of luck with the search. Last edited: 2017-05-09 15:11:33 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK
Alerts sent to helpers in TN33,TN34,TN37,TN38,TN39,TN40
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
As someone shared from this page before the photo was put on it is not showing on Fbk. If you share the poster page the photo will be seen.
Telephone number on here is not for Annie's owner but if you have any information or have seen Annie please text or call so they can help find her. Thank you Last edited: 2017-05-08 22:35:49 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Jayne: I've added the photo that I saw on a post on Fbk. This page was not registered by owner and am trying to find out who is actually in touch with the elderly owner who has lost Annie.
2 possible sightings reported on Bexhill-on-Sea Group: one in the Highwoods this morning and another at the gates of little common school on school run.Last edited: 2017-05-08 21:57:09 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
If you are having problems uploading photos please email to admin@doglost.co.uk so we can put on for you.
Sorry to see that ANNIE is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (114742)
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  • Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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