Lost: German Shepherd Dog Female In South East (CM17)
- Dog ID 123854
- Status Lost
- Registered 31 Dec 2017
- Name RED
- Gender & Breed Female German Shepherd Dog (Spayed)
- Age Young Adult
- Colour
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 30 Dec 2017
- Where Lost Red slipped the collar she was being led off on fields between Old Harlow and Lower Sheering
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area CM17
- Date Reunited
- Other Info Was last seen still wearing a red collar with black box on it.
- Listed By Redhelp
- Views 10742
- Alerts Sent 179
- View Poster
- See more dogs Lost in CM17
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Sightings and Information
Please post if you have news about this dog. Log in above or register to leave comments or to like them.
Please note that DogLost cannot be held responsible for the content of any other sites mentioned or linked to here.
- 2021-10-27 14:55 choowie74
- https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/l6mhshrps-german-shepherd-for-sale-glasgow/
- 2020-12-16 20:10 Veronica
- https://doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=162962
- 2020-05-04 17:02 Veronica
- https://en-gb.facebook.com/angardasiochana/photos/pcb.10158113276053001/10158113275478001/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
- 2020-02-13 18:54 rosemary
- long shot to check but dogs do change https://www.lep.co.uk/news/people/do-you-recognise-dog-found-collapsed-lancashire-road-1556272?fbclid=IwAR0pj6spOs0L6gFZTlYEmxsMAzOSdjsBGykUFvgqf5XVg1Y6hu3RXdaBak4
- 2019-07-04 19:53 LucyG
- Can you check
She was found with a red collar on in skinny and matted condition. She has now been taken to bath cats and dogs home. - 2019-01-09 05:48 Wendy slade
- Missing a year
- 2019-01-03 22:14 Debbie123
- Female GSD - on Found in the pound on fb looks like been dumped and she’s skinny so been a while - please check her out as similiar matk8ngs raptors your girl
- 2018-09-11 21:56 choowie74
- https://m.facebook.com/groups/1417329358526962?view=permalink&id=2394798544113367
- 2018-04-07 19:30 Buds Mum
- It is not Red.
- 2018-04-07 19:21 Buds Mum
- Vets for pets Halrlow have posted about an hour ago German shepherd found in Hatfield Heath and to call 01279 770104. I rung but is emergency calls only-hoping it could be Red.
- 2018-02-26 18:17 Lorrainew
- https://www.facebook.com/Maesglasvets/posts/1858509980846364
- 2018-02-06 12:30 jane
- A bitch believed to be Red was spotted running through a field near Henham (Elsenham) in Essex this past weekend. I did message owner who apparently went to search for her in that area but no further sightings. I'm not that far from that area so could help with searching but fear that she may have moved on a bit now. Don't think there's been any further sightings since
- 2018-01-31 23:00 Patlucky
- Think this is too far away to be red but please check Redhelp
Found id 19440 - 2018-01-28 16:05 Redhelp
- Sadly no sightings of Red but I had a phone call from a lovely lady today to say she had seen a suspious Gumtree advert of a GSD 11 month old puppy for sale. It doesn’t look like Red but it also doesn’t look like a do of that age or the same dog in the 2 pics! . I didn’t know what to do next- it could pos be a completely different dog to the pics or it could be someone else’s pride and joy that is missing. Here is the link: https://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/german-sheppard-11mth-puppy-female/1284356165
- 2018-01-24 18:23 Patlucky
- Fingers so crossed for Red to be found soon
- 2018-01-20 07:38 Redhelp
- She has been missing for quite a while now and no sightings in over 2wks so I’m not sure a tracking dog would be much help. I’m just hoping someone has picked her up and hasn’t taken her to vets or dog warden. Hopefully someone will come forward soon.
- 2018-01-20 07:37 Unknown
- Could a tracker dog help here please? Or has one been used to find Red?
- 2018-01-20 07:33 Redhelp
- Sadly so sighting of Red in quite a while now :(
- 2018-01-17 09:19 Doglover
- Any news please x
- 2018-01-07 14:03 Patlucky
- Praying for Red shame I do not leave nearer
- 2018-01-06 21:24 Redhelp
- Sadly no sightings today. Lots of lovely people been out looking with no joy. Hopefully drone going out tomorrow but guy not sure where to start- coukd have gone in any direction since sighting yesterday.
- 2018-01-06 19:33 Patlucky
- Redhelp any news please
- 2018-01-06 15:55 Buds Mum
- We we're out this morning looking around Hatfield Heath & Broad oak, along near Down Hall and walked along the brook but no sightings. If we are to go out tomorrow I will ask for recomendations where to go/walk. Fingers crossed for today xx
- 2018-01-05 20:08 Buds Mum
- We will be going out looking in the morning. So hope she is home soon x
- 2018-01-05 19:28 Patlucky
- So have my fingers crossed for Redxx
- 2018-01-05 19:06 Redhelp
- 2018-01-05 12:31 Redhelp
- 2018-01-05 11:59 Doglover
- Sorry to see Red is missing...have done a post on Paw
https://www.facebook.com/groups/PAWhelpingdogs/permalink/613725462303625/ - 2018-01-04 19:59 Redhelp
- No luck when visited Flitch way. Have just been informed of another possible sighting of a ‘very similar dog’ on Wednesday morning in Little Canfield so there is defiantly a GSD on the run in the area.Last edited: 2018-01-04 20:00:44 by Redhelp
- 2018-01-04 15:32 Patlucky
- 2018-01-03 17:27 Patlucky
- Buds Mum
Glad Redhelp joined Drone they are good
Never can have too many people know
Fingers crossed - 2018-01-03 16:36 Buds Mum
- Thank You Patlucky, Redhelp has joined and spoken to someone who was hoping to go out today but could be too windy.
- 2018-01-02 22:20 Patlucky
- Redhelp please put your dog on Drone sar for lost dogs
Ask for their help
If they are allowed to fly in the area they will help - 2018-01-02 19:09 Patlucky
- I have put her on some sites within the area lost
Fingers crossed
- 2018-01-02 18:56 Doglover
- Get lots of posters everywhere you can...notify all vets in and around the area..notify chip company as well.....leave an item with her scent on it where she went missing and also pee in a bottle and spray area where she went missing and if in walking distance..back to your home...hopefully if she is nearby and hiding she will pick up your scent.
- 2018-01-02 10:20 Buds Mum
- We have been out this morning, walking round fields near chalk lane and drove round the Tyes and Sheering, no sightings. Will try to go out again this afternoon.
- 2018-01-01 19:30 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope that Red is safely back at home soon.X
- 2018-01-01 16:32 Buds Mum
- Hopefully a co-ordinator will get in touch to give advise, we will be out looking tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a sighting.
- 2018-01-01 15:26 Redhelp
- Thank you. Still no sightings of Red. What else can I do to look for her?!
- 2018-01-01 15:20 Michelle64
- Shared to Home Safe Dog UK
www.helpmefindmydog.co.uk - 2018-01-01 09:05 Buds Mum
- We are going out in about 30 minutes and will go Gibberd way. Hope there is some news soon.
- 2018-01-01 07:48 Redhelp
- Thank you buds Mum, I walked for 4 hrs yesterday around farmers fields both sides of motorway bridge. Planning on walking more towards matching today. Haven’t had chance to look towards Harlow/ gibberd garden direction yet though.
- 2017-12-31 23:39 Buds Mum
- Ok thank you, we will be out in the morning looking for her.
- 2017-12-31 18:44 Redhelp
- No it was on farmers fields on Moor Hall Road. She may have gone in direction of Gibberd garden. As you know the farm land is vast in this area!
- 2017-12-31 18:38 Buds Mum
- Is it the fields near Gibberd Garden / where they are going to be building new homes that she went missing from?
- 2017-12-31 17:27 Sue - onestopalldogs
- Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
- 2017-12-31 17:09 Redhelp
- Thank you buds Mum and Shazza. I’m just hoping she’s still on the move and with lots of people dog walking over the new year that she will be found. She’s very scared of wind and rain so she could be hiding.
- 2017-12-31 17:06 shazza254
- I live in old Harlow so will keep my eyes open. I hope you find her soon. I go out with my dogs so have your number if spotted.
- 2017-12-31 16:43 Buds Mum
- Hope she is home soon, if not reunited tomorrow we will be going out looking for her with our gsd.
- 2017-12-31 15:35 AlisonH
- Photo cropped. Refresh page to view.
- 2017-12-31 15:14 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent to helpers in CM16,17,18,19,20.
- 2017-12-31 15:14 Redhelp
- No sightings of Red since she slipped her collar yesterday evening. Red is quite a nervous dog around strangers so please do not try to catch her unless you have another dog with you.
- 2017-12-31 14:54
- Sorry to see that RED is missing.
- If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
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- Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
- If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
- If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
- Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
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