Reunited: Tan/White Canarian Female

  • Dog ID 127298
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 30 Mar 2018
  • Gender & Breed Female Canarian (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Tan/White
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 14 May 2018
  • Where Lost Landcroft Road, East Dulwich, London
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SE22
  • Date Found 16 May 2018
  • Date Reunited 16 May 2018
  • Other Info Iris is very nervous. She has a collar/lead attached. She has a recently broken but pinned front leg. If sighted please do not chase- call owner.
  • Listed By SOS Podenco Rescue
  • Views 12673
  • Alerts Sent 401


Sightings and Information

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Stay safe lovely Iris xx
Taken from fb today.

Iris spent Wednesday asleep in the sunshine and was foiund in a church carpark off Barry Road, near home.....

Iris is blissfully unaware of just how many friends she has and how many people were searching for her. She is the famous face on Lordship Lane, posters in East Dulwuch, Forest Hill, Brockley, all over Dulwich, Camberwell, Herne a lot of very wonderful people have helped to save her. She is very nervous outside the house, but has eaten and drunk lots of water and sees the very this morning. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.Last edited: 2018-05-17 08:43:31 by ClaireC
Taken from fb

Iris is found - and home, safe and sound and healthy.
Thank you for all your help and support.
She will now be going out with two leads and harness with handle and body attached lead.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Brilliant news. X
Reunited. Further update to follow.
Just been posted to her page that Iris has been found :)
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Group, Twitter & Public. I hope that Iris is safely back at home soon.X
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
We have made a report at Battersea for Iris but no news yet. We will contact owner if she is brought in or reported to us.
Is the information above where missing from correct?
Thank you Jayne
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SE4,5,15,21,22,23,24.
SOS Podenco Rescue
Updated details.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Posted to Dog Lost Surrey and South London FB pages. J. x
Iris is missing again! Can alerts be reissued please?

Taken from fb
Please no negative comments. Unfortunately Iris has managed to escape again. She still has collar and lead attached. Her leg is now out of plaster. Last seen near lordship lane. Please can we ask everyone to keep an eye out for her any sightings please contact my self 07816492791 xx

Iris is wearing 2 leads, collar and a harness.
Last edited: 2018-05-14 22:30:43 by ClaireC
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Well done Edie, Irene, the person who put up the poster you saw & the rest of the team x
My home helper Irena spotted Iris hiding under my hedge yesterday morning. As soon as we approached she ran away. While Irena tried to keep track I spent two hours on the 'phone trying to get help from my local vet,the RSPCA, and even the council with no luck. As I am disabled I finally called in the help of my neighbor Pat, a dog owner, who with her gardener followed Iris round the block and up and down Red Post Hill trying to catch her, until eventually they lost her. They alerted all the shopkeepers in Half Moon Lane to keep an eye out for her. Finally, miraculously they came upon the poster by the bus stop in Half Moon Lane. If it hadn't been for the poster and all this community effort plus her foster Mum and dogs, we would never have found her hidden under that car! It's good to know there are so many caring people out there. Love to Iris in her new home xx
Georgy Porgy
So pleased she is safe. Get better soon Iris X
Fantastic I hope she is soon better x
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Poor Iris has a broken leg and gave herself up - she was found in a garden and caught by her foster mum.
So glad she is safe - the vet thinks she was hit by a car.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Brilliant news. X
Ohhh wonderful news, I will check on the Group 😀
Excellent news. Well done to all involved. Stay close now Iris:-)xxx
Wonderful news, well done everyone. Please let us know how she is.
Well done to everyone on the ground. I had every faith x
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Fantastic news. Well done all x
DogLostSandra Watt
Great news - welcome home Iris :)
Iris has been found. Will let admin reunite.
@sospodencorescue thank you for letting me know, fosterer and her dogs could really help to bring her home
SOS Podenco Rescue
Sadly there have been no sightings at all today, so last sighting was approx 11pm 01/04/18.
@Mandsk her foster mum who she lived with for a few months has been searching every day, with her own two dogs that Iris knows well.
One thing about rescue dogs from abroad
They find a safe place and stay in the area
It has happened a few times
Good luck
Fingers crossed
This is all sounding rather promising. Once safe location is established, better to have fewer people out. Anyone know if the rescue can send kennel hand who had the most contact, as she is familiar with that person she may come out of hiding if you can pinpoint where she is x
It might be worth leaving some food where people got close to her, at the same time of day, to keep her in the area and try to establish a routine.
SOS Podenco Rescue
Today's developments.... Iris is now without any collar/harness/lead and people got very close to her but unfortunately she managed to run off again and it seems she has gone into hiding.
SOS Podenco Rescue
Iris was spotted this morning 07:20 in East Dulwich Grove by a cyclist, but was spooked and ran away.
SOS Podenco Rescue
Isis was being called Iris by her foster family, so I have changed it above. Sorry for confusion.
SOS Podenco Rescue
Isis was spotted this morning at the top end of Ruskin Park, SE24 area around 9am. She still has her leads attached, and either has a front leg injury or her lead is wrapped around it.
Added to and will look for her when walking my dog today. Hoping we find her soon. Will also advise a local dog walker I know.
Try putting posters in cars to widen the search area
Thank you Jayne x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Extra alerts sent to helpers in SW2,9,16.
Sharing on Twitter.
I live reasonably close to East Dulwich but didnt get an alert. Could maybe SW2 be included?
Hope you get Iris back very soon.
Will keep a look out.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Group, Twitter & Public. I hope that Iris is safely back at home soon.X
Shared on Crystal Palace local FB group and also on Really hope Isis is found soon x
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Posted on Dog Lost South London FB page
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Tweeted @DoglostUK
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SE4,5,15,21,22,23,24.

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