Reunited: Black/White Collie Cross Male

  • Dog ID 127786
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 12 Apr 2018
  • Name MAX
  • Gender & Breed Male Collie Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black/White
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 08 Apr 2018
  • Where Lost S21 5RU,South Yorkshire/North East Derbyshire, In the area of Troway near Marsh lane near Eckington
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area S21
  • Date Reunited 14 Apr 2018
  • Other Info Good natured ingood condition
  • Listed By scanking2018
  • Views 2931
  • Alerts Sent 210
  • MAXPoster Image
  • MAXExtra Image


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Great news! Stay safe Max Xx
good to see he is home. if u get him castrated he wont go off when he can smell a bitch in season. a microchip and id tag on his collar is a massive help to finders too
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Brilliant news. X
Great news. Stay close now Max:-)xxx
MAX has been found safe and well so is now happy to be back home seen him this morning wit his owner who is over the moon.Thanks for all the help and shares.Philip.
Thanks for all your help lets hope he turns up.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Group, Twitter & Public. I hope that Max is safely back at home soon.X
Alerts sent to helpers in S2,S7,S8,S12,S14,S18,S20,S21
As i said in other post Max is not my dog posting for a friend who is not on the internet this is 2nd time Max has gone AWOL but he only went for 2 days i think he has sent of a bitch in heat some place we just hope he hasn't got injured on road as he has no road sense and the weather has been awfull foggy.
DogLostSandra Watt
scaking2018 - please can you advise circumstances of Max going missing.
DogLostSandra Watt
I have moved the duplicate post has been moved to unknown.
I have him down twice need to delete one but not sure how not that it matters much wouldn't think.
Thanks Chris will have a look at there site but i dont think he will have made it that far as yet i am doing this for a friend he isn't my dog.
Shared to Lost And Found Pets In North Yorkshire & Lost And Found Animals in Derbyshire & South Yorkshire. UK X
Goldie Chris
UPDATE: Now I've seen the picture the Bradford one definitely isn't Max. Everything crossed he'll be home soon x

It's a real long shot, but Bradford Dogs lost and found Facebook page has a black and white collie found in Keighley, posted this afternoon
Keighley BD21
If you are the legal owner of this dog call 01226 762391Last edited: 2018-04-13 12:57:47 by Goldie Chris
This postcode is Troway/Marsh Lane area near Eckington
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Please send a photo of Rex to x

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