Lost: Black Cat Male In South East (CR2)
- Dog ID 136838
- Status Lost
- Registered 10 Nov 2018
- Gender & Breed Male Cat (Neutered)
- Age Adult
- Colour Black
- Marks & Scars Grey fur and scar on back. Limps.
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 20 Aug 2018
- Where Lost Outside my flat. Stolen. Someone had put down dried food to tempt him.
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area CR2
- Date Reunited
- Other Info McGrath is disabled. He was hit by a car last year and spent weeks in hospital. He has metal plates attached to his pelvis - hence the strange grey fur and scar on his back. He limps. He was really improving but sometimes needed his left rear paw bandaged to stop him knuckling. I am worried the person who probably took him won't know how to bandage him properly.
- Listed By KarenB
- Views 4297
- Alerts Sent 79
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- 2019-08-20 08:43 KarenB
- A year today since McGrath was stolen from outside my flat. Missing him so, so much. He is a really affectionate cat. Disabled, so he must have been taken to a vet at some stage in the last twelve months. His microchip details are fully up-to-date and have an alert on them. No sightings of him in all that time, even though he is quite easy to spot, with a scar on his back and a limp.
More and more certain that his theft is linked to my court case against Croydon Animal Samaritans and my complaint to RSPCA London SE branch. The branch is now under investigation by the Met Police. Suspected massive fraud and 2 former trustees arrested. - 2019-07-26 23:40 KarenB
- Well, the court hearing was just a waste of time. Same deputy district judge. Could easily have been told all we needed to know by way of a court order. He did say that the next, full hearing would just be about ownership, not about the other matters (ie the false allegations of neglect - my words).
The hearing will be for three hours, don't know when.
Gerda Glage (formerly Chair of RSPCA London SE) turned up. I mentioned the fraud at the branch and that David Mawson had been arrested and that she and her husband, Ivan House were not in the clear. Not a peep from her. - 2019-07-17 10:18 KarenB
- Please wish me luck for the court hearing today.
- 2019-07-16 15:03 KarenB
- When CAS originally agreed to look after my dog and two rabbits as a favour for another friend, after I was made temporarily homeless, I was so grateful and believed they were true samaritans. Even BA and SL haven't claimed that I ever signed them over to CAS. They did try to change Darby's microchip but, fortunately, I had already got Petlog to put a block on it.
Please, please - if your dog goes missing, YOU NEED TO IMMEDIATELY INFORM YOUR MICROCHIP COMPANY. Since the new regulations, it has become easier for the microchip details to be changed. Petlog etc are now so busy they don't have time to check out requests for change of keepership to see if they are genuine. However, if you inform them that your animal is missing, they are more likely to contact you before acting on any change of detail requests.
With cases like the Tamworth 5 and Bring Alfie Home, it is just so difficult to know who you can trust with your precious family members. - 2019-07-16 14:17 KarenB
- I wonder if the offer of £1000 for Darby by Croydon Animal Samaritans is because they don't want me to tell the judge tomorrow how they are linked to the fraud. GG is a friend of Barbara Allen, who runs CAS. BA is wrongfully retaining my JRT Darby. BA and another CAS trustee, Sally Lake, (CAS's 'animal behaviourist') must have known that GG was no longer with the RSPCA when they invited her to appear at the February hearing.
At the hearing, the judge said that CAS had no defence to my claim that they were wrongfully retaining Darby, but gave them a chance to come up with an amended defence. GG/David Mawson gave CAS a copy of my dog's adoption certificate, as well as clinical records (totally against data protection laws). CAS's amended defence was that my adoption of Darby from RSPCA London SE was not valid as DM had arranged it and had not followed the protocols which CAS believed he should have. Unfortunately for them, DM had followed the correct protocols and, in any case, RSPCA HQ refused to get involved.
- 2019-07-16 13:42 KarenB
- At the first court hearing in February, Gerda Glage, the former chair of RSPCA London SE turned up, claiming to be the RSPCA representative and reiterating the false allegations she and David Mawson, the former Secretary of the branch had made against me in an unsigned statement to the court. This statement was made following the complaint I made to the RSPCA in June last year. According to the newspaper reports, the investigation into the branch started in June last year.
I tried to tell the judge that GG was no longer with the RSPCA and had left under more than a cloud, but he wouldn't let me speak. Just my luck - for once a judge who did seem to care about animal neglect!
Ivan House is GG's husband and also a former trustee. He apparently went to the newspapers as a form of damage limitation, but that might not have worked ...... The investigation is not over yet!!!
David Mawson is one of the trustees who has been arrested. - 2019-07-16 13:12 Unknown
- This is disgusting, Of course you wouldn`t sell your beloved pet for a King`s Ransome. Have read your comments below; disgusting. Good luck. Keep us posted x
- 2019-07-16 13:00 Missingpetsgb
- As if you'd ever sell Darby! Honestly this whole case is just awful.
- 2019-07-16 12:01 KarenB
- So, so angry. Have court case tomorrow for return of my JRT. Received a recorded delivery letter this morning from the charity wrongfully retaining Darby, offering me £1000 for him, full and final settlement.
Not sure that people donating to this charity would be very happy to know how their donations are being squandered in such a way, and how it is linked to the fraud at RSPCA London SE.
Will be making this known far and wide once the court case is over. Even more certain that McGrath's theft is connected to it. - 2019-07-15 10:05 KarenB
- Hi Jane. Thanks for thinking about us. Hope to update this evening. Preparing for next court hearing for my dog, Darby, on Wednesday.
Positive that McGrath's theft is linked to this court case and to the large-scale fraud at RSPCA London SE currently being investigated by the Met Police and the Charity Commission. If you look at my comments below, you will see that I had my suspicions and made a complaint to the branch (I was a trustee there years ago). The fraud is far bigger than I ever imagined.
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/apr/14/rspca-london-south-east-branch-investigated-over-fraud-allegations - 2019-07-15 07:33 Unknown
- Any update?
- 2019-02-15 16:35 KarenB
- I have added a photo of Darby, taken a couple of days before I took him to the animal rescue, which had agreed to mind him and my two (now dead) rabbits for a short time whilst I sorted out my accommodation issues. I did not surrender them to the rescue, but it appears from the court papers that the rescue never had any intention of returning them as agreed.
In 2016 I had been asked by RSPCA London SE branch if I was interested in adopting Darby. I did not pay any adoption fee, but I did legally adopt him and I have the adoption papers. He was the second dog I had been asked to adopt by the branch. Tara, my first dog, had been the subject of an RSPCA prosecution for cruelty. She had been in a terrible state when the RSPCA rescued her. Again, I did not pay any adoption fee, but I did adopt her legally. Sadly, she had to be put to sleep around seven years later. I was also asked to take a fancy rat, Poppy, and pigeons over the years. I had to refuse to take rabbits because I had my own bonded rescue rabbits.
Unlike most small rescues, the RSPCA terms and conditions of adoption did not have a 'take-back' clause, and the legal advice I have received is that RSPCA London SE branch had no right to interfere in my current court case.
McGrath and my rabbits had no connection with RSPCA London SE branch. - 2019-02-15 13:32 KarenB
- I have been in tears as the court only notified me today that the hearing on Monday is just to decide what track to allocate my claim to, and to discuss case management.
I had been trying for weeks to find out, but Croydon County Court standard response time is now 26 working days!!!
I haven't seen my dog, Darby, since beginning of April 2018. McGrath has been missing, believed stolen, since August. I have had rescue animals since I was a little kid, and I am in my late fifties now. For years I had around 20 rescue animals at any one time. I adore animals. I have been a vegan for 24 years. I am just so sad not to have had any animal companionship for so many months now, and to be deprived of my family members in such a way is heartbreaking.
Thank you, reggiemollieros and janiejewel1649. Your good wishes have made me feel a little better. - 2019-02-15 12:55 Unknown
- All the best for you in court. Hope justice will be done for you., Seems a lot of vindictiveness towards you.. fingers xd for a fair result for you.
- 2019-02-15 11:14 reggiemollieros
- I hope it goes well for you in court.
- 2019-02-08 20:26 KarenB
- http://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=212444&subid=0
The seven trustees of RSPCA London SE branch (which is a separate charity from RSPCA HQ, as are the other branches) have now been replaced by three RSPCA HQ Council members.
I originally suspected that McGrath had been stolen by one of the trustees (who I have known for about 19 years) as punishment because I started the court case against the animal rescue which is wrongfully retaining my dog (and rabbit, but she has apparently died), and because I had complained to the branch that they had not been keeping records properly at the branch clinic, and had maliciously disclosed confidential (and incorrect) information to the animal rescue. The chair of the branch trustees was a friend of the woman who runs the animal rescue. The trustee I suspect of writing the malicious RSPCA statement about me which was sent to the court by the animal rescue, and who I believe was involved in McGrath's disappearance, was not the chair. The chair, however, was the person who was not keeping the records correctly.
Obviously, much more was going on at the branch than I suspected (I used to be a trustee, but a long time ago). I am now wondering if my missing clinical records and the fact that payments at the clinic could only be made by cash, and I, for one. was never given a receipt, could have something to do with the closure of the clinic, the accounts being 100 days late, and the replacement of the trustees.
It is very sad that my animals and myself seem to have become victims of this, plus the RSPCA London SE branch is not providing any welfare assistance to animals in the area at the moment.
I have more information on this trustee, but I do not wish to disclose it yet, because that would identify him. - 2019-02-06 13:13 KarenB
- The animal rescue has submitted to the court a statement from RSPCA London South East in support of their defence. The statement has not been signed, and it is full of malicious and false allegations which I have documentary evidence to disprove. I know who wrote it, and he has done things like this before to other people. I was a trustee of that branch some time ago, and I know all the people involved. I was actually asked to adopt my dog, Darby, by that person. The RSPCA terms and conditions do not have a 'take-back' clause, so the branch should not have got involved in my court case. This, and probably McGrath's disappearance, are all part of a personal vendetta.
The animal rescue has claimed that I have not provided even the most basic health care for my dog, which is an absolute lie.
I contacted RSPCA London SE for McGrath and Darby's records at their clinic where I regularly took them for flea treatment.
They did not have my records, so I made an official complaint.
The clinic was cash only, and I was not given any receipts. The very active clinic was closed down at the end of last year and, very sadly, the branch is no longer helping with animal welfare. The branch's accounts are now 98 days overdue at the Charity Commission
The branch's twitter and facebook accounts have been removed from the website. The phone number has been changed, as has the email address. The phone has a voicemail which states that it is not manned, that no messages can be left, and that calls will not be returned. The person who I believe wrote the statement for the court used to man the old phone and email.
It is going to be an interesting court hearing in a couple of weeks time. - 2019-02-06 12:23 KarenB
- Thank you Reggiemollieros.
I have already said that I think McGrath was stolen as punishment for a court case I started to have my dog returned from an animal rescue. One of the people involved lives next to Leithcote Gardens, and McGrath stayed there for 4 days, along with my dog before my dog and rabbits were taken to the rescue. The dog and rabbits were NOT surrendered to the rescue, and all their microchips are still in my name. Sadly, my two 10-year-old rabbits have apparently died at the rescue. The court hearing is in a couple of weeks. - 2019-02-06 06:28 reggiemollieros
- Karen has contacted me about a local sighting in Streatham SW16 around Leithcote Gardens of a black cat with a limp.
I have not personally sighted this cat but in case would help to identify if McGrath maybe alerts could go out to SW16 please? Thank you.
- 2018-12-16 10:13 Captain
- So sorry McGrath is still missing. Sharing again on Twitter #MissingCatsUK @CatsMissing x https://twitter.com/CatsMissing/status/1061616498672836610
- 2018-11-19 12:57 KarenB
- Hi Janie and Nala. I haven't reported to the police because I have no evidence at the moment. I had hoped that something would come out of the court proceedings I started in June to get my Jack Russell, Darby, back from the animal rescue which is illegally refusing to return him, but the hearing is not until mid February 2019 (people don't realise how many courts have been closed down recently, and the ones still open cannot cope). I haven't seen Darby since the beginning of April. He is my best friend, and I am missing both him and McGrath so much. I did not sign over my dog (or my two rabbits, who have very sadly died at the rescue), and Darby's microchip still has my details. The microchip company have hidden the details so that the animal rescue cannot change them. My rabbits' microchips are still in my name, too. One of my friends had arranged for the animal rescue (she is a long-time friend of the person who runs it) to look after Darby, Wallace and HoneyB for a short time because of my personal situation.
As I have said, I don't think that McGrath was taken by the animal rescue, but I am 90% certain his disappearance is connected to this case. It has all become extremely nasty, and somebody in particular has a personal vendetta (as shown by the defence papers presented to the court). This person has form. This person has already been named in national newspapers and on websites in the past.
I have a plan, which I am putting into action this week. It involves a local branch of a national charity. Looking at the Charity Commission page for this branch, it is already in trouble. This branch, like all the other branches of the charity, is run by volunteers. I can't go into any more detail at the moment, but I will let you know when I have an outcome.
- 2018-11-19 12:13 Unknown
- Thanks for post KarenB He has to be somewhere. Good question nalamissing
- 2018-11-19 10:23 nalamissing
- Have you spoken to the Doglost police coordinator about this?
- 2018-11-19 09:48 KarenB
- Hi Janie. There haven't been any sightings since he disappeared on 20 August. Thanks for asking.
- 2018-11-19 06:59 Unknown
- Any news, or sightings?
- 2018-11-12 07:42 Unknown
- Sorry you are going through this ordeal, I thought too that someone may have taken him in, thinking he was a stray. If you have any idea who the person who stole McGrath is, I would seek advice from Doglost who have police coordinators who liaze with police if a pet may have been stolen. All will be treated in the strictest confidence. Paw, and fingers xd.
- 2018-11-12 02:00 KarenB
- Initially, I did think he had been taken by someone who thought he needed help because of his appearance. It was only when I received the defence papers a few weeks later that I realised he had been stolen.
- 2018-11-12 01:53 KarenB
- On the day he was stolen, he slept all afternoon in the sunny conservatory, whilst I worked on my computer near him. I put him outside around 5.30pm. I went to look for him around 7.30pm, which was when I discovered the dried food outside my flat. My flat is right at the back of a very large Victorian house. I have my own entrance. Nobody would go down the passageway to my flat without a reason. It was clear from the defence papers provided to the court by the animal rescue, that the person I suspect has taken McGrath had visited my flat previously.
- 2018-11-12 01:44 KarenB
- The microchip company has been notified that he has been stolen.
- 2018-11-12 01:40 KarenB
- Thank you for all your help. I put up posters at the time (they are still up). I also registered his details a couple of days after he went missing, believed stolen - Animal search uk; National pet register; Pets reunited; Pets located; Croydon Cats Protection; Battersea. His details were sent to all local rescues and vets by one of the websites. I believe he was stolen because I started court proceedings against a local animal rescue which is refusing to return my dog (and elderly rabbits, but they have sadly died at the rescue). The court hearing is in mid-February 2019. I do not think it was the rescue who stole him, but someone connected with the case, as a punishment.
- 2018-11-12 00:51 Marbie
- I notice McGrath has been missing for a while now. Did you put up posters when he went missing and ask all the local vets and animal rescues? Someone may have mistakenly have thought he was a stray and 'helped' him by taking him in. I would poster and phone around even now. Good luck in finding him I can imagine you are worried to bits about him xx
- 2018-11-11 18:45 Unknown
- Thanks Captain. could it be that someone just fed McGrath, and didn`t steal him? I would ask friends, and neighbours to share as well as DL. Poster around the are, and post flyers through doors too. Ask around especially those with children, as they can be very observant. Post a LOST CAT ad in a National newspaper, in case he has climbed into a vehicle. Hand out posters to as many people as you can, and where, and where, you can. Try a local radio/tv appeal. Paws xd.
- 2018-11-11 13:51 Captain
- So sorry McGrath is missing. Sharing on Twitter #MissingCatsUK @CatsMissing x https://twitter.com/CatsMissing/status/1061616498672836610
- 2018-11-11 10:07 Julie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
- Shared to Dog Lost Surrey FB page
- 2018-11-10 23:08 Alison
- Alerts sent to helpers in CR1,CR2,CR3
- 2018-11-10 22:31
- Sorry to see that MCGRATH DISABLED CAT UPDATE is missing.
- If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
- Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
- A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (136838)
- Obtain a missing poster by clicking on View poster above. Posters are very important so start postering now!
- You will need to be logged in to upload photos, edit your dog's details, or add comments. You can add comments by clicking on Click here to add a comment.
- Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
- If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
- If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
- Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
- DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk