Stolen: Blond Ginger Chihuahua Male
- Dog ID 150699
- Status Stolen
- Registered 11 Nov 2019
- Name ISSAC
- Gender & Breed Male Chihuahua
- Age Adult
- Colour Blond ginger
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Investigating Force West Yorkshire Police
- Date Lost 10 Nov 2019
- Where Lost Armley leeds
- Lost In Region North East
- Lost In Post Area LS12
- Date Reunited
- Other Info Issac is a male Chihuahua. He escaped his home in Armley, Leeds LS12 on Monday 11th Nov. Information suggests that he was found & rather than reported to dog warden as is the law, he was advertised for sale. Issac is microchipped & has a STOLEN alert on his record
- Listed By Claire whelan
- Views 6471
- Alerts Sent 92
- View Poster
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- 2021-12-30 23:08 LouiseB
- Please have a look at a found dog on this site. 172334. It’s shown as a Pomeranian but I think it looks like a chihuahua. Possibly Isaac? I’ve sent it to your mobile. My number ends in 402. I always worry that Found dogs get re homed too soon. Louise x
- 2021-03-16 11:03 Beryl
- 2020-11-17 11:37 Veronica
- More dogs seized by Garda, lots of Chihuahuas. - 2020-11-16 15:18 KatieF - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset
- A very similar boy handed into Bristol animal rescue centre yesterday after a river rescue. Saying unchipped but maybe worth calling or emailing your boys photo and details. Thanks. Katie Somerset.
- 2020-11-15 14:13 Elaine
- 2020-04-04 15:03 Polly
- Is his chip up to date, one found in France with a foreign possibly UK chip, they cannot access it. He's at S.P.A. De Savoie (FB page) receiving treatment Last edited: 2020-04-04 16:02:29 by Polly
- 2019-12-14 18:58 Malton
- Please check FB Dogs Found in Uk posted by Ellie Millburn. Dog found in North East
- 2019-11-13 17:00 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Shared to our National DogLost FB group x
- 2019-11-13 07:39 Lisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
- CRN issued, status changed to stolen & CRN detail added x
- 2019-11-11 20:55 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent to helpers in LS1,3,4,11,12.
- 2019-11-11 19:39 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Sharing Twitter.
Hi Claire, If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN) then Send this by email to then this page can be updated to Stolen.
- 2019-11-11 14:22 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Thank you ChrisM! Could owner send photo to
- 2019-11-11 13:43 Fiona Monger - Investigations Co-ordinator, Police Liaison
- Area changed to North East x