Lost: Black And White Cross Breed Male In South East (GU29)

  • Dog ID 158751
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 28 Jul 2020
  • Gender & Breed Male Cross Breed (Neutered)
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour black and white
  • Marks & Scars He has bad arthritis in his back legs.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 28 Jul 2020
  • Where Lost Ingrams green lane, 3 miles out of Midhurst
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area GU29
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info GU290LJ
  • Listed By Dixie
  • Views 15880
  • Alerts Sent 256


Sightings and Information

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Two years missing so sad Spillo

Hugs to your loving Family who left no stone unturned to hopefully find you

Bless you Spillo wherever you are? xxxx
Appalling‼ #PetTheftReform "... Judge Waddicor recommended that the accused withdraw his Not Guilty plea so that his barrister could make an argument to dismiss the case. His barrister told the judge that she had not been planning to make a case to dismiss. However, the judge set a date for a dismissal hearing..." https://www.facebook.com/groups/876866186466948/posts/1155441185276112
The next court date is the 30th July - https://www.facebook.com/ThePetDetective/posts/3974207079281520
From SPILLO's FB PAGE - @Spillo-search
"Today is the last day our family spent with our beloved Spillo a year ago... "
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Spillo's post on National FB Group xx
HelperSky's AngelsADDY
Bumped Post On Skys Angels🙏
We’ve made new post for SPILLO on long lost/stolen dogs
Never imagined he wouldn’t be found x
Oh Spillo one year ago tomorrow you disappeared.
I am sure someone knows what happened to you?
Where are you little guy?
Bless you Spillo and your family who are still desperately and tirelessly trying to find you

This family have worked tirelessly to find their boy

Someone Knows where this boy is?

Bless you Spillo praying the truth will out!
We were so hoping for good news today!

Oh Spillo where are you? so many people have taken you to heart

Stay Safe little man wherever you might be I know your mum, dad and Laura will never give up on you

Keep strong one and all xxxx

God Bless
Where are you little man?
Still praying for good news
Please be safe Spillo wherever you are?
Ok That`s great Dixie. Paws xd.
Thank you. We employed Colin in the first week and he has been very successful in finding powerful evidence in our search.
I would now contact Colin Butcher (Ex polce detective in Surrey where he still resides. He has had much success in finding lost, and stolen dogs whilst in the polce force, and as a pet detective. he has contacts with other police forces oer the UK too. Although a private company for those on pensions,and low icnomes, money donated by helpers goes towards the searches. His email is info@thepetdetectives.com Phone no; 01403 753 463. Maybe worth a try I hope the person who has some knowledge where Spillos could be then please contact the owner on the above numbers or if you prefer contact Doglost. It will be treated in the strictest of confidences. Please, please, please let them have closure. Spillo is a member of their family.

THANK YOULast edited: 2020-10-09 18:58:37
From Spillos Facebook Posts ....Spillo Search....

It has been over two months since we last saw our boy. We miss him more each day and get sad over seemingly little tasks like giving the other dogs their flea tablets, and not being able to give spillo his. Or going into the dog drawer to get something and seeing his unused lead.
We are begging the person with information of his whereabouts to tell us where he is. All we want is closure.

Where is this little guy? Where do these little guys disappear too? they all have to be somewhere don't they?

Stay Safe all you all missing guys out there until you are found xxxx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Spillo's post on our National FB Group x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
So sorry not Spillo...
Was holding my breath here but alas it was not Spillo so now tears of sadness
Oh Spillo where are you little man? please show yourself you so need to be home now
Stay Safe little man until you are found xxxx
From Facebook......... Spillo searchLike Page
26 mins ·
***Possible sighting***
We have just been told about a possible sighting of Spillo on Selham Road towards the back entrance of Cowdray House- on the bridle path.
If anyone knows of a dog in that area who looks like Spillo (old, black and white, spaniel sized), could you please let us know. We are driving down there now to begin searching.
We could not be more grateful to the lovely young man who contacted us and went back to try and find the dog.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
From Spillo's FB page "1h ·

Many of you have very kindly offered to help and walk to look for Spillo. We have specific areas with maps which we need to walk through to look, checking hedgerows and ditches. The walks are not long, and the areas are:
If any of you would be willing to do a short walk and look for our boy we would be immensely grateful for any help.
Please call or text: 07956171311 if you are able to help.

Thank you in advance"
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
From Spillo's FB page "While the world continues on as normal, our family's life has come to a standstill since Spillo was taken.

We have stopped our lives and will continue to do so until he is home.

We can't understand those who expect us to get back to 'normal.' There will never be 'normal' until we have him home.
He has been part of our lives for almost 16 years, and we will not turn our backs until we have answers.

We remain eternally grateful for all the massive amount of support we continue to receive from absolute strangers.

Whoever you are who has information on Spillo's whereabouts, I am begging you to call this number: 07956171311. There is a significant reward and anonymity is assured."
Thank you for bumping Spillo Ravenette

All three dogs missing have a mention on Hugh Bonneville's facebook he is quite local as well

Let us pray for some good news for all the dogs that are missing
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
I am bumping Spillo as he has had a lot of media coverage over the past few days. The interviews also covered the other 2 dogs believed stolen from the same area and the rise of dog theft in general. I hope this helps get Spillo and the other dogs back home.
Featured on the radio again
Sounded a little more positive please if anyone knows anything Spillo needs to be home
Come on Spillo where are you?
Stay Safe little man until your mum finds you xx
Featured in the Midhurst and Petworth Observer tomorrow along with Roly and Hazel
Please let this bring some much needed good news
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Adding link to news item https://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2020-08-18/family-hires-pet-detective-after-dog-goes-missing-in-sussex?fbclid=IwAR2xTjoytq7UEHgAtXV_nZAN5nShAgMIvZn20WjVyP5R_WD4GOv5PP69hdU
We have just finished filming with ITV and a French film crew. Hopefully, this will elicit some memory or a sighting somewhere. Daily Mail on line has a big article today with lovely photos of Spillo. The Times article yesterday was also great for getting the word out nationally.
We are so desperate to get Spillo back. We are staying put in Sussex.
Spillo was on the Meridian lunch time news today bless him

Please let this be seen by someone who might know something? he has really been in the media fingers crossed
Leave a poster on the wheelie bin for bin men to put in their lorry if not already done so

Lots and lots of posters everywhere I see

Just a thought any posters that are not laminated put them in a plastic A4 poster pocket with the opening at the bottom this will help to keep them dry longer

I have been out around the areas all these dogs have gone missing and nothingLast edited: 2020-08-18 12:57:47 by mistynsashasmum
Try putting posters in red mail post boxes for postmen to take back to the sorting offices for further postmen awareeness Contact taxi firms and ask car owners to put posters in their cars.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
From Spillo's FB page "Where is Spillo?

Our boy has been featured in the Mail online, all about our family's desperate search for him.

We know that someone somewhere knows something about where he is, and we will not stop until we have him home.

Please call: 07956171311 if you have any information, anonymity is assured and a substantial reward on offer for information about his whereabouts.

Spillo search

Colin Butcher on BBC Five Live this morning

Come on Spillo Where are you?Last edited: 2020-08-17 17:54:10 by mistynsashasmum
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
From Spillo's FB page "Where is Spillo?
We are convinced that someone, somewhere knows something.
He is the centre of our family and we just want him home.
If you have any information, or know anyone who was on Ingrams Green Lane, near Midhurst on the 28th of July from 7:45am to 8:30 am, please call us on 07956171311.
You may not have thought you saw anything important, but it could be the key to helping us find Spillo.
Please help. There is a substantial reward."
Spillo has been featured in all these papers as well

Where is Spillo?

The story of our missing boy has been featured today in the Portsmouth Observer (https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/…/desperate-family-south-downs…), the Shoreham Herald (https://www.shorehamherald.co.uk/…/desperate-family-holiday…), the Worthing Herald (https://www.worthingherald.co.uk/…/desperate-family-holiday…)

I wonder if some one has picked him up in good faith not knowing they should report the finding of a dog?
If so and they read any of these papers-I really hope they can see Spillo is a much loved dog and really needs to be back home.
Fingers crossed for his safe return
Stay safe little man until your mum finds you xx
Last edited: 2020-08-16 14:26:41 by mistynsashasmum
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
BBC Radio Sussex interview https://www.facebook.com/237151430698019/videos/596687294551954/
Last edited: 2020-08-16 10:48:22 by Julie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Unfortunately, it looks as though a very similar dog was walking in that area that we had the sighting. Very disappointed. But the lovely people that called in are our heroes, it is people like that that will bring Spillo home.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
As soon as we hear we will update.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Awaiting more info...
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Possible sighting phoned into us...sighters number passed to owner.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Spillo's post on our National Group x
Really pleased to see Spillos post has been bumped up as he is also featured in our local paper:


Let us pray this will bring some news as to where Spillo is? or maybe jog some ones memory?

Stay Safe little man until your mum finds you
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Press article for Spillo https://www.wscountytimes.co.uk/news/people/desperate-family-holiday-west-sussex-will-not-leave-until-missing-dog-found-2939472?fbclid=IwAR0UJaODi0wqGITuvqwqiB0-6o0-BZEuaAtOFIU1Ydpt1RhFF9nMvYcCxG8
Huge write up in our local paper this week please be seen Spillo so we know where to look for you
Stay Safe little man until your mum finds you
There is now a Facebook page for Spillo: https://www.facebook.com/Spillo-search-237151430698019/
Thank you. We will get onto Nextdoor straight away. We have now put up over 250 posters around the area. We have another 100 to go up and have been advised to go further afield as people take dogs they see and believe have been neglected. Spillo went missing in a field in 4 minutes, he was anything but neglected, he was adored since we rescued from the cage he had lived in for 9.5 years in Southern Italy. If someone has taken him thinking he was abandoned, please know we would do anything to get him back home.
I'm so sorry to hear about missing Spillo.
I wondered if you had signed up to Nextdoor.co.uk?
You might reach people online that might not see Dogs Lost or may have missed your posters.
I have just spoken with Spillos mum and asked if they might try to get him in the local paper ect I have given them some other info what might be helpful information and they really are doing everything they can think of also getting a drone out to help find this little guy
I am doing what I can from here
Stay Safe little man until your mum finds you xxxxLast edited: 2020-08-05 13:44:40 by mistynsashasmum
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
I'm so pleased that there has been a sighting of Spillo. Bumping his page for this as he's an old boy who needs to be home.
Lauren came to help, thank you.

Sighting on Trotton Bridge Friday 31st July at 5.30pm. Good description. Unfortunately we only found sunday morning. Working from trotton up to Tullecombe.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Lauren, thank you for kindly offering to help look for Spillo. Please can you call the owner on one of the above no's, if you haven't already done so.
Hi sorry I missed the 9am search, when are you next out? Let me know please & I will be there.
Thank you so much. We could do with a field being checked in Ingrams Green Road near where he disappeared. We will be at Brook Corner on the road at 9am if you can be there. If not we can come back at another time if you tell us as we will be in the area with a sniffer dog
I live in Midhurst and not working tomorrow, what can I do to help?
Pay particular attention to any ponds/swimming pools/waterways nearby as his back legs could be problematic for clambering back out.
Unfortunately, absolutely nothing. It is like he has vanished off the face of the earth. We have searched the long grass, nettles and brambles along the road and will go back into the forest this afternoon. Been trying desperately to get drones up but to no avail. Still waiting for many people to come back to us on that.
We have 50 posters up and another 100 bring printed now. These will go up later today and tonight. We have been up since 4am wandering the roads. He has to be somewhere unless someone knocked him down and removed his body - could that have happened? Accidents can happen but we just need to know.
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
Any sightings at all? x
As below - Please contact this page they have vast experience in finding missing dogs (copy & paste into Facebook URL) https://www.facebook.com/lostdogrecoveryuksouth/
Sorry edited put wrong link please see new comment Last edited: 2020-07-29 11:27:33 by JAY D
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
We have been here Thursday last week.
Thanks, Dixie, details like that help enormously. Last question: how long have you been at the holiday home?
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group X
He went missing from the holiday home we are staying at. He went out to the bathroom this morning and literally disappeared in about 4 minutes.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Advice sent. I hope that Spillo is safely back home very soon.
Missing from home or on a walk?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you! Will send out alerts on this dog and delete the other listings.
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and to Sky's Angels on FB - there are duplicate listings for Spillo but I have used this one for my groups.
Sorry to see that SPILLO MISSING 1 YEAR is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

Drone SAR

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