Reunited: White Cream Chihuahua Male
- Dog ID 158816
- Status Reunited
- Registered 29 Jul 2020
- Name MILO
- Gender & Breed Male Chihuahua
- Age Young Adult
- Colour White cream
- Marks & Scars None
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 19 Jul 2020
- Where Lost Near Lowther Crescent. Middleton. Rochdale Near North Manchester Golf Club
- Lost In Region North West
- Lost In Post Area M24
- Date Reunited 09 Aug 2020
- Other Info If found, he should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (as required by law).
- Listed By Marlena
- Views 4775
- Alerts Sent 121
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2020-08-26 21:34 Unknown
- π So pleased Milo os home where he belongs , stay safe now little Man π xx
- 2020-08-12 15:34 Dachs4ever
- Thank you LucyA and I agree with Carolyn's post below.
PP seems to trying to deflect awkward issues by making unwarranted assertions. Odd. Nothing I have read or heard through rescue contacts indicates Milo is a serial escaper.
Thank goodness for the marvellous team at Dog Lost especially the police liaison team. Dog owners are so blessed having this wonderful organisation supporting them through really traumatic times. - 2020-08-11 22:47 Carolynl
- Just pleased to see he's I'm sure his family are. Welcome Back little Milo
Just a thought - without taking sides - Police have been involved...I'm sure they would have been cautious in returning Milo, and where procedures are clearly put in place they should be followed by all - no matter who they are - especially if law...and they would, I presume, look dubiuosly at someone who would 'sell a dog to pay a debt' - no loving owner would ever dream of doing that. Anyway, well done to everyone who was involved in reuniting dear little Milo - great with & fantastic result...just loved the video β€ x Last edited: 2020-08-11 22:48:37 by Carolynl - 2020-08-11 21:08 LucyA
- PP - and what makes the “rescue” the right people to do that? The case should have been dealt with by the appropriate authorities, end of. Not someone who “believes” in something they’ve heard.
- 2020-08-11 20:54 PP
- LucyA read everything properly and you’ll find it if you’re looking in the right place. You can see why someone would want to figure out the truth before returning him though right?
- 2020-08-11 20:39 LucyA
- Dachs4ever - fully agree with everything you’ve said x
PP - how do you know he’s escaped multiple times before? Just I can’t find anywhere where it says that.
You also state below that it says he was sold on to pay a debt. I’m confused. So did Milo “disappear” through escaping multiple times or was he sold on to pay this debt? Just want to clear this up as I’m seeing so many comments on the “rescue’s“ post. If they were not sure of the facts, and you do state that below, that they “believed” he was sold on to pay a debt, why did they not contact the appropriate authorities and get them to deal with it.
You say it “only took 3 weeks”. I’m sure if your dog went missing, 3 weeks would feel like a lifetime. Milo was chipped and details upto date. So he could have been returned 3 weeks ago had the “rescue” gone about things in the right way.
As for your comment on 09/08/20 “only the people actually involved will know the facts”...... you seem to know a lot...... - 2020-08-11 19:04 PP
- If this situation is known by you then you know he’s escaped multiple times before then? I just hope they’re actually putting something in place to stop it happening again and again.
I think you’ve took sides without actually knowing the situation and just claiming to know the situation. But hey I suppose we’re all making assumptions, only Milo knows the truth now - 2020-08-11 18:40 Dachs4ever
- Sorry you feel so triggered. I am only too well aware of what can happen as I volunteer at a rescue centre in my home town and this situation is known by us. Methinks you protest too much deflection? Interesting comments from Lucy A and Shelley Page. Glad you have finally acknowledged making assumptions.Last edited: 2020-08-11 18:41:55 by Dachs4ever
- 2020-08-11 17:42 PP
- Dachs4ever - Do you actually know what happened or are you also making assumptions and taking sides without knowing what happened?
I’ll say sorry for saying you must be sheltered and carefree, but it still seems like you’re trying to ignore the worse stuff that could have happened.
It took 3 weeks to get him home not contact the relevant authorities.Last edited: 2020-08-11 17:46:54 by PP - 2020-08-11 11:14 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- 2020-08-11 10:22 LucyA
- PP - you state below that you are not from the "rescue"..... but are you somehow related to picking up and transporting Milo to them?
The reason I ask, I see on their post on facebook, the owner of the “rescue” tagged someone thanking them for transporting him and funny enough - they have the same initials as your user name on here (PP).
Just a thought..... - 2020-08-11 10:21 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- 2020-08-11 07:17 Dachs4ever
- I may well wait before reporting a missing dog because I would be busy out looking. Panic can set in easily and that can affect thinking. I have read of quite a few dogs reported late often because people don't know what to do. As for the rescue they should have contacted the appropriate authorities and let them sort things out but I suspect you know this. You said the owner may not be so lucky next time didn't you? Mean. I did not refer to the possible depressing outcomes and to assume someone you do not know lives a carefree and sheltered life is just that an assumption. I would have thought the fact I am on this website belies that ridiculous assumption. Regarding rushing to return it does not take three weeks to contact the relevant authorities does it? It is easy to lie and that is why the authorities in these types of circumstances should sort out the situation. They are much better placed to deal with sensitive situations and make sure the outcome is good for the dog. The rescue seems to be acting as judge and jury in this instance. That is unprofessional.Last edited: 2020-08-11 07:21:22 by Dachs4ever
- 2020-08-10 18:54 PP
- If one of your dogs darted would you wait a whole day to report them missing? Especially if they’re young.
The rescue didn’t take its time, they thought he was sold on to pay off a debt so it is surely part of their duty to stand by the dog and find out the truth before returning a dog to its rightful owner. The dog is the priority in this case not the owner.
If someone passed you a dog to look after and said I got this dog because someone owed me money, would you rush to get him back to the owner or would you maybe want to fond out a bit more?
You must live a very carefree and sheltered life if you don’t agree that he is lucky. How many dogs escape and get run over, overbred and/or other abuse with no return to the rightful owner? It’s a very sad world we live in. - 2020-08-10 18:14 Dachs4ever
- I have 3 "tame" dogs and I know young dogs can suddenly and unexpectedly dart into a bush or something. You made an assumption without full knowledge as you were not present. Animals can be unpredictable especially when young. The "loving" rescue took its time contacting owner/police and failed to report the dog to the dog warden. Not at all professional or caring. As for the reward offer think about who would have gained? Not Dog Lost who do fantastic work free of charge. Still appalled by your comment "she may not be so lucky next time".Last edited: 2020-08-10 18:17:16 by Dachs4ever
- 2020-08-10 17:30 PP
- No I’m not from the rescue.
I don’t know the dog was left unattended but how else would a small, tame dog escape?
As pointed out further down the rescue he was took to believed he was sold on to pay off a debt. Considering how easy it is for this to happen, and how frequently it does happen, I think it’s very lucky that he was took to a loving rescue as opposed to being sold to someone who actually could have taken advantage of him, never scanned him and/or could have demanded money for him and completely refused to give him back.
He was returned home, and he does look especially happy to see the little girl, but this could have been a lot worse. I still don’t know who suggested offering a reward, but it obviously didn’t need offering anyway. DogLost have made out this situation much worse than needed to be and probably were the ones that suggested the reward.Last edited: 2020-08-10 17:35:34 by PP - 2020-08-10 12:28 sheltielover
- When found Milo should have been reported to the dog warden in the area he was found, when arrived at rescue he should have been scanned and the owner informed immediately. pp watch the re-united video and see just how happy Milo was when he saw his humans.
- 2020-08-10 05:01 Dachs4ever
- PP how do you know the dog was left unattended? And your comment that "next time she won't be that lucky" is completely unnecessary as well as mean. Only three weeks? Microchipped so should probably been home much sooner. Are you from the "rescue" by any chance?
- 2020-08-10 00:42 PP
- I don’t mean on a lead. I mean if he was at risk of escaping because then he’d be in a public space with no collar and ID which is against the law (Control of Dogs Order 1992). The issue with tracheal collapse I understand so I wouldn’t lead by the collar for any dog regardless of breed - any animal with a trachea is at risk of tracheal collapse if you handle them by a collar.
I understand that you can’t predict when they’re going to escape - to which I’d say do NOT leave your dog unattended which she clearly did otherwise how did this happen? - 2020-08-09 23:22 Shelley Page - Area Co-ordinator - North West
- With regards to comment below I have been advised by vets that chihuahuas should never wear a collar only harness due to trachea ,and fear of tracheal collapse a common problem in chihuahuas,as long as dog is chipped which Milo was then when scanned his details would show and owner should have been contacted. Last edited: 2020-08-09 23:23:19 by Shelley Page - Area Co-ordinator - North West
- 2020-08-09 22:04 PP
- If I was Marlena I’d be very thankful to this rescue. I’m curious as to who advised to put a reward up??
He could have been in a lot worse state if it wasn’t for the rescue and in reality it only took 3 weeks to find him and bring him home, which tells me they were more cooperative than is being made out. And he is healthy and has been looked after. She’s not lost out on anything. Only the people actually involved will know the facts. There’s no need to name and shame because the rescue may have had their own doubts about how well looked after he is due to escaping with no collar.
Next time she wont be that lucky and I hope there isn’t a next time but she should really be keeping an eye on him instead of letting him escape like this.Last edited: 2020-08-09 22:11:52 by PP - 2020-08-09 18:55 sheltielover
- DogLost Police Liaison Team, you have my deepest thank you for all the hard work you do which is tireless and behind the scenes.
- 2020-08-09 17:46 Maxine W
- 2020-08-09 17:36 CJ Police Liaison Coordinator
- Great result that kept us all on tender hooks until Milo was safe with Karen and Shelley then transferred to owner - and owner back home all reunited safely.
Grateful thanks to officers at Greater Manchester Police and also Bedfordshire Police who have been involved and gave guidance and help. They will be updated and no doubt pleased to watch the reunited videos. - 2020-08-09 16:00 Dachs4ever
- Great to see the lovely Milo is home at last. I do hope the dubious rescue centre or whatever it is can be closed down. Unbelievable that they should treat the legal owner in such an appalling way.
- 2020-08-09 14:44 Sandra Watt
- Well done to you all ...great to see Milo safely back with his family ..fabulous video xxx
- 2020-08-09 14:14 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Well done police liason team at doglost again...People do not always realise the time, teamwork and effort that goes into reuniting dogs as it is essential with police involvement that all updates are kept off SM until a result has been achieved.
- 2020-08-09 13:09 Claire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
- Videos and pictures can be seen here xx - 2020-08-09 13:08 Claire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
- Team work at its best. Shelley, Jane, Hazel, Karen and Sam.... thank you all.
It’s been a tense week as we all know, but absolutely worth it to see those videos and pictures.
So happy and proud to know you all, and be a part of the great team we all are
Shelley Page you are amazing, your support and dedication in helping this family has been phenomenal, we are so lucky to have you!!
Welcome home Milo, me and Shelley will come and see you soon xxLast edited: 2020-08-09 19:02:58 - 2020-08-09 12:41 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Well done to all involved.
Welcome home Milo.xx - 2020-08-09 12:31 Louise
- 2020-08-09 12:25 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Way to go TEAM MILO all the hard work especially behind the scenes has paid off with a brilliant ending. Lovey video and so heartwarming to watch. WELL DONE to everyone who made this happen.
WELCOME HOME gorgeous MILO sending you all big hugs.
Last edited: 2020-08-09 19:03:12 - 2020-08-09 12:11 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Such lovely news x Well done to all involved x
- 2020-08-09 12:08 Shelley Page - Area Co-ordinator - North West
Milo went missing on the 19th July 2020, unbeknown to all, Milo was also picked up on the same evening he disappeared and moved out of the area. Not knowing this, his owner added Milo to DogLost, posters were printed and helpers went out postering and talking to local residents, posts were also circulated on social media. On the 3rd August, Milo’s owner recieved a call, Milo was found but in rescue in a different part of the country and the people concerned were not being very helpful, leaving his owner upset to say the least as she could not get her precious Milo back. Thankfully DogLost Police Liaison across the areas worked together with local police to make sure they could legally get Milo back home safely. Milo’s owner has been through hell and back, not knowing if she has been doing right or wrong, she was also asked to offer a reward for Milo, which then lead her to believe that maybe Milo was where he was because people were gaining from Milo’s disappearance from this reward and also moving him on to sell.
Milo’s owner really has been through it, but thanks to team work and a long drive, Milo is at long last in the arms of his family. Please think twice before asking for a reward as this really made the owner think as to who was involved in his disappearance. Please make sure your dogs are chipped and upto date as this is key to help find your much loved fur babies, and if you do find a dog, please make sure you do all you can to help locate the owner (and don’t always believe what you hear). A big thank you to all for all your help and shares,Thank you to the great team here at DL and thank you to Police officers for all working together.
And most of all happy welcome home MILO x
Last edited: 2020-08-09 19:02:30 - 2020-08-07 18:54 Karis
- any update?
- 2020-08-04 20:35 Karis
- sharing across many groups tonight i notice-only a matter of time until this 'rescue' is named and wardens informed as is law
- 2020-08-04 17:31 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Updated Milo's post on our National Group x
- 2020-08-04 16:44 CJ Police Liaison Coordinator
- After contacting the microchip company we now have a clear picture of dates times of events. Milo was reported as missing on July 20th to animal tracker - having gone missing on 19th.
On July 31st details were checked by a rescue who obtained Milo from a dubious source. Despite speaking with registered owner they are refusing to hand him back as they believe he was sold to another person to offset a debt - which owner disputes and the said rescue still do not agree,
As by law this rescue cannot re home any dog found without reporting to DW and holding for 28 days before re homing ( which is their intention.)
All details have now been sent to Greater Manchester Police including contact for microchip company and the rescue involved, as they are know treating this as theft. - 2020-08-04 12:06 Claire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
- Milo has now been logged with Greater Manchester Police as stolen, investigations are ongoing.
Crime reference number received and status changed to stolen xx - 2020-07-30 18:52 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Sharing Twitter.
- 2020-07-30 15:46 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Details shared to Facebook Group X
- 2020-07-30 12:04 Mr Fox
- Shared to chi lost and found.
- 2020-07-30 09:03 Louise
- Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and to Sky's Angels on FB
- 2020-07-30 08:06 Shelley Page - Area Co-ordinator - North West
- In contact with owner ,information sent
- 2020-07-29 23:34 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Marlena, I have taken the full postcode off and added where missing from as was not on. Also added a second photo taken from your share post on fb. Rooting for him to be found soon.