Reunited: Golden Labrador Retriever Male

  • Dog ID 16867
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 06 Feb 2009
  • Name HENRY
  • Gender & Breed Male Labrador Retriever
  • Age Adult
  • Colour golden
  • Marks & Scars Crusty dry nose
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 31 Jan 2009
  • Where Lost Epsom
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area KT18
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Doug
  • Views 1323
  • HENRYPoster Image
  • HENRYExtra Image


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So please that Henry is back with his owners but another alarming story of how the wardens and kennels are not putting 2 and 2 together . Thank god for the posters and someone who cared enough to make that call. Hopefully Henry will get a chip to compliment his new updated tag and settle in to the families new home with no more adventures !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
So pleased now home safe and sound.  What would we do without the successful postering system and astute people.  I think kennels, especially council run, should be registered only after having complied with and fulfilled pre written competancies. Maybe then errors of this nature would not occur!!! hummm
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Welcome home Henry. I am absolutely appalled at the total incompetance shown by the council and their representatives in this case. Please contact the local M.P. and enlist help in stopping this from ever happening again. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
So so pleased to see the posters worked for Henry ,links were made & he is now back home . Just spoken to his owners & it's bath time for Henry.Never mind handsome boy,you can't win them all... ! WELCOME HOME HENRY! XXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
Just been talking to Nikki about this stunning story of total incompetence. I understand that you had gone to the trouble of getting the phone company to divert calls from the number on his collar to your phone (as you had just moved and it had changed). So if they'd  attempted to contact you they should have been able to. Maybe the Guardian, who printed your letter yesterday, would do a follow up on this ?  It must never happen again. Henry could have been re-homed from Monday but judging by the lack of care and concern that the kennels/council have already shown his fate could have been far worse.   I am sure oone of your first appoiontments will be to get him microchipped though you can't help but wonder if even that would have been checked out in this case.  Welcome home Henry, remember you can only get away with inappropriate widdling for a limited time ! ILast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyy - welcome back Henry xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Yes, I was wondering what was on his tag.   Words fail me here, this lack of communication is happening too often and I hope you get to hear the results of the investigation, and more importantly that it makes a difference to others in future.   What is so worrying is that he was coming up to his 7 days and could have been rehomed.   I do hope you get some answers.   Meantime, welcome home Henry, labs are lovely and I'll bet he was so pleased to see you.   Stay safe now, lovely boy xx  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i am so absolutely thrilled for you.......... what a total disaster re the council/kennels.......... if you want anything done you really do have to do it yourself don't you!!!.it's excellent that you are going to stay on and help others. (((((big hug for henry))))Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So glad you got this lovely lad back-he is very much like my labXgold retriever-big head and lovely eyes. Sounds like you were very lucky!
Also glad you are staying on as volunteers. Great work!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So pleased that you have found Henry, I have been looking over the downs and in Epsom on my travels and found it very strange that Henry dissapeared off the face of the earth in such a built up area.  Welcome home Henry and stay safe now.  Kind Regards Julie   (obviously I don't mean the down being built up but round the school area where he was last seen)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So glad you have found your boy!! It sounds as if you were very lucky to find him. Just out of interest, what information did Henry have on his tag? Did he have a contact number or address?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We are reunited with Henry!!  We can hardly believe it.  It appears that he was in the council kennels, location a state secret, and reunited with him at the town hall.  He charged up to us and I cannot describe our joy and relief at seeing him.  We thought we had lost him for good.  It happened like this. this afternoon I received a call from someone who works in Epsom, she had seen his poster in her staff canteen and mentioned him to her friend who works sometimes in the kennels.  she confirmed that they had Henry and he had been there since last Saturday evening.  I rang epsom and ewell council to enquire and they did not have him on their system so denied he had been found.  we made more enquiries from my informant and they checked again and bingo!  A really bad communication breakdown between council and kennels - it is being investigated as to what happened.  He was still wearing his collar with dog tag on.  We did not in the end have to pay for his keep this week.  The whole thing seems so frustrating beauocracy wise but I am only pleased we have found him, but only after pushing the council.  It is only also through postering that we found him.  Postering beat the system.  Thank you all so much, Nikki and everyone else, also the Reigate and Banstead Dog Warden who has been very supportive.  I want to let her know but in the excitement cannot find her contact number.  Epsom and Ewell Dog Warden has not been in evidence.  We want to make donation to your work and we are willing to be volunteers for this area if needed.With loads of love Revd. Liz and Mr Doug Richardson!  Thats a surprise isn;t it!  By the way Henry is so excited he cannot stop making noises and even weed with excitement which is incredible for Henry as he can go for hours without bothering to wee.  Needless to say Henry and son Alfie will both be microchipped asap and security will be stepped up.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
Welcome home even !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
Can't wait to hear his story, wecome home Henry xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
BRILLIANT that your letter has been printed in the Guardian this week and a lovely picture of Henry ! This will hopefully let lots of people know that he is missing and be on the lookout. You are right of course that strays are no longer the business of the police so it is difficult for someone finding a dog to know what to do. My nephew is a policeman based at Epsom  and knows all about Henry and how concerned we are for him.  Thank you for the very nice mention of Doglost it is always so useful to get more people aware of this website. The more people that look in, even if they don't want to actively get involved, the better chance for all the missing dogs on here.  I so hope that you will get some news very soon.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
I am assuming that you have advised Battersea and the RSPCA. As Henry has no tag or Microchip you need to visit these places in person to check he is not there. Also be aware that the RSPCA send dogs out of the area if they are full so check with them as to where they are likely to have sent him. I think they have somewhere in Putney.  Southern Counties Radio have been very helpful previously and put an appeal on their website as well as over the radio so it would be good to contact them.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
Have you spoken to Tadworth Court themselves ?  I know they have a gardener/groundsperson there, probably been out and about clearing snow the last few days. Make sure they are aware and have a poster.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
I understand that you used to live near Tadworth Court, so there is a possibility he may make his way in that direction. Please could any helpers around there keep an eye out.  Obviously that is a very important area to poster and make sure that your ex-neighbours are aware. I've sent details to only person I know in Tadworth. Poster the station and school area if it's possible to get there, still not sure about the roads. Considering it's rained all night 'my' snow doesn't seem to have moved or got any softer.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
I'm so sorry that I've not been able to actually get out with posters myself, my road is still a sheet of ice and attempts to get car off the drive just too scarey. I'm rather too far from the Downs to walk/slide there in this weather but I'm so glad you have managed to get out. I rather bombarded you with suggestions in a previous post I know but they are all places that are really important to cover. Particularly all local stables (and there are so many) 'cos he could well want creep in one of them for shelter and the cafe/hut on the Downs where so many people gather.  I don't suppose many people are playing golf with all the snow down but knowing golfers it won't stop them for long and take a poster into the clubhouse. Ask St.Martins school to put up a poster as well as one outside, don't know that Epsom College would be very helpful but you could make sure that there is a poster outside where pupils would see it.  I know I've said most of this before, the frustration of not being able to actively help you !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Glad you've got your message on ok now Doug!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I think we have solved computer problem, it was my mac. which would not work on comments.  Just to say a huge thank you for your wonderful support and encouraging comments, they have really helped us get through this week.  We are postering but is a bit slow so far, due to weather but we have given th downs wardens a poster,
old dog walk places, police station epsom, fire station, some house to house locally, rising sun pub which is local plus another local one, Langley vale garage etc etc.  still loads to do but we are with your encouragement persevering.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner is having trouble posting on sirte so wants us to pass on her admiration and thanks for all the local helpers and they really appreciate your help.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
doug if you have time please update the site as this will keep the search focused in the right area.... looks like you have got some excellent help here. good luck xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Thank you Bess 'n' Barney's Mum , 16912. Lab is now re united with owners but really appreciate your help in the search here.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Check today's found dog 16912 Labrador Retriever.....wrong area but you never know, dates tie up.   Be safe Henry and come home soon xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Thanks Paula.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just emailed Nikki the posterLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
Nikki has been driving round the Downs this afternoon hoping for a sighting, she is braver than me but then has a 4 x 4 so a better chance of getting thru'. I've asked Paula to e mail Nikki the poster as she's offered to print some for owner. I'm completely hopeless with anything to do with computers.  Come on Henry it isn't the weather for larking about.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Thanks Jan S for all your help here especially the local knowledge.Thank you too ,Alfmar for cross posting this. I have just spoken to Henry's owner & he is going to contact Nikki from Epsom Canine Rescue.I will email Henry's owner some information on scenting just incase this is needed once some more sightings come in. Also some suggestions on where to poster. At the moment posters are the best way to get people aware that Henry is out there & lost.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
When you are able to get up the Downs be sure to poster around the golfcourse and take one into the clubhouse. Ask the stable lads who are exercising the horses on the Downs, the rangers are usually very helpful. Put poster at the 'snack hut' they are always sympathetic as well.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
I understand from Nikki that she has spoken to the DW about this poor chap. There seems to be a thought that he could be lost on the Downs, an area he doesn't know.  Check with all the stables up there as well as Chalk Lane, he could be sheltering somewhere warm. Doug, could you confirm that the phone number on the poster is correct, thanks.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
I've passed details to Nikki at Epsom Canine Rescue. Where did you usually  walk Henry ?  I'm sure this is obvious but be sure to take posters into St. Martins School as soon as they re-open, ask people at Atkins to keep a look out. Fire station ?  Back in the summer Nikki and I picked up a stray that had been sleeping for some time in a derlict building at the back of the parade of shops that back on to the Town Hall car park. There are a few alleyways there and fast food places. This chap lived for several weeks on leftovers from the Subway sandwich place ! Also seen by Atkins staff at that end of town. There is another office by the cinema car park, they were feeding him jaffa cakes ! Worth taking a poster in there. Think the cinema encourages more dropping of fast food etc and consequently hungry dogs. Also poster stables etc in Chalk Lane, he could be sheltering there.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Furlover - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Found   16899   might be worth checking.   Still awaiting details however on gender of the found one but says older dog Hope Henry is found soon  xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
I've passed Henrys details to friends and family in Epsom, including my nephew who is a local policeman, based at Epsom. Hope you will get some news very soon. Only sorry the snow is too deep to be able to offer to get out and do anything more at the moment.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Henry went missing from Downside near St Martins church he was last seen in the flats on the left before the police station from there we have no other sightings since.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan S
I'm in Epsom, up to my nose in snow unfortunately. Can you tell us whereabouts here Henry went missing from ?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
 i see the picture now excellentLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi owner  i have cross posted to labrador forums. please get out there and POSTER POSTER POSTER... i cannot tell you how important a part the posters will play in getting henry back home. make sure you offer a reward on the posters... please send a photo in by email if you have one to and quote henry’s ref no 16867..poster everywhere people go  supermarket carparks retail parks bus stops pet shops etc. make sure you have informed the dog warden and all vets rescue centres in the area. tell postman binmen etc and give them posters..put some in your car too if you have one. good luck xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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