Reunited: Fawn With Dark Mask On Face Mastiff Male

  • Dog ID 17017
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 04 Apr 2009
  • Name ISAAC
  • Gender & Breed Male Mastiff
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour fawn with dark mask on face
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 07 Feb 2009
  • Where Lost Harlow, Essex
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CM18
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
  • Views 1820
  • ISAACPoster Image
  • ISAACExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Kelllly has asked me to post this mesg as her computer is playing up again. Kelly and her family would like to say a huge thankyou to all those who participated in the finding of Isak. A special thanks goes to the Dog Lost organisation, who by donations are able to bring communities together to give our lost dogs a stronger chance of being found. Kelly intends to make a donation later  and if anyone else feels they can do the same please do, you never know you may need them one day. If you want to make a " Harlow Crew" group donation then please contact Kelly on 07961 840 412 or Annette on 0777 186 6317 Thanks again for all the supportLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I don't know how i missed this as i've have been trying to check Isaacs page every day!!!!  I am over the moon that he has been found safely....fantastic news....Welcome home Isaac xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
wooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooo this is just amazing news. Welcome back Isaac!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
REALLY THRILLED to see Isaac home safely at last!  You must all be delighted, not least of all Isaac who will enjoy some spoiling now I'm sure.  Stay safe now young man. xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have spent the afternoon with Kelly, David, Reggie, Bud and Isak, and i must say how fantastic he looks, and so so contented, he came straight over to me and the bond he has with Reggie is a joy to see, you would think they had been together all their lives, watching them play was worth all the late nights/early mornings spent looking for him. A very happy ending to this story, its a shame the endings are not all like this. Isak is a very special dog and has a wonderful family this is only the begining of a great life for him. lots of love from Annette.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
spuds mum
well done guys im so thrilled for you, what dedicated owners you are.i hope he can finally enjoy the lifestyle with u guys he s deserves.xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hooray!!! You've got Isaac back! My mum's been keeping watch for ages and she was very excited which made me very excited when we saw that he'd been found, and by kids too! We are hoping that we'll have a happy ending soon too. Our GSP has been lost for 12 weeks and we really miss him.  Best of luck having Isaac get settled in. Love, Zoe (age 9)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Just been speaking to Isak's mum and really pleased to say Isak is doing fantastically well!! Seems his time out loose has actually made him less nervous and he has settled in to his new family really well. The full story of his capture......the kids found Isak as he had got himself a bit stuck in some brambles. They managed to stay around him and keep him calm and then 2 ladies (one a vet!) helped to free him and get a lead on him......and then a very happy reunion with his family!! Well done all. Big bear hug to Isak!  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This has made my day, I've been checking and hoping to read it, and then they day I didn't he's back! But fantastic, the children who found him did really well, and to not want a reward too, just shows there are plenty with good values. So pleased for you to have your boy back.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Yipeee, This is just the best news, I've been following this since the begining and willing Isaac to come home, being too far away to be of any actual help. Welcome home Isaac and stay safe from now on. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Welcome home Isaac.  What wonderful news.  Everyone worked so hard to get this boy back where he belongs.   I think you should definately try to get the story in the local paper - what a happy ending and well done the children for what they did.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been away for a week and come back to this wonderful news - congratulations and well done to everyone involved - I know that lots of people put in a huge amount of time and effort to get this boy home and it's paid off - brilliantLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
wOW!!  Yippee.  We can have a lie in Sundays now. Don't you dare get that door open again Isaac xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have been going round taking down the missing posters while out with my dogs today, i know June (Budsmum) has been doing the same, so please if when out and about you see any of the posters can you please take them down and bin them, many thanks Annette.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Yay !! welcome home isak ... have been following his story and the wonderfull people out there helping get him home safe, off to get the tissues now.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What excellent news!  I haven't been able to help much except drive round when in the area but know how hard people have worked to get Isaac home.  Now stay put, don't let yourself out and enjoy your new family!  Welcome home Isaac xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm so pleased to see this lovely big boy back home. Well done to everyone and especially the children who eventually caught him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Like many others I have been watching Isaac's story from afar.   I'm so very pleased and thrilled to log on and find that he's finally home, safe and well.   What a relief.   Well done to everyone involved, welcome home Isaac and stay safe now xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
What FANTASTIC news !! well done to the children who managed to capture him. We had a similar outcome here with a dog called Raoul that would not let any adults anywhere near him but  eventually just strolled up to some children who led him back to their house. Its been a long time coming but WELCOME HOME  Isaac and please stay safe from now on xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! Phew may be  HQ phones will calm down a bit now there will be no more phoned in sightings!  Well done everyone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wonderful news!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So, so pleased for you. You've tried & tried so hard & it's so brilliant he's safe home at last.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is such great news. How lovely that children managed to overcome his nervousness and catch him in the end. I was also very moved, not only by Kelly and David's obvious dedication in finding him but also by Netty's and other people in this Town I met looking for him. It makes it seem a much better place to live somehow. Glad he is home safe and in such a loving home.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
OMG!  I've been out all evening and it's now just past midnight so having logged on to check out things on several dogs in particular, I am just so over the moon that Isak is now finally home.  Well done to the children for making him feel safe enough to be taken home and to absolutely everyone else who has been involved with bringing this lovely large boy back where he belongs.  Fantastic.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hound man
kid.s who need’s them.i know a dog who does. a bit
 funny for me here guys When i was out looking  always said to the kids its you that will find him for us NOT ONE’S PLAYING WITH THERE
PS feed him a lot .seen him not
now where did that trap go to ?
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fantastic news and big well done to team Isaac, brilliant job,you all worked so hard to get this boy home, so pleased he is safe and back home with his family. welcome home Isaac xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Weve all been rooting for you boy.The kids got you in the end...your best friends. Home sweet home xx
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Happy ending and great reward for everyone who has tried so hard to get this boy home. Welcome home isak xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Ad Fab so pleased and happy for you that your boy is home.  Well done all. x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wonderful news !!! I've been checking his page every day. Unfortunately I'm too far away to have helped. Hope he has a long and uneventful life with his new owners. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Wow!! What fantastic news. Welcome home Isaac you lovely boy xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
I have not postered before on Isack's page but have been following his story and would just like to say how happy I was to log on tonight and read that he has been reunited with his family, how pleased all the dedicated people who have helped in the search for him must be feeling, big hug to Isack from me and big licks from my Cocker boyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Fantastic news. WELCOME HOME ISAK!!!! So pleased to read the news when Angus text me to let me know, was out shopping and think the people in the supermarket thought I was a bit crazy! Well done everyone, the 'Harlow crew' really did, once again, do a fantastic all worked so hard and it bought this boy home. I know Kelly & family were so dedicated to finding Isak, and they can now start a new life with him, and breath a huge sigh of relief no doubt! Of course big thank you to the kids who caught Isak - way to go! You've made the day of many people in Harlow and beyond. Would be lovely to see a reunited photo on his page once everythings settled down. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
whooooooooo hoooooooooooooo (jumps up and down) that is fab........ welcome home........  the children involved should be on the front page of the newspaper,they should be very proud of themselves.... and all of you involved in the search should be equally proud!!! xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Brought tears to my eyes reading this wonderful ending. Well done to the children and everyone involved in reuniting this lovely boy. Welcome home Isaac, everyone can have a jolly good rest and a celebration now. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
can't believe it..what fantastic news..well done everyone..Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Millys Mum
I'm so pleased to hear that Isaac has been 'caught' and is back home, safe and sound, with his family. And what wonderful children who found him - what little superstars they are, especially as they had to be 'forced' to take the reward money, which they quite rightly deserved! Also, well done to Isaac's family and to everyone who worked so hard to get this handsome boy back home. Welcome home Isaac and make the most of all the extra fuss and TLC! I'm sure it won't be long until you forget about your scary ordeal... x
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
WOW absolutely fantastic news that this big boy is finally home.  Well done to everyone involved and welcome home Issac.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What fantastic news!!  2 months on the run, and now he's home :-)))  HUGE well done to Netty, Kelly etc. for all they've done to ensure he made it home.  You are fantastically dedicated.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is wonderful news to see Issac safely in his new home, hopefully with lots of TLC ,which I know he will get, he will soon settle in a realise that a nice home is much better than those woods. There will be plenty of happy people in Harlow tonight. Well done everyone who helped in the search and hope that Mum gets better soonLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome home Isaac, now stay put. What a great effort from all involved in Isaacs adventure.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Kelly has just rung me and asked me to put on the website that Isak was caught by some children at the back of Greenhills,its about 7.20pm and she has got him home and he is laying in the front room.Apart from a couple of small scabs on him he is fine. When Kelly arrived  two ladies had Isak one of whom was a vet, the dog warden put Isak into his van and took him home. As you can imagine Kelly is over the moon, despite not feeling very well at the moment, David has not been too close as Isak is very nervous around men.Kelly gave a reward to the children, which they did not want to take , just confirms that most children are good. A very big thank you to all that have helped in the search for Isak, what are we going to do now.!!!!!!!!!     I would like to wish Kelly, David, Reggie and Bud  a lovely happy time now Isak is home. Get well soon Kelly.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh my goodness! At last! Can stop walking the streets at last! Well done everyone! Cant wait to hear the full story!  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
well done all just spoke with kelly she well happy and isaac apart from a few scratches is fineLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
6.40pm - GREAT NEWS - I HAVE CALLED KELLY AND SHE HAS GOT ISAK, no more details, I called her to see if nay sightings and she said she had got him in the van, I said I would leave her to it and call her tomorrow for more details. well done everyone - he is finally homeLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Jayne, I have tried calling you but got an answerphone.  Can someone please call/text me on 07708 769748 regarding the woman feeding Isaac.  I can be available tonight (any time) and if necessary can get help to the area if we know where he will be.  Thanks.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Big Big Thank you to you all that have made my day that help isak get home kelly david & Reggie are all very happy that isak is now home thank you all at doglost for all your help to get isak back home Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on Isaac!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Made contact with Kelly, explained about Hazel trying to make contact, she said would call her later. Kelly works with very loud machines and cannot always hear her phone, so unless its an actual sightinging of Isak its best to call her after 6pm, as she has told Hazel to do. If anybody has a problem contacting Kelly you can always call me, i am Kellys personal assistant, my mobile number is 07771866317. Thanks Annette. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Had a call from a lady who has been feeding Isaac at night time..she is trying to get hold of owner ...If anyone wants her number please phone me on 0844 800 3220...have given this lady Jo our co ordinators number to liase.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all, have just come back from a funeral in Devon and been catching up on whats happening or not as the case be, with Isak. Spoke to June, Buds mum, she told me that Roxy had passed away,( the little jack russell x that was lost in CM20 area)  so i phoned Mr Moore and he explained that his gardener had found her body in their pond.It is very sad to think that she had been their all the time people had been out looking for her. Mr Moore said that on Saturday 28th he had a call to say alittle jack russell that looked like Roxy had been found near McDonalds, he knew by then it could not  be Roxy but said he should have taken a number incase someone had lost her, but June looked on dog lost and there were no matches. A sad ending for Roxy but at least the family know whats happened to her, some people never know what happens to thier pets.!!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
have just spoke to Kelly and Isak was seen in at Downs School, Pitmans Field, Arkwrights and Whitewaits at about 8.15 - 9.00 this morning, He was rumaging bins. Kelly went and had a look around but couldn't see him.  Am glad there has been a sighting of him today. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had a call from silent paws at 6.45am isak seen in pittmans field, no sightings, gave up at 8am as pouring with rain, Kelly and i having cup of tea, now 8amLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Have been to edge of Town park and down cycle track towards Old harlow and have put up posters saying Isak seen in this area 27/3, so hopefully people will take note that he is still aboutLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I had a call from Kelly at 11.55am to say Isak was at town park area, i went down there but no luck decided to walk the dogs over Ladyshot fields and woods incase he had gone that way but no joy.At least we are getting sightings, people keep telling me he must have been stolen, but are surprised when i say he is seen almost daily but is very nervous and hard to get. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
I have just called Kelly and Isak was over town park about 11.00am today, he then went down the cycle track into the woods behind Tany's Dell School and then appeared to go up across the road heading towards Ladyshot area.  Kelly is getting nearer, lets hope it is this weekend.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Sorry to see that Isaac is still missing - i check his page every day.  I will be up in the Harlow area on Sunday so have printed a poster so that i've got a phone number just in case i see him.  Hoping he turns up safely sooner rather than later. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, Kelly has asked me to put on here that Isak was seen at 7.30am in Ladyshot and 8am at Mark Hall woods (these are the woods at back of ladyshot leading towards the clock tower and Latton Farm) Its now 9am and Kelly has just rung, she thinks Isak is heading towards the rabbit run, she had a good sighting of him and said he looks really well. Have lost sight at moment but wants to say a big thank you to Mark and other people who phoned in with their sightings . Anybody in this area keep a good look out for him please and ring in, thank you.     While i am here just to let you know i have heard nothing back from the council re. trap taken from the rabbit run. Thanks Annette.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Put some posters up in my area and the Town Park. spoke to Kelly yesterday and she did have a call Monday 23/3 late PM that Isak had been seen by Latton Farm, Kelly went for to look for a few hours but could not see him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just to let you know we are still looking for Isak for you. You have done a sterling job of keeping his missing profile high with posters, every dog walker I met is aware of him even just outside Harlow in Pishiobury Park. Ignore the nasty ignorant people they are in the minority there are some really good people in this Town. I am glad you have had so many sightings so we know he is well and still in the area although it must be distressing, not to mention exhausting rushing all over town. I know you are already doing a great job is there anything more I could do that you would find helpful  Sarah 07793713243.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
just to say there are no posters in my area Glebelands, Tany's Dell etc where Isak was last seen as my printer is broke, I have spoke to Annette and hopefully we will be able to put some up this afternoon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Big Thank you to all that are helping.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have been down to the rabbit run today and there is no sign of the trap. I have been in touch with the council and someone is making enquires about it and will get back to me. Any news i will post here.                      Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hound man
going out to see if food been touch
only local for me guys
let s hope he say.s around a bit today.
and we get a call
hound man
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
At 12.30 am as i was taking a friend home, we saw Isak the other side of the road ,(1st Avenue) going the oppersite way near Burnt MIll school. Turned around but no sign of him, guessed he had gone through Altham Grove to the Town Park, we parked up in the park just off Howard Way to have a look but no sign of him, got back into the car when he appeared in the garages in Altham Grove at the side of us, i could not believe it he looked well no sign of a limp, and he crossed infront of the car. We got out and called him he looked around at me, so i crouched down and tried to encourage him to me but he walked off across Howard way towards Tanys Dell. My friend followed him on foot while i tried to phone Kelly and co, but no answer. I then tried June (buds mum) as she lives local and she came out to look with her hubby Paul plus dogs, so a very big thank you to them. I last saw Isak comming out from the woods heading towards Tanys Court/ Gleblands. We searched all along the cycle path to old Harlow, drove around  the old town , tanys dell and nearby areas, then up to the clock tower, down to ladyshot, round the stow area, but at 3am as Buds mum has put we called it a day. Just so glad to know he is okay. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL YOU MUMS OUT THERE, WOULD IT NOT BE GREAT TO GET ISAK HOME FOR KELLY TODAY. A FANTASTIC PRESENT FOR HER. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
it is 3.00am and been back down cycle track near Glebelands/Tanys court& Netty has looked about the same area and no sightings of Isak but Annette said Isak did not seem to be limping. Good NightLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Have just had call from Annette (Netty) and Isak has been seen near Glebelands/Tany's Court, we have been out looking for him and cannot find him again. It is 2.00am, I am going to have another look down the cycle track  Am so glad there has been another sighting since the limping sighting.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Email from helper sent to Admin: Whilst walking my dog up in Hospital /Risden Woods (last weekend 13/14 March) to the south of Sumners estate in Harlow, I did see a mastiff like the one that is missing. Did try to approach him but he seemed very scared and in distress, as soon as I got to within 6-10 ft he was off and I was unable to catch him. This was about 9.15am. Hope this helps. Thank you helper, will alert Co-ordinator.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
I was going to suggest amending the posters, as Phoenix57 has also mentioned. Would you like me to add to his 'Still Missing' poster something along the lines of 'Nervous dog, do not approach - If seen, please call the number below'? Let me know if you do and I can amend and email out to all the local helpers. Kelly and David, like you say Netty, have been doing a fantastic job. I can tell from when I have spoken to Kelly she is really dedicated to finding Isak and they are working so so hard. As are many local helpers. Please don't feel I was being critical in any way (sorry if my post came across like that), not being in the immediate area, and only having the info from the postings here to go on, just making suggestions and offering advice as best I can.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
I've just come back from walking Bud and the trap has gone from near the rabbit run, assume the council moved it away as it was keep town tidy day in that area today. Surely the council workers are aware of Isak.  I have let Kelly know.  Kelly advised has had no sightings since call yesterday about Isak limping. If anyone hears of a sighting please update page if possible or call me - 077 1908 5552 and I will update page. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Maybe the posters should have info on them about not approaching him and calling the owners instead so it is clear. I'm sure people have heard about it but not looked on here so they think they are helping by trying to catch him. It's awful when people are so uncaring, but obviously this man and his mother have sad lives with nothing better to do with their time. It sounds like there are many more nice people out there helping you than horrible ones. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Oh Netty you are doing such a great job sorry to hear you have stumbled across mr Nasty on your travels.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Netty - you are doing a fantastic job, but please don't be negative about what others are offering/doing, nor be put off by idiots like the man who called the posters "litter".  Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and walk away (and imagine what you'd like to really say!!)  Isaac is moving around a large area, and there is no guarantee he will go in the trap (despite it being a brilliant idea), so at least even if people are feeding him in the meantime he is getting some nourishment.  I'm sure Isaac will be caught, especially with people like you helping.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry to be a pain and go on , but in answer to the question about Hazel, she is a very kind lady but lives in a flat and puts food outside her window in the street and although she thinks moving the trap outside her place which is a public walkway to the Harlow Collage and therfore very busy , would catch Isak, I am sure the neighbours and Harlow Council would have something to say about it. I would also like to mention that on Sunday a friend and i were out along cycle track leading to the clock tower , when we came upon a very unpleasant man and his elderly mother who was taking down the posters i had put up of Isak, to cut along story short he was saying they were litter and we wouldnot see him inthis area and that he had been gone far to long to still be around. He said he was fed up seeing the posters they were everywhere, etc etc, he got very personal in his comments.I did not know such unpleasant people were around, i never did find out what his problem was but i would guess he had no time for dogs , he told me i was breaking the law having mine off the lead, there was just no reasoning with this man!!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have spent alot of time following up sightings, driving around in the car, printing off posters and putting them all over the town, if you add up what i have spent it would be frighting but i do not regret one penny spent if it means we get Isak home safe, and i know its not any where near what its cost Kelly and David.Well meaning people say you should do this and you should do that but believe me the advice given is taken onboard. BUT how do you kindly tell people that think they are being helpful to back down, the advice in the begining was to put out food to encourage him to stay around, but we have no idea who is feeding him and where. If we could get a mesg to all of Harlow dog lovers to ease off  and just work with what Kelly says then we would all be working together to get Isak home soon.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Looking for Isak is really frustrating, so many people mean well but are causing Kelly and David problems. The idea was to put the trap in a quite place that we knew he visited and bait it with food. The area the trap was in was not being used much at the time because it was so muddy there, but as the weather has improved the people are walking that way, hence the vandalising of the trap lately. Also people are seeing the posters and insted of just ringing up with their sightings are chasing the dog. Plus people think they are being kind by putting out food for him. Hazel has not seen Isak, she just says that food she is putting out is going missing and says it must be him. Believe me Kelly and David want nothing more than to get Isak home,so much is thier concern that their gardening business is suffering from having so much time out, looking for him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks for the update Netty. The trap is best to be in a quiet undisturbed spot, if they can get it on private land somewhere hopefully it will stop it being vandalised. On one of the earlier posts it was mentioned Isak was eating food a lady (Hazel?) put out, think she called in with a sighting. If she is feeding him regularly and this is an area he is in, can she help with a new trap location - is she feeding him in her garden - could it go in there maybe? Please do read through the info I emailed you re traps and the best approach. You also need to consider who is feeding him - he needs to be hungry to go in the trap, if he is getting food from various places en route, he will be nice and full and less likely to go into the trap. I know it is difficult, especially in the built up areas, but where possible once the plan for the trap is decided, the feeding needs to be restricted to the trap area as much as possible.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am posting this for Kelly as she is having problems with her laptop.There have been sightings at the Dashes at lunchtime, and a call to say Isak was heading towards Bush Fair about half hour later, the man said Isak could be hurt as he was limping on one of his hind legs. David is thinking of moving the trap as it keeps getting vandalised.    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Another sighting.  Sighter on phone to owner direct with latest info.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
I have just read that you appear to have set up a trap for Isaacs which has been damaged by someone. Can I please give you some advice.  When sighting  a trap it should be in a quiet place away from any regular thoroughfare, not on view for all to see.  Food should be put in twice a day, morning and evening at the same time. Do not set the trap for some days.Once it is set, it must be manned from a distance. Another tip, if he approaches this lady again,  it is best to get down below his level, that way he will not feel threatened and continue his approach rather than running away.  Good luck, I hope you have him home soon...judy
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hurry home gorgeous xx
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all, as its been a lovely day i have been out down by the river and park with my dogs and handed out small flyers with Isaks  details on to most people i have seen, they have all promised to look out for him. I also spk to an ABC mini cab driver on this break and he is making sure other drivers are aware he is still missing.Had a call from Hazel who lives in Broadfields and says Isak is taking food she is putting out and food that is left out for the foxes in Whitewaites, by Greenhills end. The lady who saw Isak in the woods near me said he bounded over all happy but as soon as she reached out to him he ran. Its good to know he is going up to some people, hope its not too long before he gets caught. Annette.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry kel was out till late looking and over slept this morning am going out now have some more food for the trap to put outLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Keep checking on this boy-so hope you get him very soon
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on Isaac - watching your page daily hoping to see you in Blue xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Another sighting just now...Kelly is going to ring sighter for more details.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks to all that call today it is a big help to no wot way he is going   Thanks netty for puting on ware isak is going for me and for all the posters you have put up and to Gemma hound man thank you for still looking and for puting out food We have put posters on the trap a lot of times. isak seen today ladyshot fields by the park / cook spinney school / Green hill & woods at back / the stow area  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Isak was seen about 10am at the Downs and later at the woods by Pittmans Field off Howards Way. Then about 4pm he was seen at the stow possibly heading towards Arkwrights, but no luck. Good to know he is still in the area. Thanks to all that were out looking. Annette.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hound man
hi guys
been puting food out around stow wayto try and keep him saying around
about here if you see him
let me know. and can you put a time on with you posts guys
helps to know how and where he is moveing
 hound man.
going for a look round now  ,,,,,,7 pm
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
dog just been seen by the stow am heading off that way now, a note for the trap is a good idea, but really i just think people should just leave things alone that dont belong to them, or they could have called the Police if they felt anything illegal was going on instead of causing criminal damage to it i am not impressed, there are quite alot of people who know about it and signs every where near by in relation to the missing dog Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
They may not realise that it is to help an animal, maybe they think someone is trying to catch wild animals or pets illegally. It could be worth putting a note on it just to say it's not for some illegal purpose. If they are doing it just to be vandals then I think they are complete bas**rds!!!!!!!! Is there any possiblity of someone keeping a discrete eye on the trap during the night? (I realise that it's not always that easy, people have to sleep etc.!!)  
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
someone has damaged the trap broken the locking catches and cut the string that pulls it shut for the second sucessive nightLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
isak was seen today at the risdens fields at 6.30am  i am going to risdens now it is 10.00am Thanks to the lady caller that did go back and look for my number from the poster  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Great there has been more sightings but I really hope Isak isn't moving out of the area. A regular feeding routine really does need to be established and maintained in the area he is in, he may not take to it right away but he will with time. This will then help with the trap. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Isak has been seen this mornining up the sumners area and was told gone off towards nazing. Spuds mum texted to say seen last night and this morning in Brocklesmead. So it would seem he is heading out of the area, lets hope he comes back like before. I have just come back from walking my dogs around the area leading onto Rye Hill Rd , i got excited when i saw a large brown dog in the distance but it turned out to be a boxer when i got closer.I will not give up looking and will be out postering other areas tomorrow, please do the same in your area if there are no posters up, the new ones say still missing, as alot of people cannot believe he is still out running around after all this time. Thanks for looking out for Isak, and please, please PUT UP POSTERS IN YOUR AREA. the more people looking the sooner he is home.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i am sorry no up dates from me my lap top is not working very will Thanks netty it is in the herald this week Thanks to all that are still helping. if you have no time to help but would like to do sum think please print of one poster and put it up where you live Thursday he was on the rye hill Rd  on the fields long way in the field / woods david and paul did see isak they  I have had no more calls to up date were isak is now saturday I will keep a look out for the jack russel cross (Roxy)    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I did try the star paper first but they did not want to know, they said that if they put articles in the paper about all the lost dogs in Harlow they would have no room for news, but i think this is news! !!!! as i have said before. The article in the Herald was meant to have been in two weeks ago but there was not enough room, and i had to chase them up to get it in this week, i have not seen a copy yet but i understand there was no picture, they said they would download it from the website and if not  they  would ring me and i would take one down to the office.I had no call, but sorry no picture as it would have made more people notice the article .Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
thanx netty , i think david and kelly want to move the trap more into the path so it will get checked out soonLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have just noticed the add in the herald page 3. Why could'nt the harlow star have done that a few weeks ago? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
have walked my dogs along the rabbit run, to the duck pond but no sightings today. I have postered all round the area plus Greenhills and the park off of it. The trap was still open but it looked like some of the covering had been pulled off as there was a pile of branches etc a short way from the trap, i may be wrong but worth checking it out. I    read about Roxy and put a note on the site to say i could help out with posters etc i also put my mobile number but have heard nothing  has anyone been in contact with the owners? Annette.                                                                                                             Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks whitehorse. Roxy is a Jack Russel Terrier cross, she looks very like a Jack Russel - she is small, short smooth haired and is white and brown. Her face is all brown apart from a splash of white on nose and a bit in the middle of her forehead. There are 2 photos of her on her page on Doglost too. So, not the dog you've seen. I will get in touch with the dog warden and see if they have had any reports of a similar missing dog to the one you described. If you see him/her again, and are able to get a mobile phone pic that would be great - he/she may be a regular escapee or let out, or of course she could be in the same situation as Isak, you just never know! Depending on the curliness of the coat, could be a Labradoodle maybe or if longer coated a Retriever, or if not maybe a lurcher type. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jotty- am keeping a look out for other lost dogs whilst out looking for isaac, but not sure on all the breeds , i wouldn't know that breed can you try and describe it as i do keep running into this other dog, its white, about lab size , curly sort of hair , i l seen it a few times going through bins, last time about 5 nights ago by the garden tiger pub about 7pm ishLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
2 very good opportunity's to catch him yesterday,had a close encounter myself, at least he was looking well. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have just got in from spending 2hrs putting up more posters, lots of people were saying they have seen him around so hope we get him soon. Annette.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
I have just spoke to Kelly and Isak is over Rye Hill Road way, Kelly and partner are over there - 3.30pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just had a drive round that area but difficult to look that well by car.  No signs though.  There are alot of black sacks around so he may be tempted to raid them!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sighted this morning crossing Tumbler Road into Tilbury Meade.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Well done, keep at it, your patience will pay off in the end! I hope you don't mind me mentioning this on Isaac's page but please can the 'Harlow crew' also be on the look out for 5 month old JRTx Roxy. Gone on site today, id 17436. Missing from CM20 Harlow/Gilston area. Thanks guys. Have also asked Roxy's owners to be on the lookout for Isaac.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
thanx to everyone for there advice ,had been using large bones, dog meat and garlic sausage in the trap as that smells loads!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, I spoke to you the other day about sitting by the pond with your son.  I wondered if you went at the same time and same place every day (if poss) with some smelly food, whether Isaak would start to get curious and trust you enough to come closer each time.  Even if you don't see him there for a while, I would still go. Try to ignore him but leave the food a little way from you and see what happens.  This might sound simple but could be worth a try.  The trap also sounds good.  You've got my phone number if I can help.  Good luck.  Donna xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You are all doing so well, I feel sure you'll soon get some breaks. The Sheri and the Wisbech Bubbles Team had to adjust the cage for a couple of days until they got it just right, complete with roast lamb joint firmly attached and bingo! Also sardines went down well in one of her regular places.Good Luck and hope he's home very soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Am posting onto ALL missing bullmastiff's so please excuse me if not matching yours. One has been taken into Springfield Kennels at Ossett. 2nd row from bottom-left hand side  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Modifactions have been made to the trap today But as i undersand it he was last seen at styple tye  sunday Uncomfirmed sighting Hopefully not long Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Sounds really promising as Nettswellbury Woods and Greenhills very close and he didnt run the minute saw you.  I am sure you have but have you had work with workmen building new sports centre as between the two and would be an idea place for him to find food - all there packed lunch scrapes etc ! and the College Kitchens also very close to there.  The building site may be a good place to try and entice him and trap as is a secure area.  We are constantly around that area at all different times and keep a constant eye.  Good luck. x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks to all that are still looking for isak Thanks netty for puting out posters thanks for puting poster up in black cab and for keeping your eyes open Capote and Parters i was out looking on sunday by netteswell woods and i see isak two times he did not run away from me and my son he did not take the food that was by us then he went off. had a phone call later and he want to green hills we went back to the van because it was raining now i see Hound man comeing to look for isak so thanks agon and for looking in the rainLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have printed out over 100 of the new posters of issac still missing, i added a bit to say please note the numbers and to ring as soon as seen. These i have put out this morning in my area, the stow, cycle track from stow to latton farm, along the cycle track by 2nd avenue, and part of howards way. I will poster the duck pond and cycle track to the town tomorrow. Lets hope  we have some sightings soon. I have also spoken to the Herald free paper to see what happened to the story they promised me,and was told it was tight for space but promised to get back to me about it, Most people i speak to now out with dogs have heard about issac and lots have had sightings but say he moves really fast, a fact that we all know!!!  He is becoming quite well known in Harlow espcially with school children around St  Marks were he is seen often.We have to get him soon !!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Still looking for isak for you and my partner who is a black cab driver is looking out every evening as he travels around Harlow. Sadly we haven't seen him yet but will keep eyes peeled until he is home safe with you.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
A friend of mine see Isaac in Long Ley today 8/3 at about 4.30 pm, he ran away when he see them.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
last seen from netteswell pond going up on the fiend to latton fame at 1.30pm todayLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi everyone, Kelly has just rang me , its now 12.15pm and she had a report that Isak had been seen around Greenhills  and Asdas about 20mins ago. Anyone in that area please keep a lookout for him. Thanks. Annette.                                                                                        Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just keep on his case, you will get him in the end, we were all still searching for Bubbles up to nearly 6 weeks, it was the trap that finally clinched it - with roast lamb as bait! Good Luck.And its milder now too so he'll have found a nice warm little hidey hole for day times.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you to all that have not given up looking or helping for isak i no it has been 4 weeks today him has be out but it fill like a year to me. isak was seen today Tillwicks Rd up to latton fram woods / fields 1.30 - 2.30pm i did not seen him and him was not in the trap if you wound like to help but have no time please just print off one poster and put it up or put it up in your car / van Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
As I have said to Isak's mum, loose dogs will typically move in a triangular pattern, they won't run and run when loose - this will take too much energy. Loose dogs need a very careful approach, it quite often takes a lot of time and patience as I know Isak's family appreciate. It is great he is following the same pattern, and that he is pretty much sticking to it. This can be used to our advantage. Now you have the trap, if you are going to continue to use it (I know there were some issues about the security of its location and vandalism??), then all efforts need to be directed that way. I hope you got my email about the approach used to trap a similar very nervous dog - this took days and was very gradual, ensuring the dog was comfortable and routinely taking the food in preparation for 'd-day' which was then a total success and the dog was caught! As you have said whitehorse, Isak must not be chased, this could push him away and scare him out of the area. He has proven on a number of occasions that he is very nervous and will bolt (behaviour which even the most stable of dogs may revert to once out loose for several days). I know Sue C already posted about the best sort of behaviour to adopt if Isak is seen, almost the 'think dog' approach, to recap: no eye contact, keep movements and voices low, do not approach Isak (as difficult as this will seem) but instead try to gain his trust and walk away, he will then start to realise you are not a threat. If you have food drop some on the floor as you walk away. Others in the past have tried laying on the floor, some have cried etc (this has worked!)......but the key is Isak must not see you as a threat and needs to trust you. All sounds easy and in reality it is more tricky but this approach does work. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It does seem he likes a certain area , we keep scaring him away then he comes back , so please be careful and try and resist chasing him too much , up to now we been lucky he keeps coming back , we need to try and be friend him .Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Last Seen today at Tawney Rd / Willowfield Area at 12.15pm Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
spuds mum
i've been away for a few days but have'nt stopped thinking bout isaac.i'll be bk out there looking for him,gutted he hasn't been caught yet but glad theres still so many sightings.he's lucky 2 have such dedicated owners.c u out there guys.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
I spoke to Kelly Isaks Mum earlier and he was seen at Little Cattins (in Seymours near Katherines) and he went in a field near Ada Cole Stables this morning about 7.15amLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hound man
sorry mum .
did not know
so it,s two to go then in Harlow at the mo
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Three out of three even......please !   Meaning you, Isak, in case you haven't got the message yet, AND the lovely Chelsea XXXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i got my fingers crossed you make it 2 out of 2 kiethLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Sorry Hound Man - dont forget Chelsea out there too !! Re Issac : was speaking to a friend yesterday who also has a B M and he is nervous too.  She told me that the B M  Rescue are actually based in Nazeing - you prob know this - but if dont they may have some ideas etc in the best way to handle catching a nervous B M.  So sorry you not got him yet was so sure last weekend was going to be it - but keep positive at least you have sightings still. x x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hound man
try up there tonight
keithx  PS Harlow lost dogs
one down one to go
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is the exact area that my dog ended up at a couple of years ago.  He had 'gone to ground' in the woods and was passing between Seymours area and Milwards for food, then back to the woods.  It may be worth doing what we did, which was just sit in the park for a few hours to see if he appears en route.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks for posting Diane. Yes, he will be very scared. If you spot him again let him see you drop some food on the floor and then turn and walk slowly away. This is less intimidating than taking food from someones hand and he might follow you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am the lady who saw Isak in Katherines this morning.  He and my dog were sniffing each other.  He was soooo close but as soon as I tried to give him a biscuit he ran away.  Although he was skinny he looked quite well.  Just scared poor boy.  I will keep looking out for him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Isak was seen on saturdayay Rye Hill Field / Woods by the fram 11.30am - 1.00pm Isak was seen today at 7.15am in Seymours this is in Katherines.THANK YOU to the lady that phone me.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks Michelle, I've passed your number on to Isak's owner.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I live in Harlow and although I'm working tonight if there are any sightings at all please call my mobile (07708 769748) and I'll come straight over (doesn't matter how late it is!).Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi everyone, I haven't posted before but just wanted to let you know that we've been walking Isaac's regular routes and although no sightings yet we have seen the trap and it's awesome! Please keep us up to date with any new sightings on the site ? we're based at the other end of Harlow but can move quickly and join in the search if he's spotted this week. Good luck! (please ignore previous posting ? my browser doesn't work very well with this site!)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What a great idea. We are still keeping our eyes out for Isak, hope todays the day.  Must say how impressed we are with the owners determination come on Isak
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Spoke to Silent Paws last night and she filled me in......and wow - well done Isak's owners - a home made trap (which sounds the business!!) - what a good idea given that he is too big for the traps we could get our hands on in this area. Now, its a bit of a waiting game, and patience will most certainly be a virtue! Your hard work and the effort you are putting in is admirable, you are doing everything you can I know. Now that the trap is set on the route you know Isak takes, with good bait inside, and with him hungry enough, I am sure it will only be a matter of time now. I expect you are doing this, but keep the bait in the trap fresh and nice and stinky. You could also put some tripe in an old pair of tights and drag this up to the trap and inside, right to the back, this could help him find his way to the yummy feast that awaits inside. Fingers really tightly crossed for you, come on Isak!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks to all that was helping this week end Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
lots of sightings just before the weekend , same places which is good , a big thanks to kieth for the bell for the trap we set up and the dog wardens for equipment they've loaned us , and everyone for all there help and ideas , i think with a base camp on howards way now offering free tea to helpers , and lots of sightings in that area hopefully just a matter of time ! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you for the poster Jotty. Just one thing, I'm not going to take the old posters down, we need people to notice the new ones and if we take the old ones down they will look the same. Two posters on the same pole or tree will stand out more. Good luck everyone.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Poster now emailed to you Jennie.....sorry, was sure I'd included you in first email but obviously hadn't! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Could you please e-mail me the new poster please! Thank you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hound man
think your right ..he must have a place where hiding up in the day time im thinking  1  allotments 2  clock tower farm 3 woods 4 near the duck pond and if we can find is place NOT Go in but wait and get
as many people in the area all and cover all his escape routes
or as he is young  if i see him he may come and play with the hounds and try to get himself a pack
lets hope it not long how
keithxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is probably going to sound ridiculous but have you thought of cutting the end from a stocking or pair of tights, stuffing it with smelly fish and making sure it is soaked in juice, tying the end and attaching some string to it. You could maybe walk the areas of the sightings swinging it around to distribute the odour and dragging it along the ground. It may just bring him out of hiding. A bit messy I know but its just a thought.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
I have amended Isak's A4 poster to say 'Still Missing' and have emailed out to Kelly and all the helpers posting on Isak's you should all have a copy! If I have missed anyone out by mistake, please post on his page and I will send on. Please be careful that no-one is chasing Isak upon the sightings, as you know by now after the 3 long weeks, this will not help and he will just bolt. Obviously you guys all know what your doing but sometimes well meaning locals aren't so up on the best sort of behaviour to adopt. If you can get him used to the feeding station/point, now you know the routes he is regularly taking, he will find the food, and then will start to rely on it - if this could sent up in a garden on somewhere on the route that (or barn/stable on a farm??) then over time when he is totally happy and has a big juicy bone or something he could be shut in.....possibly a workable alternative to a trap? Do you think they is anywhere that may be suitable?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry do not no why isak is not in the herald this week i will phone them they did say they wound. To netty this is to say a big thank you for all your help in puting up posters comeing out late in the nigth i no you can not run but you are my eyes and ears when we are looking for him P.S you do like good in your P.JS and Wellys we have got sum postmans legs out but thanks. Any idea are welcome thanks jennie for the call late nigth i do thank still missing posters are a very good idea sorry do not thank sgueeky toys are. this is just because he is so nervous i do thank a bitch in season is a good  idea A very big thank you to all dog lovers that have call me or are helping me get isak back Big thanks to all family,friend and helpers & silent paws that was out in till very late last nigth and buds mum how i see this morning looking big thanks Hopefully this is the week end we get him it has been 3 weeks now Fingers Crossed  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
He has just been sighted on Southern Way heading down towards Bush Fair.9.35 a.m. Saturday morning here.  He may be heading towards the Duck pond area. Mimsmum. edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Right or wrong, I did make a couple of suggestions to Kelly and Co last night. Maybe the  poster could be updated to say 'Still missing', only because people I have been asking have been saying 'Oh is he still alive?' and 'I thought he would have been caught by now'. I also suggested a squeeky toy to tempt him, at 14 months he is still a puppy and may want to play. I do hope they had a succesful night,Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been reading Isaac's fun and games & after been involved in capturing a saluki that had been roaming for 9mths, I know how frustrating it can be. PLEASE- dont let anyone chase him, ask people to ring you with sightings & have a nominated few that work with you. From his point of view he's having a ball & cant see what your problem is- bear in mind he's young. As he has 'points' find the safest one & feed from this. Leave item of clothing with a scent he knows - it doesnt sound like a trap is an option, if you can use a shed/barn move the feeding point, feed for a good couple of days before you close the door. It took a friend & myself 4 weeks of daily visits to catch my Sal, using a trap & we had to do everything at her pace. Whilst she would come near for food she was never closer than 50ft. Stay low & calm- its really hard because you feel so close but so far. Smelly fish like makeral & pilchards normally does work because the smell drifts, get the feeding routinue in place, then work on trapping or shutting in a building. If you try do it too soon it will spook him more & he may move on. Fingers crossed you will catch him soonLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've been following Isaac's story and the amount of work being put into finding him is amazing. I'm keeping everything crossed for you. Good luck for tonight and hopefully we'll see him in the blue soon. You so deserve some luck after all your hard work.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Issac has just been seen at Nichols Field Allotments 9.45pm, cycle track side. He has run towards latton farm, Kelly and Co are on his tail and hoping he goes towards Howards Way underpass. Good luck for tonight!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Hi  I looked in the Herald and could not see anything in there about Isaac. Fingers crossed for tonight.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
You are so close - sure you will have him soon.  Just an idea why not take some chopped up meat and a very large bone (or one of the baked 'postman's legs' from Eastwick shop) and when see him just sit down on floor and throw bits of meat as far away from you as possible.  Then when settled put large bone down and move back.  Bone needs to be large enough not easy for him to carry and run.  He may then be so interested in bone you get your chance ?  Good luck. x x I feel really sure that you are going to get him this weekend. x x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am sure we will have him soon.To add to all this i took a neighbour to the vets with her 4 cats as she has no car, also lent her my cat and dog box to take them in, we were in the carpark, she lifted out one box and the two cats escaped from it, we managed to get one back, but i have spent until 2.30pm looking for the other and will be going back soon. I think he knew what he was going in for  and was having none of it!!!! I will walk my dog around the rabbit run now just incase i get lucky!!! its now 3.15pm and i truely believe i have found my vocation in life looking for lost animals.Will let you know if we have any luck later. Also i did not get a Herald paper yet so have not seen article on Issac, has anyone seen it and did they put his picture in? Well done to all the helpers and to Kelly and David who have given up sooooo much to look for Issac, he is one luckydog to have such lovely owners. FIND HIM !!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
At the other end just incase he managed to double back  also i cannot run like David does.Felt a bit of a fool standing there in broad daylight kids going into St Marks, me in my pjs and welly boots, holding a dog lead .Again no luck, where does he keep hiding? We gave up about 10am and went home, but he is seen mostly in that area now. After lunch my sister and i walked the rabbit run, eyes peeled but no sightings. David said about camping out on the bridge on Howard way, "by the white railings" i arranged to meet him about 6/7pm but i am ashamed to say i had some dinner and fell asleep. When i woke up i had a missed call and mesg from Bob about 12.35am saying he had sighting of him by the rabbit run and get there quick. but he was on his own i was dead to the world.David and co. nearly got hold of Issac in the field off the rabbit run earlier in the day so we are closer.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi,all have not had a chance to put anything on here for yesterday, but at about 1.45am," yes am " i had a call from Bob to get down to the rabbit run the oppersite end to him because Issac had gone that way, i was also told to ring Paul and David. All through  the night bob, david and i searched the area, about 6.30am, we gave up Bob went off on his bike ,David and i had a drive around but still no luck, so we went our seperate ways. I was almost home when David rang me ,he had spotted Issac going under Howard way towards the duck pond, via the rabbit run,  so i turned round and we tried to get him again no luck, we then had a call to say he was at the pond, got over there no sight of him.David then  put his sim card into my phone as his battery was flat and there was a mesg to say he was at the helipad, by roundabout near police station, again got there  David went up one end i waitedLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
We spoke last night as you were cooking sausages over bridge !  Any luck ?  If not why dont you try throwing some fresh meat cut up into smallish bits over the bridge - I know why dogs take no notice of me cooking sausages but the minute I am cutting up fresh meat they are there like hornets !  Just a thought - of course you will probably trap the local fox ! Fingers crossed. x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hello chelseas mum is geoff the harlow dog warden if so i do have his number  if we can get a net trap that would be good thanks for that.  we are going back out now and will be out in till late so if you see him please phone me on 07961840412 thanks  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Was speaking to Geoff the dog warden yesterday re dog I found ! We talked about Issac and he has a dog net trap which is guaranteed to get him (without harm) from yards away.  He is more than happy to come and assist you.  As you now have regular sightings in same place it may be worth you speaking to him - if you havent already. x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry to david and robert who both tryed to phone me around 2 am i had given up and gone home by that time , hopefully he will visit the same field at some point today opposite the netteswell pond , the man who worked there had seen him in the area a number of times Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
He is obviously staying in the same area which is excellent. I would suggest to home him in, other than a trap, is to whimper like an injured animal. They cannot resist coming out to investigate. Stay low below his level and he should approach. Try to avoid eye contact and let him come in close. Have some smell food around too. Sure fire way. Good luck. I am sure he will be home very soon...judy
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Kelly, if you manage to get a suitable trap via the number from Buds mum, please feel free to get in touch so we can advise on the do's and don'ts! I have also got a couple more numbers to try who may be able to help - I can't call during the day very easily as at work, so I'll text them to you so you can enquire. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
The Harrow dog is definately not Isaac. There have been a number of sightings throughout last night with Kelly, Paul & Annette hot on his trail. He has been sighted throughout the Rabit Run and woods leading towards Nettswell pond. Paul and Annette last sighted him at 8am this morning. He seems to spending a majority of his time in this area at the moment. Keeping fingers crossed that they are lucky today.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fingers Crossed today is the day Thanks buds mum for the phone number for that dog trap i have to call them back today Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
How confusing and distressing for you. We will start looking again.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
I've been along the cycle track/woods from The Stow to Latton Farm, then went across by Quarry Springs under the rabbit run and along the through the woods opposite Netteswell pond and sorry to say no sighting.  I got back about 6.15Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Harrow dog warden has a female dog isak is a male the dog that battersea have has no chip so i do not think this is isak we did have sighting of isak by the quarry springs woods ,rabbits run towards netteswell pond  up to 2/3.00pm yesterday guy said definately him Map is looking good Norfolk is to far to go and i do not have ?700.00 deposit Thank you all for your help please keep looking (kelly) 07961840412Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Tried to post the link but wouldn't work!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
The site is in the lost and found section.  Thanks for checking its so handy to have a helper who works at Battersea lost and found section!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Battersea Dogs Homeunicandy
Jayne, could you mail me or let me which site it was posted on? We havent recieved a Mastiff from Harrow in the past few days and is causing a great deal of confusion! Ive also spoken to Harrow and they dont seem to have a record but are trying to track back and see for me. I do have a report of a Large  Tan Female SBT X type dog picked up from Streatfield Road and brought to us by Harrow warden. Could this be causing the confusion?! We do have one from SW London that my collegue has advised the Owner to come and look at, but its not the one from Harrow!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
All we can do is hope one way or another he is found soon xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Whoops my fault. Typo. Just spoken to owner they still want to double check the details of this found dog but as on phone to me another possible sighting has come in..will up date when we hear more.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is what the post says Harrow dog warden service are about to collect a young intact male Mastiff type boy from a friend of mine who found him wandering around the Kenton Lane/Streatfield Road area. He is coloured like a Rhodesian Ridgeback or DDB but appears more like a heavy Ridgeback than like a Mastiff - approx 12 - 18 months old, still puppyish, very freindly. It was found in Harrow but it could still be isaac, quite feasible he has made his way across country.  It goes on to say the dog has been taken to Battersea, could this be because it is NOT Microchipped & therefore not Isaac? I am now very confusedLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What is the point of having your dog micro chipped,? the idea was so that a dog could be scanned and returned to its owner as quickly as possible, so why is it  that you are having dogs taken in by battersea, dog wardens etc and then Kelly is having to phone up and then have a terrible wait for someone to call her back  wondering if its Isaac. You would have thought these people would have a scanner to run over the dog to check for micro chips and then get in touch with the owner asap instead of going all around the houses so to speak to return a lost dog..If this is indeed Isaac the family now have to go to battersea to pick it up, when you say it was found in Harlow, it just does not make sense, but then again not much in the world does nowadays!!!!  thanks Annete.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Jayne, I think there may be some confusion because I thought it said Harrow which is Middlesex, not Harlow.  But hopefully, it's a typo and it should read Harlow!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This sounds promising really hope it is isak
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks Jayne, have passed the info on to Kelly. Fingers crossed here! Please let it be Isak.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Have read a report of a young male Mastiiff on another site that was caught in Harlow yesterday and is now with Battersea dogs home...may be worth a call just to check it out.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Know Nettswellbury  area well as guess you do by now - but just in case you dont - there is the 'path' known as the rabbit run that leads from road on opposite side of pond past Quarry Springs and through fields to Farm.  This is very secluded and overgrown in parts - ideal cover for a dog !  Has he been seen in Farm ? If so would they let you leave a food bait inside an open stable/barn that you could watch from a safe distance ?  Really hope he is home soon. x x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Yes, I believe Isak is fully grown Jimi, and from talking to Kelly he is a rather tall boy too! The standard dog traps that many places have will unfortunately be too small.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi just to let you know we went out with our Bitch in heat and circled the area from Nettleswell Pond, down the back lanes and wooded areas to the cycle path and then walked down to Latton Farm. We then took a drive down Rye Hill road, but we didn't see Isak unfortunately. The area is very well posted and we met another couple also looking for him with their dog. I hope the scent helps in keeping him in the area. Hopefully someone will find him tonight if not we could do a loop again tomorrow or in any other area you suggest would be useful to scent.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry Isaac is proving so elusive!  He's such a lovely boy, it's good to know there are sightings and he's ok.  Is he fully grown?  If we could have his size we'd know what sized trap he would need.  Stay safe Isaac. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Hi Just to let you know the sightings were over 3 hours ago - time now 6.45pm.  I think it was off Second Avenue.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I don't know Harlow v well either but if you look at this map I think they are in the area between Howard way & the A414? Sorry link to map did not work, If you put in Howard way harlow in google maps you will see the names of many places that have been mentioned. soz cannot be of anymore help.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Can someone give me more details of where the sightings are?  I'm not that sure of all areas of Harlow.  I know Second Avenue road and I have seen some posters about but don't want to go to the wrong area.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Walked down cycle track from Nichols Field Clock tower to the stow at 3pm this afternoon, noticed bowl of food not eaten. Also popped over to underpass at Howards Way on way home from work. Nothing, Sorry. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Watching this eagerly waiting to see this lad in the blue - good luck everyoneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks Joe, and everyone else!! It is really good the sightings are coming in thick and fast, and they seem to be within the same sort of area too so glad Isak isn't moving out of the area. Kelly, how is the map of all his sightings looking - I presume there must be an obvious pattern. Have you had any more thoughts on a trap, is the Norfolk one still out of the question? I have still been unable to find a large enough one any closer. I really think a trap may be your answer - he only has to go in it the once and you have him. If he is staying around the same sort of area then we'd know the trap was in the right place so hopefully with some tempting bait, it wouldn't take long.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi everyone have just spoken to issacs mum I have spotted him twice this afternoon opposite side of the road from netteswell pond drinking. he is deffentatly in the area and is looking very thin. I have been around the wooded area with both my bitches one of whom is in season but he does not seem to show himself. Owners are still looking around this area for him so come on doglost people lets get together and try and get this lad home. joeLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We did speak about getting a bitch in season to visit the areas he had been seen the most, ie Latton Farm and MarkHall woods, Ladyshot area, so i think it would be great if you could walk her up and down that cycle track area between Ladyshot shops and Latton Farm, that way we may get him to stay in one area, as long as you bring and take her home in a car so  not to have hoards of dogs  camping outside your home!!! Lets face it anything is worth a try to get Isaac home, lets hope it works.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh bless you must be going crazy not knowing, get back on the phone to them and demand to speak to someone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
harrow dog warden have not phone me it is 10.20am did get a phone call at 7.15am today isak was seen by netteswell pond crossing the rd to the wood latton fram way  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fingers and toes crossed it is Isaac. If not we have a bitch just come into season and we are happy to walk around the areas he has been recently sighted in, in the hope this brings him out.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Kellys computer is playing up so she asked me to put an update on for her. Tried ringing the dog warden but did not get much joy is awaiting a call back from them, could not get much information out of them , so is still in the dark as to wether it is isaac or not.Please do not just sit back tonight because you think he is found ,as it might not be him, so keep looking out for him. ThanksLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck, I hope it's your boyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
Hi, Thanks Simonslady & Sue for the info, I have given Kelly the number for the Harrow Dog Warden and am keeping my fingers crossed. She will update here once she has spoken to them.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Simonslady, have left a message for ownerLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Could this be Issac ? picked up today. Harrow dog warden service are about to collect a young intact male Mastiff type boy from a friend of mine who found him wandering around the Kenton Lane/Streatfield Road area. He is coloured like a Rhodesian Ridgeback or DDB but appears more like a heavy Ridgeback than like a Mastiff - approx 12 - 18 months old, still puppyish, very freindly.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all, have just spoken to Kelly Isaacs mum, and there was no sightings last night despite David camping out in ladyshot with lots of smelly tripe in his van. As yet 12noon there have been no reports of any sightings, the good news is the Herald local paper has said they will put a piece in this weeks copy.When i asked the star paper i was told if they put in stories of lost dogs in harlow they would have no room for news items. As far as i can tell this is a news item to all us dog lovers ,we want Isaac back with the loving family who have taken him in from a rescue  home after being badly treated,therefore making him very nervous and not comfortable around men .I will keep you posted when i have more news. Thanks Annette.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Found my way home to Paul earlier!!  it is 9.30 and have just returned from walking up the cycle track from the Stow to Latton Farm  and no sightings.  Fingers crossed for some news soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all, got a call while in tesco that Isaac had been seen in ladyshot   around the playing field and in the markhall woods which back onto the field, this was mid afternoon. As many people as possible got round to the area but no joy. I think he is in the woods laughing at us . Have got home about 7pm just waiting now for a fresh sighting. once again thanks to all the helpers especially June buds mum  who has now been listed as missing by Paul because she has not been seen for most of today.!!!!!! HOPE THEY ARE REUNITED SOON.                                            Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, I haven't been able to help much but my son and I drove round Rye Hill area this afternoon, mainly to familiarise myself with where sightings have been.  Saw lots of posters so knew I must in the right place!  I've added 'Isaks' mobile number onto my phone so if I get lucky, I can call straight away.  I'm working tomorrow but then off for the rest of the week so can be more available.  Think it's going to be a night  sighting rather than a day but good luck  xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Would a large trap work? (baited with smelly tasty food) it was Bubbles downfall! Or maybe a tracker dog?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all sorry but think my last mesg went astray. At 3pm there had been no sightings,Isaac has given us the slip again. Big thank you to all of those who went out looking at short notice. hope to have more news later. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry all but Isaac seems to given us all the slip, been no signs of him. its now 3pm, so keep looking later if poss. Thanks to all who went out at short notice.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
Fingers crossed that the lovely Isaac is caught today with so many people looking for him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Well done everyone! Come on Isak, we all want to see you safely in the blue reuniteds!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Keep watching this one.  Thank god seems to come back into town.  Lets hope your next posting is the best one - YOU HAVE HIM. X X Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
have just called all the people who have left there names and numbers and said would help,and given them the last sighting near the stow, lets hope,!!!!FINGERS CROSSED.!!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
it is 12 30 just got a call he is on howard way the swon Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
was seen at ladyshot at 3.00am we did go over that way but did not see him Thank you to all the people that are still looking for iask. Isak is a very nervous dog but i do think food and another dog will bring him close to you   Please read comment and keep your eyes out for him thank you to all Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Its 11.15pm just got back from having a look around, no luck. Thank you to Bob for ringing and letting me know the areas you have covered sounds like you have been round most of harlow,keep up the good work.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Have just been reading recent threads.  Know dogs run anywhere but Pardon Woods, Rye Hill Road and Epping Upland are all linked together either by headlands of fields or the Forest Way.  Mid-way between on the green where the forest way opens before Epping Upland there are a couple of properties some with livestock which could be induce him to go look for food.  This is such a quiet area would be ideal place for him to hide out during day.  Agree with Jotty be careful dont chase him off as from Epping Upland the Forest Way goes in many directions for miles all the way into London.  Am sure you will have him back very soon as you have so many positive sightings.  I use to live Rye Hill way so if need any help just let me know. x x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi everyone no sightings of Isaac in the last  24hrs but keep looking. We are trying to get as many dog walkers  out looking in the evenings as possible, if willing to help please leave your contact number and areas you could cover and as soon as there are any sightings from yourselves,ring kelly 07961840412 or me 07771866317. Thank you all so much for your surpport it is really appreciated by Kelly and David . Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi kel, its paul , like i said i not got any credit for my phone at the moment , but if you let me know about the latest sightings i will try to get there asapLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
Hi Netty I am available all this weekend, whatever the time of day / night, if you get a sighting call me and i will get on the road. Kelly knows i am available all this weekend to help, she has my number, but if she is busy calling others, my number is 07932 782 411. Thanks KarenLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Been away for a couple of days but pleased to come back and see the sightings of Isaac are still coming in. Hopefully it will only be a matter of time before he is caught. As sheba has said, please be careful that all the searching is not pushing Isaac away and scaring him. It is totally great that you have got such good support locally and so many people helping the search which is vital, but with Isaac being as nervous as he is, the real softly softly approach is needed by all. The info I sent you originally (Scenting and Plotting Instructions) gives some good pointers about what to do and not to do if Isaac is spotted - best not to approach, he is likely to just bolt like he has done already on a number of occasions. Instead it is crucial to use non threatening behaviour - no eye contact, low voices, low small movement (sit/lay/crouch on floor), build up his trust and if anything walk away and hopefully he start to follow and maybe you can walk into a secure area if still not ready to be directly caught. It will seem difficult to do and against your instincts but it works, many an owner and once 'lost dog' have shown that. I had to talk my sister through this exact same thing when a dog was loose in the forest she works at - no-one could catch the dog for days then she came across it. Again it wouldn't go to her but with her sitting on the floor, putting some bits of food out near her eventually she got it to follow her all the way back to a portacabin there and once safe in there it was the friendliest dog and wouldn't leave her! You could also try having a BBQ (the cheap disposable type ones) in the area he is believed to be - cook some really stinky sausages and the smell may just be too tempting for him!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
 Hi, if anyone can help search tonight please can you let us know which areas you will be covering, so we know what places to get other people outside the Harlow area to cover. It would be better if you went out in pairs for safety reasons. Thanks. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
kelly and i set off very early this morning to go to epping upland, where he has been seen 3 mornings, but no luck. After being home a few hours got a note to say been seen at rye hill road, but have been up there and Kelly and David have been back to epping upland , but no sightings from us and everyone we have asked.  PLEASE IF YOU SEE ISAAC PHONE WITH TIME SEEN, AREA AND  DIRECTION HE IS GOING, THE SAME IF YOU LEAVE A NOTE ON THE WEB. IT WOULD HELP US ALOT. THANK YOU. If anybody wants to help can you please walk around your area with your dog to try to encourage Isaac to come up to you, as you can tell he is all over the place and we cannot  be everywhere. He seems to come into Harlow later in the evenings , but if everyone went out about 7-9pm and we could cover all all area ure we will get him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Best of luck with Isaac, softy, softly.............Hope he's in the blue next time I log on.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
on my way thank you Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Message from Pat at Mutts - he has now been seen in rye hill road, Harlow.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hello yes i do think bring another dog out with you will bring him closer to you   yes all extra hands are welcome.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
A Big Thank you to Family,Friends and Helpers that was all out looking last nigth for my isak in Arkwrigths and to say a big thank you to Silent Paws for the food that can be put out for isak Have not had no Sighting today Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I can't help today but if you need an extra pair of hands tomorrow, I could meet you somewhere.  Would it help to bring a dog to draw his interest?  He's obviously coming close to people even though he's nervous but maybe another dog would bring him close enough to slip a lead on. Also, I know with my naughty Sprollies that as long as they see me, if I turn and walk away from them, they will follow me.  Just be careful ppeole don't chase him too much.  Will check here later for progress.  Good luck today, Donna xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
OMG! so close now!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Could not believe it after dropping Kelly off and having been out looking all evening Isaac just ran along the front of me, in Arkwrights . A text was sent saying was seen in Whitewaits but we looked there and no sign of him. Tried to follow him but lost sight, drove round again and  next thing we knew he ran out in front of us again. Some lads gave chase as  Nat spuds mum has said but could not hold onto him. I then went out on  foot, met up with the lads but they said he ran off towards longley possible going to the farm fields at the back.Also met up with Bob who was out looking who said would look in direction he had gone. David is waiting up Latton Farm with Isaacs dinner, he has set up a trap with his van, lets hope it works. Early start tomorrow, or should i say today!!!  Fingers crossed. Sorry forgot to say the sighting was at 10.25pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Good luck spuds mum, only a matter of time now.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
spuds mum
omg this boys soooo quick,we've been chasing him round the whitewaites area for the last 2 hours.a group of lads had him in their hands but had to let him go as he was having none of it.i've left them with a slip lead as i had to get my daughter home to bed but if they have no joy i'll be bk out in the morning.xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
good luck. all fingers and paws crossed here for you to get a safe recoveryLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
He was spotted at 19.30pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi everyone, thanks for the help today. I just had a phone call to say he is on the cycletrack at latton farm heading towards the purple emporer, kelly should be around there on a bikeLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have been searching all round epping upland and further afield but no luck. Printed off 50 more posters, and will put them up in areas that he was seen today. Thought today was going to be the day, especially as spuds mum, nat took out a lovely smelling homemade stew for him . we have to keep looking..Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This sounds very promising!  Hope owner gets lucky today xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Just had a call from Epping Forest dogwarden to say do we have a missing Bull Mastiff as she is within 100 foot of one that is too scared to come to her...passed on her details to owner who hopefully can get to her.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Kelly
Just to let you know we are also still looking, but sadly have had no sightings of your lovely boy yet. My boyfriends put a poster up in black cab so lots of people see it over the day and night and he is keeping an eye out as he drives around harlow. Thinking of you Sarah
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have asked both 1017 radio station and the local paper to run a story on isaac, but neither would do it. The star said if they ran a story this time they would have to do it for all lost dogs and then would have no room for news !!!   We have been out looking for over 5hrs tonight but still no luck, left food at Latton Farm again just incase he shows.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Have you contacted Ten 17 local radio to put an appeal out?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
been out most of today looking, and putting up posters, but no sightings, come in to eat, then back out.I been asking all the kids on half term to look out they seem very helpful, so thanks to them. Have been told i am searching in my sleep, talking out loud, so must find him so can get back to normal!!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks buds mum and Netty!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
was out until early hours looking, covered most of harlow, put out food at latton farm again, hope he comes back for it. The last three days i have done nothing but look for him , posted over 100 posters got another 100 printed to go out today , please do not give up on him , he has to be out there and i am not giving up until he is found. The more people looking the quicker he will be home. I was told he had been seen near the horn and horseshoes pub, so went up there, and thanks to my asking in the pub, was able to reunite another dog that had gone missing , the person who had found it had left their number, and my friend knew whos it was, so lets hope Isaac is next to be reunited.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
Have been over Parndon woods this morning 11.30ish and no sightings, will go over that way again this afternoon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry if you wood like me to give you sum dog food Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
To Chelseas mum no i have not phone paradise park but i will phone them today Thanks for that. To Buds mum and Sheba thank you for looking for my isak at the town park  and round the cycletrach all help to get him back is welcome.Thanks agon. To Spuds mum thank you for puting out food i think if he is still that way i think he will come for it if you wood like my to give you sum food to put out please phone me on 07961840412 (kelly) A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
spuds mum
I live in the fennells and I have just put a bowl of food outside to see if I can tempt him.  I work in a grooming parlour and im spreading the word. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buds Mum
I've been along the cycle track and in woods twice since 3.00pm from Town Park towards Old Harlow and sorry to say no sightings of Isaac.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I had a drive round the Harlow Town Park area today.  There's lot's of people about so if he's there, he should be spotted.  I'm going out now towards the town so will keep looking.  Good luck xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Have you tried contacting Paradise Park at Broxbourne re a large trap / cage ?  They must have them for the lions etc !! Just a thought.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has was seen at Fennells this is by Parndon Woods at 10.30pm. We have not seen him by the food. I have been down to pet corner they have not seen him and can not help with lost dogs.  I am looking for a big trap to put food in if you have one please call me 07961840412 Thank you all for your support and helpLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Fantastic the sightings are coming in, sounds like you have good local support - thanks everyone! Is the food you are leaving out being taken, has anyone seen Isaac near any of these food stations? As Chelsea's mum has suggested, think you need to look at an alternative smaller area to try, over time, to entice Isaac into with the view of being about to close him in in this area - a possible alternative to a trap, although a trap is still the ideal. Come on Isaac, give yourself up now boy. You were rehomed only hours before you escaped and you have a wonderful new home waiting for you and a better life. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
As been seen round town park he could be trying to get food from the cafe or more likely round Pets Corner.  It may be worth you going into Pets Corner and having word with them - if you havent already - as they may also be able to help you re trapping him - just a thought.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
He has been seen down the harlow town park  2.30pm - 3.30pm on the 16/2/2009 Thank you to all the helpers that have phone and looking for my lovely isak A big Thank you to anet for all of her help.    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Was informed whilst out with my hounds that he'd been seen this afternoon in the Mark Hall area, towards Howard Way & the Town Park. Will go out & look again this evening. The area is very well postered.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
he has been missing now for 10 Days please keep looking out for him and phone me night or day kelly 07961840412Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
David we are thinking of having a night time vigil tonight, if you are available & able  can you contact me on my number below, thanks DellaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
was on bikes from 11.30pm to 2.30am did not seen him Thank you and Please keep on looking. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
could be around fernhill area as teenagers have mentionedLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am so worried about this boy, I was awake at 2.30am and seriously thought about going out to look for him again.  Isaacs owner if you need someone to go out with you early hours then you can contact me on 07847394539 & I will be more than happy to give you assistanceLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
we have been leaving food on a regular basis,on the cycle track by latton farm just behind quarry springs,he has been spotted there a number of mornings 7-9 am roughly, and in the nearby fields and woods,i would like to thank all, for there support and help over this matter, he is a timid dog lost ,scared,tired and hungry, hopefully we will with everyones help be able to bring him home and get him off the streets. He normally avoids main roads until late,most sightings have been early mornings or later in the evenings, he maybe puts his head down for a sleep in the afternoons. There are lots of family and friends only too ready to get there asap what we really need is sightings,have been told he looking a little worst for where, am really worried and really want to find him. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Great you are getting sightings regularly, and around similar areas....Isaac sounds like he is sticking to a fairly regular pattern which is usually the case. I am sure as you put more posters round the area, you'll get more sightings and thats what is needed. As Isaac is so nervous and proving difficult to catch, I really think it is important to start leaving food for him, somewhere on what seems to be his existing route (has a pattern shown on the map from plotting the sightings?) and somewhere out of the way, where he will be safe and not disturbed. This feeding pattern needs to regular - around the same time morning and evening each day. Yes, other animals may eat it but if we can get Isaac to pick up on this routine it will stand us in good stead later on. If we are unable to locate a large enough trap near enough (nearest one of suitable size and available for use is at present in Norfolk) then we may have to think 'outside the box'. Chelsea's mum has suggested sheep hurdles or screens to create a camoflauged area that Isaac can be encouraged into by the feeding pattern and over time when the moment is right could be penned in there - would be tricky and may not work but with no trap its maybe an alternative idea. It would however take a lot of time, patience and hard work, Or alternatively if the route he is taking is residential with easy access into a garden maybe a kind resident may be able to leave food out to tempt him in???Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I don't know Harlow very well but we have just been out looking in the woods off Howards Way, I think this is near where he was last seen?  Not sure though as did'nt see any posters.  If someone can give me more specific locations will go out again tonight.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
A big Thank you to you all. Thank you to a A-Bee Taxis Diver for lost nigth for the free lift whan we was running for the dog about 1 - 2am we have seen him at mark hall woods - latton farm - quarry springs Shops - Ladyshot - at 9.30am today Please keep looking for him Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
No probs at all.  I was angry with myself for allowing my mobile battery to charge down.  I had no phone and was on the school run. I agree, he will keep in that area.  He seems to be keeping to the back of Harlow, Katherine, Sumners, Kingsmoor road was where I spotted him.  He was pacing himself but not stopping for me.   If you need any help with a search ring me 07940 555 574.  I am out shortly with some of my lurchers so will take smelly sausage with me.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks the 'Harlow crew'......all doing a great job as always!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
isaac's mum....... if you can plot all the sightings on a map,you will find that there is probably some kind of isaac will probably stay within the boundaries of this shape on the map... i hope this helps you in some way to determine where he may go next... if there is somewhere he could be finding food easily take food outlets etc then this could be a great place to poster. good luck xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Chelseas Mum
Just been made aware of this poor lost one.  Having been over the town looking for Chelsea and knowing the area it sounds to me from reading all the posts that he is using underpasses to get around.  Each area he has been seen in is very adjacent to wooded or waste land (I know a lot in Harlow) but having just read it quickly it does seem a bit of a pattern.  Poster all underpasses.  Good luck.  Will keep my eyes open as I travel round the town and surrounding area. x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you Jenny for your phone call to dog lost today if you see him tomor you can phone me on 07961840412 kelly And a big Thank you to you all that has be looking and have phone me Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Yes, thanks Jenny for getting the message to us! I have spoken to Jenny and got more details - it was around 8.15am she saw Isaac, around the Deer Park Estate off Kingsmore Rd. She couldn't get near him at all. He seemed to be wanting to head back towards the residential area, she said he may go in the direction of Staple Tye or Roydon, so if you're in those areas please be on the lookout. Thanks!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good that there is a sighting! Thanks penny from Lurcher rescue who advised the man to call us!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks Sarah, I will email you the poster and flyer. Just had a helper call me with a positive sighting of Jacob. At approx 9am this morning he was seen in the Abbercombe Way area (hope I've spelt that right!) headed towards Hollyfield. Passed this info on to owner who is going straight out to look.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi isaks mum we spoke by Latton Common a few days ago when I was walking my Border Terrier. I am sorry your lovely boy isn't home yet. We have been looking on our walks through latton Wood, but haven't sighted him yet. I am happy to poster area and mention him to other dog walkers if a poster and flyer are made available for me to print out. I have computer access and a printer if you want any help ring me on 07793713243 hope you have him home soon Sarah
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks Dellab, thats very kind......posters on the way to you now. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am in Hoddesdon which is not too far away, will put up posters if you can email to me, also if there are any more sightings let me know & I will go & check them out, feel very very sorry for this boy, it is snowing hard here xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Photo now on site. Thanks for downloading it Silent Paws! A4 Poster and smaller flyers done for Isaac. Emailed to Silent Paws and Isaac's mum. If anyone else is local and would like a copy of these please post here and let us know and we'll email on. Please now use these posters all around the area Isaac is missing from and has been seen in......anywhere people go, poster! Shops, dog walking areas, bus stops etc, also give one to your postman as they're out and about early. Hopefully the posters will then bring the sightings in. Stay safe Isaac. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The streets we have seen him Spinning Wheel Mead - nichalls field - latton fram - mark hall woods - old harlow The hoo - Gt Brays  Please look out for him if seen him please phone me 07961840412 or 07812077562 Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks for the update Silent Paws! I have advised Kelly on best things to do in Isaac's case, given the difficultly that a) he does not know Kelly or family as only with them 12 hrs and b) he is a nervous dog who by the sound of it is very undersocialised. Posters around the area really are needed to get the sightings in. I know Kelly said yesterday they were still trying to get photo from phone to PC.....offered help but it sounds like its in hand so will hopefully be on here shortly. Both the day and out of hours dog wardens in the area are aware and on the look out.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
No new sightings of Isaac. The last confirmed sighting was Tuesday.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Thanks for registering Isaac for Kelly 'Silent Paws'!! I am going to email you some advice that will be very useful - please would you be able to pass it on to Kelly? Maybe you could print it out for her. I will also give Kelly a call tonight. Great that you have had some sightings. Once the photo is uploaded, his posters can be printed and loads of these round the area will hopefully get more sightings in which will help track him down.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
Just had a look at the found dog you mentioned, unfortunately this isn't him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi,dog found page,  17007 sounds similar, Sukimax.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
I have posted this on behalf of the owner (Kelly), she doesn't have regular access to a computer. Kelly is available on the mobile posted above. Isaac has been missing 3 days, he was only adopted from rescue a week ago and is very frightened of men. He is underweight and has been described in sighting today as a great dane X, last sighted at 11am on the fields by Latton Farm and the cycle track by quarry springs field, owner was in the area and has seen him, but not been able to get close yet. Kelly will give me a photo and I will upload ASAP.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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