Reunited: White With A Couple Of Large Black Patches And Black Speckles Sprocker Unknown
- Dog ID 171670
- Status Reunited
- Registered 27 Nov 2021
- Name BETTY
- Gender & Breed Unknown Sprocker (Spayed)
- Age Adult
- Colour White with a couple of large black patches and black speckles
- Marks & Scars Na
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Yes
- Date Lost 27 Nov 2021
- Where Lost A1 southbound between colsterworth and south witham, South Kesteven
- Lost In Region East Anglia
- Lost In Post Area NG33
- Date Reunited 27 Nov 2021
- Other Info My sister had a crash in the very early hours if the morning and is in hospital. Betty fled, the police had done a heat search around the scene with no.luck! Extremely friendly dog
- Listed By Lucyb
- Views 1557
- Alerts Sent 79
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2021-11-28 06:56 TrudielovesMax!
- Great news. So pleased that Betty has been reunited. And happy to know that Betty`s owner is out of hospital:-) xxx
- 2021-11-28 03:22 Dachs4ever
- Good news all round.
- 2021-11-28 00:08 Owl
- Owner is out of hospital, no serious injury, and delighted to be reunited with Betty.
- 2021-11-27 12:12 Vizslamum
- Lovely news. Thank goodness. xxx
- 2021-11-27 11:40 Louise
- fantastic news x
- 2021-11-27 11:06 Dachs4ever
- Absolutely brilliant. Take care all.
- 2021-11-27 11:06 Dachs4ever
- Poor Betty I hope she shows up soon. Wishing a swift recovery to her owner.
- 2021-11-27 11:06 Lily
- Amazing news - Betty found safe!!
“ She has been found and we are just collecting her now ... what a fabulous bunch of people you all are ... thank you from the bottom of our hearts xx” - 2021-11-27 10:49 Scruffy Dog - Central Team Volunteer
- Its kesteven council, which is east anglia, but will share to the central fb page
- 2021-11-27 10:49 Louise
- Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and to Sky's Angels on FB
- 2021-11-27 10:47 Emma S -- Regional co-ordinator Central
- Changed to east anglia as this one is south Kesteven ..shared to Lincolnshire doglost Facebook group
- 2021-11-27 09:42 Vizslamum
- Hoping this lovely girl is found safe and soon, and is ok. Hope your sister is ok too. xxx
- 2021-11-27 08:59 Sandra Watt
- Region changed from East Anglia to Central.
- 2021-11-27 08:50 Sandra Watt
- I have cropped photos so you may need to refresh page (cntrl + F5 on laptop).
- 2021-11-27 08:47 Sandra Watt
- Owner / lister, please check your email (registered with this dog) including spam. We have emailed you with general advice.