Lost: Brown/black/tan Collie Cross Female In North East (S18)
- Dog ID 17849
- Status Lost
- Registered 07 Apr 2009
- Gender & Breed Female Collie Cross (Spayed)
- Age Older Adult
- Colour brown/black/tan
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 31 Mar 2009
- Where Lost Dronfield, Derbyshire
- Lost In Region North East
- Lost In Post Area S18
- Date Reunited
- Other Info
- Listed By john
- Views 1617
- View Poster
- See more dogs Lost in S18
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- 2009-05-24 16:54 Poochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
- Could the found dog 18476 be Moll?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2009-04-09 13:06 Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
- Have just spoken to Moll's owner and there have been no positive sightings of her since she went mssing. They have been postering, have contacted dog warden, vets and stray kennels. Although moll escaped by squeezing out of a catflap she has never done anything like this before. Hoping for some news of this girl very soon Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2009-04-07 20:23 UNKNOWN
- Sorry to see Moll is missing and thank you for registering with DogLost.
John, if not already done so you need to contact Dog Wardens, Rescues and Vets. Please try and personally visit Rescue Centres wherever possible, it is not always a good idea to rely solely on telephone calls. Dogs can be rehomed after seven days so this is extremely important.
It is also very important that you poster heavily. You can print your posters by selecting - Dog Poster 1 - above Dog Information. You need to be logged in to do this.
If at all possible please try and keep us updated with regards to who you have contacted and the areas in which you have postered, this can be done by using the + Add a comment feature.
Good luck and we hope to see Moll in our reunited section soon.
Deb xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18