Rainbow Bridge: Tri Coloured Mainly White Yorkshire Terrier Cross Male
- Dog ID 181470
- Status Rainbow Bridge
- Registered 06 Jan 2023
- Gender & Breed Male Yorkshire Terrier Cross
- Age Adult
- Colour Tri Coloured Mainly White
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 05 Jan 2023
- Where Lost home Marshfield, Crewe
- Lost In Region North West
- Lost In Post Area CW1
- Date Found 07 Jan 2023
- Where Found Was involved in an RTA 🌈
- Date Reunited 07 Jan 2023
- Other Info 💥 IF SIGHTED PLEASE DO NOT CHASE, SHOUT OR TRY TO GRAB 💥 PLEASE CHECK ANY CCTV/VIDEO DOORBELLS. MICROCHIPPED. If FOUND he should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (required by LAW) he can be taken to any vet to be scanned
- Listed By Helen wainwright
- Views 1177
- Alerts Sent 156
- See more dogs in Rainbow Bridge
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- 2023-01-07 20:32 Vizslamum
- Awful news. So so sad xxx
- 2023-01-07 17:27 Louise
- very sad news.. RIP little man :( x
- 2023-01-07 17:23 Melly Smith
- RIP sweet Angel xx
- 2023-01-07 17:14 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Gutted to get the sad news from one of the Lost Dog Trapping Team, sadly little JACK has been involved in an RTA and passed away on the way to the vets. Deepest thoughts are with his owner, JACK and everyone involved in helping. ❤️
Run Free Over The Bridge & Sweet Dreams JACK 🌈🌈🌈 - 2023-01-07 16:53 Lisa T
- Rainbow bridge 😔💔 so incredibly sorry for little Jack’s owners
https://www.facebook.com/groups/2124629077771232/permalink/3502239273343532/ - 2023-01-06 23:42 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- In touch with owner, will update details asap. Info/advice given and made aware of SCAMMER calls. Rooting for JACK to be found soon ❤️
- 2023-01-06 21:49 Louise
- Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and Sky's Angels on FB
- 2023-01-06 20:40 Vizslamum
- Hoping Jack is found safe and soon. xxx