Lost: White And Tan Jack Russell Terrier Cross Female In North East (DH7)
- Dog ID 25133
- Status Lost
- Registered 17 Sep 2010
- Name TRIXY
- Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross
- Age Adult
- Colour white and tan
- Marks & Scars trixy has an extra claw on both her back legs, she has a white body with markings on her face, she i
- Tagged
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed No
- Date Lost 08 Sep 2010
- Where Lost new brancepeth, langley moor, or brandon.
- Lost In Region North East
- Lost In Post Area DH7
- Date Reunited
- Other Info she is believed to have been picked up and sold or given to new owners.
- Listed By kaara
- Views 1727
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- 2010-09-20 13:35 AlisonH
- Text sent requesting photo.
- 2010-09-20 12:25 sharon57blue
- White with tan JRT cross at STRAYAID durham, (really cute)
- 2010-09-17 10:56 Goldenfrodo
- Sorry to see Trixy is missing. Thank you for registering with doglost.Can you please send a photo to admin@doglost.co.uk as soon as possible. If not already done so you need to contact Dog wardens, Rescues and Vets. Please try and personally visit Rescue Centres wherever possible. It is not always a good idea to rely solely on telephone calls. Dogs can be rehomed after 7 days so this is extremely important. It is also very important that you poster heavily. If at all possible please keep us updated with regards to who you have contacted and the areas in which you have postered etc. This can be done by using the + Add a comment feature. Good luck. Hope Trixy is safely home soon