Lost: Black & Tan Cross Breed Male In North East (DN8)

  • Dog ID 25442
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 06 Oct 2010
  • Name CHONG
  • Gender & Breed Male Cross Breed
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black & tan
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 Sep 2010
  • Where Lost Littlewood Road, Thorne, Doncaster.
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area DN8
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Chong has been missing for 6 weeks now. He is a very much missed and loved family pet. He has a medical condition which requires him to take medication. His owner is incredibly worried and although he went missing from Thorne, Doncaster, we know it is a possibility that he has gone further afield. There have been possible sightings of Chong in Goole on 16th & 17th October. If you see a dog that could be him, please, PLEASE get in touch.
  • Listed By ang
  • Views 3735
  • CHONGPoster Image
  • CHONGExtra Image


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Any chance this could be Chong?


Sorry if I'm way off mark, but there is a lurcher type on the stray action page with very similar markings - D49 Ref 292/12 DARLINGTON:

Jenni S
Not given up on Chong and still hoping for some good news.
Jenni S
Still checking by on Chong and hoping for some good news.
Jenni S
Sorry to see there's no more news re Chong. Still have fingers xd for him.
Jenni S
The found dog 27463 bears a resemblance to Chong, so rang Chong's owner but sadly it is not him. Hope both dogs are soon reunited with their families.
Hi just to update you all, Chong has not been found, his owner continues to look, It has been 5 months now ):
Spoke to Chongs owner. Requested more photos for our site, which show his full body and legs. they are still looking for him.
ang...im pretty sure thats the one natalie meant,i checked markins out the other day...not enough tan im afraid,also think it is a full Dobey,Thanks natalie for posting...keep your eyes peeled.x
I can see one that looks a similar build but has a lot more tan on him, and a doberman looking dog his tan is darker than chongs I think, are either of these the dogs you mean Natalie? thanks so much xxx
Hi, is this dog still on the site as I can't find him anywhere ):
Chongs owner has no internet at the moment ): Natalie I have searched that website and I can't see a similar dog, please could you maybe email me the pic if it will let you save it to ang989@hotmail.com, Really need to rule it out, thanks so much everyone for looking out for him x x x
Millys Mum
natalie - thanks for keeping an eye out for Chong. I've just had a look myself as I own a similar dog. The stray aid dog is a possibility but difficult to tell as photo is quite dark. I hope Chong's owner has seen your post and has checked for himself. Owner would you confirm that you've seen this post.Last edited: 2010-11-09 22:22:38 by Millys Mum
There is also a male dog at http://www.strayaid.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=11&Itemid=17, right down at the bottom of the stray dogs page who looks very similar in markings to Chong.
male cross breed dog at rochdale dog rescue, http://www.rochdale-dog-rescue.com/urgentdogs.html looks very similar in the face markings but the ears look different, may be worth checking out though, Natalie
Thanks shereen yes i do agree i kept checking backwards and forwards on the two photos and i did realise there was quite a difference but my first instinct was to post, i do so hope the lovely chong is found, i am a dobie owner and he so looks like a dobie cross that he is on my mind all the time. I will continue to look out for him and in the meantime i pray for some good news on this most stunning boy, come on chong please get home! xxx
Thanks Ash for posting...Ive had a look at Hundi...http://www.woodgreen.org.uk/rehoming/animal/detail/id/81...The tan covers the whole face and goes up over the eyebrows like a mask ,so unfortunatly this isnt Chong,Thankyou,and please keep looking for gorgeous Chong.xx
I know its a long shot but there is a dog at wood green animal shelter in godmanchester that is male and described as hound type called hundi that looks very much like your boy chong, i would hate not to tell you about this dog just in case it turns out to be him, dogs have turned up hundreds of miles away so i felt i had to post this. He is beautiful and i pray you are reunited soon. xxx
Hope you have good news on Chong soon. Stay safe boy you are in our prayers.
Thanks Millysmum....Scenting advice now sent.
Millys Mum
Thanks Shereen - I have replied to your email! Also, Im bumping Chong up as owner has placed a Missing ad in the Doncaster Free Press out yesterday. Hope this brings about some information as to Chong's possible whereabouts.
Millys mum..yes thats fine if you email me Chongs owners email addy ill do that tonight.xxxx
Millys Mum
Thank you so much Shereen for checking as it would give reaassurance to Chong's worried owner that Chong is still out there. Also, Shereen, Chong's owner was very interested & keen to receive scenting advice. Would you be able to send this to him please? I can let you have his email address rather than use his friend's, ang's email.
Millys mum, and Barney 'n' Ozzies Mum.I had a realy good look at the dog on reunited pages and it definately wasnt Chong,The colouring on 'her' Face was completely different,No where near as much tan on face, Chong has it going up under his eyes whereas the reunited dog didnt.x
Millys Mum
Thanks Sable - much appreciated. I've left a message for our Doncaster area co-ordinator but haven't had a reply as yet but thanks for updating the poster and doing the mini-flyers in the meantime. Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum, I'm certain that this Chong 'lookalike' was a female but will make further enquiries via one of our other co-ordinators.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Have sent a new updated poster and fliers for Chong's owner at Wendy's request.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Have sent a new updated poster and fliers for Chong's owner at Wendy's request.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Sorry Milly's mum, I think you've misunderstood me - I meant was the "reunited" dog definately a female?!!
Millys Mum
Barney'n'Ozzie's mum - Chong is very much a male dog. I've just spoken to his owner & he has confirmed that Chong is an entire and so clearly not a female!
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Really don't like to mention this but there's a crossbreed that went to Rainbow Bridge - Reunited page - dog id 25642, that looks very much like Chong. Says the dog was a female, but felt I had to mention it just in case due to the similarity.
Hi spoke to Millys mum today been a great help thanks for the advice.Chong is the doncaster free press tommorrow and another local paper so i hope to hear something really soon
Hi spoke to Millys mum today been a great help thanks for the advice.Chong is the doncaster free press tommorrow and another local paper so i hope to hear something really soon
Millys Mum
Thanks Sue, I will alert Chong's family unless another co-ordinator has already done so! I hope this coverage brings about information regarding Chong's possible whereabouts!
Advertised in The Countrymans Weekly magazine. Good luck
Fingers crossed these sightings are Chong and hes back with you realy soon,Please get in touch if you need any more advice Re - scenting if you can pinpoint hem to a certain area.Goodluck.xxx
Hi had a phone call the other day off a lady in Goole who says she thinks she saw Chong nr Goole on 17/10/10 at around 18.30 he was crossing the main rd as you come into Goole of the m18.Then i got another call from Angela saying she had spoken to a guy who thinks he saw Chong in the early hours of saturday morning on the 16/10/10 near the same place at tescos distribution which is junction 7 on the m18 Goole so if anyone else sees him around that area could they call me please thankyou x
Hi thanks to you all and especially ang for your help in trying to find my little man.Ive just rung wakefield council and spoke to someone there about the possible sighting of Chong yesterday,ive still got a few more numbers to ring.Chong is not neutered no collar when he left but thats not to say he isn't wearing one no if someone has picked him up.Anyway i better go and ring some more kennels and wardens but once again i would like to thankyou all on behalf ov me and Chong thankyou and i hope to have him back soon x
Furlover - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Have spoken to owner tonight regarding Chong , as yesterday a dog was sighted on M1 between Jcn 40 & 41 the person who saw the dog then sent in a description and "similar" picture.
The dog was black and tan with black collar (which Chong didnt have when he went missing) I have spoken with his owner tonight regarding Chong and discussed this dog ie the description which may be male or female (owner knows we have no confirmation on whether it was male or female and that it isnt confirmed it is even Chong but just that it may be a possibility )) Tomorrow he is going to ring the dog wardens again around the area and check with the stray kennels/vets and get more posters up in the area and also around where the other dog was sighted to highlight Chong again.
Millys Mum
ang, thanks for the update. Yes, I agree, of course it's seems odd and disheartening that there has been no sightings of Chong but as, Shereen has so rightly said, not everyone knows that its the law to report a found dog. It's just a case of moving farther afield (also mentioned by 'our' Shereen) i.e. nearby Council's and dog wardens. Our Dexy runs like the wind and, by the looks of him, I reckon Chong is just as athletic! Also, it really doesn't take a dog long (however friendly they normally are) to revert to its natural insincts and so may have headed for a nice hidey hole with access to food (possibly wild!) and water. I may have misssed this info, but is Chong neutered and is he wearing a collar but presumably no ID tag?Last edited: 2010-10-08 12:00:11 by Millys Mum
There may not of been any sightings due to someone taking him in(not all people know to ring the council/dog warden) thats why posters/flyers far and wide are a must,also people pick dogs up in cars and instead of calling the council where the dog was picked up,they call thier own once they get home,so surrounding councils are also very important,sorry if you already have this info.Last edited: 2010-10-08 00:19:09 by Shereen
Hi, posters are everywhere,there has been an advert in our local papers and it has been on the local radio, also have delivered leaflets to many local houses still getting round them though, really good idea about postmen etc, that hasnt been done, just very strange how there has not been a single sighting of him ): thankyou so much x
Millys Mum
ang, thanks for posting on Chong's page and also thank you for being such a good friend to his worried owner. Please poster like mad and make Chong the best known and hottest boy in town. Believe us when we say you really can't have too many posters! Is your friend able to place a Missing ad in a local paper (pick the most popular newspaper with the widest circulation) or ask them to run a story on Chong. Also ask your local radio station to make an announcement. I'm certain that goldenfrodo has sent you some very good advice - just make sure you work through the contact list and leave no stone unturned. Also, unless you already have them, you can request mini-flyers from us (3 or 4 to a page). These will be emailed to you. Just copy them in black & white onto brightly coloured paper. Hand them out to everyone you come across so that when they spot Chong, they will have the contact numbers to hand rather than having to return to a Missing poster. Make sure you take a stack into your local Royal Mail sorting office so that ALL posties can carry Chong's contact details with them on their rounds. Do the same with cab drivers, street cleaners, milkmen, dustmen etc as all these people will be out and about at all hours of the day and night. Good luck - I hope it won't be long until he is found.Last edited: 2010-10-07 22:42:24 by Millys Mum
Thankyou so much for all your help,Chong is not my dog, he belongs to somebody I know, who is absolutely heartbroken, really appreciate your help (and know he does too), it's been 3 weeks now, he's friendly Milly xx
I saw Chong on FB last night Welldone for getting him on Doglost,Ill remember his face he looks like one of my late doggies,ill keep my eyes peeled as Millys mum said he is very distinctive.Hope to see him back with you safe and sound realy soon.Last edited: 2010-10-07 19:18:24 by Shereen
Millys Mum
I'm so sorry to hear that Chong is missing. He's so handsome and distinctive and could be 'our' Dexter's brother, who's a NZ Huntaway. And, if he is like Dexy, he is capable of travelling great distances. Is Chong friendly or timid? I do hope it won't be long until Chong is bvack home with you.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed o ut to helpers in DN1,2,3,45,,6,7,8,9,14,17
Can posters be emailed out to helpers in the area please.
Sent email with advice. Hope Chong is safely home soon.

Drone SAR

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