Lost: Black Cocker Spaniel Female In North East (S21)

  • Dog ID 27704
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 30 Jan 2011
  • Name MADI
  • Gender & Breed Female Cocker Spaniel
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars N/A
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 28 Jan 2011
  • Where Lost Rotherham Road Killamarsh close to Angel Public House
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area S21
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By paulh72
  • Views 4034
  • MADIPoster Image
  • MADIExtra Image


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This one ?
Please check ref 75624 found in Cheshire - no chip though
42265 ?
Advertised in The Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news.
Ignore that last post, they have added more info and it's clearly not Madi. Sorry :(
Check out this thread on Sheffield Forum. Someone's found a female springer, could be a cocker?


I have txt both the numbers given, no reply as yet. Fingers crossedLast edited: 2011-02-17 23:37:05 by smudge74
Come on Madi where are you? Been round Rother again today asking everyone I saw but nothing :(
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
When I spoke to you this evening Paul we discussed media coverage and/or adverts in the local press ....... please be aware if you are going to pursue this you need to beat their deadline cut off dates if you want to make this weeks editions !Also please note that Smudge74 has posted below kindly offering to help with postering so do take them up on this if you need help ......... you can never have enough posters up ! I think it would be a good idea to put some up further afield from where Madi went missing too as she may have wandered further than thought OR may have been picked up and taken out of your immediate area ! Good luck and I hope she is found very soon x Pam
Hi there, just seen your new thread on the forum. Lets hope you get some good responses now.
Hi, i have just been reading the thread on the Sheffield forum and not v happy with some of the comments on there it appears that we have said to various poeple that it appears we have not accepted any help in the search for Madi, this is totally untrue and i have never said that we have got things 'under control' if i had Madi would be back with us now!!! At no point have we ever turned help down. I have tried to generate an account on the Sheffield forum to keep you all up to date and sent two emails to them as my account has not been verified so unable to post anything on there and have not recieved any replies from them.
When Madi went missing she was not walking at the side of the road not a lead she was in the field a distance fropm the road with a walled fence between her and the road, a little knowledge is dangerous, get your facts right, Thanks.
Spoke with Paul last night, and he is out doing lots of postering today so he may not see your posting until this eve. Thanks for offer of help.
Hi, I have people who live in Killamarsh who tell me they haven't seen any posters. You really need to get HUNDREDS out there, this is how we managed to find the 4 dogs who went missing in January. We managed to get all 4 back with lots of hard work, but you couldn't go anywhere without seeing a poster. We also leafleted local supermarkets, pushed flyers through letterboxes and organised searches with as many people as possible. I have people willing to help if you are prepared to let us. You can contact us on here

http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=714798&page=2 (copy and paste this into your browser)

I went down to put some poster up at Swallownest entrance to Rothervalley but it had already been done. Please get in touch if we can helpLast edited: 2011-02-03 10:47:56 by smudge74
I would love to watch Wispa at work :)
We continued where we left off yesterday. The trail did indeed lead eventually into Rother Valley Country Park, but went here and there criss crossing in typical cocker spaniel manner and we lost track of it near the lower lake and the nature reserve lake. There are many entrances to the park, and it would be good to have posters on all of them, also posters at Wales Bar and around the industrial estate opposite Madi's home. It could be that she is trying to get home from the park, and there are several ways she could go.
Just like to thank everybody who is trying to find Madi we really appreciate everybodies support and help. I have put several poster up and down rotherham road tonight. I intend putting some more up tomorrow. Thanks again!!!! We owe you!!!
I had no luck today. I walked into Rother Valley from the entrance near Woodhouse/Swallownest putting a poster at the point where people enter after parking their cars. I walked through the nature reserve bit and then down onto the park where the bridge crosses the river between the two main lakes. I then walked round the main lake and back towards Woodhouse/Swallownest via a different route. I asked every one I saw if they had seen her but no-one had.
I took my dog Wispa to see if she could get a scent. She took scent from where Madi had been sleeping and matched it to a trail which led through owner's field and on to neighbour's land. The neighbour kindly gave us access, and we went through his fields to join a public footpath which went over a bridge crossing the Chesterfield canal, up through woods and on to the Cuckoo Way. We were now heading back in the direction of Madi's home and the Angel public house. I expected us to go full circle, but Wispa got a strong scent on the side of Rotherham road opposite the house and close to the Angel. This led on to the continuation of Cuckoo Way and along the canal side. We followed this for some distance, but eventually had to retrace our steps otherwise we could have gone for miles and I had to get home. I hope to go tomorrow and pick up where we left off. Assuming Madi took this path, she could indeed end up in Rother Valley Country Park.Last edited: 2011-02-01 18:58:15 by Owl
I can poster around Aston/Swallownest, not far from me. I'll print some posters off and get onto it
took yesterday off work and put posters up at most of the shops and pubs etc within Killamarsh. went down to Rothervalley country park and left some poster there. I also called at the golf course. Many thanks for all the advice and help!!!
will take my dogs down their today for their walks, I will take some posters but if anyone gets their first make sure you mention him to the Rangers at the country park and also at the Golf Club. If she goes through the Country Park she could come out at Beighton, Aston/Swallownest or Woodhouse
Alerts sent out to helpers in S12,S13,S20,S21,S26,S43
Going over to help tomorrow.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks May!
I'm quite close to where Madi went missing but currently away. I'll give you a call early next week if she hasn't come home by then to see if there is anything I can help with. It properly had been mentioned to you but postmen are good people to ask. Also try and poster at local shops, schools and petrol station. Stay safe Madi. May x
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Have spoken to Madi's owners and they are going to get a photo into us ASAP. This girl was returning from a walk with other dogs when she just vanished and so far there have been no sighting of her. Her owners have contacted the dog warden etc ,also posted she is missing on the Sheffield Forum and they will notify the chipping company today.I have advised that they need to POSTER as much as possible to raise the maximum public awareness and also to try to get media coverage. Hoping to see Madi back home very soon ~ PamLast edited: 2011-01-31 10:34:47 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
will call owner first thing in the morning for photos and to give advice
Sorry to see that MADI is missing.
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