Reunited: White N Ginger Lhasa Apso Male
- Dog ID 28241
- Status Reunited
- Registered 25 Feb 2011
- Gender & Breed Male Lhasa Apso (Neutered)
- Age Young Adult
- Colour white n ginger
- Marks & Scars he has two pink marks on his nose
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Unknown
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 25 Feb 2011
- Where Lost killamarsh sheffield
- Lost In Region North East
- Lost In Post Area S21
- Date Found 10 Mar 2011
- Where Found eckington cemertry
- Date Reunited 11 Mar 2011
- Other Info sid will not be reunited with me has his old owner has taken him back n said i cant have him back
- Listed By barbie4eva
- Views 4643
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2011-03-12 02:50 janni0706
- Barbie you were the one that reported YOUR dog missing, if you had not wanted him you would not have started a search. This is so not right. Can you do anything to get him back, can anyone offer any advice on how to return him to the person that reported him missing ?
- 2011-03-11 10:13 DianeM
- This is just awful, I am sure you have a very good case to get Sid home, Doglost will surely have some information for you please please fight to get Sid home this is where he is loved and belongs. Good Luck xx
- 2011-03-11 08:50 ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
- Glad Sid is safe but i would check your rights, do you have proof of ownership in any way- a receipt for buying him or vet bills or a rehoming agreement? I wonder why they want him now when they wanted him rehomed in the first place? Good Luck xxx
- 2011-03-11 08:13 Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
- This seems very harsh to me. If you paid money for him I would definetely see where you stand legally. Glad he's safe though x
- 2011-03-10 20:33 Lisa123
- I am so glad this little man is safe! Can the previous owners do that? Was he a rescue dog or did you buy him?
- 2011-03-10 19:47 barbie4eva
- sid has been found by his old owner and im not allowed to have him back they said so not only have i lost the dog for a week but i have lost him for ever thank you to all who have helped to find sid and for all your help from kellie
- 2011-03-08 20:49 Hardwick
- Any news of him today, Kelly ? I will print some posters off the website and put them up around Halfway. could anybody in the area volunteer to meet up and make a concerted search of the area,
depending upon a sighting being made. He is a rescue dog, and was only at his new home for a week, hence his inability to make his way home, he deserves to be found asap. - 2011-03-07 23:28 barbie4eva
- i am very worrid now i have got a map of his sighting but its not a triangle shape that it should be it more of a hexagon shape i am putting more posters up in the areas has i have noticed that most of the posters have been taken down so more posters will be going up in the areas
- 2011-03-05 13:35 Owl
- I am about to call owner. Thornberry sanctuary have a cat trap but they need to find out who has it at present. They will call me back and I will be having a look at it to see if it is likely to be big enough. We very much appreciate their help.
- 2011-03-05 12:54 Angus
- Thanks Owl x
- 2011-03-05 12:21 Owl
- I have texted a groomer who I believe knows of one locally, she was going to get it when Rosie apso was running round Clowne but it wasn't needed as Rosie was caught. Waiting to hear back.Last edited: 2011-03-05 12:24:51 by Owl
- 2011-03-05 10:13 Angus
- a foot plate operated full size dog trap would work in this instance as long as it is tensioned to sensitive if you are unable to get a large cat trap.
- 2011-03-05 09:47 Hardwick
- We saw Sid, yesterday, he was coming out of the cul de sac, at the back of my house on Hall Meadow Drive, it is the third time he has been sighted there. I think he must be going there for cat food, which owners leave out. He ran away, from me, but recognised the name Boo Boo, when I called him. We followed him onto the Heathlands field, near Lavers, and he disappeared. He was looking very tired. Let me know if you have any success with a cat trap, if not I will try to obtain one, because I believe he will come back to the cul de sac. If you want to meet up (Kelly) and make a more concerted search for him, I am sure some of my dog loving neighbours will come along.Philip
- 2011-03-04 22:43 barbie4eva
- We or still having sightings around the heathlands area I have stayed out for the last 3 nights after I have done work but nothin nearly had him yesterday started walkin towards us but sommat freaked him and he ran off I am just worried now for his health bless him I have seen a man about cat trap but it was too small can anyone else help get one please
- 2011-03-02 19:23 Lisa123
- Bless him. Come on Boo Boo x
- 2011-03-02 17:41 Hardwick
- Went looking for Sid last night, with no success, returned home, and he arrived outside my front window, barking at a cat in the road !
He then ran off in the direction towards the bottom of the Heathland Estate, on Deepwell ave.
Several of my neighbours went looking for him armed with food, a Cat trap would be a good idea, as it is impossible to get him to come to you. he must be ravenous the poor little soul. I will look for him again this evening. - 2011-03-02 10:24 Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
- Have just spoken to Sid's owner and they have just had another SIGHTING of him within the area of all the other sightings so bumping him !! Advised her with regards using a trap. I have a trap here and would be able to get it down to them BUT it is quite a large trap and may be too big to be sure Sid would reach up to the meat on the hook. A larger cat trap may be the best option here !Last edited: 2011-03-02 11:02:57 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
- 2011-03-01 20:19 Hardwick
- I have seen Sid today 1st March, @ 8am on Deepwell Avenue, and the again @ 3pm near Pipworth Lane, he ran away when I called him, I have notified his owner. I will look again for him this evening.
- 2011-03-01 00:46 barbie4eva
- sid is still missing but we know that he is in the heathlands area of morrisons at halfway s20 we have left a bowl of food out for him but nothing yet we will be out at 7am in the morning
- 2011-02-27 10:58 Goldenfrodo
- Fingers crossed Sid is caught soon xx
- 2011-02-26 23:51 Shereen
- TXT sent to alert owners to email
- 2011-02-26 23:36 Shereen
- going to send you some advice by email on how to approach him ,and scenting advice,please check your inbox.Last edited: 2011-02-26 23:38:27 by Shereen
- 2011-02-26 20:22 barbie4eva
- we have seen sid this afternoon on waste land near morrisons s20 sheffield im going back out later with some food and my other dog to see if we can try and get to come out to us but i know earlier he just run off from my partner when he shouted him bless he must be freezin poor thing i hope we find him soon
- 2011-02-25 22:57 barbie4eva
- sid aka boo boo is not microchipped i have also let the rothervalley rangers know as my uncle is one and while i was walkin round rothervalley i bumped in to a dog unit that patrol rothervalley at night n left my details with incase he finds him on his rounds
- 2011-02-25 20:02 Owl
- Owners have notified all relevant authorities and have put Sid on Facebook and on Sheffield Forum. Sid escaped when an unknown visitor arrived. He is a nervous dog.
- 2011-02-25 19:35 Shereen
- Alerts sent out to helpers in S12,S13,S20,S21,S26,S43