Reunited: Brindle And White Boxer Female

  • Dog ID 28591
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 15 Mar 2011
  • Name RUBY
  • Gender & Breed Female Boxer
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour brindle and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 14 Mar 2011
  • Where Lost Tydd St Giles, Cambridgeshire. White van drove off seconds after she was last seen.
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area PE13
  • Date Reunited 20 Mar 2011
  • Other Info Ruby has a white chest and both her front paws and 1 back paw are white at the tips. She also has a small indent under her chin. She is only 8 months old and has long gangly legs.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 4714
  • RUBYPoster Image
  • RUBYExtra Image


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Auntie Katie
Such fantastic news! Welcome Home Lovely! xx
Fantastic news. I'm so pleased for you. Welcome home lovely Ruby xx Stay safe now.
Wonderful news........folks on twitter told me........hurray home sweet home Ruby xx
Madmutz Dog Walking
Been following Rubys story...this has made my weekend!! Welcome home Ruby xx
Brilliant news. WELL DONE SASHA looks like you made her too hot to handle. So p[leased she is safely back home.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Fantastic news!! Welcome home you lovely girl xxx stay safe from now on x
What brilliant news!!So pleased for you and Ruby!Sweet dreams tonight,both of you!xxx
Wonderful news x x welcome home sweetie
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner says 2 boys came to her door with the dog saying they had just found I said to owner how come they knew where she lived...owner had not at the time thought about that! Well done to owner for getting the posters and fliers out and making Ruby too hot to handle!
have been following Rubys story and I am so thrilled you have her back!! :-) what happened -did the boys find her? xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Brilliant news!
OMG just had Ruby returned bt two lads, well they knocked on the door, while she flew round the garden, I had to look to see if it was really her!!! Cant believe it,never letting her out of my sight again. Thanks to all at doglost, have tried to ring but left message on answer phone.xxxx
Thank you Rosah Lyn. its day 6 now and very little news. Had a phone call yesterday about a boxer in tydd gote, but turned out it lived there. Been to Wisbech market today, handing out and putting up posters and drove around some of the villages putting up posters. As usual,baby girl, I dreamt about you all night, this time we found you and were reunited,i hope it will come true. Finding it harder each day, very tearful today, but staying optimistic. love you, as always xxxx
Rosah Lyn
I keep retweeting and mentioning her and I'm in Sutton Bridge. As a 'chipper but sick at the mo, I have a scanner so if anyone finds this or other dog in our area, Me or my Hubby will be happy to scan for a chip.
Day 5.Had a bad day yesterday,no response from anyone seeing you in the paper. You MUST be somewhere.Dream about you every night,also dreamt about Archie,but I do find you in my dreams.Feel a bit silly writing to you everyday,but makes me feel closer to you somehow.Keep looking in white transit vans to see if you are in them-probably get in trouble soon for being a stalker.Busy day ahead,baby girl,searching,love you,as always xxx
Bumping as Ruby is in the Standard today.
Day 4.Had a dream last night the dog at Buildbase was a staffie with no teeth,turned out to be a staffie but dont know about the teeth! Anyway,baby girl,you are in the Wisbech Standard today but no phone calls as yet. Went to Asda with a poster but not their policy to put one up but did say they would put in staffroom.Bought some more ink for the computer to print out some more posters,lost track of how many we¬ve put out,over you,as always xxxx
Fingers crossed it is Ruby.
Just had a phone call, a dog similar to ruby found in buildbase yard at Wisbech, they were waiting for someone to pick her up (dog warden?)but have not heard anything yet.Will be on phone waiting for them to open at 7.45 tomorrow. Trying not to get hopes up but at least I know people are teking notice. xxx
There has also been a JRT gone missing from Heckington Nr Sleaford and a white van was seen close by.
Bumping to top as Ruby was featured in the paper today.
Ruby is tweeted every few hours on twitter. Anyone looking up Cambridshire or East Anglia will see. People are retweeting. Stay strong.
Day 3,over 75 hrs since last seen.Ruby you are in the Spalding Guardian today and spoke to a lady from the Fenland Citizen,you will be in there next week too. I went round Loris` today and her grandson,Brandon put a load of posters up in Sutton Bridge and a man in the new Inn took some to put up in Kirton. Had lots of messages from friends today,really helps. That reminds me, thanks for the comments from Sarah and JOSIE3212, its surprising how how much they all help. Also sent a load of posters to Auntie Mandy to put up around Boston.Well, baby girl,see you very soon,love you,as always xxxx
Baby girl, where are you? Everyone is looking for you,we will NOT stop and we WILL find you.Love you,as always xxxx
My daughter has put Ruby on facebook and we`ve told everyone we know to put it on theirs and to tell all their friends. We have put up and handed out over 100 posters so far around wisbech, long sutton holbeach areas with peterborough, boston and kings lynn, oh and spalding to cover next. Very grateful to all conected to doglost.
Can someone put Ruby on Facebook please.
Thanks to all that put a comment about Ruby up.I am absolutely devastated, ive not long lost a boxer to illness so to lose Ruby too I am in a state. It is good to know other dogs have been found ,but reallty sad so many get stolen or lost everyday.
The traveller liaison officer has already been made aware of Ruby. Sadly the owner did not get the white vans reg or make.
Yes, I think this is a very good idea. I would do it as soon as possible if I were you.
i know i sound like im stereotyping here, but our puppy was taken by travellers in wisbech she was gone 5 months but was taken to a dog rescue in boston by a man in a white van!!! who would not leave any details, so it may be worth checking with them to see if they have any information (ours was a dalmatian puppy) or try and contact the travellers relations officer, hope you find Ruby soon
Have put Ruby on twitter + will circulate.
Hi - so sorry to hear that Ruby is missing. Did you get any detail of the van? My Border Terrier, Archie, went the same way, just vanished from the garden and a white transit-type van went past seconds later. Someone inside whooped as they went by but it was dusk and I didn't get the reg no. It was plain white on the sides, with pale chevrons on the back door, no windows in the doors. Do hope you get her back soon x
Have just spoken to the owner and they are doing all the right things. Posters are being printed off ready to send out. WE NEED TO MAKE RUBY TOO HOT TO HANDLE.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.

e mail alerts sent out to helpers in PE6,12,13,14,15,34.
LOL - Posting at the same time there Ashmark :-)
Text sent requesting photo. Sorry Angus looks like we posted at the same time.Last edited: 2011-03-15 11:15:34 by AlisonH
photo uploaded from mobile - ready for alerts to go out please

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