Lost: Grey/Black Terrier Cross Male In South West (SN15)
- Dog ID 29533
- Status Lost
- Registered 01 May 2011
- Gender & Breed Male Terrier Cross (Neutered)
- Age Adult
- Colour Grey/Black
- Marks & Scars Small white flash on chest, unusual small ear tattoo. Hind leg one white claw.
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Yes
- Date Lost 25 Apr 2011
- Where Lost Between Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire and Langley Burrell along the river near Maude Heaths causeway & since the 7th sighted @ Birds Marsh
- Lost In Region South West
- Lost In Post Area SN15
- Date Reunited
- Other Info Stitch is a Bedlington/Lakeland terrier cross, he is grey/black and is very friendly, knee high in size. Stitch went missing on river walk between Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire and Langley Burrell, near Lower Pickingell Farm. He ran off after an animal. Stitch has a small white flash on his chest, he has an unusual small ear tattoo. He has one white claw on his hind leg all the others are black. He is missed and his owner is distressed. Stich will have a longer coat than shown in Poster Photo.
- Listed By Chuck
- Views 21333
- View Poster
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- 2016-01-15 07:43 Unknown
- Hope 2016 will bring some new of your lovely dog. All paws xd.
- 2015-08-12 11:45 choowie74
- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=387109791482021&set=o.1417329358526962&type=3&theater
- 2014-04-25 22:18 Shelagh
- A beautiful dog. I will start sharing him,south east london
- 2014-04-25 20:58 Angus
- BUMP - Missing 3 years today - owners still looking
- 2014-03-17 15:19 Belle
- Please see the post I've put on Doglost Wales FB page - dog found with very similar markings
https://www.facebook.com/groups/197177977062948/ - 2014-01-15 20:33 Chuck
- Still no news of my special boy, I am still checking all the re-homing centres and hope he turns up soon. He is sadly missed and thought of every day. Thank you for your continued support poster posting and social media posting, the more people keeping a look out the better chance of having him home. I managed to get him advertised in a dog magazine running lost dog advertisements, but no news yet.
- 2013-06-11 13:12 cavalierandlhasamummy
- I have shared Stitch's details on my facebook and twitter, hope he is found after all this time x
- 2013-06-11 10:32 Ellie
- Bumping Stitch's page has he is featured in the DogLost column of the July edition of Dogs Today magazine out now. I do hope this brings in some news.
- 2013-04-25 18:42 Lilybear
- Will print posters for local vets, pet shops SN10/11 close by to refresh the search for dear Stitch.
- 2013-04-25 11:06 Belle
- What a lovely dog. I agree that he's probably alive somewhere and am putting him on my follow list. Best of luck with finding your boy. :)
- 2013-04-25 11:06 Belle
- What a lovely dog. I agree that he's probably alive somewhere and am putting him on my follow list. Best of luck with finding your boy. :)
- 2013-04-25 10:30 Lilybear
- Sharing. Wishing with much love that Stitch soon home.
- 2013-04-25 08:52 Reynard
- Two years to-day Stitch went missing , I am still looking and hoping for his return xxx
- 2012-10-05 19:23 Chuck
- Still no news of my special boy, I can only hope that if someone has him they are looking after him well, I miss him so much.
I really do believe he is still alive, if he had perished surely someone would have found him or his collar, its such a busy dog walking area, someone would have noticed something.
Thank you everyone for your support, and help, and continued vigilance in looking for him. He is such a special boy. xx - 2012-06-13 20:48 animal lover
- I am so sorry to see that Stitch is still missing. I hope that the advert brings you some good news. xxx
- 2012-06-13 09:31 jobadger
- I can't believe it's over a year little boy - stay safe wherever you are. xx
- 2012-06-13 07:50 B30
- Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news
- 2012-05-21 22:21 Riverlady
- Circulating again on twitter.
- 2012-04-28 11:45 Unknown
- Sorry to see Stitch is still missing. Be great if he could be reunited with his family. Will light candles for him and say prayers for his safe return. Very aptly, the church I attend is named The Holy Cross and St. Francis of Assisi. Will ask him to do his best. Paws and fingers xd.
- 2012-04-25 08:55 Sherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
- Stitch has been missing a year now... have you seen him?
- 2011-10-26 20:09 Mollychops
- Stay safe till you can be found you lovely boy XX
- 2011-10-26 15:25 Reynard
- I will ask that his page is bumped as its been six months Chuck, I am so sorry you have had no news.
I thought there was one positive sighting ? Perhaps if you were to advertise in other areas?
Good luck! xxx - 2011-10-25 23:47 Chuck
- Stitch has been missing 6 months as of today. We are still hoping if someone has him, his chip will show up at a vet check and he will be reunited with me. There have been no recent sightings, and unfortunately it looks likely that the sightings we had have possibly been other loose dogs when we have deeply investigated the area and the habits of some dogs and dog owners. I have been so blessed with all the help from everyone and am deeply grateful for all the support. I will not give up hope of having him home, the sooner the better as I miss him so much ;-( I need my baby boy home.
- 2011-08-24 10:15 B30
- Advertised in the Countryman's Weekly magazine today. I hope it brings some newsLast edited: 2011-08-24 10:26:25 by B30
- 2011-08-23 21:22 Reynard
- Stitch is in the CMW to-day
Good luck!
- 2011-07-25 22:42 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- How about renewing the posters with a "still missing" bit and "sighted here recently" kinda thing, in case posters have got a bit weathered or people are too used to seeing them now? You've probably done this, but just in case. You have done so well! Maybe Stitch is just off on another bit of his triangle at the moment and will be back soon. Come on Stitchy, home now baby. x
- 2011-07-25 15:17 Reynard
- It is 4 mths to the day Stitch went missing we beleive he is still roughly in the area due to positive sightings but nothing since the 12th! Everything is ready including a Trap, owner is at the ready ,we just need another sighting, so come on Stitch show your self!Last edited: 2011-07-25 15:22:00 by Reynard
- 2011-07-20 15:53 Reynard
- http://www.gazetteandherald.co.uk/news/9144663.Owner_found_for_dog_discovered_in_woods_in_Chippenham/?ref=mr
Dog found in Chippenham woods over the w/e NOT stitch :(
- 2011-07-20 08:00 Chuck
- Camped out at the sighting site over the weekend to see if Stitch is around in the night time hours but no luck, still checking the area regularly. There was a tweeted report of a loose dog on road in Wiltshire so have checked with police, dog wardens and my daughter is waiting to hear from the radio stations as it was a traffic announcement on the radio. The only report the police had was of a Deer, the dog wardens have not had any report, so hopefully something will come from the radio stations. Have contacted BBC Radio Wiltshire, Wiltshire Sound, Heart Radio. Not sure which other radio stations it could have been reported on?
- 2011-07-18 21:49 Riverlady
- Its from @appleblossombea she is having troubl logging in in ..waiting for new password.....lots of tweets but whereabouts bit vague.
- 2011-07-18 16:02 Reynard
- Thanks Riverlady any idea where in Wilts?
- 2011-07-17 18:27 Riverlady
- On twitter ........@DoglostUK Driving through wilts yesterday heard on local radio traffic that a terrier was running scared on main road. Time btwn 2.30 & 5pm
- 2011-07-13 22:07 dinkydoodle
- Have posted on my fb wall. Come on young man, time to go home now.x.
- 2011-07-13 17:03 Spindle
- Fingers crossed for him to be reunited soon.
- 2011-07-13 08:00 Reynard
- Come on Stitch its time to go home & today would be nice, Helen and Mandy are just waiting for you to show yourself boy xxx
- 2011-07-12 23:55 Mandy (Wiltshire)
Yesterday (Monday 11th July) at approx 6pm.
On the Bristol Road in Chippenham - opposite the Chippenham Town Football Club car park by a little copse.
After managing to discount the local 'wandering' dogs - Jeeze, what is it with people letting their dogs just wander about???? - this has to be taken as a serious sighting.
That would mean that potentially Stitch has been seen 5 times in the last 2+ months within a very small area.
Helen has been out yet again heavily postering and leafleting the area. I can't believe there's anyone left on the western side of Chippenham that wouldn't recognise him as his face is everywhere you turn.
Come on Stitch - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - come home now xxx - 2011-07-07 20:19 Riverlady
- Have put link to facebook group on twitter.
- 2011-07-02 15:09 Reynard
- Thanks Riverlady
No more sightings but the area he was seen was Long Ridings towards Laines Head, Chippenham. - 2011-07-01 14:06 Riverlady
- Have put Stitch on twitter found golf club but they have not tweeted since 20th June. Tweeted to locals.
- 2011-06-29 17:03 Sherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
- Oh come on Stitch show yourself!!! x
- 2011-06-28 00:23 lf2000
- OMG......... so hoping you have some luck!!
- 2011-06-27 23:21 Reynard
- Possible sighting to-day where Stitch was last seen @ Birds Marsh, local helper is trying to confirm if it was Stitch or a local dog.
So any information would be appreciated,,,,please. - 2011-06-26 11:22 Maggie
- shared on my FB page and a few other groups.
- 2011-06-26 06:53 TerenceT
- Have posted Stitch's details on Twitter and Facebook
- 2011-06-25 13:51 Reynard
- It will be two months to-day Stitch went missing, we have had no more sightings , hoping he has been picked up and this will remind someone to let him come home ,,,,PLEASE!
Last edited: 2011-06-25 20:52:01 by Reynard - 2011-06-19 08:20 Reynard
- Good luck Chuck x
The weather has been bad so hopefully he will make his way home. - 2011-06-18 23:19 Chuck
- Managed to get some posters put up at the local dog show at North Bradley, and will take some over to the Terrier show over at Spye park tomorrow. My friend is sending posters out to all dog groomers in the area as Stitch will be getting scruffy by now, if someone does have him they may think its a good idea to get him groomed. Worth a try I hope.
- 2011-06-17 20:05 Chuck
- We are still actively looking for Stitch but there has been no further sightings, we constantly refresh the feeding and scenting stations, the food keeps going but from the look of it its wildlife taking the food. We have opened up the search area and have repostered the area, also leafleted whole housing estates and key areas in and around Chippenham. We are contacting all the grooming parlours now as Stitch has not been clipped for nearly 8 weeks and will be looking rather scruffy, if someone has got him they will have to take him or have a go themselves as his coat gets matted if you don't look after it. His Facebook page Stitch the lost dog has an increasing following and people are all looking out for him. I hope he is home soon, I miss him so much.Last edited: 2011-06-17 20:07:24 by Chuck
- 2011-06-06 23:28 Chuck
- Hi Noo Noo, yes I have checked out dog ID 30092, both myself, a very helpful lady called Clare, the area co-ordinator for the northants area have all checked out this little doggy, unfortunately not Stitch, apparently the owner was traced but did not come in for him, very sad :-( but he has now been re-homed. Thank you for your vigilance, he does look awfully similar! It made my heart flip over when I saw him.
Stitch has his own facebook page now called Stitch the lost dog, I am trying to keep it updated and put plenty of photos on it.
I have been refreshing the scenting sites daily and have been postering and leafleting the housing estates in the area and updating and refreshing any old posters that are all over a 8/9 mile radius.Last edited: 2011-06-06 23:32:58 by Chuck - 2011-06-05 22:40 Noo Noo
- http://doglost.co.uk/dog_blog.php?dogId=30092
have you checked this one out? xx - 2011-05-30 15:28 Reynard
- Thanks Vonnie would love to see Stitch home soon, Helen and friends & helpers have worked so hard , there was a possible sighting in Chippenham but seems it could be a local dog so very dissapointing, however with all the Posters, publicity & help we should get a sighting. x.Last edited: 2011-05-31 07:53:26 by Reynard
- 2011-05-29 16:56 Vonnie
- There are still lots of people keeping an eye out all around the area. There is a huge Folk Festival in Monkton Park this weekend, so hopefully lots more people will see the posters, and keep a lookout.
- 2011-05-28 16:25 Chuck
- Had a BBQ breakfast over at one of the possible points on the doggy triangle Stitch may be doing, I think everyone for miles could smell it but no Stitch around. Searching all the wooded areas and Postering every where I can think of also handing out leaflets.
- 2011-05-26 13:57 Reynard
- Thanks for up date , it was a long shot but always worth chasing up.
Stitch seems to be working the triangle so Chuck will be getting those points Scented, Feed & Watered, I am sure! xLast edited: 2011-05-26 20:19:37 by Reynard - 2011-05-26 07:31 Chuck
- Unfortunately its not Stitch in Stoke on Trent, finally managed to get hold of the finder of the Bedlington, but got her to check for an ear tattoo and a white claw on his hind leg and she could not find either. I have asked her to check the photo's I emailed her but I do not hold out much hope. :-( Glad I checked it out though so a BIG thank you for finding the advertisement its great that people are keeping a look out for me. Mandy and I went for a midnight walk around the various sites including where he went missing and where he was last sighted. He must be moving around at night, but we did not have any luck. :-(Last edited: 2011-05-26 07:32:10 by Chuck
- 2011-05-25 00:54 Jackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
- Just seen an update on Stitch's FB page. Chuck has contacted Animal Search and they have sent an email to the finder. No reply so far :(
- 2011-05-24 20:45 lf2000
- fingers crossed!!!
- 2011-05-24 16:10 Reynard
- Thanks Jackalee is always worth chasing up .Good Luck Chuck x
- 2011-05-24 14:55 Jackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
- Got fingers and paws crossed here too :)
- 2011-05-24 14:00 Chuck
- I have contacted Animal Search with reference to Jackalee finding the Bedlington on the dogs found, I am waiting for a reply. Fingers and paws crossed, even though its quite a distance. Come home Stitch.
- 2011-05-24 12:43 Jackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
- http://www.animalsearchuk.co.uk/view_found_pet.php?id=34069
Animal Search UK Pet ref: AFP34069 01432 761406
Quite a distance away but the description fits Stitch. Male, black/grey bedlington cross. Rough coat but curly, it says big ears for a bedlington ? Found in Stoke on Trent which is quite a distance away. Don't want to build up the owners hopes due to distance but too close a description to ignore. May be worth taking a look just in case. Could someone have seen him on This Morning. This dog was found the day after This Morning was televised.
Hope Stitch is home soon :)Last edited: 2011-05-24 12:45:11 by Jackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester - 2011-05-22 22:04 Reynard
- No more sightings :( but almost daily the area is being searched , please help by postering ,Thanks x
- 2011-05-19 22:15 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- http://thismorning.itv.com/thismorning/life/missing-pet-live
For anyone who did not see the programme this morning. Jan x - 2011-05-19 13:51 Reynard
- Stitch was mentioned on This Morning also!
- 2011-05-18 07:48 B30
- Advertised in The Countryman's Weekly magazine today. Good luck
- 2011-05-15 19:12 Reynard
- It has been confirmed that there was a definite sighting of Stitch on Fri 6/05 nothing since so he could have been taken in & not reported yet 'it is an offence to keep a stray dog without first reporting to the local Dog Warden', it's not to late,,,, so hope the DW gets a phone call on Mon!
Bumped due to Stitch in the Gazette & Herald Newspaper
Good Luck !Last edited: 2011-05-15 20:39:31 by Reynard - 2011-05-14 23:42 mandym
- I will add to my f/b page and share...
- 2011-05-14 20:04 Reynard
- Well done Chuck just keep it going if you can ,and you will get a result someone will call you I am sure,,,,,,,, you so deserve it! xxx
Thanks Mandy you are a STAR xxx
Last edited: 2011-05-14 20:08:40 by Reynard - 2011-05-14 19:25 Chuck
- Been over to both scenting sites today, the food was missing both this morning and this evening at the sighting area site but the bedding etc. was not disturbed. Nothing happening at the point of disappearance site, food untouched but re-scented it anyway, just in case. I have met lots of kind people, offering to put posters up in shops, on buses and in their gardens. Mandy has been amazing, both supportive and positive, really appreciated. I managed to get a small article put in the Gazette and herald newspaper page 3 but its only a few lines and they say Stitch is a puppy which is wrong, shame.
I am trying to be positive, just want to know my Stitch is ok. - 2011-05-12 23:49 Mandy (Wiltshire)
- An update to stop poor Stitch from disappearing off the page :(
Scenting/food is being renewed every day at the sites. The food at the 'sighting' area has been disappearing regularly (but not every time we check). Stitch's mum and I went there last night and waited about until it had gone dark, but no luck. I checked this morning and the food was still there from 6pm yesterday, but this evening it was gone - however his bedding was undisturbed :(
The point of disappearance site was undisturbed and the food untouched yesterday evening when we checked it.
Stitch's mum also posted loads of leaflets to houses directly around the last possible sighting, but that has been unfruitful so far (although a kind lady did ring her to let her know about this site).
If there is anyone out there who lives in the SN14/15 area, we really, really could do with some help :( - 2011-05-09 23:11 Mandy (Wiltshire)
- No luck again :( More extensive scenting done today by Stich's owner, and she was going to do the same thing over at the site he went missing from.
Stitch's mum is also hoping to get some leaflets posted around the estate that he was possibly sighted at.
Even just one more sighting would be brill. If it's him, he's headed in exactly the right direction for home as the crow flies.
Fingers, toes, paws - you name it - they're all crossed here. - 2011-05-08 21:35 Reynard
- No news on Stich owner and Mandy has been out to-day again and scented the area he was sighted ,,,,fingers crossed, just need another sighting! At least it aint rainning!
- 2011-05-07 22:01 Reynard
- Mandy has been over to help search with Stitch's owner and they both got soaked as the heavens has now opened up in Wiltshire!
It does seem to be possible its Stich as two seperate sightings different people, Mandy & owner going back to look out for Stich, come on Boy show yourself xxx FINGERS CROSSED !Last edited: 2011-05-07 22:02:39 by Reynard - 2011-05-07 18:05 Reynard
- Thanks Spindle have adviced owner on Scenting and our fab new helper Mandy is going to meet up with her to-night xLast edited: 2011-05-07 18:10:01 by Reynard
- 2011-05-07 16:06 Spindle
- owner, please get scenting down in this area in the safest place you can find, under bush away from road.
- 2011-05-07 15:42 Reynard
- Email from owner!
I had a call last night at 7pm of a possible sighting of Stitch on the grassy bank near the traffic lights near Birds marsh in chippenham, I rushed out there and searched for 3 hours but could find nothing. I have repostered the area this morning and spoken to the ambulance station staff at the site, the pub and local shops. When in one of the shops an assistant said he saw a dog similar on the green of the estate approx 7.30ish last night so they have agreed to keep a look out and put a poster up. I hope it is him, or it may just be coincidental.
If it is him it means he is at least ok and walking around, so that's good. - 2011-05-05 08:59 lf2000
- Hope he comes hom soon... x
- 2011-05-05 08:07 Reynard
- Thanks Vonnie x
Stitch should be in the Wiltshire Gazzette & Herald to-dayLast edited: 2011-05-05 08:09:24 by Reynard - 2011-05-05 00:18 Vonnie
- Hi Everyone, I live in SN15 and suggested contacting Dogs Lost to a friend of Stitch's owner. We have had a poster displayed at Langley Burrell Dog Training classes each week since Stitch disappeared, and several members of the Classes have kept an eye out in the area whilst exercising their dogs. I spoke with the friend again this evening and sadly there has still been no news at all. Several local shops are displaying posters.
- 2011-05-03 20:58 Reynard
- Your more than welcome Chuck , lets hope for good news v soon xxx
- 2011-05-02 22:06 Chuck
- Thank you to everyone looking, contributing and giving advice, I have not known where to start and your help has kept me motivated instead of just being an emotional wreck. When my husband left me Stitch kept me getting up every morning and kept me going, when I was very ill he helped my recovery, with all the walks to get my strength back so as you can imagine he means the world to me. You all humble me with your generosity of time and help. Thank you.
- 2011-05-02 21:12 Mandy (Wiltshire)
- I saw one of the posters down by the Kellaways bridge, and I think there was one on the Langley Burrell notice board but can't be 100% sure. A friend of mine also saw one at the entrance to Bird's Marsh yesterday morning. Could just be some rotten little kids taking them down I guess.
I got the impression from the owners of that little dog I found wandering that it's nothing unusual for him to be out on his own on the road :(Last edited: 2011-05-02 21:13:45 by Mandy (Wiltshire) - 2011-05-02 20:50 Reynard
- Owner & friend have been chasing up on areas suggested and have called Network Rail & sent a poster also have spoken with Wiltshire Radio. Mandy our fab helper has been walking the area which is vast she did find a 'lost' dog and reunited him on her travels but sadly not Stich, well done Mandy!
Helen said many of the posters in the park have been taken down, have suggested council is approached and say they will be taken down when Stich has been found, which of course Helen will be glad to do. - 2011-05-02 14:19 Reynard
- Yes elainew owner was going to contact Network Rail & thanks supergabs xLast edited: 2011-05-02 14:20:24 by Reynard
- 2011-05-02 10:52 supergabs
- Have posted this on the GLWR forum http://www.glwr.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=chat&thread=1161 . Good luck Stitch x
- 2011-05-02 08:38 elainew
- Have network rail/First Great Western been contacted? Train line runs throughout this area.
- 2011-05-02 00:33 Reynard
- Thanks Mandy much appreciated xxx
- 2011-05-01 23:10 Mandy (Wiltshire)
- I'll let my doggie friends know tomorrow morning. Birds Marsh is only a short doggie trek from Langley Burrell/Monkton Park, and I also have a few friends who live out that way who will happily keep an eye out.
I'm out until about 2 tomorrow but after that will take a trip to the Kellaways/Sutton Benger area and work my way back towards Monkton Park/Chippenham armed with treats and a booming voice :) I'll email you my mobile number so that you can pass it on to the owners. If there's any news, ask them to let me know xxx - 2011-05-01 23:02 Reynard
- Hullavington is near by I beleive, is it an Army base or something could they be alerted as they may be able to help, please?
- 2011-05-01 22:59 Reynard
- Thanks Jayne for mailings
- 2011-05-01 22:46 Reynard
- Have made contact with owner and all the rights things are being done and have made further suggestions.
Thanks Jeanne & Mandy for your help, Poster please or just get the word out that he is missing as someone must have seen something of him, lets hope STICH has been taken in and they have not yet done the right thing and reported this to the Dog Warden or call owner so a Poster may jog the memory it is an offence not to report a found dog!
Apparently there is a fast Railway line near by so Network rail needs alerting
More peeps that know he is missing the more likely there will be some news. Thanks!Last edited: 2011-05-01 22:57:03 by Reynard - 2011-05-01 21:50 Jeanne
- I live 3 to 4 miles from Chippenham and have a friend who lives on Monkton Park will share with her. Cannot print posters, printer broken but if I can help let me know?
- 2011-05-01 21:39 Mandy (Wiltshire)
- Chippenham is both SN14 and SN15. Is there anything I can do to help? I live in SN14.
- 2011-05-01 21:30 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Will re do mailing of poster to helpers in SN 11,12,13,14,15.
- 2011-05-01 21:27 Reynard
- I have sent owner an email & Txt with advice.
NB: Chippenham is SN15 ? - 2011-05-01 19:50 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Poster e mailed to helpers in SN 1,2,3,4,5,25,26.
- 2011-05-01 18:45
- Sorry to see that STITCH is missing.
- If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
- Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
- A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (29533)
- Obtain a missing poster by clicking on View poster above. Posters are very important so start postering now!
- You will need to be logged in to upload photos, edit your dog's details, or add comments. You can add comments by clicking on Click here to add a comment.
- Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
- If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
- If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
- Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
- DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk