Reunited: Brown Whippet Male

  • Dog ID 30025
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 26 May 2011
  • Name REBEL
  • Gender & Breed Male Whippet
  • Age Adult
  • Colour brown
  • Marks & Scars 2 rear paws have white socks.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 25 May 2011
  • Where Lost stolen from car at tescos, hertford.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SG14
  • Date Reunited 26 May 2011
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 8526
  • REBELPoster Image
  • REBELExtra Image


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Rebel often comes to my mind, it really upset me what happened to him, hope he is recovering well. Hugs to Rebel xx
No more news then? Hopefully Rebel is back to normalxxx
Just wondering how Rebel is getting on ? Hope he is feeling much better xxx
Could someone possibly let us know how Rebel is getting on. Bless him, this brave ladxxx
I am sure that Rebel`s mental scars will heal with the love and care of his family and that this very brave boy will learn to trust people again. God Bless you Rebel and kind regards to your familyx
Lovely photo & he is looking far better than I expected after his ordeal. I so hope that his mental wounds heal as well & as quickly, now that he is back with his loving owners. XX
Just catching up on your progress. You must surely be Rebel WITH a cause. Sending good wishes to you and your very very caring family
Hi ya Rebel and family... it was so nice to have an update today on Rebel, so glad he is doing so well. His attack really sickened me and I must say I shed afew tears... well done to the vet for tending to him so well... stay well now Rebel xx
What WONDERFUL news!!! Sooo pleased for you all and thanks for updating
What fantastic news! Big hugs and kisses to Rebel from Matilda the whippet! xxx
So happy to see this photo of Rebel and really pleased his wounds are healing well. What a handsome little man. He has been so brave. Have a safe and happy future together, gentle hugs for Rebel xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Such wonderful news, and a photo to boot! :-) Thank you for keeping us informed; we all care about the dogs on this site whether new or old. Sending love and healing to Rebel and to you. x
Its wonderful to hear that Rebel is getting much better.I have been watching this page and hoping for this news ever since this terrible thing happened to him.I am so happy for you all.Wishing Rebel continued recovery and sending hugs and kisses to him xxxx
Thats wonderful news, I am so so happy for you all, lots of hugs and kisses to Rebel and his family and the amazing vet! xxx
its great to see this little one is recovering from his absolutely terrible ordeal scum of the earth some people, i have watched rebels story from the beginng and its been so upsetting, what your family and this poor little dog have gone through must have been awful, but fantastic news to see him getting better and his picture, hes gorgeous, wishing you all a happy future together and well done rebel for haning on in there your a little toughy hugs and kisses xxx
This is great news, so pleased all our prayers have been answered. Regards to Rebel and his owners and one very good vet. Lots of cuddles for you Rebel and kissesxxxx:-)
OOOWWW REBEL You amazing Dog !!!! Well done to that vet ,so pleased hes getting better,Thats made my day!
I'm so pleased to hear that Rebel is recovering well. I've been checking his page every day hoping to hear this news. Hugs to Rebel and hope he's soon fully recovered xxx
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Thats great news to hear Rebel is healing so well. keep it up lad xxx
So pleased to hear that Rebel is doing so well. Thinking of you all and pleased you've come through this. You've all been very brave and positive!
Take care. Jo xx
Received this on another list today

had this e-mail from Lynn regarding Rebel so I thought I’d pass it on ..........

Rebel is doing really well and his wounds are healing nicely.
His stitches are out and the neck wound looks so much better's hard to believe
how terrible it looked before surgery. The vet who 'mended' him did an amazing job.

Please pass on my very sincere thanks again to everyone for caring.... their love and
prayers have certainly helped save this dear boy.
God Bless you all !

Best wishes,
Can you update us with how Rebel is? I have been watching for news every day.
Also wondering how Rebel is and am sending him loads of love and cuddles with positive thoughts for his full recovery. Hope someone will let us know how he is getting on. Love to you Rebelxxx
Just wondering how Rebel is, sending lots of healing thoughts to him xx
Hi Rebel. Lit candle for you again at my local church, as I think the mental scars you must have will take a little longer than the physical ones. However I am sure that the love and TLC your family are giving you will make it sooner rather than later. And that you will realize once more that not all humans are as evil as those undesirables who inflicted this on a defenceless animal. Stay safe now Rebel and God Bless you and your familyxxx
Sending you lots of love and good wishes Rebel and to your family. I hope you keep in touch with us all about your progressxx
Fantastic news!You are over the biggest hurdle to a speedy recovery little man. My doggies and i send you lots of love xxxx
I also hope that your family will keep us updated on your progress Rebel. I shall be keeping an eye on your page too.xxxLast edited: 2011-06-08 12:38:42 by Angus
Hang in there Rebel now safely back at home with your family - I'm sure you feel a whole lot better just being with them. Will still be watching your page for updates.x.
So happy this little lad is on the mend, it will take a while for him poor baby. Rebel you are always in my thoughts xx
Thanks Liz xxLast edited: 2011-06-08 00:02:40 by BBKM
All the best Bazil for the future. Liz xx
I am absolutely "over the moon" to see that Rebel is now back home with his family. Take care Rebel and I wish you and your family all the best for the future. I know you will be taken great care of after your ordeal. Have lots of rest now Rebel and I am sending you loads of cuddles and kissesxxxxxxxxxx. God Bless you and your family and keep you from any more harm.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I've been following poor Rebel's awful ordeal and I am so pleased to hear he is back home with his family. Take care Rebel, get well soon xxx
So pleased to read that this boy is home. Take care - all of you - my thoughts are with you every day. xx
So happy to read that poor Rebel is at home with his family and is recovering from his horrific ordeal. Sending so much love and healing thoughts to this little boy and his family xx
So pleased to hear that Rebel is back home with his family! It's awful to think of what he has been through but hopefully now he is on the mend, poor chap. I feel the same as every other decent human being on here - whoever did this deserves it back ten-fold. Let's hope there is some justice.

Take care Rebel & get better soon. xx
So pleased to hear that Rebel is back home with his family! It's awful to think of what he has been through but hopefully now he is on the mend, poor chap. I feel the same as every other decent human being on here - whoever did this deserves it back ten-fold. Let's hope there is some justice.

Take care Rebel & get better soon. xx
Wonderful news to get up to this morning :)) Love and healing thoughts Rebel, to you and your family xxx
Just received this on another site

I have just heard from Lynn and I thought you’d like to hear this good news. I’m so pleased.

Lynette Hodge
Rebel is recovering from his operation. He is now at home, safe with his family, one week after his ordeal started.
Thank you for so many lovely messages of concern for him.xx

Thanks to everyone who showed so much concern for Rebel. I wish him a speedy recovery.

Sending healing thoughts to Rebel, I wont tarnish his thread by what Id like to do to his dognappers!
I also hope that these lowlife scumbags are caught soon and severley dealt with. I assume that the RSPCA are investigating this case. Their time will come one day, and when it does may they rot in hell. Wishing you well Rebel and sending you absent healing. Come on you can do it. I must try some of that honey too. Lots of cuddles for you Rebelxxxxxx
I hope Rebel is feeling a little better today.Love to Rebel and his family xxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I have only just seen this. It is so dreadful. He was stolen to be used for this?! I always hope that these sorts of people have to endure the same treatment to them a thousand fold. I hope God does this - I am sure He will have his own way of dealing with these evil, evil humans, who will be enduring fire and brimstone before long. I am so pleased that so many people are sending love and healing to Rebel - he must be feeling it, God bless his little heart. Please let us know how he is. Once he's dealt with the physical, he'll still have the emotional trauma, but the fact that he is safe and at home with you, knowing how much he is loved, will bring him through. Love to you and Rebel xxx
I have been following Rebels harrowing story, it has made me cry, poor boy.
I hope all possible is being done to catch the low life that did this to him.
Many many healing thoughts and prayers from me to Rebel and his family, you are constantly in my thoughts. Get well soon Rebel, and yes the manuka honey is wonderful! Faye xxxxx
I have been checking on poor Rebel everyday and hope that he gets better soon. My friend's dog had surgery recently and was left with a big open wound on her tummy. She too used Maluka honey and the wound is almost healed. It has taken some time mind you but has worked wonders. Thinking of Rebel and his owners at this time and sending lots of love and healing thoughts Rebels way. xxx
I think my sister has used this honey (maluka) and i belkieve it is very good.
I USE maluka honey in my home and it is fab - +10/15..... it does take a bit longer than meds to help an infection, if one is present, but it does work.. i know they use dressings made with maluka honey in some places.
i have a whippet badly injured with skin torn off the whole off one side. she hit an iron bar while at speed. the vet cannot do a skin graft. she is being treated with maluka honey and so far results are looking good. please pass details onto rebels owner. dont give up- rebel will recover
Words fail me, such evil inflicted on an innocent little dog just beggars belief, i am praying for you rebel, god bless you and come on baby you pull through for your family who must be completely devastated that this has happened to you. Thinking of you. xxx
Get well soon Angel my prayers are with you xxxxx
Still praying for you Rebel. Try to remain strong for your family, we are all thinking of you. Sending healing thoughts to you sweetheartxxx
{{{{{HUGS}}}}. My thoughts are with you all. xx
Keep strong for your family little man. Big love to you all xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
e mail from petsearch...

Please would you pass this on to all those kind 'hearts' who have cared about Rebel.

It is so heartwarming to know that there are such lovely people out there and their thoughts and good wishes are really appreciated.

Rebel stood up to greet James on Saturday which is great to hear but the wound in his neck is still open.
His windpipe and jugular vein are completely exposed and the biggest concern is infection but with no spare
flesh and skin to stretch over the wound to cover it, it is going to take a long time to heal ......
Sandie said she had a sheep who was attacked by dogs and they took a chunk out of it's throat and although she lived long
enough to give birth to her lambs, she died a week or so later.
I just pray that having survived such a terrible ordeal, poor Rebel will keep going.

Apparently some travellers use dogs like Rebel as bait, to encourage their fighting dogs to get a taste for blood and have an
easy victory ... then they are discarded..... poor Rebel would have been no match with his gentle, timid nature.
Thank God the dog warden found him before he died alone.

The vets at Cheshunt, Medivet UK, are apparently well known for asking for large sums of money upfront.. even for a dog with torsion they asked for pre payment.
The vet who is looking after Rebel is far more caring and have only asked for a fraction of that quoted by Medivet so far and we are covering those costs.

I have been unable to get hold of James today but will let you know as soon as there is more news.
Please say a massive 'thank you' to everyone who has been so kind :-)
Julie B
This is just awful .... so upsetting to read about what has happened to poor Rebel. What on earth makes these people do this sort of thing to poor animals. Sending healing thoughts your way Rebel .... you can make it precious boy. Julie xx
Glad to hear you're staying strong little man. We're all rooting for you. Don't worry Bazil - what goes round comes round - in this world or the next. xx
Oh this has just broke my heart, poor Rebel, I do hope and pray that he recovers, my thoughts are with you little man and your family.
To the evil rotten scum who have done this, hope you suffer trauma and ill health for the rest of your stinking rotten lives.
What can I say except get well soon.
Been checking up on Rebel... stay strong, we are all pulling for you... good to know he's still wagging his tail when James has been to visit... keep looking on dog logbook as they seem to get some news... they did say he was up and walking which is always a good sign... thinking of you all xx
Visited my local church today, lit candles said prayers and sent absent healing to Rebel. Hopefully he will recover from his physical scars as well as his mental ones. Knowing that he is very much loved by his owners, Rebel will come through this. GET WELL SOON sweetheart.. We are all praying for your speedy recovery.
Poor thing - hope he can hang on and pull through. Liz xx
how awful-poor rebel. how can people be so callous towards innocent animals. i hope he recovers from his injuries and experience. he is obviously well loved. get well soon xx
Cross posted form another site

Rebel is still with us but he is at the vet and the vet can’t stitch up the wound for another 5 days or so and so the wound is still open and everything inside can be seen. Problem is, being a whippet there is not a lot of spare skin to go over the wound.
We are all praying for Rebel he still manages to wag his tail when James goes to sit with him.

As soon as I get some news, I’ll let you know. Thank you for all your kind thoughts, they’re much appreciated.


How's this little man - does anyone know? xx
Sorry to hear that Rebel has been hurt and I wish him a speedy recovery, keeping everything crossed for him. I cannot say what I think of the mindless idiots that caused his injuries. x
Firstly I would like to wish Rebel a speedy recovery. To the subhumans who did this, I hope you never find peace. One day you will get your comeuppance, could say more, but you know what? Your not worth it. You are the dregs of society. They are called SCUM. I holpe doglost will keep us informed of the progress of Rebel. Good wishes to Rebel,s owners
What a terrible thing to have happened.I am sickened also by this and no words can express the way i am feeling .I wish for the lowlife who did this to poor Rebel to be found.Thinking of Rebel and his family and wishing him a speedy recovery. Sending you all lots of love xxxxxxxx
Absolutely sickened by this. I hope the scum who did this to poor Rebel are made to pay. Sending lots of love to Rebel and his family xx
My thoughts are with Rebel and his family i so hope that he pulls through this terrible experience xxxxxxxxxxxx
Poor Poor Rebel & his owners - I pray that Rebel is strong enough to make a recovery and sending healing thoughts your way -- and to the sub humans who have caused this ..... words fail me
So glad Rebel has been found and is getting the care he needs. Healing thoughts being sent to you Rebel, fingers and paws crossed for you and thinking of your owners too.x.
Border Girl
I am so sorry to hear what has happened to Rebel. Best wishes and big hugs for a full recovery. Having parked in Tesco, Hertford's car park myself this afternoon, it was a nasty surprise to hear that Rebel had been stolen from there. Have you checked with the staff in Tescos? There is usually a member of staff wandering around the car park collecting up the trolleys - possibly they may have seen something, which may help you find out who took him. Since you can only park in the car park for a couple of hours (otherwise you are fined), there must be cameras of some description in the car park. Thinking of you - be strong little man.
Oh no poor little soul. Keeping everything crossed that Rebel will pull through. Bless him.
Love and light little man. Sending you healing and love. Hang on in there and be strong for your family x
terrible story, healing thoughts for rebel
Dreadful. Sending healing thoughts and hoping Rebel makes a swift, full recovery... hoping karma pays the vile thieves a visit soon. xx
Sending healing vibes your way and I hope justice is dealt out to the vile scum responsible, there must be some sort of CCTV in the area, please check every camera in the vicinity to get these people caught.
Awful news,so hoping Rebel pulls through OK.
Sending all my love and prayers to this lovely boy, and his owners. This is just horrendous . I hope to god he pulls through XX
So so sorry about Rebel... stay strong and fingers crossed he will pull through... my thoughts are with you his family and of course Rebel... hoping for better news later xxxx
I'm so sorry to read this. I so hope you pull through, Rebel. Stay strong - you're so loved - they need you to come through this. Gentle {{{hug}}}. xx
My thoughts are with Rebel and his family at this terrible time. Stay strong Rebel. Sending lots of love and hope you pull through baby xxx
Email sent to me.
Rebel has been found.

He is in a bad way with horrific injuries and we don't know if he'll pull
He was found in Chesunt with his throat ripped apart and other severe
We're unsure if it was a road accident or more likely , what we first feared
.. that he was used as bait for dog fighting.
Or even if he was injured as he was dragged out of the broken car window
when he was stolen.
He is at a vet’s and will remain there for several days.
Poor little guy managed to wag his tail when he saw James, despite the agony
he is in.
If there is any justice in this world, then those who did this to him will
suffer the same fate.

I hope and pray this poor boy recovers from his terrible injuries.
Text sent requesting photo.

Drone SAR

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