Lost: Tan And White Jack Russell Terrier Female In South West (TA5)

  • Dog ID 30760
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 01 Jul 2011
  • Name LIZER
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier
  • Age Adult
  • Colour tan and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 29 Jun 2011
  • Where Lost Stolford near Bridgewater, Somerset.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area TA5
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info .
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 4460
  • LIZERPoster Image
  • LIZERExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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In ref. to Scrappy 2010's post below, yes, the microchip company was notified straight away of her disappearance all those weeks ago.
It's been a while since I updated events on here, as there's been no major or good news to report.

Everyday, in one way or another, we are still looking for Lizer and her litter of puppies that would be about 5 weeks old now.
These 2-3 weeks are an important opportunity to find her if she is being kept by someone who may be advertising and selling her pups. Have had no joy so far, and it is possible that she may be too far away from here for me to see and check out non-local ads.

AN APPEAL TO DOGLOST SUPPORTERS in all areas: if you get the chance to check out any Terrier Jack Russell litters, please look out for Lizer as a possible mother of pups being sold. She has had a litter before with the same father as these current off-spring, so I know roughly what colouring etc. of the pups to expect. She is very distinctive with the tan speckling in the undercoat of her white areas on her body.

I am still putting up posters in new areas that I get to, and handing out flyers at events such as dog shows, walking areas, and driven to various parts of Somerset to check out JR Terriers that I have had phone calls about that a sighted dog could be Lizer.
A number of phone calls have come from Bawdrip, a village the other side of Bridgwater, so I have been there frequently ,spent a few hours there yesterday and gone back today as I have started to put food down just in case it is Lizer and that she may be living wild there along the river. The problem is confounded by some JR terriers from a nearby farm that have a free rein and do wander around that area. These local farm terriers are short legged and much smaller than Lizer (who's long-legged). So I very aware that it could be these dogs that I'm getting calls about, but some girls yesterday say that they saw puppies with a terrier along the river running in the opposite direction. So this cannot be dismissed.

I would like to update my doglost info please, to confirm that there is a reward available for Lizer's safe return. I have been putting this info on her posters.

Last edited: 2011-09-05 22:50:27 by ro42
Just to remind the owner to make sure the microchip company know she is missing, that way if someone trys to change the chip details the chip company will have her flaged up as missing. Good luck with your search. x
ro42, have e mailed you and doing that now for you. Bumping her also due to publikcity.
The Bridgwater Mercury, local newspaper, have put in a small article on Lizer this week(out yesterday).It includes my phone nos. and the doglost no. Unfortunately they didn't use one of the photos I gave them,but did put in one with 2 of my children holding up a poster so it's a bit of an unclear pic. of her. And it said the puppies were due soon rather than that they were already 2 weeks old, which means anyone viewing puppies locally now or over the next few weeks may or may not link Lizer in. Oh well, any publicity is good and you never know, something may come of it.

A request to someone on the doglost team: Please could you change the spelling of LIZA to LIZER so anyone using the search-dog box on this site will be able to find her details here,as it's spelt with ER everywhere else eg the newspaper. Thanks.Last edited: 2011-08-17 21:11:52 by ro42
Have put fliers up in the area of Hinckley where there was a loose dog. Spoke to one dogwalker who does that area the whole time and managed to give a few flyers to a chap driving a tractor from the building work going on further up the hill. Walked the area for a good hour and half, but no sign. If there is a stray dog/Liza there, there would be plenty of water, shelter and no doubt scraps from the builders leftovers.
Have been back to Bawdrip to have another look around.Spoke to a few local residents to see if there had been further sightings.Some children had seen a loose terrier roaming the village on Tuesday, they did not think it was a terrier from a nearby farm who is seen frequently in that area.I have spoken to the farmer who this terrier belongs to, he has not seen another around. I have asked the locals to ring me if any further sightings and I will ,of course go back.
I have also been back to the field near Hinckley Point where the security men saw the loose dog last Tuesday. No further sightings, but have discussed with another member of Doglost about scent traps etc. and putting a plan into action around that area.You never know...
The children and I went to the local newspaper Bridgwater Mercury office today to ask them to put a piece in about Lizer and an appeal to anyone looking at Terrier/JR puppies over the next few weeks. The reporter couldn't say if and when it would be in print, depending on what space they have. Let's hope something comes of it.
Last Sun eve. and on Mon,I have had 2 phone calls from people in Bawdrip,a village NE of Bridgwater,about 30min drive from here,to say that a terrier that looks like Lizer has been seen wandering in their village.Thank you to both these people for looking out.I have been to Bawdrip twice,spoke to local residents and put up posters there. Unfortunately I did not find a stray terrier or an owner of one whose dog might have gone for a wander on its own. I hope to get back there this evening to see if the dog has been sighted since.
Another phone call last night from Hinckley Point security to say that they have seen a loose dog that appeared to be on its own running around the fields near the power station. They say the dog COULD be Lizer from the pic. on the poster up at their site.Went out late last night and all of this morning to look and call.Sadly no sign of a dog, quite a bit of scrub land for a dog to be living wild, on the other side of the main Hinc.Point road to us so unfamiliar ground to our dogs. Also have asked nearby residents to those fields if they had a dog loose there around 8pm last night.No joy. I will keep going back there.
It's the not knowing if she kept her puppies full term or not that makes this so complicated: whether she lost the litter, or has been dumped or has had puppies in the wild (v.v. unlikely so close to home) or with someone still whose been keeping her....
Thank you DogLost team for putting Lizer in your Countryman's ad. As Spindle has said below, please anyone reading this to check out any terrier JR litters over the next few weeks. Her puppies will be about a week old now. Of course she may have aborted the pups,depending on her circumstances; but I just hope that IF she is with someone she is getting the appropriate care and that she'll be handed in. We are still desperate to find her.
Liza was in pup when she went missing and puppies were due about 1 August. Please if you go to view a litter of jack russells bear in mind that Liza is missing.
Wonder if Farmradio.org.uk is still going it covers Somerset and Dorset areas. Could be a usefull contact as times like these.
Advertised in The Countryman's Weekly magazine today
Now 4 weeks since Lizer disappeared.Am still putting up posters and handing out flyers wherever I go. Creech St.Micheal today, and posters put in pubs along the A361 from Walford Cross to Othery, then Middlezoy. It's not much fun for my kids on their school summer hols, I know,but we've got to keep trying.
Left poster at Sanders Garden World and distributed a few flyers at horse show in Cossington, but then got lumbered with other people's kids and ponies so a few people there I would have liked to pass flyers to did not get them! Plenty of terriers there but none I saw were Liza. I imagine Cossington would be worth visiting/postering.
Thanks for putting extra photo on. I have put her height on a revised poster we've done.Have sent poster off to Yeovil area to get some up around there. Still putting some up in Bridgwater area...there's loads of places I need to get to still.My immediate area has been well covered over the last 3 weeks.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
I've done a couple of grouped photo/s and forwarded to Spindle. Keeping everything crossed Liza is back home with her family soon. Good luck. Jan x
Put second photo of Liza on now so people can see her head markings. She is only 14 inches tall from shoulder to floor. Owner still searching for her dog. Please call if seen or know anything about her whereabouts.
Thanks for doing that field,Thorrocks0,I will try to get to an adjacent field tomorrow.
Yes,strange that someone has been striping the posters down,a couple down in Cannington and Kilve too,and some have gone from Bridgwater.The weather has been wet and windy the last couple of days,perhaps they were flapping about even though I put them up v.securely. Maybe someone thinks 3 weeks is long enough and that we should have found her by now.Finding Lizer is paramount to us,but maybe seeing the posters everyday has got a bit stale for 1 or 2 locals.
Searched a large field thoroughly this afternoon. No sign of Liza but noticed the heavily postered area of Shurton and Burton now bereft of posters. I can understand one or two being removed, but the whole lot ...?
Still no sign of Lizer or positive sighting.As time goes on,we urgently need to find her. Local landowners have been very co-operative,allowing us to search on their land.Someone must know of her whereabouts and all we can do is hope the publicity will reach them.
It's 2 weeks to the day since Lizer disappeared,and our lives are on hold,completely taken up with how we can find her.
Friend in Chard has confirmed that posters are up there, at animal feed places, school etc.
Contacted friend in Taunton to get posters up some parts around their area.
Also have sent some up to Highbridge to be put up. And a few in Wellington.
Thanks Thorrocks0, good idea to let them know. Monkton Elm GC and PYO,that's great as I need to get posters out in the Taunton direction and the other side of Bridgwater. I revisted a few local places today to confirm 'still missing'
Put a poster up in Monkton Elm GC and a very busy pick your own on the A38 near Taunton yesterday. Am letting people know she is still missing.
Sometimes people take down posters thinking the dog must have been found witout knowing. I would suggest getting back onto media to see if they will put something in paper so people know she is still missing. Someone may have taken her in and not reported her as found.
I forgot to put in my previous note that someone has been taking down a few of my posters in Stolford and on the beach which is very close to us. This isn't good as rumour now has it amongst the locals that our dog has been found and that it is us taking down the posters. I shall have to cover ground again.
Thank you for contacting me, Spindle,I hope to speak with you soon.
Today's events:someone phoned this morning to say they'd spotted a tan coloured dog running loose through a rape field towards the beach at Shurton Bars which is a popular dog walking area about 1 to 2 miles the way the crow flies, west from here along the coast.They could not identify whether the dog was tan and white or the breed,only that it was tan. I drove around that area,walked along the beach,asked other dog walkers;whilst my partner,son and other dogs walked from Hinckley Point westwards to Shurton Bars. No sign of a stray dog.Postered that immediate area, the village there and road having already been postered last weekend.
Also a message on my mob.(I live in a poor signal area so messages and texts are delayed)to say that our dog was seen in Holford on the bowling green this morning,another popular dog-walk area,a village few miles from here which was postered yesterday.Unfortunately the caller did not leave a name or number and no 'caller ID',but I went straight there after Shurton.No loose dog to be seen,so I did house to house calls around the area,handing out flyers to one and all.Was pointed in the direction of a resident who walks her terrier there each morning,tracked her down,and yes,her little dog had got out this morning and was found running loose on the green.But I am trying to track down the caller to confirm the timing of his sighting.
We shall plug-on.
ro42, you are doing brilliantly. Keep at it, have texted you. Will bump due to media now.Last edited: 2011-07-10 18:29:40 by Spindle
No result from last nights search.Even a dead dog is better than no dog now,as I,m sure some owners of long-term lost dogs will agree.Yes,there are many stories of terriers turning up a month later after disappearing in the countryside but she knows the vicinity so well and would not have willingly left her pack. I am so sure that she is not nearby as our other dogs would have surely lead us to her?
If a well-meaning member of the public has picked her up thinking she was homeless,unaware of the dog warden service and that she is microchipped, we can only hope that the posters will reach all parts of the community.
As the 'doglost' logo is on her poster, anyone checking this website who may know anything of her whereabouts;please,please get in touch,either us directly, a dog warden or through 'doglost'.
Have just returned from another search in the outlying fields.A couple from a neighbouring village came over to help...thank you so much to them. My partner and her husband are still out there digging as one of the dogs with us seemed very excited down a particular set of holes.It is ground that has been searched previously and there was no sound of an alive dog down them but nothing can be dismissed.
Still no Lizer.Over the week we have had 3 possible separate sightings in nearby villages.1 through word of mouth,the other 2 from people viewing the poster.Each one was followed up thoroughly to find it was the wrong dog each time(they were all safe at home).But at least it shows that there are people taking notice of her poster and responding.
I spent today in Bridgwater town centre putting up posters in more shops and pubs hoping to catch the weekend crowd.Spoke to people on the street,and groups hanging around,also farmers market. There's some lovely people out there,total strangers that I approach who are willing to take a poster to put up in their neighbourhood.
We are working on the lines of whatever is possible that could have happened to her,may have happened;rather than the assumption of what is 'likely' to have happened ie.stuck down a hole somewhere I keep hearing people say. Well,this is a terrier that doesn't like going down holes,she tends to stay above ground...but it's still a possibility.
Of course we are still checking the surrounding fields and hedges for the obvious scenario.And I've contacted people I know outside this area to put up posters in vets etc. where they are,north side of Chard,Wiveliscombe and hopefully Bridport, as I think there's a possibility she may have been moved out of this area...?
Thanks to those who've posted below.Sorry I've not logged on here at an earlier date to let you know of any news,I've been flat out(between school runs and family needs) for the last 6 days searching for Lizer, sadly no joy yet.Another member from doglost in my area has come forward to help put up posters and helpful advice...thank you to her.
My partner and a friend, and with other terriers, have thoroughly and widely searched the surrounding fields,badger setts,rabbit holes etc.No sign of her.Our other dog who is Lizer's constant companion has been very fearful,miserable and reluctant to go outside,I believe something frightning has happened to her.
We are exploring every possible avenue,but I do feel that Lizer has been picked up by someone (hopefully someone with good intentions??).
I've gone door to door in Stolford.I have postered our area and neighbouring villages extensively in: dog walking routes,pubs,shops,post offices...everywhere;alerted farmers and landowners,postmen,recycling truck,plumbers,horse riders,builders...you name it I've flagged them down, and anyone driving into our village has been given a flyer and a poster to put up in their place of work.Also distributed flyers and posters at local dog show at the Hood Arms Kilve so they could be put up out of the area.
I am now working my way through Bridgwater,our nearby town,posters in supermarkets,vets,animal feed shops,MDs,community centres,fish and chip shops,milk tanker depots,retail parks,snack vans and even a bookies.I park my postered car in strategic places.Friends further afield in Wiveliscombe,Williton area and Bristol are putting up posters, and key people in Wilts are on the lookout.Just in case that chance in a million does happen.
I have phoned all district council dog warden depts.in Somerset,local vets and now nearly all the vets in our yellow pages,rescue centres,kennelsetc.,sought advice from RSPCA,county council and other authorities.
Advert placed in the SW Trade-it for Fri.edition.Shall do B'water Mercury tomorrow.I'm doing all that I can and will do more...we all miss her dreadfully, and now for some much needed sleep.
Thanks TerenceT
Found dog 30792 is male.
See Jack Russell in Found section today.
Have posted her details on Twitter
liza went missing from her farm, which is near the coast at Hinckley . Coastguards have been informed as have Hinkley, Ive suggested all local landowners need contacting too will email out advice sheets
will contact owners
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
poster e mailed to helpers in TA 4,5,6,7.
Sorry to see that LIZER is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (30760)
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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