Rainbow Bridge: Black Flat-coated Retriever Unknown

  • Dog ID 32749
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 15 Sep 2011
  • Name MAERA
  • Gender & Breed Unknown Flat-coated Retriever (Neutered)
  • Age
  • Colour black
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 13 Sep 2011
  • Where Lost Linlathen Farm, Drumsturdy road area in Broughty Ferry
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area DD5
  • Date Reunited 30 Sep 2011
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
  • Views 7267
  • MAERAPoster Image
  • MAERAExtra Image


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Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge xxx
So very, very sorry Maera didn't make it home - RIP sweetheart xx
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
so very sorry and my thoughts are with you x Rest in peace lovely Maera xx
Still find it hard to take in that you are not going to return home to your mum Maera. rest in peace young lass and watch over your mum, she is needing you at the moment.
How sad - I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with Maera's family at this time. Run free at the bridge, lovely Maera xx
So so sad. RIP Maera, a beautiful, gentle and sweet dog. To Janet, the biggest hugs. xx :(
My thoughts are with Maera and her family, run free at the bridge sweetheart xx
So sorry to see this. And my thoughts and sympathy are with this lovely girl`s owners. Maera is not alone she is happily playing with her pals at the bridge. Night, night sleep tight in the arms of Jesus. God Bless you Maera and your family.xxxxxxx
So sad - run free sweet angel, run free x
Sandra R
So sorry, our thoughts with the owners at this sad time.
So sorry .......sincere condolences to the owners......
Run free at the Bridge Sweetheart , until you all meet againx
I'm so sorry you didn't make it back, gorgeous girl. Sleep tight, sweet dreams. Jo xx
I am so sorry this lovely girl didnt make it back home. Run free in the sunshine at the Bridge dear Maera x
My thoughts are with her family.
Oh no, so very sorry to hear this. RIP at Rainbow Bridge you beautiful girl
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
So very very sad to report that Maera's body has been found not far from where she went missing. God bless and keep you Maera. xx
Just checking back - am working again tomorrow but can help search Monday (except around 10am)
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Bumped due to sightings.
Have put on twitter + will circulate.
Allseasonpetservices maybe try the depot on Dock street for the bus drivers and if there is a strathtay bus in the areas (I am thinking wellbank etc - you never know) then the bus station in Trades lane would be the place to go. Working today so can't Marfykiwi I can still help Sat does anyone know how to contact owners to say we can meet up to search?
I handed out the posters to late night dog walkers last night in the areas she may have been spotted. Have posted on the FB Dundee Taxi page. Does anyone know how we can contact the bus drivers to get them to keep an eye out and what about flyers on the cars at Sainsbury's?Last edited: 2011-09-22 23:57:20 by Allseasonspetservices
I can join you Benzmum for a search on saturday. Has the owner contacted the Police Dog Unit in Douglas or how about local schools?
Oh Fingers crossed if help is needed I am off work on Saturday and can help with search if someone wants to tell me details? Though hoping she is home before then - paws crossed x
Do hope this is Maera and she is reunited soon.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
That is truly wonderful news that there have been sightings at last. It will give her owner new momentum to keep going. Maera will be very frightened now for sure.Last edited: 2011-09-21 17:43:48 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
just heard from Maeras owner that there have been two sightings of her in the Douglas housing scheme not to far from where she lives, fingers crossed. I have advised going to the area in the early hours of the morning when it is quiet. you never know what has happened to Maera in the last week, she is most likely terrified by now. hurry home hun!Last edited: 2011-09-21 13:42:24 by 4dog
All the Flatcoat clubs have been alerted. I sat last night on facebook sending details all over the country, these friends have also reposted so the british isles are well covered, now we just need Maera home to tell us where she has been.
I've put posters around my house near Carnoustie and in my dog van windows and my mums and sisters car windows. hope she's home safe soon xxx
also shared on Labrador Retriever Rescue Scotland
Last edited: 2011-09-20 10:24:37 by Maggie
This little is not far from me

I have shared on a few FB groups and friends walls, will put a poster up in the petshop, i have also asked my dog walker to keep a look out too.
https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5755262212 - Broughty ferry
https://www.facebook.com/groups/162468997126832/ - carnoustie canine capersLast edited: 2011-09-20 10:21:00 by Maggie
spoke to Maeras owner this evening. searching all day with friends. posters up and all the usual things, vets, paper etc. thinks she may be in someones house, hopefully she will turn up soon. I have contacted F.R.C. of S. facebook page and lots of F/C folk have on their page also.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
No news of Maera so far.
Too far away to be of much practical help but have emailed and sent facebook messages to my friends in the flatcoat community from all over. Perhaps owner could also contact the FCR Club of Scotland. Stay safe Maera til you are found.
Printed poster for local shops will get one up in vet tomorrow...shared to facebook as i have friends in DD5 area. Hope she is home safe and sound very soon.
Shared on my facebook page Hope Maera is home safe soon.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in DD1,2,3,4,5,7.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Transferred from Lostdogs-Scotland.org.uk

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