Reunited: TAN WITH WHITE BITS Jack Russell Terrier Cross Female

  • Dog ID 37523
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 29 Feb 2012
  • Name JESSE
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross
  • Age Young Adult
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 29 Feb 2012
  • Where Lost Jesse escaped from back garden, Batford area, Harpenden, Herts. She was picked up by the driver of a Virgin Media man. We are trying to trace this man.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area AL5
  • Date Found 04 Apr 2012
  • Where Found late afternoon yesterday i got a call from a man who said his friend has Jesse.Apparently the Virgin man who took her(John) had given her to an old man called stuart who had very recently lost his dog
  • Found In Region South East
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By ROCKCHIX
  • Views 7729
  • JESSE Poster Image
  • JESSE Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jade, any news on police situation???

...and by displaying love and dependancy with Jesse - would make it more difficult for you to take her back.

If Jesse could talk, and you could ask her what she would like - she would obviously be happier with you, and ask to come home to you. She's known u all her life, the greatest part of her life, -she'll only take a day or two to settle back in, - like she's been away on her hols.
Stewart will have to get on with his life, and should ask his mate John to take him round a few rescues to find his forever dog, one that's waiting to be re-homed. Lets hope John doesn't go out 'dog searching' again, as I suspect he will.

I ask that you use your head to rationalise whats right and best for you and for your Jesse,- she's young and needs her young owner to take her out for long walks - rather than spend her days keeping an old man company. Had you considered that Jesse will probably outlive him....then what willl happen to her? As mentioned - there are thousands of older dogs at rescues that would be grateful for his company.

You are soft, lovely and soft-hearted Jade, but Jesse is yours - so go get her. don't warn him you are coming for her - he won't answer the door and will be ready with weepy eyes which will weaken you. You need someone beside you when you go for her. Just keep thinking that he KNEW she was well looked-after and loved by someone else when he accepted her from john!

If you need help - and are short of a friend, then I promise to drive down to help. But make it soon - the longer she's away, the harder it will be.


my mobile no. is 07974 443931
Last edited: 2012-04-14 10:13:44 by Neighbark
I'm possibly going to make myself very unpopular with what I want to say to you Jade.

I've read and re-read all the postings - especially yours and the advice and warnings you have been given.

This is like an emotional play - but I only see 3 people involved here, when there SHOULD be 4.

The most important little person has not been forgotten, but what SHE WANTS has been overlooked.

Jade, you worked with amazing energy, dedication and tenacity to get Jesse back - you couldn't have done more, and YOU found her.

NO.1 JOHN - the driver. He picked Jesse up and told someone that he KNEW where she'd come from and would return her. He already had his plan in mind. Whether he gave or sold her to'll probably never know. But he's a bad one. Jesse was obviously not a stray, was well-fed and looked after, and he was on a mission. He really needs exposing. Richard Branson here I come! Well noted about him probably being a neighbour of Stewarts Jade! Your instincts are most certainly correct there.

STEWART - Now this man is the current problem. He knows dogs don't get delivered by storks or drop out of the sky, and almost certainly knows his friend John is a bit dodgy, he could see Jesse was well looked after, but decided to keep quiet. I'm not disputing he'd lost his dog of 14 years and was sad, -I'll come back to Stewart.

JADE - I think you are probably one of the most unselfish people I have ever heard of. You've agonised about Jesse, not given up, worked like a beaver, followed all helpers advice and didn't give up hope. You are a dream of a 'missing dog owner', because you interact and respond to all the help and advice, and fuel others with enthusiasm so that we keep looking for your dog. Some owners do very little and its very disheartening.

JESSE. Little Jesse. When you found and visited her Jade, she obviously looked well, - had been clipped and after 4 or 5 weeks was looking happy-enough with Steward, tho' made a fuss of you.
She obviously thought you'd come for her, and must have been confused when you walked away. You've been twice to see her now, and twice left her there, so she thinks you don't want her. She probably pines and whines a little when u go, but Stewart will distract her, and she'll soon settle down. Dogs do adapt quickly, but don't forget. As time goes on she will settle in and her memory of you will fade some.
You mention Stewart's not well. Does he really walk her? Her claws should be short if she's been to the dog groomer, but will get longer and longer if she's not walked on harad ground.
I believe Stewart has had another dog for company. There are SO many other dogs in rescues just waiting for homes, older dogs, staffies are destroyed every day because there are so many of them and not enough homes. Rescues even give them away free to save them.

Jade, I believe that you have been emotionally blackmailed by Stewart. He's played the 'lonely and missing my old dog card' with you. He could see the moment you had doubts about taking her back - and played you. He KNEW he shouldn't have her, he KNEW you'd been searching for her, he KNEW and KNOWS how much you love her - how and why else would you have arrived on his door step. He also KNOWS that he and especially his mate John had done something very wrong, and by being sweet with you, and demonstrating love and dependancy with Jesse - would make it more dLast edited: 2012-04-14 10:16:21 by Neighbark
I am gobsmacked....I couldn't have been so unselfish. My dogs are my family, my best friends. I agree with every comment made. Above all, I worry for the welfare of this gorgeous little dog and do urge you Jade - to take her to the vets yourself to get her chipped. If Stewart takes her - of course he's going to put her in his name. This way, if she's lost, or if anything happens to him - this John (or other 'Johns') - in the future, can't claim ownership, or sell her on...and hopefully she comes back to you, where I believe she belongs and should be.
She's such a beautifull little girl and must be protected. It is your duty to protect her. Last edited: 2012-04-14 01:38:00 by Neighbark
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
That's lovely to hear about Jesse, Jade. Good news. Well done getting some info, yes, I can imagine Stuart felt awkward because he had got Jesse because of this John, but no matter how well it may have turned out, it was still wrong of John. So you did right to contact police. Keep us posted on what happens and we can still help you, okay? If police don't want to know, we'll help. They should do though and you need to have a crime number given to you. Talk soon,x
Ive been to see Jesse again today,she is well and happy.Ive also sent a detailed email to my local police officer to see what she thinks,and what maybe done.Shall wait to hear back.
Stuart lives in Welwyn Garden City,i asked him how he knew John and he just says everybody knows him(Stuart) as he used to drive buses,dont think he wanted to say too much.He did say however that one of his neigbours was called John,though dont know if it's the same one.Just made a mental note myself.Ive no more info apart from that as yet.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
A neighbour called owner and owner went to Stuart's and found Jesse. She is happily visiting Jesse today and I will get back to you further. Have emailed Nik. So it seems this John still has not come forward.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Kimmy can you ask her where abouts the dog was found where Stuart lives.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jade, thank you for posting, if you are happy that Jesse is fine, then there is no need for concern. I am texting you re John.
So lovely to see that Jesse is safe and well, I echo a lot of the comments on here, I would be interested to know what John told Stuart about Jesse, where she had come from etc, if Stuart knew that John had taken Jesse without permission then he too could be prosecuted for handling stolen goods, that said if he knew nothing then sadly he too has been a victim of dear John..I think you have enough evidence from this site alone to ask the police to investigate, a caution at the very least should be given to John to deter him from ever thinking about doing this again, this behaviour makes him no better than the Travellers that we are seeing taking dogs, no one has the right to take something that doesn't legally belong to them. If you hand all the evidence to the police it is for them to decide what action they take, but at least if his collar is felt he may think twice before doing it again...And well done to everyone that persisted with Virgin who at one point said they had no vans in the area!!!! Sky all the way for me x
All your comments taken Jade but please do not let your heart rule your head. Keep a close eye on Jess cos If Stuart falls ill jess may have to go to a dogs home you won't have a claim on her if you don't chip her to you. We are just trying to help you for the future :)
Thankyou for all your comments,iknow that some may not be happy with the choice i made but for me at the moment iknow ive done the right thing,and i have taken all your advice,thankyou for that.I would like to have this John dealt with about it but not sure i'd get anywhere myself!!
I will be keeping a close eye on Jesse and making things are all good with her.She gets walks and even been to the groomers,she is very spoilt there by Stuart.Thankyou all again for the help you have given,yours Jade Rolt.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh, one more thing - they never planned on the might of the DogLost community! I think Virgin has learnt a lesson now too! x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Okay, now I'm a bit calmer from the shock, I feel I need to add a few things. Jade, if you are now having any doubts, or have changed your mind, please go back and collect Jesse. I would say legally, you have a cooling off period, even it is a verbal agreement especially as you were under emotional pressure. Now, this John could be prosecuted for 1) failing to report Jesse to the dog warden 2) theft 3) handling stolen goods 4) concealment of property and probably a whole lot things besides not to mention his employment contract! I just hope the pair of them realise how lucky they are and how gracious Jade has been. All I hope now is that Jesse has a wonderful, safe, loving home with all her needs met and is happy. x
Really pleased you have found Jesse Rockchix and you know she is safe...I know I couldn't have done what you have and let the old man keep her and if I was the old man I would have understood that you wanted your little one home, yes I know he now loves her but she is your dog and if you told him how much you have tried to find her he should have accepted for John the virgin man...what right has he to take anothers dog... not happy with him or virgin at all...Please do what the others are saying and get Jesse chipped to you...make sure you visit her often to see how see how she and the old man are coping...hope everything works out fine as it's standing but don't think once if it's not to having her back with you xxxx As for you Jesse you stay safe now xxxx
What a bizarre story - just read from start to finish. Good on you for helping this man but I could not do the same. My dogs are part of my family.
Rockchix, there has been a lot of really good advice from helpers here. I do hope you'll take some of this on board, and also keep in close contact with Jesse. Good luck !
I don't think I could have done what you have done but it is a brave thing that you have done. Please take note of what everyone is telling you to get her chipped in your name and address and keep an eye on her you don't want her to end up in a dogs home and the worse happen. As someone has said emotional blackmail is easy to take effect but it would have been better for his friend to take him to a dog's home and get probably an older dog as a puppy takes a lot of time and stress and he may find he cannot cope with her. As for John I think he should be reprimanded for what he did as it does come down to theft but thats my opinion and no one elses. Take care and I hope everything turns out well for you both. Last edited: 2012-04-04 22:30:17 by visionvalue
Nik. I agree with all you say. Its a very unselfish thing to do, by letting this gentleman keep Jesse, because he had just lost his own dog, and obviously very upset. (We have all been there) But measures should have been taken earlier on to find the owner of Jesse. And not top be handed over to a stranger and then bow down to emotional blackmail. There are plenty of dogs in rescue centres who are looking for new homes. Dont want to sound callous but if this has happened once, who knows: But if Jesse is happy and the owner is ok with the arrangement, then that is all that matters. I feel really annoyed with the Virgin Media man though. Stay safe now Jesse:-)xxx
Very pleased to see you know where Jesse is and you are happy with the way things are. Well done everyone who worked so hard to help find Jesse, your tenacity paid off.
What a big heart you have - I am so glad (words not big enough) that Jesse is safe, that you know she is well and happy.
what a lovely thing to do, and a nice idea a kind of shared-ownership and lots of people to give her love
I think you are very brave to make the decision you have. You have looked so hard for Jesse over the past few weeks. John was very naughty to not even think you did not want her and Virgin have gone down in my estimations. Please do see Jesse regularly to make sure she is still happy and yes a chip is vital. I have welled up over this but I wish you all the best for the future. Liz xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh my goodness!!! I am lost for words. I can't describe my feelings, but this is an amazing outcome. Jade, I couldn't have done what you did, however, if you are happy with this and Jesse is safe and happy and another person is happy, then I am happy. I am very angry with Virgin Media and more angry with the person who took Jesse. The simplest way would have been to adopt a dog for his friend. However, sometimes I do believe that fate takes a hand and maybe this is meant to be. I will say that Jesse needs to be chipped, pronto! I would suggest that you have her chipped into your name due to Stuart's situation, so that there will be no dispute of ownership if anything happens to Stuart further down the line. You don't want John moving her off again. These are only my personal thoughts. But, she MUST get a chip! Jesse will need proper walks and if this gentleman cannot do that, then she will take off again, so maybe you need to visit regularly to walk her - she will very happy with that. I cannot thank Nik and Jayne enough as their sheer will and effort to find her, I believe, made this happen. God bless sweet Jesse and both her owners, and, all those who have helped make this wonderful outcome possible. I am still gobsmacked! xxx
I'm astounded. Rockchix, this is a very generous thing to do. Notwithstanding the outcome, I have emailed Virgin Media's Operations and Fleet Manager - with whom I have been liaising - to advise her of the outcome and suggesting that employees and contractors be advised that this sort of behaviour is inappropriate.Last edited: 2012-04-04 14:42:57
Hi ROCKCHIX,I'm sooo glad you've found her safe and well, I'm not sure I could make the same decision as you have.It may be advisable to get Jesse chipped and then there's no disputes about ownership should Jesse need to come back to you for any reason. xx
HI everybody...late afternoon yesterday i got a call from a man who said his friend has Jesse.Apparently the Virgin man who took her(John) had given her to an old man called stuart who had very recently lost his dog of 14 yrs.Stuart had bonded with Jesse very much and he says made him happy again etc.I went to Stuarts last nite to see Jesse,she was very pleased to see me and it was sooo fantastic to see her again.After alot of talking and seeing how Stuart was so upset to see her go i have let him keep her there!! A very big choice i had to make,Stuart isnt very well either and im able to go see Jesse at anytime and if anything happens Stuarts friend have my number too.This wasnt exactly how i thought it would work out,but im just happy im able to see her and know she is well.Thankyou all soooo much for all your help,i may not of ever known where she was.JADE.xxxxx
Thankyou everybody for your help :) means alot.xx
I am really sorry to see Jessie is still missing, I have posted her details on my FB pages and also on Horse and Hound forum. Have you looked in all the council pounds??? please do it daily, dogs not claimed are PTS There are several around. I am hoping with all I have that Jessie is home with you soon. I live in the AL6 area
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in all LU postcodes all AL postcodes and HP1,2,3,4. SG4.
Good plan, Kimmybear. Could I also suggest that Beds helpers keep a look out, too.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Okay folks, here's the plan. There are people working on the van side of things but we also need to cover our bases because if that was Jesse sighted in St Albans, we need to find her. It is possible that somehow she is on the loose again. She could have been let go due to all attention, so we do need to still think of everything else as well. What we need to do now is poster St Albans and Harpenden and every where in between and around. We need to focus on finding and postering for Jesse whilst others work on the van issue. I'm going to remove the van bit from the poster now as we don't want public seeing Jesse and then thinking it can't be her because she was picked up. We want public to keep looking for her. I may put it up again later, depends how we get on, but right now we need to search St Albans near the sighting, and poster as much as we can everywhere else. Good luck and thank you for helping to find sweet Jesse. Rockchix, I will text you. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done RC. I'm taking the Virgin bit off the heading for the moment. We have people working on this but please keep trying out there. x
Ive posted a note through each door of the close with all the info and asking if they have any information or cctv also.Hopefully someone will remember something.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thanks R. x
I am back now so have full internet access. I will email the screen shots of the conversation I had with Jim. I've been tweeting @virginmedia for some time too. They have not responded but they don't seem to respond to ant of the complaints via twitter. Nik will do that email now.
reggiemollieros could you please email me the screen shots:Jayne doesn't do attachments !!Last edited: 2012-03-26 10:12:47
posting in fb groups
I have shared on twitter and FB. Virgin media are on twitter-@virginmedia- I have tweeted them also.Last edited: 2012-03-24 17:49:13 by Nikinooo
Have put Jesse on twitter + will circulate have added @Hertspolice
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner is door knocking and checking for cctv coverage...Tx Kimmybear for alerting me to Niks post...Have put Nik and her media skills onto this and passed all info to her...silly me...yesterday said I would get onto it today...but its a Nik is going to start Monday...its so busy on a Monday that I will not be able to...
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Requested this from our "twitter" lady. Thanks. x
Have you tried twitter? Herts police use it, tweet details to them?Last edited: 2012-03-24 12:56:24 by Lissy
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh, a "close", yes. Narrowed that right then. Someone knows. Get the police door knocking.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
I have been put through to the fleet manager...but only get answerphone to say she is on holiday till the 26th...have told the receptionist this but have been put through to same number a few times ... I am having to tell them your fleet manager is away....
Luckily the Virgin van came out of a was not just passing...had to be in the close for some purpose...
Nik...will email you details...any help on that side appreciated..tx
I agree with Spangles. Their fleet manager would be able to help. They must have a list of the vehicles in the area, process of elimination with the reg plate? I work for a well known telecoms company.. all our vans are now fitted with trackers... maybe worth asking if virgin media also do?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Spangles, I'll make sure Jayne sees your post too! Excellent. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Rockchix, as I always say, cover all your bases, Poster loads where this dog was sighted, just in case. If it was Jesse, it could be he's let her go, but we still need to find out who this man was as its the law to report a found dog. Would Jesse know her way home from there? Probably not. So if this was her, she could have been dumped. We need to find out. We need posters all over that area and we still need to find this man. I have the number for this PR person, but I'll ask Jayne to read your post Nik and take it from there. x
Ive just had a txt from a lady called Carol who says she may of seen Jesse a couple of weeks ago running along a path towards St.Albans by Childwickbury goats.She said if it was Jesse then she looked very well.Carol says she can't swear it was her but it was very odd as the dog was on her own.
Do you need me for this one ? If so, get Jayne to email me the contact details for Virgin's PR person.
i am not sure if this will help but this is a link to a virgin media forum, not sure why it might be helful, but check it out

not sure if u think it viable, but maybe ask people on the forum if they know of any ne selling a dog etc , just an idea

Last edited: 2012-03-23 21:48:48 by hertslady
Just another thought, Gramham Dean is the PR guy at Virgin Media, can you try their Fleet Transport/Operations Manager, he would be responsible for the whole van fleet so would have logs of their vehicles, he should be able to cross reference the partial registration number you have against their insurance fleet records assuming its a newer van normally the first two prefixes denote what county the van was registered in, the next two the month and year, the fith and sixth and seventh which are all letters will be the prefixes that narrow it down, even if you have just one or two of them they must be able to check their vehicle logs... it may be worth a try x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Hertslady, that is a good point because it also proves that Virgin has NOT really looked into this matter after all. They would know this and have not shared this information with us or said "it could be a sub contractor", which, yes, it could. The fact that this was a Virgin van means Virgin should be accountable for their employees, whether their own or a contractor. If someone told me an employee had stolen a dog, I would investigate until this person was found. I wouldn't shrug my shoulders and say "we've looked, goodbye". I also still think owner needs to report this to the police. Police have power to go further that us little people (although Jayne can do marvels, I am sure). We had this with Cee, a boxer picked up by a trade van, also in Herts. Police followed this lead and traced her. At first they said it wasn't theft because the people "could" be handing her in. But after owner's perseverance and that fact that she wasn't ever handed in, meant the police had to agree a crime had, in fact, been committed. This is the same. Great idea Spangles. CCTV. x
Sorry coming in so late on this one but reading through the posts, just a thought when door knocking to see if anyone has been visited by Virgin look to see if any houses have CCTV on them...also this could have been a Virgin Employee doing a job on the side for cash which is why they are not shown as working in the area on that day
Jayne, find out from virgin who is the subcontractor for the area the dog was taken. I 100% know virgin dont do all there own installs, different areas have different subcontractors .
I just remembered that the guys that did my install were from a company called kellys, but 100% they drove a virgin van.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Spoken to the person who spoke to the Virgin media guy...IT WAS DEFINATLEY A VIRGIN MEDIA VAN...we now have a partial registration number...a description of the guy and the Close he came out of....owner is going to knock door to door to find out who was visited by Virgin media on that day...Despite Virgin media saying no vans in that area on the day....I think we can prove otherwise. Witness is quite prepared to speak to the media as he is a dog owner the mean time we cannot say too much...except I will be speaking again to Graham Dean tomorrow...if h e cannot help we will go higher up...
I am not sure if this will help but not only virgin staff drive there vans, the guys that did my install for virgin were from another company but drive a virgin van when they are doing work for virgin. they subcontract alot of work out. not trying to be negative about it but unless any one got a licence plate I should think it would be hard for them to trace.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Lol...I somehow think Virgin will not have to sell their vans off or are in any danger of liquidation....
I will get onto the person who rang me with the information in the first place and see if he has remembered anything else and to double check about the van.x
Not sure how it works with regard to logos on vans. I thought if the vehicle was sold on the logos had to be removed but neighbour over the road has a van and the company went into liquidation in January and it still has the name on. If the neighbour is sure it was virgin media then it has to go to the press, this person a thief and that is it!!!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Left message for owner to call me.
Yes when I suggested looking for similar logos I did think that Virgin is quite distinctive. I also can't believe that they have done everything they can, virgin media incorporates broadband, mobile, tv so surely the van driver could do a whole range of jobs?!

DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
I am afraid by the tone of voice they consider they have done everything and its over with...having looked up the virgin media logo its quite distinctive and been all over ads a bit surprised at their attitude...I mean I was asked how did you know its a Virgin media a hard one to answer as it said it on the van...will need to check with owner first and speak to neighbour...and then only one resort left...use the media...Sorry Virgin...expected a bit more help...
Agreed Kimmybear, I'd be surprised if Virgin can pinpoint the exact location of their employees, I know people who work in similar roles and they even pop home in between jobs.
Maybe Virgin needs to send a clear message to all employees that keeping the dog is stealing and against the law, and that they are going to have a lot of trouble if he is not returned soon. He would probably make a very good present for a young daughter, and I'd guess that is probably what has happened
It could be worth checking for any businesses in your area with a similar name/logo that could be mistaken for virgin though? Just a thought

DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thanks Jayne.x The van driver could be a resident of that area, or close by, as they do travel miles to work on different houses. We have people working in Essex who live in Cambridge and vice versa so they travel thru Hertfordshire to get there. It depends where they are sent, so if they travel from home they could go through this area to get there. If anyone lives in that area, or travels through it in a Virgin van, then they need to found too. We have to keep looking. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Have spoken to Gareth Mead the head of PR for Virgin media and he has said they have looked into it and no one was in the area that day...and did the person mistake the van...owner need to speak to your neighbour about this...
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Got a direct number, let's see if we can find Jesse. Thank you Jayne. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Am on the phone to Virgin now, speaking to customer services, Andrew. He says Richard Branson has never owner Virgin Media??? Trying to find someone to call Jayne1.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh, reggiemollieros, thank you!!! Don't want Jesse to get rehomed or we'll have all that to go through as well, so hopefully this person still has her and we can track him down. Truly grateful. Another thing is, if everyone can print Jesse's poster and plonk them on any Virgin can you see; take them into any Virgin shop you find - that might help too. Thank you, all. x
Apologies I have been away and am still away and using an old laptop and a mobile dongle so only just managed to login. I did get on Virgin Media's page and got the following message:
Virgin Media Hi Lesley, Apologies about the delay. Jim has been doing all he can and he said there isn't any further news at the moment. He said he will contact dog lost today and get back in touch with you. Kyle

I have tagged Rockchix into the comments box on the Facebook page. I really hope by now or very soon they get in touch and let you know what is happening their end.
julie shelton:
Sadly we have no news here at Appledown. We have her poster up in the office and are spreading the word. I do hope she turns up soon.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Bumping due to media.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done, Jesse's owner. Jim, are you out there? We have had no further contact and we can't get through on the automated number you gave. We really do need to speak to a manager before this escalates as we need to find this dog. Please call Jayne. I tried to find our local Virgin shop to ask for mgr details but its gone! Anyone out there that can help again, much appreciated. Thank you. x
This was on line last week and hopefully shall be printed in tomorows paper also.x

Appeal to trace dog missing from Harpenden home - News - Herts Advertiser
A HARPENDEN woman is appealing for help in tracing her beloved dog, which has been missing for two weeks.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I wonder if Jayne has? If not, I think the paper need to their thing. I suspect Jayne is negotiating or something. Don't worry. But meantime, everyone keep looking for those Virgin vans and speaking to drivers. We could put it on FB too and twitter. I'll see if I can get hold of Jayne. x
Ive not had any news :(x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Any news? x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Had a call from Virgin media this morning but line engaged...they said they will ring back later.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Appledown kennels check our site daily and have reunited many dogs..they will also have been emailed poster and are very on the ball. tx Jacks.
Have you been in touch with appledown in eaton bray, it would be worth giving them a ring if you have'nt already
Hi Rockchix, I deleted the post because it contained Jayne's mobile number and as Jim had made contact with Jayne I thought it best to take it off but I took a screenprint of the conversation and emailed it to Jayne. I really hope that the man comes forward soon. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thanks. x
The Virgin van was coming along Lower Luton Road from the Luton end and went off towards the opposite way.Lower Luton Road is a main cut through from and too alot of places,also not far from the M1.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Been speaking to owner, she will contact Jayne on Monday. Virgin vans are often parked outside homes of technicians who live in the area, not necessarily working there, so we all need to look out and talk to any Virgin vans you see. I suspect owner's neighbour will recognise this man again, so we are in with a good chance. Thank you Jayne1. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Okay Rockchix...remind me monday to call Jim back...I am sure they do not want to have Virgin media in the local press unless its good publicity....can you email monday and put attention jayne...tx....also maybe the guy was driving through...does owner know which direction his van was going in?
reggiemollieros not able to view the post link from below,maybe it was deleted,thankyou for your help.x
I have also been to the Bluecross,emailed all the RSPCA's and also Battersea Dogs too.Dog warden and vets in my area have all details also.xx
Hi to all you lovely people,sorry ive not been on here for a couple of days,wow have i missed alot.After speaking to virgin about it they contacted the head of my area who has said they had no work around my way on the day Jesse went missing,and with the slight description i was given they said they didnt have anyone like that.I have contacted my local paper Herts Ad,they will run something next week for me.My mobile number is 07742957896,please leave a message and i will get back to you,thankyou.xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owner, call Blue Cross in Harpenden too! x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done, everyone! Thank you. I texted owner last night, but no response which is very odd. Hope she's okay. Will keep trying. Helpers, if you see any Virgin vans it would good if you mention this to them as the more that know, the more news spreads by word of mouth. This is the attention Jesse needs to get home. But, hopefully we will have a response very soon. Paws and fingers crossed it is good. x
Thanks Jayne. I shall delete the Facebook conversation now then. I really hope this all works out well and Jessie is home soon.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Jim from Virgin media has called and I have his contact number...they are not working tomorrow but are hoping to hear something and will ring HQ as and when.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks....thats good of them to text all technicians...
Jim of Virgin Media facebook page has sent the following comment to my posting.
Virgin Media Hi Lesley. A text is being sent to all technicians in the area.

I hope it has been OK for me to do this....hopefully if there is any news from them sending out this message they will contact Doglost or ROCKCHIX on her mobile. I don't want to make it complicated for anyone.
This guy Jim is saying to fill out a webform now! He has also said they cannot email out from there. I have copied Maggie Mitchell Doglost co-ordinator into the postings on the Facebook page to see if we can get this sorted. Maybe Jim can call her mobile number. No point offering mine as it will just confuse the issue. I will also suggest they call Doglost number.
Here is the link to the postings from Virgin Media (note I have taken a screenshot of the posting and emailed it to admin.)Last edited: 2012-03-17 13:58:22 by reggiemollieros
I have replied and asked them to email so that they can liase with you and Jesse's owner in case their is a problem with the mobile I will also try to get a direct line for Jim of Virgin Media. Hopefully putting on Twitter and Facebook has made them take notice at last.
URGENT I have posted on Virgin Media wall and they have said this: Virgin Media
Hi Lesley. We have tried to contact the number on the poster 6 times this morning - but unfortunately had no answer. We would like to speak with the owner so we know where to send messages out. Jim.
2 minutes ago · Like
I'm in HP1 and travel around, so i see lots and lots of virgin media vans, i an't print posters off as i don't have a printer but will help in any way i can to get this beautiful baby back home
Hi I'm in HP2 and lots of Virgin Vans around Hemel I'm out and about a lot on my bike will keep a look out X
I have tweeted Richard Branson. I will also tweet any virgin media twitter accounts. Just a note I am not saying anything defamatory - just saying picked up by man in Vigin Media van but not handed in yet and I am putting a link to this page. Last edited: 2012-03-17 11:53:31 by reggiemollieros
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you Shereen. x
Alerts gone out to helpers HP1,HP2,HP3,HP4,HP5
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jayne, I've emailed you via Admin. I hope it is enough for you to get through. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Searching now, Jayne. Thank you. Maty, I'll ask for alerts where you are too. x
This isn't far from me and I am in HP2 postcode. Maybe alerts could be sent to further areas (HP1-5 maybe?)
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good move Kimmy bear...I think a person in a marked van is a trust worthy person...and has probably reported her found when he got home..unaware that he has moved Jess to another area...Um big favour Kimmybear as still in Italy...but due back tomorrow can you email me with Sir Richard Bransons know how useless I am on the internet....
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Okay, I am bumping this page. Rockchix, post as much as you want! Let us know what you hear! This is a good breakthrough! Now you need to target Virgin Media by calling repeatedly until they help you find this van AND you must tell the police! Get a CRIME number, not an incident number, but a CRIME number. This is now theft if this man did not report to the local dog warden! Virgin Media will know what vans should have been in this area at that date and time. They MUST tell the police as they will be able to trace this man. You really need to call all the kennels and tell the dog warden, who will help you know where they all are, just in case he's handed Jesse in. Call Battersea and Wood Green Animal Shelters in Huntingdon. You can really work on this now - you need to make Jesse so famous and we all need to watch for this van. You need answers from Virgin - they may have a thief working for them, okay? Keep posting on here "please". Contact the local newspapers and they will run a story on this as it is news. Call the local radio station and tell them what happened and they should air this. You can find her now - we just need to find this van man! It really CAN be done. Let's do it. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thanks Rockchic. Are you sure Jesse escaped? Could she have been stolen? You need to make her so famous, the whole country knows that she is missing, okay? You can do it! Keep doing everything you have been advised - more than once. You are doing well, good luck! Come on Jesse, where are you sweetheart? x
Thankyou everyone for the help,doing all we can and have received the emails...thankyou.XX
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thanks Berties family. x Rockchix, are you doing everything in my e-mails to you? Did you get them? They are very important. Poster everywhere! x
Berties Family
have crossposted, keep calling dog warden, vets local, print posters and talk to people whilst out searching. I am amazed and how many people have not seen this site.
Jesse has been gone all nite now :(
If anyone has ANY info please email,ring or txt me...thankyou.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Have texted and e-mailed owner. Let's get this baby home! x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in AL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. LU1,2. SG4.

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