Reunited: Grey And Black Cross Breed Female

  • Dog ID 37576
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Mar 2012
  • Name PEPPA
  • Gender & Breed Female Cross Breed (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Grey and black
  • Marks & Scars Peppa has one brown eye and one half brown/half very pale blue eye
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 02 Mar 2012
  • Where Lost Went missing from the Sandford (North Somerset) end of the Strawberry Line railway path (BS25) at 11.15 this morning, heading for Banwell hill. No sightings since.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BS25
  • Date Found 11 Mar 2012
  • Where Found A disused mineshaft not far from where she first went missing
  • Found In Region South West
  • Found In Post Area BS25
  • Date Reunited 11 Mar 2012
  • Other Info Peppa is wearing a purple/turquoise collar with ID tag and is also wearing a purple Mekuti harness.
  • Listed By dirtychicken
  • Views 5409
  • PEPPAPoster Image
  • PEPPAExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Peppa's 5 mins of fame, lets leave it there now Peppa, no more adventures!
We are overjoyed to have Peppa back and so relieved. A big Thank You to everyone who went out searching for Peppa over the past 9 days. Plus of course my gratitude to my friends at Four Paws who were determined to come over and help find Peppa - and they did. Thanks everyone. Peppa has been given a clean bill of health and just needs to gradually regain the 2kg she lost during her adventure.
What a great result - joyous - I bet the search party who found her are on SUCH a high, - not to mention her family! I do so love a happy ending!...wish there were more.
Just been looking at Peppa's reunion photo's on pleased she is looking so good and the last photo is her back at home upside down and asleep...well done Simon for hearing her and going to check...some lovely people about who are willing to come out and help search...thank you to each and every one of
Brilliant news. At last a happy ending in the SW.
I am so happy for you, I have just logged on after a day out and have shed a few tears of relief. Well done that search party, hope Audrey and family and all the searchers have a lovely evening and a well-deserved good night's sleep.
well done PennyBw and team XX Perhaps this shaft should be reported as dangerous Last edited: 2012-03-11 18:59:47 by Mollychops
Welcome home Peppa. Must be a BIG THANK YOU to tghe search party. Stay safe now:-)xxx
Way to go. I am so so plesed this dog is safe. Lovely news.
Yes a group of us went over from south wales with our own dogs to look for peppa and one of our party by chance found her (he was calling for his own dog to come back and heard barking from a dog not his own) - she was 8ft down a shaft with a 15ft drop underneath her. We were overjoyed when we heard the news
what a fantastic result !!
A big 'well done' to the search party for finding Peppa, she's a very lucky girl, welcome home honey. xx
Yeahhhhhhh .... just heard on wonder no one had seen her if she's been stuck down a shaft...Welcome home Peppa lovely to hear you are doing well...looking forwards to some pictures and the full story of how you were found xxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...well done everybody...
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Wonderful news!!! Well done everyone, big hugs for Peppa x
Peppa's been found!!!! A large search party have been out looking for her today and she was found down a disused mineshaft. Amazingly, she is still alive and on her way home. Having just a few happy tears for Audrey and family xxx
Despite continued searches of the area over the week and employing many different lures there still have been no sightings of Peppa or any reports to Vets or Dog Wardens. A lost advert has appeared in the local Newspaper today.
There is this website as well, it was on the One Show apparently.
You could post a notice on this website too.
We're all hoping she's found soon.
Given Peppas mum more advice on what to do next. Hopefully she will be seen soon and get safely home.
Hi I am Peppa's Mum and would first like to thank everyone for their efforts to find her.
To date there have been no sightings of her at all. Banwell Hill has been checked and as yet there is nothing reported. The local Farmers are aware that she is missing but again have no news. All likely people have been contacted. And today we started widening the search. Hoping all this effort will bring some response as we miss this special girl.
Peppa's mum has been busy out looking for her, but there has been no sign of her anywhere. She was trying to register here for herself but had problems getting the site to accept her email address. Is there a known problem at all or is there someone I can ask her to email directly about it?
Mrs Mop
If you need to find the landowner of the wood, check the land registry on the internet. Any owner can be found for a very small fee.
Mrs Mop
She went towards Banwell Hill. has anyone done a search of the hill and the woods there?
DogLostMandy (Wiltshire)
Peppa's Facebook Group:
Peppa is still missing
Hi there, we live in Sandford and I am looking out for Peppa in the fields off the Strawberry Line. Sadly tonight I noticed that someone had removed your poster near the steps on the Strawberry Line so I've put it back up. If I can be of further help with your search please let me know. I will put a poster in our lane and I really hope that you find Peppa very soon. Last edited: 2012-03-05 21:34:11 by Sarah
Everyone looking for Peppa, please read this and pass on to facebook page and to all searchers! You need to get people to do an extensive search of the area she went missing, including hedges and ditches. Calling her name may not be enough, as if she has caught her harness on something or is in any kind of predicament she may not respond. Any animal in a vulnerable situation has an instinctive need to keep quiet so as not to attract predators, and I have found that lost dogs often do this. Also searchers, use the eyes, ears and noses of your own dogs. An inquisitive dog who loves to rummage around can be a great advantage.
We've been sharing Peppa on fb and she has her own page. Posters going up. A friend of mine has walked the strawberry line this morning calling her but sadly has not seen her. Come on girl show yourself x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in BS 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,40,49.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Sent e-mails with advice and info.

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