Found: Bedlington Terrier Male In North West (CW3)
- Dog ID 37640
- Status Found
- Registered 04 Mar 2012
- Name
- Gender & Breed Male Bedlington Terrier
- Age Adult
- Colour
- Marks & Scars Age is approx not yet examined.One definately male.
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Unknown
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Found 04 Mar 2012
- Where Found CW3 Main Road near Madeley and Betley border of Cheshire and Staffs.
- Found In Region North West
- Found In Post Area CW3
- Date Reunited
- Other Info Two pedigree dogs. One unusual type of terrier wearing collar. The other without a collar. Will be taken to dogs home via dog warden in Newcastle u Lyme Staffordshire Monday. May well have microchip but not yet known.
- Listed By djm
- Views 2590
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- 2015-01-03 21:06 Leanne
- Could anyone tell me if the owner of this dog was tracked down? I am asking on behalf of the owner of George (id 31439) I know it is a long shot but if the dogs owners have not been found I will come up ASAP to check (still thinking of and missing George)
- 2012-03-08 21:56 BBKM
- Any chance of this Bedlington being George on here, who went missing July 2011, dog ID 31439Last edited: 2012-03-08 21:59:07 by BBKM
- 2012-03-08 20:59 JAKES MOM & DAD
- We went to see this dog it's quite a big liver coloured Bedlington with a black collar,very matted as though it had been out for some time not sure if he had been neutered but def not our missing dog Jake from cw3. The other dog looked like a golden retriver / longish haired both lovely dogs very friendly Last edited: 2012-03-08 21:00:22 by JAKES MOM & DAD
- 2012-03-06 17:22 jools32
- A long way off, I know, but this couldn't be Stitch lost near Chippenham could it?
- 2012-03-05 23:01 BBKM
- I too immediately thought this would be Jake, gutted that it wasn't him.
- 2012-03-05 16:46 Gaynor
- Amazing coincidence!! I've always thought Bedlingtons to be quite rare really, and this location is literally no more than 5 minutes' drive from Keele, where Jake has been hanging out for some time. It's bizarre! I wonder what breed the second dog is, as that is not stated here.
- 2012-03-04 23:15 Jackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
- Thanks for checking that out Gaynor, was my first thought. One heck of a coincidence isn't it?
- 2012-03-04 23:01 Gaynor
- Sorry, just checked Jake's posting and it looks like this has already been checked out by owner - it is a Bedlington seemingly, but sadly not Jake.
- 2012-03-04 22:49 Gaynor
- The 'unusual' type of terrier wearing a collar couldn't possibly be missing Bedlington Terrier Jake by any chance? He was last seen just several miles from here in Keele area. See Lost Dog 36237Last edited: 2012-03-04 22:52:12 by Gaynor
- 2012-03-04 20:41
- Thank you for taking the time to list this found dog and ensuring the safety of the dog.
Please ensure that you notify your local Dog Warden and the local Police Station - in Scotland you MUST inform your local Police Station and if possible contact the Dog Warden also.
The found dog may have a Microchip or a Tattoo - please have the dog scanned and checked for a tattoo at a vet's so that owners may be contacted as soon as possible.
Please check on our Missing pages in case the Found dog has been registered as missing with us.
If possible please add a photo as this greatly assists our work in matching Found dogs with Missing dogs.