Reunited: Ginger And White Cocker Spaniel Male
- Dog ID 40007
- Status Reunited
- Registered 02 Jun 2012
- Name LOUIE
- Gender & Breed Male Cocker Spaniel (Neutered)
- Age Adult
- Colour Ginger and white
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed No
- Date Lost 01 Jun 2012
- Where Lost From secure garden, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex. Presumed stolen.
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area CM18
- Date Found 05 Jun 2012
- Where Found Returned by people who took him.
- Found In Region South East
- Found In Post Area CM18
- Date Reunited 05 Jun 2012
- Other Info He was out in our fenced and gated garden and when I called him in when it started raining he had vanished. I didn't hear him bark or hear the gate open so have to assume that he was taken on purpose.
- Listed By jem
- Views 4263
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2012-06-08 00:27 BBKM
- Welcome home Louie xx
- 2012-06-07 11:19 LucyL
- Great news Louie is safely home, well done! This sort of thing is happening far to often and they just keep getting away with it, something needs to be done! Xx
- 2012-06-06 01:03 Neighbark
- So pleased for you, but be so very careful - they could easily be reading this. Wonder how many dogs a week they steal - then ramsome or sell on! Wonder where they keep the dogs they steal? Wonder how many stolen dogs they have there at any one time?
- 2012-06-05 23:04 Unknown
- I am so pleased for you. Sorry you had to pay but I agree with what others have said. Be very careful at the moment, these people don't care about anything or anyone.
- 2012-06-05 22:53 digbysmum
- Great news. Welcome home lovely Louie - stay safe now xx
- 2012-06-05 21:58 Leodog
- So pleased Louie is back home. I hope the police catch the horrible people (was going to say something else) and put them in jail. But they won't. Good that he's back home now.
- 2012-06-05 21:38 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Excellent news! I agree totally with Spangles. Also, please take extra care now, if you understand my meaning, especially if action is taken. Moving sweet Louis into the blue. Well done owners, Netty & Nat, and all who have helped. Give Louie a big kiss from us. xxx
- 2012-06-05 20:48 Gypsy
- Woohoo!!! I'm absolutely delighted to hear Louie is home! Well done everyone. Welcome home Louie...stay safe gorgeous boy xx
- 2012-06-05 20:26 BordercollieX
- So delighted he's back - hope they catch the toe rags who took him. Was making plans to leaflet Spruce Hill tomorrow but pleased it won't be necessary. Next time a stranger tries to take you Louie you have permission to bite them!!!!
- 2012-06-05 20:10 SanBarn
- Great to see this boy home.Excellent advice Spangles. A big welcome home to you Louie, you stay very very safe now boy. xx
- 2012-06-05 20:06 milo
- fantastic news for all louis family soooo pleased. the travellers did exactly the same to us but we got our dog back cos he bit one of them and they let him go. these low lifes need to be stopped. i do not know who the hell they think they are, why dont they get a proper job like the rest of us. i am so pleased and i bet you wish your gorgeous dog could talk. he must be over the moon to be back in his warm cosy safe house tonight. really pleased xxxx
- 2012-06-05 19:54 Spangles
- wooo hooo, so glad you have your baby home....Jem, as well as the reg, write down a description of the car, ie make, model (especially the year of the model if you can) colour, anything distinctive, ie, dents, alloy wheels etc, they are very very good at driving on false plates but if you have description of the car and its occupants even better write as much down as you can to hand to the police....hope you all get a good night sleep and welcome home Louie xxx
- 2012-06-05 19:47 jem
- Louie is home. A ransom was paid but we have a car reg, and know who they are. The police will be contacted ASAP don't want anyone else to go through this.A huge thank you to all who helped in particular Natalie and Annette from Doglost.
- 2012-06-05 19:33 Netty-B
- Just had a mesg to say that Louie is Home safe and sound.I think a reward was paid for him, about £200 i think . They got the reg number of car so might be a chance to catch him!!!!!!!!! Well done to all for their hard work.THANKS!!!!!!!!! Tears all round.
- 2012-06-05 18:04 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Well done everyone. Jem, you can photocopy the posters in a smaller scale to fit four on an A4 page at Staples, next to Pets at Home. This way you can get them out quicker. Sorry the posters keep getting taken down but glad you are renewing them. Posters really get in people's faces more than anything. Call to get a story in the paper! Call Chris Moss at The Star office and leave a message if he is not there. Papers still have to run even with holidays, so someone should be there. You still need posters as after the story, if they run it (and they well may) if someone sees him they won't have the paper on them so need to find a poster to know who to call. Well worth doing! x
- 2012-06-05 17:43 Spangles
- Really hope you find Louie soon, I have spread the word on FB and the Essex FB page for Doglost......going back to Kimmbears post, Molly the deaf cocker was very vocal, when her mum got her back from the Travellers she could tell she had been barking...hopefully your little man will get on their nerves backing and they will give him back sooner, its not easy to hide a vocal boy....keeping everything crossed and I will keep spreading the word. When Molly went missing BBC Essex did a feature, perhaps they would give Louie a mention, they did with Pip the black cocker missing from Woodham, it may be worth speaking to her owners for some contacts x
- 2012-06-05 14:15 Leodog
- I do hope you find Louie soon. I'm in Peterswood, just near the Zebra crossing and walked over to Maunds Hatch shop and up that way. I couldn't see any poster round there. They must have been taken down. Good luck with the travellers site tomorrow. I wish I could do something. I have shared on Facebook.
- 2012-06-05 13:33 jem
- Been out again this morning and put up more posters and replaced the ones that have been taken down... police came yesterday but no traveller liaison officer until tomorrow and they won't go to the site without them. We are favouring the softly softly approach in the hope that the offer of reward will tempt someone to ring plus through facebook and other social sites friends have offered contact with the travellers that isn't confrontational. Can't get leaflets until Thursday when husband goes back to work but will be distributing from then on. The original Facebook post and subsequent ones have now been bumped to nearly 2000 people in Harlow and the surrounding area so awarness is high even if the posters are going missing on a regular basis. Leodog we have been focusing our postering between here and the travellers sight; through Berecroft, Maunds Hatch, Commonside Road, Sibneys Green, Latton Green and the field behind Berecroft but the faster we put them up they seem to disappear so our time seems to be spent replacing old ones rather than extending the area they cover.
- 2012-06-05 12:42 milo
- hi please think positive dog lost found our dog. def sounds like the travellers have him especially as posters have been taken down. cant the police go to fern hill lane and the pinacles. our dog was twice stolen by these low lifes. will keep an eye out for poor louis
- 2012-06-05 11:47 Leodog
- Have Herts & Essex Petsearch been informed?
- 2012-06-05 11:27 Leodog
- I have to say, I live about 200 yards from Rye Hill Road. I have just taken my dog out for a walk and have seen no posters at all for Louie. Not had anything through the door either.
- 2012-06-04 20:32 Gypsy
- Hi Jem. Have you distributed flyers through front doors in the area as well as postering? This may not be easy to achieve but has worked for others...if you know someone who lives in the area and owns property close to a busy could display a large banner with ideally Louie's image on...this will be sure to attract attention and get people talking! Maybe there is someone who could help you with it?
Make sure you poster all local shops, petrol stations and pubs too etc. Ask the public to display Louie's poster in their car window. Anything is worth a try!
Wish I could be there to help you. Louie is a very noticeable dog so someone somewhere will know where he is. Don't give up and stay strong! xx - 2012-06-04 17:51 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Rotten horrible people. Its not the council, as they don't usually remove them in Harlow and they are not working as its a holiday. You are doing so well. Please believe that the majority of dogs do get back home when owners work hard and that is what you are doing, okay? Try the travellers sites again yourself. Plead for his safe return. It can work. Can I suggest you check out Molly's page from CM13 in the blue reunited, from last year. Molly is a deaf spaniel and travellers took her. See what her owner did as it may give you ideas, okay? You can do it too! They brought her back. They can bring Louie back too. Let's get Louie home! Anyone else out there available to poster or assist owner? Thank you. x
- 2012-06-04 13:22 jem
- So having been out this morning we have discovered that last night someone has removed almost all the posters... More evidence that he has been taken deliberately. Will be out putting more up as soon as they've printed - we can't be stopped that easily!
- 2012-06-04 09:49 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Animal wardens.
- 2012-06-04 09:13 jem
- Thank you very much Gypsy...excuse my ignorance but what is the AW site?
- 2012-06-04 09:11 jem
- Crime number obtained, time to wait and see...
- 2012-06-03 21:28 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Well done, everyone. Owner if you cannot get a crime number from police, please call us. They have to give you one and we can help you get it. This is imperative. Please call them now for that crime number. x
- 2012-06-03 19:33 Gypsy
- Have listed Louie on the AW site.
Lost Dog
03 Jun 2012 English Cocker Spaniel
Location: Harlow - Essex CM18
Name: Louie
Gender: Male
Colour: Ginger and White
Markings: Presumed stolen from a secure garden!
Size: Medium
Our Ref: 37643
Contact Phone Number - 01279 325663 - 2012-06-03 17:50 Gypsy
- Have shared on facebook and crossposted to other lost/stolen dog sites.
Really hope you get Louie back soon xx - 2012-06-03 17:47 BordercollieX
- We live in Spruce Hill & walk our dog in this area. I have shared on Facebook & Twitter & we will tell every dogwalker we meet. Hope he's soon home x
- 2012-06-03 17:27 jem
- Thank you so much for all your help so far... I think I would have gone out of my mind with worry and despair if it hadn't been for all your support and the wonderful messages from all my friends on Facebook. I have altered the details to include reward and will get new posters out there tomorrow to reflect this. The weather and the bank holiday may be slowing us down but we won't let this drop!
- 2012-06-03 15:09 Netty-B
- It turns out Louie is one of the dogs that my friend Natalie rehomed, she rang me as soon as she got my text for help. She got a mesg about him possibly being near the site, so texted me this morning and we went out to see. we could hear what could be him barking and went into the site and the nearby housing estates put nothing. Visited the owner who is doing all the right things and came away with more posters she had printed off herself and had been putting up with her sons. Natalie and i returned to the site and spoke to people there and left posters with them and also postered the area and futher out. After over 3hrs we went home wet and sad, we had been quite sure we were going to find him. Natalie has some great contacts who are looking out for Louie, who i am told is very loud when he barks, so maybe that whoever has him will get fed up with his barking and let him go. The owner has posted on facebook and those contacts have forwarded on, so we think we have now reached over a thousand people from her facebook conections including policemen.As soon as there are anymore leads we will be back out there looking, as his owner said it could not be a worse weekend with it being a long bank holiday and dog wardens do not work weekends and bank holidays. As i know through my time with doglost as a helper, the police are not interested in dogs wether they have been stolen or just lost-they tell you its a council matter. Nowadays its who you know that counts and hope that through Natalies contacts we will get Louie back, plus all the help from people on here. Thank you to the many offers of help and those people sending mesgs of support. We will not rest until he is home.
- 2012-06-03 14:52 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Jem, quite often black and white photocopies last a long time in the rain without any covering at all. As its raining at lot recently, suggest you do this. If you can afford it, coloured posters laminated are the best, but sometimes posters printed from your computer and put into plastic wallets do at times get hot and condensation makes the ink run. But a wallet may be better for computer printed posters, than without, in the rain. See how you go. We need to put YES to the reward, can you do that or do you want me to? This is important as unsavory people might help for money. A genuine person rarely ever wants a reward. But you need that help and information and yes, you may have to pay for it. But it could be what gets Louie home. x
- 2012-06-03 13:30 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Jem, we know all about what these individuals do and yes, it is absolutely disgusting to take dogs from their loving owners. When people love their dogs they are going to pay, as I am sure you would. Until this country finds a way to deal with this once and for all, we just have to muddle through, and we do, with great results. If your friend heard him barking, you need to visit the site and do as I said in the email. Play it by ear, but no dog in front of you, no money. This lot are tricksters. It is far better to pay to get him home and and then maybe afterwards the police can get them for extortion or something? Speak to the police. Right now you need to get him back, however you can, before he gets moved to another site. I also advised you to get a crime number - have you got that? The dog warden and police will go with you, and yes, the thieves will hide him and claim he's not there, which is why you need to try yourself, first, now. Go to the site with posters, and tell them there is a reward. Don't state an amount, as per the email. Dog wardens don't work till Wednesday this week (holiday), so you really must visit the sites - don't go alone. Please everyone, make this baby too hold to handle! Suggest we poster Fernhill Lane and Glaxo area site as well. Also poster around the supermarkets - even travellers have to eat. Thank you. xLast edited: 2012-06-03 14:36:41 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- 2012-06-03 10:12 Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
- Have shared on Facebook as have friends in the Harlow area. Hope you find him soon xx
- 2012-06-03 08:41 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent out to helpers in CM5,6,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24. EN8,9,10,11. SG12,13.
- 2012-06-03 08:22 jem
- Photos now on!
- 2012-06-03 08:10 jem
- I've tried to upload a photo 3 times now and it just keeps returning to the Awaiting photo/details screen! I am going to email one to admin now. We have put posters around our immediate area but I will get more up today. A friend of ours who knows Louie really well lives very close to the gypsy site and is sure he is there - she heard him barking last night. Another friend said that her neighbour paid £450 to get her dog back from the gypsies! As long as people keep paying up they are on to a good thing and will keep taking dogs.
- 2012-06-02 21:02 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Just phoned owner. Asked for photo. Told them what to do. They did say they are sure he has been stolen by travellers. I get so sick of this! Let's find Louie; let's get this baby back home!
- 2012-06-02 20:52 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Emailing and texting owner. Netty is spot on. They are way too close for comfort and they like Spaniels. Owner you need to report this to police now, as its a crime! They have to investigate. Be quick!
- 2012-06-02 19:33 Netty-B
- Sorry to see that Louie is missing, have you tried the gypsy site not far from you up fernhill lane as we have found stolen dogs there before.? make sure you get lots of posters out there as soon as possible because if he has been stolen and they try to sell him these will make it harder for them to do once the word is out. If you send a photo into dog lost then all helpers can print off posters and do their own areas, that way word soon spreads and we hope that we can get Louie back for you. There are people in harlow who will help you look once word gets around. I left my mobile number on your voicemail. I will now text other helpers to alert them to the fact that louie is missing.Lets hope we get him home soon.