Reunited: Black An Tan German Shepherd Dog Male

  • Dog ID 40287
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 11 Jun 2012
  • Name BEN
  • Gender & Breed Male German Shepherd Dog (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour black an tan
  • Marks & Scars ben is a black an tan german shepherd still with a shaved foot due to being recently neuterd
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 09 Jun 2012
  • Where Lost he was taken from my home but belived to be in the hertfordshire are or london
  • Lost In Post Area ALL AREAS
  • Date Reunited 13 Jun 2012
  • Other Info
  • Listed By rona
  • Views 4516
  • BENPoster Image
  • BENExtra Image


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Brilliant news! Welcome home lovely Ben - stay safe now xx
thanks for the posting about the full story. It is a very unusual case. I will say that when I took my rescue dog to the vet for the first time my vet was very good and scanned him to check ownership . But I do understand to hand in a dog with all paperwork in tact is very unusual Just so happy it turned out ok in the end.
So pleased you have your gorgeous boy back Rhona. Welcome home Ben! xx
I was shocked when my vet didn't scan either of my recent two new dogs first time at their surgery, even though they have all the posters about the importance of microchipping up in their reception area! I must have an honest face...
So glad you got your dog back rhona - it just goes to show the value of methodical hard work in these cases
I haven't done any work as I've been avidly reading Ben and Rona's story. What a fantastic ending, and all down to quick thinking from DL people. Rona you must have been out of your mind. TG you got him back. It really is about time every organisation scanned new dogs. Our vets Companion Care, check all new clients dogs and some anomalies have cropped up and been sorted. Also the batteries on scanners run out quickly and its easy to get a 'no-chip' impression, all mmaking a huge difference to the outcome. Ben is gorgeous.
so glad to hear that you got your lovely boy back home where he should be. ive just read the story and was shocked to hear what had happened! xx
Lovely to know you're back home Ben. So pleased you're safe and well. Lovely photos. xx
Wonderful united photos.......I am so pleased all is well.....dont worry about the past, just have a fantastic future together xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx for the reunited may have to press refresh to view...
I agree the lets all jump on bord an bang our drums to makes our voices heard!! :)
Signed the petition, completed the consultation online and sent an email to further elaborate on my concerns regarding the lack of legislation making scanning compulsory when an organisation first has dealings with a dog, even if the dog is deceased - nothing quite like banging the drum long and hard!!
Wensmum.... Its been signed an i have now told all my doggie friend to sign aswell tonight hope it help thanks for the info an best wishes xx
Wonderful that he is home - DL magic strikes again.
Re chips - there is a petition

It would also be a good idea to tell defra what you feel about microchips (quickly - consultation ends 15 June) email to
Thank jan!! For up loading pics for me i just wanted to share a my delight at the end of what seemed like a horror story i feel i gone thru a full book in the past week a horrible start, a heart ach middle but a fantastic end!! Im so glad i have had the pleasure to meet such supportive an wonderful people to help in my quest to find ben thank you once again doglost people harvey an not forgetting the one lady who spured this all on an with out her i think i would of given up thank you MANDI myself an my family thank u all from our hearts an ben send massive licks an waggie tale for a job well done woof woof xxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Hi Rona, so pleased you have your gorgeous Ben home reading through all the posts, well done to Harvey and everyone else involved. Stay safe now.Lovely reunited photos.xx
Rona, I am SO pleased for you. How lovely to see Ben back where he belongs. I'm sure he realises how loved he is and will repay that love many times over.
Mandi x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
REUNITED photo/s uploaded, you may need to refresh the page to view them. :) x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
BRILLIANT news is BACK HOME, as a GSD owner myself I know how loyal and are such a one man dog. Thanks Rona for emailing the reunited pics of your gorgeous boy back home, I have done a group pic and will upload a.s.a.p. and update his missing photo.

WELL DONE and THANK YOU to EVERYONE involved in getting Ben back with his family, great he was MICROCHIPPED.

Sending Ben a massive big hug and cuddle, WELCOME HOME feller. ♥♥♥
Tara H
Hello Margaret
Thank you for clearing up the confusion on what happened your end. As I stated in another post, I dont even know where our dogs pedigree papers are in the house without having a good look for them. So you can only go on the info you are given.
Maybe if the lady who brought him to you had just told the Real owner(when they phoned on her mobile) where she had taken him it would have been more helpful.
Also to get to point if the relative hadnt sold him in the first place this wouldnt have spiralled out of control

Lets all be grateful that Ben is where he should be now, with his real family who obviously love him !

And that we all have learnt lessons from this scenario

Hugs to Ben ! x
thank you kaffirdog i understand what sort of situation you had been placed in im just happy my boy was found safe an well so to me that is the best result ever im letting the police deal with sum bag that sold my baby on all well that ends well in book i have ben back NEVER to be left again i dout il see the tv an other stuff again but we as a family dont care as our ben can never be replaced its a tough case all round i think if there is one thing i hope to be lernt form all of this is that i hope noone ever has to go thru what i did an to make sure we protect our pets the same way as we would our children thank u kaffie for taking care of ben untill his family found him xx
Glad you had a safe journey home. I'm the owner of the kennels where Ben ended up. Would like to point out that until Harvey called me, I had not heard the Ben was stolen, since he was an owner hand-in, I had no reason to look on here for him. He was signed over by a lady who gave me her full contact details (which are correct, I called her today to tell her the good news). She bought him for £250 with all his papers, I checked his chip, which corresponded with the paperwork and the address was the one she went to when she bought him. She said he had a lovely temperament, but was not good with her cats, even though the seller had assured her he was brilliant with cats and happy to be left alone in the house all day while she was at work, everything she wanted to hear, but clearly not true. She had tried to get the seller to take him back, but he would not return her calls and she was now desperate as she had to go to work the next day and didn't dare leave Ben with the cats. This lady bought Ben and handed him in to me in good faith, I have no doubt. With the paperwork in order, I contacted the breeder as a courtesy in case she wanted him back and tried to track down local rescues in that area as the seller claimed he had got the dog from a rescue originally, I was suspicious he might be on an adoption contract, the idea he had been stolen, complete with pedigree, vaccination card and microchip papers was the last thing I would have guessed. I'm sorry Rona had all these days of worry not knowing where Ben was, but it is a bit unrealistic to expect me to assume a dog could be stolen when it arrives with all it's paperwork. Anyway, I'm delighted you have him back Rona.

Margaret N-J
hi guys i have just returned with my baby ben he is fine a little smelly but all in all doing well i will be uploading pics in just a few it has dissapointed me that there seems to be some sort of conflict on here regarding the story about ben...right lets just get our fact straight ben was sold from my home address while me an my family was away we had a house/dog sitter who infact was my so called family member who choose to sell ben and a few of my house hold valubles to feed his drug habbit which i was led to believe he had infact cleard his act up second ben was handed in at this bond he was there since SUNDAY now i back any camp that stats all dogs must be scanned once thay arrive at a vet/kennel/pound wether thay are handed in my so called owners or dogwarden etc... i feel if my ben had been scanned sooner it would have saved me alot of worry heart ache aslo same as said to the very nice lady who had ben well if all did not seem right it should of been checked with the chip company as a double check!!! i never wanted anyone to go thru what i did over this all cercomstances are diffrent as to why dogs get lost/sold/stolen no to story is ever the same so each dog should be treated as one case not a box full of cases all chucked on a pile we would not wanted our childern to be treated this way if thay were to be stolen or lost so why should we think any diffrent to our pet!!! if you dont feel the same im afried you must be in the wrong job :( now i am not slatting the pound ben was found in but things could of happend better an thats what needs to change.... RIGHT NEXT THING we all had a safe ride home ben slept the whole way lol soon as he got in he ran round the house going crazy whith joy he has sincehad a good meal new toy an we are having our evening walk later thank you so much guys xxx
Tara H
Nettie ... Im sure noone was insinuating that the Kennel owner did not do her job properly with all the facts that they had. Especially since all the paperwork and address were in order. To be honest I have a pedigree dog and all the papers, but can not remember exactly where they are in the house, meaning that to the kennel owner everything seemed very above board and in order esp as the paperwork was there. Well luckily he was in good hands with the kennel owner. x
The microchip was checked and the address was the same as the address the lady had picked the dog up from when she bought Ben, the kennel owner also contacted the breeder who said she had no idea the owners had wanted to give Ben up. The only reason Ben has been returned is because of the phonecall from Harvey. The dog was handed in with all his pedigree paperwork, even so the kennel owner still had a niggle at the back of her mind but she had reached a dead end and was about to put Ben up for rehoming. The kennel owner is a very experienced GSD person and did her best. Rona I'm so glad you've got him back.Last edited: 2012-06-14 17:00:16 by Nettie
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
The worse thing is Beele she was due to be put to sleep new owner complained he was aggressive towards her cats...who in their right minds would buy a dog without questioning where it cane from and introduce it to her cats...she left no contact details with the if it was not for Harvey who knows what the outcome may have been.....
Well done meggie. Unfortunately at the present time if someone signs over what the kennels are told is "their own dog" it may not automatically be scanned. Same as people taking their "new" dog to the vet for the first time. Even if by law, all dogs were microchipped, the law would still need to be changed to get every dog/animal agency to scan the dogs at least on the first meeting.
DEFRA have a consultation document which ends tomorrow which includes compulsory microchipping. Have emailed suggesting that it be made compulsory for pounds and rescues to scan all dogs brought into them for a microchip.
Is there a petition to sign, or something else we can do to support this? I wholeheartedly agree, the fact that Ben was chipped but could have been sold, or worse, because no-one thought to scan him is ridiculous in the extreme!
well done doglost team WONDERFUL news.. Happy Day!!
BUT surely the first thing any pound/ rescue should do is to scan for a chip.... How else are dogs supposed to find their way home when found 3 hours drive away or otherwise... ???

Rag's mum wensmum has been campaigning tirelessly for changes re scanning chips, she could do with some support if anyone feels passionate enough to join the cause!!Last edited: 2012-06-14 13:46:47 by Beanie245
Isla's Mum
Rona - I hope you have a safe journey and can't wait to see pictures of you all reunited.
Hi guys !!
We are just about to go out the door to make the three hour drive to bring home our beautiful ben sooooo excited thanks again everyone will be back later with pics for you all to see our baby back at home :) xx
What fantastic news -for you all. I'm so pleased for you all - welcome home you little beauty!! xx
Wow!!! I am so pleased to see this......what wonderful news..........
I hope you have a brilliant life together, you so deserve it xxxxx
Thank you everyone for send love hugs an well wishes this has been a whirlwind day but with the best out come ever! No the lady at the pound never thought to scan ben that why he never shown up sooner :( but we all of you guys backing me it was a matter of time before I got him back I have sat down with my hubby an I must say talking of collecting ben tomorrow put us both in tears of joy we are such a lucky family I just wish everyone on here looking for there lost family member will soon be writing the same statement as me we are planning our route as we speak to take to collect ben I never thought this would be happening im still in shock that my ben is now found I will up load pics of ben an his home coming tomorrow we have been to pet shop an brought him a bag of new tennis ball squeeky toys an a big new blue blanket I think he deserves a big spoile I carrnt wait to take my two dog for there evening walk to watch them play in the field an go completely free funning an jumping thank u again all xx
Ginnys Mum
Just logged on to print some posters and seen the brilliant news. Am so pleased for you xx
What a fantastic outcome i am so pleased for you and for Ben - he is such a lucky dog and well done for not giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brilliant news! Well done Doglost.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
OMG ! I have just come in from work to find such happy news - I am over the moon for you Rona to have found lovely Ben. Please give him a big kiss from me and also a hug for you and your mum. Julie x
another happy ending! did the pound not scan for a chip then? More photos to look forward to.(:
Tears streaming down my face reading this lot. What an amazing job to get this lovely boy back. Well done team Doglost! What a result, and what a lovely dog and what an even happier owner! :-)
Excellent news and well done to all involved in tracing Ben. Looking forward to seeing the reunited pic too! x
Just brilliant for Rona and Harvey and most of all for Ben....thank goodness he was found before he was rehomed (or worse) bless him. One thing....chip? Unless of course rehoming meant rescue thought chip details irrelevant. But main thing for Ben is that he has been found Thrilled!
So glad he is home... :) :) :) xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news well done doglost helpers....
I'm so pleased that Ben has been found! Fingers crossed for all the other missing fur-babies on here now.xx
I`m really pleased you have found your boy Rona. Such a handsome boy. Stay safe now Ben:-)xxx
yes harvey i am defo keeping the promise to you please write down my email address here goes...
i cannot thank u all enough im still sobbing with joy an yes i have ran round my house screaming he is coming home an phoned every1 i no to tell them all :) harvey an mandi you pair are an amazing set of people i carnt wait till tomorrow this excitment is worse than xmas eve as a child waiting for santa!!! soooo happy right now an i dont mind shouting about it!!!! to anyone on here that is missing there dog please dont give up these special people on here will do all thay can please never lose hope an i wish u all with all my heart the best wishes in the world in finding you dog/pet an this will not be the last u here from me i will do all i can to help any1 of u out there still searching xxx
Nice one Harve, so pleased for Rona and her family bet Ben will be pleased to see them too
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Wow definitely gold stars Harvey!!! Well done! What was the story given to the rescue?? Do please send in that photo of Ben back home rona... xx
You're in tears? YOU are?!!!! :P

I'm just so happy for you Rona. Don't forget that promise - I want a photo of your lovely dogs as a reward!! :-)

I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow and will still be wearing this huge silly smile on my face!

That is the most brilliant news. Gold Stars to you Harvey xxx.
As soon as Ben is safely back home with Rona, I'll be delighted to move him into the Blue.
I'VE FOUND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An off-chance phone call to the second on a huge list of pounds and rescues I know of in Herts paid off.
He IS in Herts - have contacted Rona, both of us in tears, and she's on the phone to where he is now. He's safe and well and the owner of the establishment is delighted to be able to reunite them.
The most fantastic news...I have just been speaking to 'Harvey'. She started calling round dog pounds in Hertfordshire. On her second call to a kennels in Baldock she found Ben! She was going to call Rona with the good news. As I can't get through to Rona yet I assume they are either still talking, or Rona is on the phone to the kennels.
Will update with more info when it is available. Hopefully this is a happy ending to a missing story that looked as though it could take a long time to resolve.
Thanks to everyone for their help.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Amanja - I have so far contacted via e-mail - Happy Breed Dog Rescue, Kit Wilson Trust, Raystede Animal Rescue and Allsorts Dog Rescue all local Sussex charities I have asked them to spread the word to all their contacts as well so hopefully that will be done. I know we are far away but just in case. J. x
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Rona - the best thing is that he is microchipped. Have you contacted local and not so local dog wardens as I am sure they could help and are aware of people on the streets with dogs. I am spreading the word down here in Sussex just in case. Everyone on here will do all they can for you. With all good wishes. Julie x
If anyone wants to send me the details of any pounds/rescues/wardens etc they contact, I will be more than happy to keep one central log that I can distribute as needed. Please either text me the details of organisations you have contacted to 07545 569220, or your email address and I will reply with the email address I am using (which is not the .tiscali one shown below, as I don't get that on my phone).
Thanks everyone for your help.
If anyone wants to send me the details of any pounds/rescues/wardens etc they contact, I will be more than happy to keep one central log that I can distribute as needed. Please either text me the details of organisations you have contacted to 07545 569220, or your email address and I will reply with the email address I am using (which is not the .tiscali one shown below, as I don't get that on my phone).
Thanks everyone for your help.
Thank you! Just to let all know I have phoned the dogs trust leeds this morning an im afraid to say it wasent my ben but thay have been informed of my missing ben an thay to will keep an eye out for him thanks all again x
Keep your chin up Rona x
I helped an owner in the North West quite a while ago that a similar thing happened to.
She was ill and in hospital, When she came out she discovered that her brother had given away her 2 dogs.
She did get them both back eventually.
If you dont want to involve the Police,you have to keep trying to find your brother's contacts.
Its good that Ben is microchipped. Good luck. You have lots of people on here trying to help.
hi guys thank you for all showing a concern also a willining ness to help me on this i did have a mobile num for the lady but it has since been changed i have no idea what part of hertfordshire he was in :( i no this is a massive long shot with all i have to go on but i will lost lose hope in this he is microshipped an i phone the id company up every day checking wether he has been scaned yet my ben is not aggressive but having gone thru what he is already going thru being turn from his family i would understand he feel very nervus an threatend at prestent sorry guys i carnt be anymore help toy i am still searching for contacts to my brother but failling at every avenue but i will carry on thanks for all support an well wishes x
Just a long shot, I presume it was a mobile number the brother gave Rona, or if it was a landline then that would narrow it down somewhat. The Ridge RSPCA Potters Bar is in Hertfordshire but any one trying to put dogs in rescue nowdays asually has to go on a wiating list unless the woman has said he is aggresive.
Lots of people on here to help fingers crossed.
It must be remembered that just checking the websites of rescues is not sufficient. Many rescues don't publish details of their dogs until the dog has been assessed so even if Ben is in a rescue it's entirely likely that he won't yet be on their website. The ONLY way to find out if Ben is with rescue is to send them a photo by email AND follow up with a phone call to ask. Happy to do that, I'll contact Mandi to see how I can help.

Please can someone tell me the part of Herts that Ben is alleged to have been taken to? And is anyone making a list of rescues and pounds already contacted?

Unfortunately if this woman in Herts is telling the truth she may have taken Ben to a POUND and not a rescue - to most of the public they're one and the same. We must face the fact that if she's taken him to a pound claiming that he was growling at her Ben may have been killed. The majority of pounds do NOT keep records of the breeds they kill or reasons why, just the overall numbers.

IMHO and IME there are two ways to deal with this - one is by going to the Police and the other is by finding the brother and administering pressure to obtain his cooperation. Doing neither can't be an option. I'm sure that others will agree with me that Rona has our total support but I fear that this is going to be nigh on impossible without additional assistance.
It would seem to me that if this woman has paid th brother for the dog and is now worried she will be more likely to sell him on, not hand him in to a talks with people like this and she wont want to loose out. If she hasn`t got him then someone else will have bought him from her...perhaps some other contact that is also known to the brother or his family, or a close friend of the woman, once she can be identified? LindaT
As a trustee of Vigil GSD Rescue I can confrim Ben has not been brought to us (and doesn't appear to match any dogs offered to us). I will keep my ears open anyway.
Tara H
Do you know where your brother used to hang out at all ? I know you said you couldnt contact him, but "some people" tend to hang out at the same place. Maybe if you knew that you could try and talk to your brother and get some more information from him (take someone like a man with you just in case)but he must have known the person he sold your dog to, even if you work backwards in finding the person. Sad as it is maybe a few pounds would loosen your brothers tongue. One good thing is that your dog is microchipped so he may just turn up out of the blue, hopefullly soon ! Good luck
Nottingham to hertfordshire is over 100 miles............ unless this was pre planned I feel he could be a lot closer to nottingham. I know this may sound silly but try to remember what type of accent the woman you called had.... it may help xx just throwing out ideas that may help xx
Sorry me again, Just in case you dont get to read my comment below I have sent an email to the Dogs Trust leeds and explained the position and asked them to double check this dog with your details. Hope that helps and have made them aware of his recent op and fur missing. Fingers crossed
Hi, Sorry to hear about all the really awful things that you are having to endure at the moment. Just thought I would let you know I have checked on line all the rescues I have googled for Herts but nothing appropriate on them. Have however found a dog called Ben who I think looks similar to yours but not that clearer picture Im afrain on Dogs Trust about the right age too. He is based at the Leeds rehoming centre. Not that great on geography but think its more possible that Ben is nearer to your area which I think Leeds is. The other way of tracing this women is asking your brothers assocs to see if they can recall him knowing a woman in hertfordshire at all. By the way I would follow up this dog in Leeds on the website as it is already saying RESERVED!!. Hope it is him fingers crossed. Will keep checking online etc for you.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Amanja I have e-mailed German Shepherd Rescue with Ben's details and referred them to this page. I am off to check my sheep who are still lambing (would you believe it!) but will get on and contact the local rescues in Mid Sussex area tomorrow. All the best. J. x
Julie, if you could contact the German Shepherd Rescue and let us know when you have done that it would be fantastic! I'll make a note, so we don't duplicate effort.
Many thanks. Mandi x
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Oh my what a sad story. First stop would be German Shepherd Rescue who are nationwide if this has not been done please let me know and I will contact them and refer them to this page. I am in Mid Sussex area and will try and e-mail local rescues for you just in case he is around this area. With all good wishes to Rona. J. x
I would contact the police too, but Rona clearly doesn't think her mum could deal with it at the moment and I feel we have to respect her wishes. Also, my guess is, and it is just a guess, the number she had was probably a pay as you go phone, which means it will effectively be untraceable. I am going to speak to Rona in the morning and I will discuss all this with her.
Should have mentioned earlier, she has been in touch with the microchip company more than once and will continue to do so.
I would get the police to go and see this woman after all she has handled stolen goods.I know they dont want to get them involved but for a swift response this is the best way forward in my opinion.If she is lying they will be able to get the dog there and then.Also it may pay to get in contact with the microchip company so if the new owner tries to get the chip changed then they can be told.Last edited: 2012-06-12 21:58:09
I have been emailing with Rona today and I really think we need as many hands to the deck as possible to find Ben. Here is a precis of what happened:
Rona has a brother from whom she has been estranged for several years, due to his drug abuse. Recently they have reconnected and had been attempting to rebuild a relationship. Rona and her family went away at the weekend leaving her brother to house/dog sit. When they returned he told them Ben had run away. Rona was suspicious of this as the tv and games station had also disappeared. Under pressure he admitted that he had in fact taken Ben and sold him, apparently to a lady in Hertfordshire. He gave Rona a number for the lady in Hertfordshire and then disappeared. She has not heard hide nor hair from him since, and does not know how to contact him.
Rona called the lady in Hertfordshire. She was unfriendly and aggressive and all she would say was that Ben had been aggressive towards her (growling and whining all night) and she had decided to take him to a rescue. She did not provide any details of what rescue it was and since then has changed her number so Rona cannot get back in contact with her.
Rona's mother is terminally ill and can't believe her son would do this. Given this, Rona does not feel she can call the police on her brother.
She lives in Nottingham but believes Ben is in Hertfordshire, although she doesn't know what town. She feels helpless and unsure what to do next.
I have suggested we start off with all the rescue centres and pounds in Hertfordhsire, calling and emailing, multiple times if necessary, to see if the woman has actually done what she said she did. GSD rehoming charities would be another avenue.
Is there anyone who can help with this, it seems like we are searching for a needle in a haystack, but we must try. I don't think that, for the time-being, we need to restrict help to just those based in the area. I am sure there are a lot of rescues in Hertfordshire and many hands make light work.
I would like nothing better than to put this in the hands of the police, but I also understand the tensions and ties that bind us in a family and how sometimes it is too difficult to break them, even when dealing with something as worrying as this situation.
Please help! Does anyone have a better plan of action for the next few days? If you do, or you can help with calling the rescues etc, please call or text me on 07545 569220 to coordinate what we are all working on.
thank you for ur support we as a family are keeping all our fingers crossed he will be home soon!!! x
Sorry to see Ben is missing. All xd for his safe return.
thank you!!!!
Thank you Mandi for any help you can give rona.
I'll crosspost Ben to my FB Group so more people can keep a look out for him.
Hi mandi thank you for any help you can give me on this no I dont no what part of hertfordshire I have no clue of anything yes please if you could take any spare time you have to post out info of my boy ben I would be so greatful if you need any privet info from me pics etc than please email me thank you once again mandi for any help in the hunt for my ben
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in all SG and AL postcodes.
Rona, I am based in Hampshire, but am more than happy send out 100s of emails to vets, dog groomers, pet shops, schools etc. Given that you know he went to Hertfordshire, do you know where in Hertfordshire? Or if he is on in London, any idea where? Just trying to see if we can target an area for us to email and DogLost volunteers on the ground to poster.
The more posters we can get out, the more chance there is that someone will spot him. I am sure you are doing a great job, but you've posted him on here so please let us help! If you want to email me any info, rather than putting it on here, email me at, or I can call you. Let me know.
Hi mandi all I know is he was taken from my home sold on to a lady in hertfordshire im really sorry thats all I have to go on I have sent pics out to all rescue centers in hertfordshire an london anwell as all my local one im just contacting anyone who my come across him vets kennels dog wardens anyone who will take the time to lisen to me I am doing all I can an ringing everyone who shows up on google to help me look! Sorry carnt be anymore use thank god he is micro chipped I ring petlog everyday to see if he has been scaned yet?? Still no joy :(
Rona, what information do you have? If you think he is stolen and being held somewhere do you have any idea of where in Hertfordshire/London? It might seem insurmountable at the moment, but if you look at other stories on here you will see that people will band together to help. We need to get as many posters out as possible, to make it hard for anyone to hold him, or take him to a vets etc. Any info you have that can help us with identifying where posters should be put up would be great.
Hope you get your boy back soon.
He was taken from mansfield in nottingham but believed to be in hertfordshire or london still trying to track him down :(
This is a Mansfield area code but covers several towns and a large area.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Need to know where stolen from please...

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