Reunited: Black Cross Breed Female
- Dog ID 41100
- Status Reunited
- Registered 10 Jul 2012
- Name TIA
- Gender & Breed Female Cross Breed
- Age Adult
- Colour black
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Unknown
- Tattooed No
- Date Lost 02 Jul 2012
- Where Lost Banstead downs,Chipstead.
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area SM7
- Date Reunited 12 Jul 2012
- Other Info
- Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Views 1911
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2012-07-12 08:58 Amelia27
- I'm SO pleased that she is home!! Thank god she wasn't out last night in that hail storm!
- 2012-07-12 06:54 PaulaK
- No internet at home last night so couldnt get on to post. Jane was very excited when she called to say she had Tia and was at the vets as she has a wound to one leg. Not particularly dehydrated after her ordeal either but very tired. On antibiotics and will be getting lots of TLC and rest over the next few days. Jane wanted to thank everyone on DL for their help, advice and support and said how she wishes she had known about us earlier. She also wanted to thank the lovely staff at Legal and General who were fab and at The Ramblers Rest. Welcome home Tia xxLast edited: 2012-07-12 06:55:27 by PaulaK
- 2012-07-12 00:33 Leggylurcher
- Thanks, that's great. Sounds like a result all round :-) Can sleep better tonight knowing Tia is safe.
- 2012-07-11 18:43 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- The owner found her and took advise given ...avoided eye contact...sat down and gently called her name...she was very relieved to have been found and is now safely indeed owner will be shortly. Owner will be joining us tomorrow as a helper..tx
- 2012-07-11 18:36 Leggylurcher
- This is just brilliant news :-))) Well done everyone who helped out! I have friends who walk in Banstead Woods who have sighted Tia a number of times over the past week and who have been SO concerned about her; they will be incredibly relieved to hear that she is safely home. Holly Lane, Outwood Lane and the A217 are all scarily close by - pondering the possible outcomes here has had my blood run cold. Does anyone know where/how was she caught in the end?
- 2012-07-11 17:21 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Great news well done everyone...
- 2012-07-11 17:07 Suziewoo
- Tia is now safely back with Jane! Hooray!!!
- 2012-07-11 14:48 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Tx everyone...
- 2012-07-11 14:20 Suziewoo
- Just got back from Banstead Woods. Jane & her friend are still up there. Lots of sightings of Tia between Ramblers Rest carpark & Holly Lane carpark but she's always one step ahead. She even came over to sniff Jane's friend's staffie! Have advised owner to put up DL posters as they have her number on. Will be going back tomorrow if she isn't caught before then and have suggested that we just sit in areas we know she uses and try enticing her with smelly food. If anyone does see her, I can't stress enough... DO NOT CALL HER NAME OR CHASE HER! We know where she is & she's relatively safe there & the last think we want is for her to be scared off.
- 2012-07-11 11:55 PaulaK
- Gabrielle (Susiewoo) has just texted - she has seen Tia
- 2012-07-11 11:48 PaulaK
- Thanks Amelia I know they appreciate your help
- 2012-07-11 11:45 Amelia27
- Hi, I'm Louise's friend. I've been keeping a look out for Tia today (my desk overlooks the L&G playing fields) but haven't seen her yet. the Ramblers Rest is very close to us so it is very likely it's the same dog. If i do see her again I'll call the owner's mobile and I've also made others at L&G aware and explained that she shouldn't be called or approached. Really hope she is home soon x
- 2012-07-11 11:35 PaulaK
- Louise its looking like it probably was Tia your friend saw. Gabrielle and Jane (owner)are over there now and said L&G people very helpful. Just had a call in again too - Tia seen twice at carpark this morning - wish them luck!
- 2012-07-11 11:22 Louise
- I dont think my friend managed to get too close so she might have been mistaken about the collar colour - she spoke to the owner last night and I've text her to ask if she sees her again to take a picture and not go out to her. I hope you manage to find her this morning Suzie Woo!
- 2012-07-11 08:55 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts emailed to helpers in SM2,5,7. KT17,18,19,20,21. CR5,8. RH1,2,3.
- 2012-07-11 08:15 Suziewoo
- From a distance this collar could be mistaken for red and Legal & General would be a safe & easy place for her to get to. Meeting owner this morning for a look round the areas that Tia has been seen in. If anyone does spot her, please call the owner & do not attaempt to call her or chase her.
- 2012-07-11 07:07 PaulaK
- Photo of Tia now loaded - can mails be sent please?
- 2012-07-10 18:53 PaulaK
- Yes are doing
- 2012-07-10 18:53 Suziewoo
- Can Ramblers Rest put food out for her?
- 2012-07-10 18:50 PaulaK
- Tia wearing lilac collar so prob different dog and another sighting of Tia in last half hour by Ramblers Rest Chipstead where she has been seen before
- 2012-07-10 18:34 PaulaK
- Wish I was closer but cant get over there today :(
- 2012-07-10 18:33 PaulaK
- Have left messages for owner who has been on her phone all day and I know battery was failing earlier.
- 2012-07-10 18:20 Suziewoo
- Louise, if your friend is able to get a photo of the Kingswood dog, that would be very helpful :-)
- 2012-07-10 18:19 Suziewoo
- Paula K has tried calling owner but sounds like her phone is dead but she will keep trying. Louise - if your friend goes back over there, please remind her not to call Tia's name or chase her. If it is her we need to keep her in the same area & try setting up a feeding station.
- 2012-07-10 18:14 Suziewoo
- Really hope it is Tia & that she's caught very soon. I've sent a text to the owner offering help but not had a reply as yet. Paula K said owner's phone may be on low battery as she's been out searching.
- 2012-07-10 17:47 Louise
- Hi,
My friend who works for Legal and General in Kingswood has just told me she has spotted a dog in the playing fields. I came on here to see if there were any reports of lost dogs in the area and described Tia to her and she is pretty certain its her. She's wearing a red collar and ran off as soon as anyone tried to call her to them - they obviously didnt know she was a rescue at the time. I've given my friend the contact number above and she is calling now so hopefully they can go to the area now and Tia wont have gone far. Poor doggie!! I hope she's home safe and sound soon. - 2012-07-10 16:07 Suziewoo
- I don't know which postcodes the alerts will go out to but it is a popular dog walking area for people in RH1 & RH2 (Redhill & Reigate) postcodes as well as CR5 (Coulsdon). I am available to help if needed. I am familiar with Banstead Woods. There is a Scout hut along from the car park - may be worth informing them, if not already done so.
- 2012-07-10 15:22 PaulaK
- I have spoken at length with Tia's owner. Tia is a wire haired pointer x but some could confuse her with a small lurcher - photo hopefully to follow soon. She has been seen several times with the most recent sighting being this morning in the Holly Lane carpark. I have given instructions on scenting and also instructed on what to do if Tia is seen. Tia is an ex-rescue dog and is very wary of people - DO NOT CALL OR CHASE HER THIS WILL JUST MAKE HER RUN. Dog Warden etc all aware. Owner at scene of latest sighting, posters are up but more postering help would be useful. Thanks