Reunited: Black And Tan Jack Russell Terrier Cross Female

  • Dog ID 41207
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 13 Jul 2012
  • Name NIGELLA
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Black and Tan
  • Marks & Scars White mark on chest. She is pregnant.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 09 Jul 2012
  • Where Lost Shifnal, Shropshire.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area TF11
  • Date Found 28 Jul 2012
  • Where Found Walked through the gate BUT without her puppies. They may still be out there and would be about 3 weeks old. Nigella has been very ill in the vets and had to be spayed but is now on the mend.
  • Found In Region Central
  • Date Reunited 03 Aug 2012
  • Other Info Nigella wnet missing with her Mother Wobble 41206, a white Jack Russell Cross with a black mask. Nigella is due to give birth shortly. Her owner went to feed the chickens, he was 5 mins and when he came back they had both gone. This was on the Tong Road, between Tong and Bishops Wood. PLEASE contact owner with any information. Thank you.
  • Listed By AlisonReeves
  • Views 2103
  • NIGELLAPoster Image
  • NIGELLAExtra Image


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Is it not possible Nigella has had her puppies in the wild somewhere. They have only been missing 6 days. The puppies would be very young for them to be taken away from the mother?
Brilliant to see you have Nigella and Wobble safely back home. Hope the pups are found soon. Have the police been notified? :this surely is theft. Stay safe now you pair:-) Sending Nigella healing thoughts, and hope she recovers fully soon. GET WELL SOON CHERUBxxx
Very very pleased to see Nigella and Wobble home safe. Sorry to hear Nigella has been so ill, but pleased to hear she is on the mend now. Hope the pups can be found too! Stay safe now girls. xxLast edited: 2012-08-03 13:57:19 by skippy
Spoke to owner Nigella is now home, she walked through the gate with Wobble. PLEASE NOTE: this dog came home without her puppies, she has since been very ill in the vets and had to be spayed but is now on the mend. PLEASE keep a look out for puppies been SOLD in the area.
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine.
Info and Advice sheet sent.
Spoke to owner, he has contacted, DW, chip company, he has postered, it has been on local radio and in the paper. I have given him sites on the internet to look at. He has contacted local vets. He needs to check local kennels.
Will contact owner this afternoon
circulating on twitter
Put on Facebook Central and West Mids Shrops & Staffs
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in TF postcodes.

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