Reunited: Black And White English Springer Spaniel Male

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  • Dog ID 41936
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 07 Aug 2012
  • Name PADDY
  • Gender & Breed Male English Springer Spaniel
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Black and White
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 07 Aug 2012
  • Where Lost Army patch, packway, larkhill wiltshire at 10.30am.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SP4
  • Date Found 08 Aug 2012
  • Where Found After lots of sightings and people looking for him, he finally wondered in to his own home.
  • Found In Region South West
  • Found In Post Area SP4
  • Date Reunited 08 Aug 2012
  • Other Info This dog is very nervous and will not approach people.
  • Listed By Karen - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
  • Views 1345
  • PADDYPoster Image
  • PADDYExtra Image


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Clever boy Paddy. I often think it cant always be easy for a dog to be taken to a new home (Albeit a very loving one) being walked and fed by someone they dont know too well. But on the positive side, I am sure you will have a great life with your new family. Stay safe now sweetheart:-)xxx
Good Boy!
Well done Paddy for getting yourself home especially when you have only been in your new home for a very short time. So pleased for his new forever family. Have a very happy life Paddy and stay safe xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news.
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
Helped the owner search last night, there were lots of sightings this morning and while owner was out searching he left back door open, when he popped back home he found Paddy laying on lounge carpet, he found his own way home, hooray :)
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Email sent offering advice and requesting photo.
Can we please have a picture of Paddy if possible? x
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
Thank you Sam, this dog was rehomed with his owners on Friday last week and is very nervous, unfortunately his chip has not been changed and is still registered to his previous owner in Telford, the last sighting of him was at 3.30pm opposite the church in Larkhill, we have been out all evening until 9.30pm searching the area along with his owners. I will go out again in the morning.
Country Pet Services - Have posted on FB (Tidworth dogs club & a Bulford pet group) Probably bit far off to help but text me if there is something I can do Andover way. IF you don't have my number any more Spindle has it - Sam

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