Reunited: Medium Brown And Black Markings On Back German Shepherd Cross Female

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  • Dog ID 42502
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 28 Aug 2012
  • Name MISTY
  • Gender & Breed Female German Shepherd Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour medium brown and black markings on back
  • Marks & Scars under her neck and under belly she is a greyish off white as are the backs of her back legs. the res
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 27 Aug 2012
  • Where Lost Beacon Hill, Hind Head area of Surrey. She was in my garden but i've noticed a hole in the fence at the bottom so i think she has wondered on to the common that our garden backs on to.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area GU26
  • Date Found 28 Aug 2012
  • Where Found covelly road beacon hill hindhead surrey thank tou so much
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area GU26
  • Date Reunited 28 Aug 2012
  • Other Info She is very good natured and friendly and well behaved and we always let her off the lead when she's on a walk as she always come back when called or whistled, even my 11 year old takes her out and lets her off and she always comes back when called this is why we are worried as we've been calling but she has not returned which is not like her, she a huge part of our family and very missed we are all frantic with worry. if anyone spots her please get in contact i'm willing to give a reward as
  • Listed By Annie
  • Views 1079
  • MISTYPoster Image
  • MISTYExtra Image


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Brilliant news so glad Misty's home xx
So glad Misty is home. Please get her micro-chipped.
Susie & Tom
Brilliant News. Thank you for posting that she is home.
its her, shes home. thanks to you all who have helped im soooo greatful.
Susie & Tom
Hope its her and she is home soon with her family. I'm off out over the woods in about an hour anyway, so i'll try and log on just before I go to see if you have her back. If not, I'll take some posters with me.
Keeping everything crossed and hope it is her.
i think we may have found her, my boyfriend on his way to see if its her, the local vet called me as i left Misty's details with her saying a lady found a german shepherd along covelly road which is where she was last spotted so i will keep this site posted fingers crossed its her many thanks to all those who have helped x
thankyou to everyone who is helping. i have spoken to one dog warden who put me in touch with this site, im still trying to call my local dog warden as hav had no luck as of yet but i will keep trying thanks again kind regards Annie
I have just spoken to the owner and she is really struggling to go out and search for Misty as she has 5 young children 3 of which are under 2 years old and her partner is away. If anyone is able to search the common it would be really appreciated. There are no posters up yet as she is waiting for her partner to return so he can print some off. The authorties have been informed.
Thank you Susie and Tom I have sent a text to Annie alerting her to you comments.
Susie & Tom
Hello Annie
I live in Beacon Hill and I am pretty sure I saw your dog yesterday lunchtime (on Bank Holiday Monday). She was travelling along the pavement of Clovely Road, just before you go down the dip, in the direction of the Tilford Road. She was following a jogger and I stupidly thought she was with him as he was looking round and I assumed he was waiting for her to catch up. Until I saw your posting on DL I did not think anything of it. Has Misty returned home yet? I'll be going over the woods at the back of Linkside later this afternoon, so will keep my eyes peeled. Have you put up posters in the area yet?Last edited: 2012-08-28 12:25:44 by Susie & Tom

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