Reunited: White, Grey, Buff, Mottled Shih Tzu Cross Female

  • Dog ID 43549
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 01 Oct 2012
  • Name RATTY
  • Gender & Breed Female Shih Tzu cross (Spayed)
  • Age
  • Colour white, grey, buff, mottled
  • Marks & Scars Scar on tummy from operation Distinctive left blue eye, brown right eye She's also had spine
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 30 Sep 2012
  • Where Lost Churt Lane, Hindhead, opposite the Golden Valley, approx 9.15am
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area GU26
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Ratty ran away as she was frightened when vet turned up to the house, after all her surgery she can be easily frightened. She's 10 years old and a one woman dog
  • Listed By Mrs F
  • Views 9125
  • RATTYPoster Image
  • RATTYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Here is a video of Ratty back home. Ratty and her family want to thank Doglost and everyone who helped in searching for her xx

Welcome home Ratty, stay safe xxx
Mrs F
So, for now, til I remember anything else which might help others, I'll leave you all with a very big thank you from the bottom of my heart xx and a big thank you to Susie and Tom for coming out looking too! It was amazing how everyone knew about her! Susie do text me when you have a min, I haven't saved all numbers with names xxLast edited: 2012-10-24 20:00:50 by Mrs F
Mrs F
And on a footnote, I was right about her ‘back end’ being messy! Think that’s what stopped her running....and the state of her was awful, it all smelt like fox pooh! So she’d probably been eating slugs etc. When we finally got home Pippa and I were carefully cleaning her up, me with gloves on...Pippa changing the water in the sink and checking the fresh water was a suitable temperature...when we had a powercut! We were standing in the bathroom in the dark with little Ratty, bottom all wet in the basin and just said, “you couldn’t make this up!”
Mrs F
cont!.... She’d recognised her from the leaflet I’d left there on the Saturday, but ratty had ran out of the porch and down the garden. My daughter, Pippa, shone a torch towards the stables and she said her little head popped out, Pippa shone the torch on her own face and called her and Ratty ran SO FAST towards her. We all ran down towards them when we heard the cry go up,”I’ve got her!! I’ve got her!!” and there was much crying and laughing!
Sorry if this has been a bit of a rambling post! I haven’t had a chance to add up all the lovely people who helped my get my little dog home. Steph at Doglost was very helpful on the phone and I can’t believe how many friends came out so many times. The kindness of strangers is an amazing thing too.
Since she’s been home she’s been suffering with a gut infection, lost quarter of her body weight, so has been on quite a few meds and has had injections to calm her gut down and stop her from being sick. But she’s back where she belongs, in my studio, lying on a cushion, fast asleep! She’s not too happy going out at night for a wee now though...
On an odd note, on the Saturday, the friend who drove me down to leaflet all along the Thursley Road actually predicted the stables she was found in! As I waited at the front door to give a leaflet, Corinne walked down the garden and pointed to the stables saying,”She’ll be here, look, it’s quiet and safe and dry here” How incredible! We’d been to so many houses...
For 10 days I was out most of the time, leaving before it got light and getting home very late. I’ve never walked so far so quickly, esp with not eating too! Pippa and I wasted 4 hours in the Punchbowl trying to find a cottage where there’d been a sighting, as the NT map was so poor. So a good map is essential. As we were driving round the Punchbowl, it seemed implausibly far for tiny Ratty to be running, but once you’d worked out the actual lie of the land, it made sense that she could cover that amount of ground....she could get quite far in an hour. So, what do you need for a dog search? Good walking boots! (I didn’t get one blister) Phone fully charged, back up at home, although Jon was upset he couldn’t come out searching he was v helpful looking places up on the internet. A few sweets to keep you going though, even if you lose your appetite. Also good to have someone static next to a car to head off quickly. If we’d been all over the place, that Tuesday night, it would have taken us so much longer to get to Ratty that night. Also I’m in love with twitter and Facebook for a dog search, I had friends of friends come out for a walk to help who’d seen it on fb and twitter! Also dog walkers were brilliant as were horse riders, one friend of my daughter tracked her horse ride on her iphone so Pippa could see where she’d gone. I had another horse rider text me all her rides so I knew where she’d been. The grazier emailed everyone around as they have farm equivalent of neighbourhood watch. We also contacted posties, paper rounds, dustmen etc... local pubs too...definitely having military people involved and adults and youngsters who’d done DofE really helped too, with map reading, navigation and remaining calm! We got permission to drive on the Punchbowl to search for her, but we made sure there and near farms we gave the registrations and makes of cars to the farmers and land owners so they knew it wasn’t anything suspicious.
I’m sure I’ve missed a few things! Trying to remember everything which was helpful!
And oLast edited: 2012-10-24 16:20:25 by Mrs F
Mrs F
cont... take their horses out on a Sunday as it's so busy (and it was with bikes/ and lots and lots of people walking) They thought she could be lying low. We had no sightings Sunday and with the amount of people looking I did wonder if she was hiding somewhere, but where?! True needle in a haystack. The gardens/barns/sheds we searched! So many kind people offering help and giving friends coffee etc!
Monday I had a different group out as people went back to work (probably for a rest!) I joked with the people at the farms that I'd end up like some Miss Haversham character, covered in cobwebs waiting for my tiny dog to return! They were all so kind and offered anything they could to help. One lady whose horse had colic was back during the night and so looking out too. Another set a humane trap in a barn, but that only caught a "very angry cat" (!) who must have thought it was a good 'den' to take its rabbit in! I got excited when I found a clump of fur and took it to a groomer and my vets for identification! It looked so similar to Ratty's.
By now I had a couple of girlfriends who said they'd be quite happy to sit out all night with me (my hubby's disabled now and has an assistance dog, so couldn't help much on the ground). So we chatted to a couple of lovely residents and were allowed to park in their drives, with car engine running, doors open and hope in our hearts she's just appear to the smell of sardines!
On Tuesday a girlfriend came out with our old spaniel who we had til my hubby became unwell, he was a lovely dog but knocked him over (our spaniel possessed no brakes!) but as he knew Ratty of old we showed him her bed and he sniffed excitedly in places she'd been spotted. We also had a friend out at the weekend with his spaniel who as it turned out got excited in places she'd been too)
We'd stopped calling for her and had taken to walking and just chatting thinking she might hear our voices and pop out from nowhere...
Later on Tuesday, day 10, my hubby came up with his assistance dog Varick and I thought it would be an idea to walk Varick up and down where Ratty had last been seen. My daughter and friend Sharon were up at a cottage warming up over coffee with very kind lady. She had mysteriously had cat food go missing and Ratty can get through cat flaps, so we were wondering if she was there as that was the last sighting....My hubby was with a friend at the cars by a large barn where she’d been sighted on the Friday. The mobile phone network went down and I was walking in the dark, with torch, thinking help, better go find everyone. As we girls walked back to the cars, I said, we just need a sighting, we just need a fresh lead, then at least we’d know if she’s moved on or not.
We got back to the cars and out of the blue was a phone call, a lady said she’s seen my little dog sat on her doorstep, “when?” asked, “two minutes ago!” she replied. I started shaking so much I couldn’t speak, so handed the phone to my husband Jon. She said the name of the house which was on the other side of the main Thursley Road! Grief, she’d crossed that road again! The lady who phoned was a house sitter and although she asked which way we were coming from, we rushed off and as I drove down Sailors Lane heading north, I signalled left and indicated to Jon to turn right. When we found the right house, I made sure the gates were closed and my daughter and Sharon ran down to stables at the bottom of the garden. The lady had seen Ratty on the doorstep, said, “hello sweetie” She’d recognised her from the leafle
Mrs F
Sorry not to update sooner, been quite a time! She was finally found after 10 days missing! She went on Sunday 30th Sep, and although there were many sightings, during the week. Mostly in the Devils Punchbowl, but then she moved out and north of the Punchbowl and was seen running between farms and *yikes* on a main road! So many people saw her and tried to catch her. Think we had 7 near catches and many sightings too. One lovely lady put a towel down in the road and got down on all fours, but was nearly run over herself! She contacted me and offered to drive out to exactly where she had seen Ratty. This really helped as sometimes, having a verbal description, you can get the wrong end of the stick as it were. (especially as I didn’t know the area at all) The road sighting (Thursley Road) was Friday night. We were searching the Punchbowl on Saturday when we got the Friday sightings, so whizzed round there. That sighting was by chance , a friend bumped into a man in the Punchbowl who mentioned it...
By Sunday I photocopied everyone in the search party's phone numbers as when we all quickly left one area, a couple of people got left behind! And I must thank Nicola from this site as she came out so many times and I never got her phone number! Then I gave everyone a photocopied list of all everyones’ numbers so anyone could call anyone else. As sightings came in we did move quite quickly and this really helped people communicate esp with dips in some phone networks too.
I went over fields following her path towards a farm and others went in different directions, we leafleted so many houses around that area. And that's how eventually we were reunited. We decided to have a meeting at Elstead village green to get everyone together and plan a new search, luckily my hubby and friend are military and we had 2 friends who were involved in DofE there too! So fab with reading the OS maps (the National Trust one of the Punchbowl was dreadful) We were just looking at the maps and deciding where to go next when we got another sighting! This time it was only 45 minutes earlier, so we all drove back up to the Farms just north of the punchbowl. We all split up and went different directions, with the more fit people following a riverbed as far as they could. By then most people in the punchbowl seemed to have an eye out for Ratty! (Leaflets were being handed out) I do have a complaint against the ranger there though who didn't pass on a sighting the day after she went missing, but that's another story! Many lovely horse riders were looking out for her too. Plus by chance my cousin went to school with the grazier at the punchbowl and she was whizzing round on her quad bike looking too! The volunteer ranger in the Punchbowl was incredibly kind and helpful too.
With the new sighting on Saturday we wondered if she might be heading back into the Punchbowl. Everyone round at the farms knew about her and were very kindly looking out for her and so on Sunday we started our search back at the Punchbowl, then heading back out north. my daughter had walked the track back into the punchbowl and it took her 20 minutes (fast) walking, so we thought it feasible she might go back. After the Saturday 4pm sighting the trail went cold. But I couldn't give up on her as I knew she'd survived this long, I thought she'd still survive as long as she didn't get run over. I was worried about her long fur and the fact she'd get 'bunged up' at her back end (I have to clean/trim her a lot!) Sunday was a massive search party, which was incredible to have so many lovely people out helping. A couple of horse riders said they didn't take thei
Good to see Ratty safely back home:-)xxc
Big GSDAstralhaze
So pleased Ratty is safe and back home
Susie & Tom
What wonderful news to wake up to. So pleased she is home and safe. Looking forward to hearing where she was finally found.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Well done team Ratty. Hope you feel better soon little Ratty.xx
Fantastic news her owner must be over the moon. Well done everyone xx
So pleased to read Rattys terrifying ordead is over!Well done to all involved.X
Well done everyone :)
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Ratty is HOME. She is ok , very thin,hungry,thirsty & a little subdued but home & safe. Owner will update as soon as she can. A big thank you to all who helped here ! XX
Further to updates on Twitter, I believe little Ratty has been found. Yay to that!
Susie & Tom
Dear Mrs F was at the Punchbowl late this morning and walked the fence line and then back up the far side to the left of the Pylons. Visibility was rubbish due to the fog and sadly I have nothing to report. Was up there yesterday (Sunday) early evening with my husband and again nothing to report. I know how upsetting this must be and hope that we have another sighting soon. Someone will be in the right place at the right time, as everybody I have seen up there knows about Ratty.
Mrs F
think I mentioned it somewhere in this thread, it was the only thing we could think of to keep her still! But have since been told it's not a good idea, keep getting lots of advice but some conflicting so hard to know what to do....what I posted just now was copied and pasted from others' suggestions elewhere
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Where on Doglost did you see the suggestion of throwing a scarf over her please....
Mrs F
have had no more sightings since Saturday, have had more advice from kind people, here's some.... Please stress to NOT call the dogs' name. It's terrifying to a terrified dog to have strangers call or try to catch her. Even the owner shouldn't call her any more. Saw on Dogs Lost the suggestion to throw a scarf over her. VERY bad idea..... Never call dogs name. If seen chuck food down walk away or sit on ground....... her advice is invaluable, most people would run towards the lost dog, they have no idea that is the worst thing you can do........
Mrs F
thank you Susie and Tom, so much, I'll be back up there with more friends tomorrow, must leaflet round the latest sightings, pooped now, off to bed! thank you again Sarah
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Headed towards Ridgeway Farm again approx 4 pm.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Another sighting of Ratty about an hour ago 15.45 - Sailors Lane / Hyde Lane junction.
Susie & Tom
Have just logged into DL to see if Ratty has been found, sadly I see she is still on the run. I live in Beacon Hill and will go up to the Punchbowl in about 10 mins (Time now is 17.00 Sat 6/10/2012) and have another look around for her. I do hope she is home soon Mrs F. I have your mobile phone number as you kindly handed me a leaflet the other night when I was out walking my dogs at the Punchbowl. Fingers crossed even if its only a sighting.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
More sightings of Ratty - She seems to be heading North. Sighting last night near Upper Ridgeway Farm GU8 & today at Pitch Place Farm, near Thursley,GU8.Owner on her way.
Will bump.
Ive been following Ratty's page Mrs're doing a brilliant job here and Google maps are very helpful well done...Good Luck for today .Xxx
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Well done with all you are doing Mrs F & all the helpers. As you have said,with the heavy rain etc ,Ratty will have gone to ground a little & sheltered.Hopefully this weekend's better weather will entice her out again & sightings will come.
I have put a notice up on Facebook Doglost West London for anyone in the area to please keep a lookout for Ratty & if spottted to call you a.s.a.p.
Good luck for today & fingers crossed Ratty will be home soon.
Steph x
Mrs F
ie people to look on the Tilford Road side/ woods etc
Mrs F
Have had a thought in the night, now I've looked at google maps, she might be trying to get home, if she's up at the fence. She may have escaped out he back of my parents gone through say Knowle Holt or houses at top of Ridge Moor Close (on right when you stand at the top of the road facing down) ....if she got across the Tilford Road there say nr BeaconBrescent/Pigeon Hill and then through the woods I think she could have come out maybe through the gate on the Beacon Hill fence, above the fir tree saplings, then down the track to the pylons, the water trough, down the ridge and turned right down to Keepers cottage etc over the stream and got up to the top and has turned back and is trying to get home ONLY A THEORY!But may need some people to look on that side too, my mobile number is up on posters at the Punchbowl, or call any of the other numbers with any sighting/info THANK YOU
Mrs F
*meant bearing right* from the water trough up to Beacon hill fence!
Mrs F
a sad day as no new sightings of Ratty, but terrible weather so maybe she's hiding. However!..... I have pieced together more of an idea of where she has been travelling as I have met so many lovely people today. On Monday she was spotted above Gnome Cottage & Highcombe farm nr Sugar Loaf Hill lookout post then heading down route 500 (if I've got that right?), 'wet and bedraggled'sighting was *reported to National Trust ranger who did NOTHING to my knowledge with the information*!! He hasn't returned my phonecall today either. (Fuming!) ....On Weds am she is seen nr Highcombe Farm, on Weds around 4pm she is seen nr the fence on the other side, nr the Beacon Hill side, trotting down and down by the pylons, lady couldn't catch her, she reported to Beacon Hill vets who said no reported lost animals. (my mother had phoned them and friend took in poster and explained to the vet receptionist that ratty had bladder probs and was poorly.... plus reported to dog wardens in 3 counties and police so again, furious!) The lady who found her asked around, her husband had seen my posters next day so we got phonecall Thursday am. Went searching with group of friends, v excited as within 2 hours we had 3 sightings. Before 1pm running up from Keepers Cottage up the ridge to the water trough, then bearing left up to the Beacon hill side fence (again) a friend nearly caught her but she ran off, along the fence and into the sapling fir trees. Last reported sighting yesterday around 2pm. (Yesterday also sightings of her nr Gnome Cottage, not sure, think am) Probably exhausted and with the rain today, sleeping somewhere. Weather should be better tomorrow, so hoping she will make an appearance. Have asked friends to come up tomorrow but would appreciate any help, I've been doing 14 hour days walking so may be standing next to a gate giving directions! Though working on adrenaline so may well be bombing around again! Hubby's disabled so will be up there with his canine partner, a black flatcoat (purple jacket) so ask him where to go too. Please Please share this page with your friends! The more people the more chance of seeing her. But she is v nervous and catching her maybe tricky, perhaps throw a scarf over her to stop her running off. Thank you so much, this is such an awful week for us! Ratty's had spine surgery and bladder surgery int he past so this is hard as she's 10 and not 100% Bless you for reading this page x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in GU8,10,26-35.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
There have been 3 sightings of Ratty in the last hour around the Devil's Punchbowl area,on the Beacon Hill side near the pylons & the fence but this little dog is very frightened & is running away from people.I have advised owner to not directly approach Ratty if seen,just quiet slow , low movements whilst looking the other way & if needed only saying her name in very calm quiet voice. Hard I know when the dog is sighted but any persuing or movements towards a running frightened dog ,more often that not, makes them bolt off again.
Will bump.
Owner's mobile battery a little low so texting only at the moment.Last edited: 2012-10-04 14:31:01 by Aunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Mrs F
thank you Aunt Steph for all your help. Have been round to most of the neighbours Owl, took a waterproof blanket so I could lie on ground and look under sheds summerhouses with torch. Will go round again though, all v friendly and helpful. Thank you Riverlady.
There was a possible sighting Mon night 1st Oct at 8pm of small white dog heading by itself down Highfield Crescent... so am looking between there and where she went missing from
Have tweeted to local golf course, cricket, footy.....the tunnel crew and local radio and eagle fm.
Please can owner/searchers talk to all neighbours personally and ask them to check in all garages, sheds and outhouses as these would be likely places for a little frightened dog to hide. She could have sneaked in without being seen and got shut in.Last edited: 2012-10-03 12:59:49 by Owl
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Scenting & tracking advice given & emailed for reference.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
I'm in touch with owners now.
circulating on twitter as owner is on twitter.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in GU7-10,26-35.
There was a sighting tonight 1/10/12 8pm (unconfirmed, though we went to look)

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