Reunited: Brown Brindle Lurcher Female

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  • Dog ID 43724
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 07 Oct 2012
  • Name SALLY
  • Gender & Breed Female Lurcher
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Brown Brindle
  • Marks & Scars Scars on body from previous accident. Pricked ears. Crossed with a Greyhound.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 04 Oct 2012
  • Where Lost Brockwell, Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area S40
  • Date Reunited 23 Oct 2012
  • Other Info Went missing from garden. She is 7 years old and is very friendly. Not wearing a collar. She has pricked ears and some scars on her body from a previous accident. Last seen heading along Brockwell Lane towards Chesterfield.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 1612
  • SALLYPoster Image
  • SALLYExtra Image


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Have only just seen this - so pleased that Sally has been found safe and well! Welcome home Sally! :)x
Thanks for update, xWendyx, sorry we missed it at the time.
Wonderful news. Hope she has put her weight back on. Stay safe now Sally:-)xxx
I am glad that Sally was found, hopefully she will put the weight back on soon x
I had a text from the owner this morning to say Sally turned up at home, very thin, a week after she went missing. Welcome home Sally - stay safe.
Please can Sally be moved to the 'blue'
Could found dog 44024 be Sally?
Is there a photo of Sally yet for the poster? I've got to call at Spire Vets tomorrow so can take a poster if they haven't already got one (plus one for Mistie too)
I'm off out searching for Mistie shortly so will look out for Sally too. Hope they're both home soon
Have left message asking owner to send photo to admin.
Owners have been very proactive, have notified all relevant people and got a call put out on Peak Radio. They are searching and postering everywhere. Please will anyone searching for Sally also keep an eye open for Mistie, black lurcher missing from Brampton.
Will ask owner for a photo.
Owner needs to contact DW, vets, poster asap. Hand out flyers to dog walkers, visit the local pound. Put at ad in the paper and on local radio. Check sites on the internet. Talk to local farmers (if necessary) contsct the Highways Agency and Railtrack (if necessary) put leaflets through letter boxes and also speak to the local postman.

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