Rainbow Bridge: German Shepherd Dog Male
- Dog ID 44219
- Status Rainbow Bridge
- Registered 21 Oct 2012
- Name
- Gender & Breed Male German Shepherd Dog
- Age Adult
- Colour
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged No
- Microchipped No
- Tattooed No
- Date Found 05 Oct 2012
- Where Found newton abbot
- Found In Region Rainbow Bridge
- Found In Post Area TQ12
- Date Reunited
- Other Info the date found is approx, was picked up by dog warden, it stayed in kennels for 2 weeks, now in foster care, under german shepherd rescue devon uk contact for distinctive marks sex etc
- Listed By bubbles131964
- Views 1538
- See more dogs in Rainbow Bridge
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- 2012-10-24 13:52 scootjockey
- How sad. RIP. Run and play at the bridge lad. Love xxx
- 2012-10-23 23:51 bubbles131964
- thanks admin all the things you mentioned were checked can you remove this ad now please as I can't find how to do it x
- 2012-10-23 23:49 bubbles131964
- this dog has now been put to sleep as he was found to be aggressive sad news but for the best
- 2012-10-21 19:06 mathers22
- Could this dog possibly be JERRY lost 14.5.2012 number 39485 - both South West!! xx