Reunited: Black And White Pointer Female

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  • Dog ID 44949
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 06 Nov 2012
  • Name MILLY
  • Gender & Breed Female Pointer
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black and White
  • Marks & Scars Black head, white body and black spots.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 03 Nov 2012
  • Where Lost Matlock, Derbyshire.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area DE4
  • Date Found 07 Nov 2012
  • Where Found Ashover then taken to kennels in chesterfield.
  • Found In Region Central
  • Date Reunited 07 Nov 2012
  • Other Info Milly is a very timid dog and she is very frightened of fireworks. We miss her so much. Please help?! you can contact us on the numbers below with any info/sightings. Thank you.
  • Listed By Natalie
  • Views 2201
  • MILLYPoster Image
  • MILLYExtra Image


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That's wonderful news Natalie XX
WE'VE FOUND HER!!!!! she's at home where she belongs :-)) thank you so much for all your help x
fingers crossed, also the chap helping dog in abbotts bromley, is this dog listed on dogs lost or does he need any assistance? will email ian also
Sighting around Lant lane in Matlock. Owners are out there now.
***UPDATE FROM DOGLOST WEST MIDS FB PAGE****Ian @ Dun-Roamin has said the dog in Abbotts Bromley area IS NOT MILLY ...he saw the dog last night and his words are 'she has no black on her that are clearly visible' id suggesat the search continues closer to home and area she has been sighted....Good Luck.XxxLast edited: 2012-11-07 10:15:41 by Shereen
Please search all of the local quarries. I suggest you poster Matlock meadows ice cream parlour as they get loads of visitors and they can also search their farm.

Have sent details to friends of mine who farm up about Matlock.Last edited: 2012-11-07 10:05:10 by rachelhayball
Brilliant, Thankyou :-)
Natalie would that be Stevie Zerachy who called you, he has posted on the facebook page that he will be going to the Tansley area today so you could probably get him there
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in DE4,5,6,45,55,56. S42,45.
Hi all! I received a call from a gentleman this morning stating he would be looking for Milly in the Tansley area and to give him a call back but unfortunately his number showed up as a blocked number and I couldn't call him back! I just wanted to say Thankyou!
Thank you all so much! It makes us feel so comforted knowing that there are people searching just as hard as us, your wonderful.
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I was in Abbots Bromley yesterday and will be again soon, I will keep my eyes open....I have friends there and will advise them.
Info and Advice sheet sent.
Circulating on twitter
Thankyou so much for the information :-) we're currently chasing up the sighting in abbots Bromley, will definitely keep you posted. Just praying its her!!
saw this earlier on Doglost West Mids Facebook group....could it be Milly?

On the trail of a large White Pointer/Lurcher looking dog living rough in Abbotts Bromley area of East Staffordshire. Very wary of people and so having to set up a dog trap overnight. No collar, looks like a female, nothing reported as missing this end as yet, been around for two days. Ian @ Dun-Roamin'
This is a reported sighting on the Matlock B/S facebook page where Milly is also listed as missing
"there has been a sighting of millie on sunday night near slackhill/ tansley she was on someones cctv this is the only sighting of her since saturday so if any1 who drives near there can keep a good eye out then hopefully millie will be back home with her owners very soon n safe"
Put on Facebook East Mids & Warks

Will also advertise in Countryman's Weekly asap

Drone SAR

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