Reunited: Tri Colour Alaskan Malamute Male

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  • Dog ID 45047
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 09 Nov 2012
  • Name CAESAR
  • Gender & Breed Male Alaskan Malamute
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Tri colour
  • Marks & Scars Right hand side of his tail is shaven at the base.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 08 Nov 2012
  • Where Lost Stafford
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area ST16
  • Date Reunited 10 Nov 2012
  • Other Info Caeser was in the garden and he has either escaped or has been taken. He is only 7 months old and was wearing a camouflage collar. Owners have only just moved to the area so he does not know it. Just at the back of the property are fields, so he may have gone onto these. PLEASE contact the owner with any info/sightings. Thank you.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 1820
  • CAESARPoster Image
  • CAESARExtra Image


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Great news - welcome home Caesar! :)x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Stay safe Caesar.xx
Brilliant to hear that Caesar is now back home with his family.
Fantastic xx
That's wonderful news jideare!!
Caesar has been returned home. Thanks Very Much!
he was missing from Beaconside.
What part of Stafford did he go missing from? Was it anywhere near Milford or Cannock Chase?
Thanks very much Sasha. Just updated the police with your comment. Might be no relevance but Its worth checking out.

Posters out and walking around tryna find him. I still feel like Im not doing enough. Any tips/advice?
I have had a notification about this dog,I don't know if it is of any help but I live in Rugeley, WS15, not too far away,and apparently 3 young lads have been travelling around this area in a white transit van taking whatever they can find on people's drives, out of skips and garages etc. When someone approached them, they told them to go away (or words similar) as what was left outside was theirs to take. Police have been notified, but no-one managed to get the reg number of the vehicle. Just a thought, in case the dog has not escaped by itself. I will circulate some posters in my area. Hope Caesar is found soon.
jideare, the fact that Caesar has a skin condition might make someone take him to a vet so make sure they are all aware of him and have a poster as he has no chip.
Circulating on twitter
Alerts also sent to WS12,WS15
Put on Facebook West Mids Shrops & Staffs
There's growing fears for Caesar as he has Dermatitis and was actually booked in for his first vets appt in our new area. He's due yet another medication.

Thanks Everyone for your help and concern
Owner has contacted DW, vets, have advised him to poster asap. He needs to visit the dogs home and also contact local rescues. He also needs to check sites on the internet. He has contacted local farmers but he could hand out flyers to dog walkers and post some through letter boxes. He needs to speak to the postman as well and contact local radio and the paper.
Info and Advice sheet sent.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in ST15-21.

Drone SAR

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