Reunited: White With Dark Patches Akita Female

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  • Dog ID 45862
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Dec 2012
  • Name AKIRA
  • Gender & Breed Female Akita
  • Age Adult
  • Colour White with dark patches
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 01 Dec 2012
  • Where Lost Dunsham Lane, Elmhurst, Aylesbury, Bucks
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area HP20
  • Date Found 03 Dec 2012
  • Where Found Aylesbury
  • Found In Region South East
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Recently had puppies so has very saggy boobs. Vets believe may have Mastitis so will need veterinary treatment soon. Was due to have an injection today (3/12/12)
  • Listed By Kaz
  • Views 1353
  • AKIRAPoster Image
  • AKIRAExtra Image


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Lovely news that she has been found. Where was she? xx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Fantastic! Hope she's ok x
Brilliant so pleased for you. Ŵell done x
She has been found :-)
Thanks Baggy Dog thats a good idea. Will do some as soon as I can.
Safedog Crash Tested Car CratesBaggy Dog
I’ve found that it helps to print out an A4 sheet of paper cut into business-card size slips, each with brief details and your phone number on. Give them to all the local dog walkers, postmen etc. you meet. Then if someone has news when they’re out and about they don’t need to find a poster or log on to the site to contact you.
My daughter, her boyfriend and another friend went over there yesterday but I dont know if they stuck to the roads or went round the fields. I will have a drive round there shortly after I have checked vets etc. Thanks x
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Hi Kaz. It could be nothing but my son said he heard the geese making a racket in the early hours of Sunday morning. Not sure where they roost when they come off the lake at Watermead, but must be quite close to us (they fly right over our house). Also when I went to bed at about 11pm Saturday night I could hear a dog barking for quite some time. Have you checked out the fields around Watermead?
Dog warden and police already done Claire but doing vet tomorrow and any kennels nearby and calling the council again. And Barnie 'n' Ozzie's mum, yes, Elmhurst is just round the corner from you on the main road. She went missing from near the pub. Have just found out she opened the front door. She had done it before. They came home to find the front door wide open but not broken into. Thank you both for your help and thanks Shereen for the phone call earlier 'its good to talk' lol x
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Is this anywhere near Watermead? (I moved to Watermead just under 2 weeks ago so not too familiar with the area at the moment). Will certainly look out for her when walking our cocker and travelling to and from work x
You could try Aston Clinton Kennels 01296 630326 or Hampden Vets 01296 423666 to see if anyone has brought her into them. I am assuming that you will have tried the Dog Warden (01296 585605) as well. Local Police Stn Aylesbury is another one to check with. I will keep my eyes open up at my end of Aylesbury as well. Good Luck
Hi Kaz :)...if you get them things done I spoke to you about and you have my number if you need me...Good Luck.X
She's not my dog but apparently she went missing between 2-00 and 4-00 Saturday afternoon. I will find out if she could possibly have been out at that time. She has been passed from pillar to post so it may be that the person who is looking after her on Elmhurst may have been walking her at that time. She had only been there a couple of days so would have been a bit jittery. Thanks for your help, we are really worried about her with these frosts. Oh, lol, I also have a Sprollie :-) Last edited: 2012-12-02 18:34:36 by Kaz
Hi, Can I ask what sort of time she went missing on Saturday? It's just because I was out about 8.30am Saturday and going along my usual twice daily route (HP19) and I passed a lady walking one of these dogs, which was unusual as I usually see only the same local dogs around here especially in the mornings. The dog seemed hesitant and it struck me as odd at the time. It's probably not any thing to do with this lost dog at all but I thought I'd just mention. Will keep my eyes open around here as out very often with my Sprollie.
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