Lost: Black Schnauzer: Minature Male In South West (BS24)

  • Dog ID 47445
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 15 Jan 2013
  • Gender & Breed Male Schnauzer: Minature
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars Guinness has a naturally limper left ear compared to his right one. The right one has teeth mark scarring, which would be quite faded now.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 28 Oct 2012
  • Where Lost STOLEN - Somerset
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BS24
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info UPDATE - 21.09.20 He will be 9 years old now. Circumstances - My EX BROTHER-IN-LAW gave him to 'friends' of his, that are a part of the travelling community. I begged for his return and was told he was dead. I do not believe that this is true to this day, as I was threatened with my life not to go anywhere near their site to collect his "remains". Somerset & Avon Police refused to assist with his recovery at the time. Guinness is still very much thought of and loved, we want him home
  • Listed By SusieBarber13
  • Views 9652
  • GUINNESSPoster Image
  • GUINNESSExtra Image


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Thank you Marbie, I am finding it hard to go to sleep now with the apprehension of it all xx
Good luck SusieBarber13 You need your boy home xx
I have called the number listed on the Nottinghamshire Dog Warden FB page which connected me to the control centre. I am now to call back in the morning when the calls get redirected back to the dog warden.. please pray for me everyone X
Thank you CR, replied to your text and the FB post. I just need to find out where this dog is so I can go and see if it is Guinness
Please check this just in case:

There have been so many dogs stolen and it must be as horrific for the dogs as it is for the family worrying about them. Prayers xx
Thank you Marbie. I am truly praying it is him. The next few days waiting for a response are going to be tough xx
God luck SusieBarber13 I really hope you have seen him in the found dogs photos. There are so many and I hope they all get returned to loving homes xx
After the dogs have been found on the travellers site, I am now in contact with the Metropolotan police, and awaiting contact from them, as a small black dog that looks very similar to Guinness has been recovered. Please god, let it be him.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
It's good that you have heard something after all this time Susie. However, it does seem a bit sus....I mean why would a fit and healthy young dog suddenly die? isn't it more likely that poor Guinness was sold on as suggested below xxx
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Someone with a scanner, can the dog warden help?
Thank you! xx
Page bumped due to new info x
Right! It's about time I shared this as I've kept this to myself for over a week now and I'm hoping one of you can help me out! I had a 28 minute conversation with a 'Friend' of my sister, the very sister who offered to look after Guinness for me. This woman I spoke to told me she went to a party at my sisters house the start of October last year and was asked by my brother in law if she wanted to have Guinness, as her son fell in love with him. She was told I didn't want him anymore, and he was a pain in the ass as he kept jumping up at my niece. The 'friend' of my sister and brother in law took him home that evening. One week later 07/10/12 he apparently died! She told my brother in law and sister this had happened. My brother in law was asked to go and collect his body, but he went to see him and didn't take him. A couple of weeks later I was posting on my brother in laws FB wall asking how he was settling and he was ignoring me. She told me she had seen this and kept telling them to tell me the truth! January 13th 2013 I was told he had 'gone missing!'. My sister had told the person they gave him to "Keep quiet as it will blow over and she is a fuc*ing idiot and a drama queen!" (My sister was referring to me). The person who he went to buried him and is willing to have someone go and get his remains (he has been buried for 1 year now, if it is Guinness!) I am sharing this as I really need someone's help with this! This person lives in Hewish near Weston Super Mare, the area I was told he went missing.
You are both right, it is alleged theft! The individual concerned knows the truth but she is staying quiet. I will name her tomorrow if she does not give me the truth!
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Yes I have seen that too The story now is that her Sister and Brother in Law were looking after him as the owner had to go abroad with hubbies job and the Brother in Law left him with some friends for a few days and when he went back to get him they said he had died. This was on a Travelers site near Weston. Unable to produce evidence it is thought they either still have him or have sold him on
According to facebook, if I'm on the right dog, they know where he is - alleged to be theft !!
Debbie, I've commented on the BS22 found dogs profile. MillieVW the dog I went to see wasn't Guinness. Lunajj36 if you mean the little man in Birkenhead, I don't believe him to be Guinness.
stray found .... could this be Guinness? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200183019995018&set=a.1021222807637.2004272.1137191889&type=1&theater
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Any news on the found dog being checked?
Can someone have a look at found dog ID 53037 please . Guinness went missing in bs24 and this one was found in bs22 area so not far x
Hi mathers22 - I thought this was sorted re. Guinness' owner's return....... xx
Hi Matthers22, I have been posting on the found terriers profile with my concerns and also on the Rugby Pawprints group on Facebook.
re below,please see comments that are on the found dogs dl 52187 link here xx http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=52187#.UZFgEqJ1_Sh
I've just been reading on Bruce's Vet's scanning page that the possible owner of Guinness is worried because her husband is in the Army and she is in Canada with him and the earliest she can get over is the 8th June to view the found dog. I've told her to get in touch or post on here too xx
I just wanted to say thank you to the DogLost team for your support the last day and for bumping Guinness's profile back onto the first page. It is truly appreciated, and thank you to all for your kind words. xx
Paws, and fingers xd that this dog is Guinness.
Fingers crossed x
Thank you to DogLost and Belle. I hope it is him! X
Thank you! I have joined your page and posting under Susie Barber.
Pawprints Dog RescueJD
Meanwhile there are a few more pics on our fb page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/168208779917045
Pawprints Dog RescueJD
Glenda is offline today as she is transporting a dog from pound in Midlands to Carlisle. The phone number for the pound where this dog currently is - 01676 540608 - perhaps they can look for something to help identify if this is Guinness. I have tagged Glenda in the post on our page for when she gets back from her journey x
i have everythin crossed+hope the found dog is Guinness xx
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
It is found dog 52187 which is being checked.
Do hope it's Guinness! xxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Fingers crossed....
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Bumping Guinness due to possible match which is being checked.
Thanks Vicky but that little pooch isn't Guinness.
could you check this dog please looks very similar http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4675401162495&set=a.2880596213493.2113064.1217674237&type=1&theater
Hi Lorraine, his Facebook page will be going back online very soon.
Hi susiebarber13 I tried to join the FB group but it doesn't seem to work, is the link wrong on here? X
Thank you lunajj36 but the little darling on that link isn't Guinness.
not sure if this is the same dog as below, as same rescue, just different picture? https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/photo.php?fbid=596041320410852&set=a.307430372605283.91248.145531548795167&type=1&theater ...... because of injury to nose and jaw i would suspect beard gone for a better vet examinationLast edited: 2013-02-08 08:14:43 by lunajj36
The little man in the link below IS NOT Guinness!
This little one has been brought to my attention, although I cannot say 100% it is him, he does look similar. I am finding the angle the photo has been taken from and the lighting is hard to determined if it is him. This little ones coat looks shorter but it was shaved right in last time he was seen. And there is no beard but that could have been cut away! Any further help would e great! Thank you! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=413094205433003&set=a.369970683078689.87353.114144745327952&type=1&relevant_count=1
Come on Guinness where are you boy xx
I believe these little dogs have been claimed via a Facebook dog found group. The young girl said they were her nan's and her mother was going to collect them. Thank you I did see the little black one before, but his legs are too short as well! That's good to know his chip will work with the Halo device.Last edited: 2013-01-17 17:14:02 by SusieBarber13
Take a look at dog number 47289 on the found dog list ,2 dogs found together.
Yes he is now on the Halo database - all dogs added to our site with the microchip number are added automatically
I don't know to be honest! It should do if it's re-registered to the UK database now, I'm guessing. Thank you for sharing on FB. x
Does this mean that his chip will also be registered with the halo scanner? I've shared on FB. x
I have just updated the details to the exact location now.
Thank you ladies. I am currently trying to contact the ladies who run that rescue centre. Although I did manage to speak to one of the other staff she was unaware of any details. I must say it does look like him though. I am living in hope! His chip was registered with PetLog yesterday, so hopefully it will alert someone soon that he is actually a missing dog.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in BS21-26,29,48. TA8,9.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I have advised contacting chip company if not already done, noticed a similar dog on a rescue site which is being checked out.
Hope Guiness is found soon, and the microchip works it`s magic. Make him "Too hot to handle" just in case.
Sorry to see that GUINNESS is missing.
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