Reunited: Fawn/ Brindle Whippet Female

  • Dog ID 49113
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 21 Feb 2013
  • Name LACE
  • Gender & Breed Female Whippet
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Fawn/ Brindle
  • Marks & Scars 4 years old.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 21 Feb 2013
  • Where Lost Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area ST5
  • Date Found 02 Mar 2013
  • Where Found Keele, Newcastle, Staffs
  • Found In Region Central
  • Found In Post Area ST5
  • Date Reunited 02 Mar 2013
  • Other Info After several sightings Lace was eventually found in Keele under a bush by a lady waking her dogs. She is very thin but happy to see us and wagging her tail. Now resting on the sofa with her friends Smokey & Lottie on the sofa
  • Listed By Anna
  • Views 6716
  • LACEPoster Image
  • LACEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Thank you Gaynor. We are thrilled to have found her and very relieved. Many many thanks to you and to everyone else that has supported us in getting her home! xLast edited: 2013-03-09 15:56:06 by Anna
Am SO pleased! Could not be more delighted. You have worked so hard to get her home and must be thrilled to bits and mightily relieved now that she's back safe and sound. You'll all sleep well tonight that's for sure! Brilliant, brilliant news, am really pleased that your worries are over and glad that she's none the worse for her adventures .. thank goodness she had a 'bush stop' and allowerd herself to be found! All's well that ends well as they say.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So pleased to see Lace is home. Well done to the lady finder and all the helpers. Stay safe lovely girl.xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...
Fantastic news! Have been following Lace every day hoping for good news. Now to send "come home" vibes to Pringle x
Absolutely fantastic news that Lace has been found and she's safely back home after her big adventure. Stay safe little lady big hugs to u,Anna,Steve and Harry xxx
Wonderful news you deserve this result you all worked together for this. Well done xx
How fabulous to see that Lace has finally been found!! So glad she's made it safely home XX
Brilliant news! :) xxx
Fantastic news xx
No luck on Lymevalley last night with the trap but Steve is going to try again this evening. We have had lots of people out and about at Blackbank/Apedale and Lymevalley during today but there have been no further sightings (3rd day without one now & 8th night missing closing in) Tallerbird - The Orme Centre has posters and is open most days, thank you for taking the time to add more in that area. Certainly the Boxing Gym is open on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays with the doors open. She hasn't been seen but that is not to say she isn't passing there each night. Last sightings on Blackbank are apx 5pm then seen early hours at Lymevalley so inbetween she is in between those areas so any help looking behind the schools along the way after dusk would be a huge help! It's certainly worth a try especially as we have gone so long without a sighting
Have just been to Apedale and spent some time calling Lace and using my dog whistle but not sightings I'm sorry to say. X
Hi Anna,
I've been having a look at the map to get a better idea of the route she is taking between Apedale and Lyme Valley so we can cover those areas with posters. I've got the route on a map, I'll try and find some way of sharing it online.

From Apedale the start of the route is quite clear. She would follow Lyme brook, which you can find at the far side of the lake. That would bring her out opposite the new car park on the playing fields on Lower Milehouse Lane.

She probably then carries straight on to the back on St John Fisher college. On the map Lyme brook disappears hear and then reappears just at the back of St Giles & St George School on Orme Road. Even if she isn't able to follow the brook along there it seems like the easiest route for her to take away from busy areas. I don't know that area too well so I'm not sure which exact route she is likely to take.
From the school she can easily follow the brook again to the area she has been spotted in at Lyme Valley.

I can't really see a way she could do it without passing the Orme Centre so it looks like she is heading back to the place she got lost each evening to look for you. I assume you put posters up there right at the start but it may be worth revisiting.

I'll head up to Apedale a bit later and then walk the more residential areas she is probably passing through with some more posters.
Anna that is so frustrating for you! The chances are that she may have heard you calling from a distance and needed time or courage to show herself, she could have been a bit disorientated and it might have taken her a while to find the spot where you were. What a damn shame. But as you say it does indicate her pattern, perhaps she set off at dusk along the brook path to get back to Lyme Valley. It will be really quiet where Steve is now, perhaps he could try the repeated shouting in the field just by the allotments (away from the houses!)from just one point i.e. not moving about, and then stand really still in the same place for a good long while afterwards with an occasional shout ... to give her time and courage to find him and come out, and not be disorientated by him moving about (hope all this makes sense). She must be so frightened by now, cold and hungry, that perhaps she will find the courage to show herself. I really feel for you both, am glad that Steve's not alone there as it really is pitch black at night (can't imagine how that man walks his dogs each night!). Everything crossed here that there will be some good news for you tonight, it must be mentally and physically exhausting.
The man who's seen her finishes work around that time and then walks his dogs. Does so every night apparently. He said his dogs have disturbed her both times from the same spot so tonight he will keep them on a lead. Steve is there now, has a friend with him and as he has work to get up for at 5.30 himself has another friend to take over in a few hours for him. If he sees her he will call Steve out of bed to rush down there.
Had another call today from a lady who's seen the Sentinel Ad and she saw Lace at 5pm yesterday on the pavement just above the Apedale carpark on Black Bank Road. More confirmation of her pattern and another frustration as I left that exact spot to move up to Black bank carpark 15 minutes earlier after being there for 20 minutes calling out for her!Last edited: 2013-02-27 22:34:15 by Anna
Will have eveything crossed for tonight Anna, don't envy Steve being up there on his own as it's spooky after dark! Have been wondering why the man who rang would be round the allotments at 3.30 in the morning to spot her?! I would imagine that if she's timid then certainly during daylight hours she is more likely to be at the 'top end' as I call it (the bit I described) rather than down on the main walkway along the brook. Don't know if you have yet sussed out the area fully but near to where Trish has postered this evening there is another wooded area further along from the one I described in earlier post. Go down the tarmac path which leads from Buckmaster Avenue down to the brook and then half way down the very steep bit you can cut across to the right through a little clearing which is wooded and secluded and another ideal hiding spot. You couldn't do this in the dark though. Fingers crossed that Steve will at least spot her tonight up near to the allotments, if he just sees her but can't catch her then you could hopefully be back there at same time tomorrow with lots of smelly tempting food. Oh! do let yourself be found Lace!
I stopped off on way home from work n put posters up along the path from top end of Buckmaster Avenue (near Clayton road) down into Lyme Valley. Met a lady there who was out looking 4 Lace. I agree with Gaynor it is an ideal place for a timid dog to hide out. Hoping n praying that Steve finds her tonight Anna. Wishing you both the best of luck x
We agree Gaynor that the Brook is her likely route.
Plan is for Steve to wait on Lymevalley this evening til the early hours and see if he can see her and praying that he gets her!
If not, we will then focus on walking our dogs along the brook - to be honest don't want too many others with their dogs doing that as too much activity might put her off using it as like you said she is likely to be choosing that because it's the quieter route.
I just hope this nightmare ends very soon and she comes back to us!
Im hoping she will be with us by friday but if not then your extra pair of eyes will be most appreciated!Last edited: 2013-02-27 19:06:05 by Anna
Just thinking further here Anna, because I know that spot so well (I walked a dog who lived literally 3 houses away from the allotments, overlooking them). It may be that she has settled herself nearby there and has been there now for a couple of days without trotting around further. This would account for the fact there have been no further daytime sightings. It is absolutely the ideal place for a lost and timid dog to conceal herself. If you walk to the right of the allotments there is a path which divides - you can go straight along over the top of the ridge, or down to your left. Between those two paths is a wooded area which is completely quiet and would be a great place for her to hide in, just a couple of hundred yards from the allotments. Both paths lead down within a minute or two to the brook. It is always really quiet at this top end of the Lyme Valley, the paths are just used by a handful of dog walkers, whilst most people walk the main areas below. Would really recommend you suss all this area out as it is a perfect lost dog den area. If you need help on Friday really combing the area I will probably be free to do so, let me know.
Anna, if she is finding her way to the Lyme Valley allotments my guess is that she will be following the brook all the way along from Apedale to there. I know the allotments and Lyme Valley walkway really well having walked it three times a day almost every single day last year. It is her ideal route and will explain how she is covering such a large area quickly, it's a straight, easy and quiet pathway for her to take at night. and she will find birds, rabbits and discarded food. Steve will have found the allotments which are directly above the brook. You can park your car immediately by them with an excellent vantage point of the allotments area, which is a really quiet place after dark. Suggest a night in the car with a flask and blankets and hopefully she will reappear again.
Great we have more sightings of her. If we can plot all her sightings and times, we may be able to get a trap for her.
A man has called us, he's seen her tonight and last night at 3.30am at Lyme Valley allotments. Steve has just gone to look again (4.30-m now!) Does appear to be a triangle forming but over a huge area and its a case of finding which direction around it and at what times she is travelling. Sightings in Blackbank area are between 2-5pm Monday. Cross Heath A34 Satutday 10.30am.Last edited: 2013-02-27 04:57:40 by Anna
Sorry I'm not in a position to get out there and help with the search at present. Am studying map really carefully, and am thinking that she may perhaps head back towards Milehouse area via Red Street/Watehayes/Crackley/Chesterton as this would then be the triangle that they are often seen to create. Are those areas postered yet? Might be a thought to tackle them next.I hope you get some definite sightings of her tomorrow so that you at least know in which location to intensify the search. As Helen says, once she's in a routine (which she will be) it will be easier to track her and give you a better chance of catching her, even at that stage with a trap if necessary. Good luck.
Don't get desperate Anna, it isn't long in scheme of things. Saw the DW on his way there yesterday. Once she settles into a routine you stand a better chance. Sounds like there may be a triangle forming?
No luck from the search today/this evening. Apedale, Blackbank, Alsagers bank Halmerend covered. Door to door enquiries made. Posters given to grisley Arms, the Chip shop and Papershop in Halmerend as well as others. Feel so desperate now. Tonight will be the 6th night out and she is like looking for a needle in a haystack.....
I was out there this morning putting more posters up and talking to the locals, must of whom were already aware of Lace which is good news. I gave some to shops to put in the window but might be a good idea for someone to drop some in to the local pubs.
I won't be able to help now until the weekend but I hope you find her before then.
Good luck for tonight.
Sorry to hear there haven't been any more sightings today Anna.Is the blue wheel the one on Apedale? Hub has said he will go up to Apedale/Halmerend area in the morning and have a look for her. He will take his binoculars so he can see across the fields. If you need us to look before then just text me. You and Steve are doing a great job getting the posters out there and spreading the word about Lace. keeping everything crossed for a happy reunion with Lace very soon. x
Thank you again Trish. No more sightings today - Steve and his family and friends have been up there all day searching for her, knowcking on doors and putting up posters. He has spoken to the Dog Warden and apparently they were called up there yesterday for her but they couldn't catch her and she ran off towards the blue wheel
Any more sightings of Lace today? Have managed to get @thisisstaffs the Sentinels Twitter account to tweet Laces doglost poster so it has been sent to their 6,900 followers. Several local followers have re-tweeted so the word is spreading a bit further
Fingers crossed she will be found very soon x
She was spotted on a farm at Alsagers bank just before Halmerend at 4pm, then close to the road heading towards Halmerend at pax 5pm.
Thank you all for taking the time to look x
I went out looking again today but only went as far as the bottom of black bank. I wish I'd gone further now.
I will go out again tomorrow morning and put some posters up in the new area. Can you let us know where about the sightings were on black bank so we know where to focus. Also if you know which direction she was heading in that would be great.
Had 2 sightings of a whippet matching Laces description in black bank road - any assistance searching that area would be great!
Sorry you and Laces owner didnt have any luck finding her today. Stay positive Anna you are doing your very best to find her. I will print some more posters off and have a think about the best places to put them up. I've mentioned Lace on Twitter and have had my tweets retweeted so that is spreading the word a bit further. If you need any help please let me know x
Hi - thank you so much everyone for your help. It was possibly me with one of her owners that you saw. They travelled up today to search with us in the hope that she would hear them. They live 3 hours away in Ross on Wye had to return home and we had no joy I'm afraid. They have other dogs which they have walked around our area with, hoping to leave more scent.
Any help putting up posters would be greatly appreciated! Anywhere that you think should have one....Last edited: 2013-03-01 19:26:00 by Anna
Hub and I are just back from looking for Lace but sorry to say no sightings. We walked from Station Walks by Croft vets down track to the Wammy - someone was ahead of us calling Laces name n using a dog whistle. We then walked up Milehouse lane and walked down Knutton lane past the college and had a look around St John Fisher school. Saw quite a few of your posters. If you need more posters printing off in colour or black n white I can do that for you tomorrow at work. I can also laminate them 4 you too. If you want me to put up posters 4 you or search any areas just let me know x
I have been out looking for Lace today without any luck. I think I walked just about every side street off the A34 between Buffet Island and KFC and a bit further afield. I will try and go out again when I get the chance, let me know if there are any areas you want me to cover.

I think I saw you putting up posters on Milehouse Lane but unfortunately the posters were falling off the trees. Maybe a staple gun would be better than tape?
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Anna, I keep logging on here in the hope for good news. Let as many vets and rescue kennels know in and around your area...good luck.
I have set up a Facebook group for Lace!/groups/211446459001437/

Anyone can join and invite members.

Just trying as much as possible to spread the word!
No further sightings yesterday, late last night or so far today.
If anyone is in the area and has the time to look out for her between the Orme Centre up to Cross Heath that would be great.
Anna I'm so pleased that Lace has been sighted close to your home. Keepin everything crossed that Lace will be back with u very soon. If you need any help to look 4 her tomorrow let me know as hub and I are available to help you x
Fingers crossed she will find her way home soon. You are doing the right thinks with regard to scenting.
We hadnt seen the last sighting on here so have been round Basford look7ng,bhave given the new vic theatre her details but didnt have your phone number with us so we left ours, They have a show on tonight so hopefully they will put it up about her and someone may see her on their way home.

No sign of her in Basford but we are also letting all our dog walking friends know so they can join in.
Really hope you find her soon we have everything crossed xx
We now have her jumper tied to our gate and as we speak my partner is dragging her blanket from our house and then along the A34 so we hope she will pick up her scent and follow it back very soon.
We will definitely be out agiain this evening and then again in the morning. Sunday tomorrow - less traffic around to drown out the sound of our calls....
Will try the hot food trick on our trips out - once again thank you!
Anna, so near and yet so far!! How frustrating to know she's so close to you. Apparently when they're lost dogs repeat a 'triangle' so chances are she will walk exactly the same route again, possibly at more or less the same time of day. Worth a try to position yourselves there in the morning if she hasn't turned up by then? Also, have you thought of the smelly sausage trick? A bit cold to be out there with the BBQ, but possibly walking around very slowly tonight, when it's reasonably quiet, with bag of hot smelly food, calling her name several times then standing still and waiting for a few minutes (rather than moving quickly on - in other words giving her time to get to you if she hears you) could help? You've probably got all this in hand anyway, but if not it might be worth a try. I do hope you find her soon. I was looking for her again in the Brampton area this morning, but she obviously wasn't there as she was trotting along A34 instead! Hope to see her back home soon, good luck.
LAST SIGHTING 10.30am THIS MORNING trotting along the A34 from DH Motorcycles heading towards Buffet Island - WE LIVE INBETWEEN there just off the A34 on Poplar Avenue so we hope she is trying to find us!!
We are walking around and around streets close to us with our own dogs in the hope that she will pick up their scent.
Posters have been delivered door to door and are being handed out in the local supermarkets. Posters up in Local shop windows etc.
The highways agency have confirmed no sighting - so no news is good news from them!
Our porch is left open with her bed inside waiting for her at all times.
Greyhound gap, all the vets in Newcastle have her details.
She has her own facebook page!
Posters have been delivered and are on display in clayton, lymedale, poolfields, Apedale.
We are PRAYING she will stay close to our home and we find eachother!
Have you tried contacting greyhound gap as their kennels are in stoke and Lisa the lady in charge maybe able to help. May also be worth getting in touch with Friarswood vets, Chartered vets and the Croft vets as they are all in Newcastle around the area that she went missing. Last edited: 2013-02-23 16:20:19 by Gema
Keepin everything crossed that the ad in Sentinel will help find Lace. If you get chance go up to the dogs home and have a look to see if Lace is there cos as Gaynor said they told Tykes owner he wasnt there when he was. We will have a look around Lyme Valley tomorrow just in case Lace has headed in that direction.
Her picture and our contact details will also be in the sentinel tomorrow, Monday, tues & weds so that will at least open up another source of communication.
Thank you again for looking folks!Last edited: 2013-02-22 19:52:00 by Anna
We've called the dogs home again and we will keep ringing them. Her owner is at home if someone calls the owners number. We also have contacts checking with the local traveller sites too. We've put posters around the local shops. Word of mouth we hope will also help!
Walked all round Brampton/Sandy Lane area, easily accessible for her if she's crossed the main roads in Newcastle, but no sign. Will be out doing the same tomorrow. So cold for her to be out on her own overnight, hope she's found shelter somewhere. Do keep checking with the Dogs Home as if there's any chance that she may have lost her collars, and is picked up and taken there, there is no guarantee that she will be checked for a chip - the microchipped whippet cross Tyke lost in Newcastle just a couple of weeks ago was finally found there even though his owners had been ringing and were told he wasn't! If someone has taken her in and tried to ring the Ross-on-Wye contact number on her collar, will they get a reply or is owner away? I'm wondering if someone might have her but be unable to return her?
Someone has just informed us that they saw a whippet race down king street from the A34 in cross Heath at 7.45pm last night. This is the street behind ours. May not be Lace but if it was she was obviously trying to find her way back to our house which is on Poplar Avenue. We are trying to let as many people as we can know about her and hopefully we will get more news
Thank you, we have walked the tracks at te back of St.John fisher and Newcastle college but no one has had any sign of her. Thank you for taking the time to look, it is really kind of you
Hub has checked the Blackfriars school site ( he works there and it is close to where Lace went missing) we have also looked in the Orme road area, Dunkirk area, Silverdale road, and also Newcastle College area but no sightings I'm sorry to say. Will try and print posters off tonight and will put them up tomorrow. We will look for Lace again tomorrow too
Hi. I'm off out dog-walking this afternoon in the Brampton Park/Sandy Lane/May Bank/Basford area so will be looking out for her and have your phone number with me in case of any sightings.
We live in the Cross Heath area but she ran off from the Orme Centre. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
So sorry to hear Lace is missing. What part of Newcastle is Lace missing from? I live in the Clayton area and have today off work so will be out and about with my dogs so will keep a look out 4 her. Hope Lace is soon back home
Info and Advice sheet sent.
Lace was last seen heading into the Town Centre. She managed to cross the busiest road. Owner feels she may have found somewhere to bed down last night and may come out today. Lace has been mentioned on the local radio and the dogs home and vets have been contacted.
Hope Lace is home soon. Shared on Facebook. x
I hope lace is found soon. Have shared onto Facebook
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