Reunited: Sandy Lurcher Female
- Dog ID 49855
- Status Reunited
- Registered 14 Mar 2013
- Name TESS
- Gender & Breed Female Lurcher (Neutered)
- Age Adult
- Colour Sandy
- Marks & Scars Wearin red and white spotted collar, scar on near hind thigh
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed No
- Date Lost 13 Mar 2013
- Where Lost Great Moulton, South Norfolk.
- Lost In Region East Anglia
- Lost In Post Area NR15
- Date Reunited
- Other Info
- Listed By Jane English
- Views 2158
- See more Reunited dogs
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Sightings and Information
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- 2013-03-16 17:17 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Great news...
- 2013-03-16 17:10 AlisonH
- Brilliant news Tess is home. Owners had done a fantastic job of making Tess TOO HOT TO HANDLE and she has just been brought home by a person who said they had bought her for £200. When owner said she didn't have that sort of money they settled for a bottle of whiskey.
- 2013-03-16 16:04 AlisonH
- Still can't get hold of owner so have sent a text. Poster and flyers emailed to owner with all local information.Last edited: 2013-03-16 16:53:45 by AlisonH
- 2013-03-16 15:54 Riverlady
- circulating on twitter
- 2013-03-16 15:27 AlisonH
- Called owner but had to leave a message.
- 2013-03-16 15:03 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent to helpers in NR14,15,16,18. IP20,21,22.
- 2013-03-16 11:57 Angus
- basic info sent via email
- 2013-03-14 23:20 Jane English
- Still no news, we had a possible sighting in Long Stratton but nothing came of it. Posters out and leaflet drop to 3 villages done. Shared and shared all over facebook. She is a very timid dog who came from a rescue centre so we are hoping that she has gone into hding and perhaps once she is hungry she will come out. Thank you for your help xx