Rainbow Bridge: Liver And White English Springer Spaniel Female

  • Dog ID 55624
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 02 Aug 2013
  • Name MOLLY
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel (Neutered)
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Liver and White
  • Marks & Scars One side of face is liver while other white. Dot on top of her head. Liver patch on her bottom.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 02 Aug 2013
  • Where Lost North Lincs.
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area DN17
  • Date Reunited 09 Sep 2013
  • Other Info Molly is deaf and also needs daily medication.
  • Listed By Just Steffie
  • Views 7277
  • MOLLYPoster Image
  • MOLLYExtra Image


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So sad to read that Molly has gone to the Bridge,so many people have been looking for you little one,Run free Molly.My thoughts are with the family at this sad time,you have so many memories of Molly to remember her from so think of all the good times you had with your beloved Molly. Hugs to you all.x
I'm so very sorry xx Run free lovely girl x My thoughts are with her family at this sad time.
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Sweet dreams beautiful girl xx
Thinking of your family at this sad time xx
PS Have fun with George, a friends late Springer (Lost to mouth cancer), and the four Springers already mentioned. RIP+
My thoughts are with the fmily so so sorry xxxx
I am so sad to read this. Her people tried so hard. Her page slipped down the list because there was no date given for moving to reunited, so I have put today's date to make sure that everyone who was looking out for her has seen his.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have only just seen this, I am so sorry, run free sweet girl. Condolences to family.
So sorry to read beautiful Molly has gone to Rainbow Bridge. My thoughts are with her family. Run free gorgeous girl xx
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Sending condolences to Molly's family. Run free at the bridge girl xxx
So very sad to read this news - run free Molly :(( xx
Furlover - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
So very sorry to see this. RIP Molly xxxx
Very sorry to read this tragic news on this stunningly beautiful girl. May she RIP xx
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Very sad news .run free at the Bridge beautiful xxx
Sad news,xx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
So very sad to hear this news, run free over the bridge beautiful girl x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry to see this, run free at Rainbow Bridge gorgeous Molly :((
Paula Griffin's Mum
so sad, so sorry for you loss, RIP sweet girl Molly, we'll light a candle for you this evening, our thoughts are with the family xxx
Oh no, how sad. I am so sorry, and my thoughts are with the family at this distressing time. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Molly, where my four springers will be waiting to play xxxx
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
So very sorry to year this and my thoughts are with Molly's family . Rest in peace beautiful girl xx
So sorry that Molly has gone to the bridge. My thoughts are with her famkily whol are obviously heartbroken. Night, night sweet Molly, sleep tight, and play happily at the bridge. One day you will be reunited with your family. RIP+ God blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for sweet Molly
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Very sad to read this RIP Molly xxx
Very sad to have to report that beautiful Molly has gone to Rainbow Bridge. RIP sweetheart.
Sorry to say still no sightings of Molly.
We went to area at Bottesford Moor but no sighting of Molly walked the banks and spoke to other dog walkers just hope she is alright.Is there any more news of sightings.So much open ground ,will go back and look further along the banks as they go for miles to Butterwick. Come on Molly show your self so we can get you back with your owners.
just seen a posting on Fb saying Molly could be in the area of Bottesford Moor Sewage plant will take my two dogs to that area tomorrow and have a good look around we know farmers around there so will call and give them a poster.do hope she is still around there and can be found.
MichelleandJon I have had a good long look at the photo of Meg at Hope rescue and yes they are very similar but Meg appears to have a freckled muzzle and Molly does not also the brown mark over the left eye comes further over than it does on Molly. Thank you so much for checking though. Owner truly believes that she is still in the area she was lost but unsure if she will have survived.
Poppy & Willow's Mum
We still keep looking for Molly on our walks. Stay safe Molly xx
No sight of Molly,been walking the streets around the Area just in case we sighted someone with her,will keep looking.stay safe little one.x
So sorry to hear Molly is missing,I have posted to my Facebook page and told other dog owners who walk in the Bottesford Messingham area that Molly is lost.I will give my local pet store in Ashby a poster tomorrow morning.I have a friend who's has got Horses at gravel pits Bottesford will ring her in the morning as there is plenty of places round there she could be hiding. Unfortunately I am out most of the morning but go out with my dogs as soon as I get home.
Michelle Oscars mum
Will someone please take a look at this photo on facebook. Its Hope Rescue in Wales but the dog Meg is the spitting image of Molly.

Owner still searching but no luck so far.
Paula Griffin's Mum
wish i could be closer to help - stay safe Molly xx
What a pretty girl xx
Added to Twitter and f/book group
Thank you Paula.
Paula Griffin's Mum
I've shared on FB, what a gorgeous girl, stay safe Molly xx
Thank you Poppy and Willow's mum.
Poppy & Willow's Mum
I live along the Beck in Bottesford and walk my dogs along there most days, we will keep a look out for Molly and I have shared on my facebook page. Stay safe Molly, until you can be found xxx
Email alerts sent to postcodes DN8,DN9,DN15,DN16,DN17
circulating on twitter
Photo added ready for email alerts to go out please.
Have now spoken to the owner and Molly took herself off for a walk in Bottersford woods and hasn't returned. She is a trained gun dog but can no longer work because she is deaf. Owner has contacted the dog warden and the local pounds but so far no luck. There are posters up in the area and the owner is going to call the local radio stations. Photo coming soon. Details added to Doglost Lincolnshire Facebook group.Last edited: 2013-08-03 18:16:40 by AlisonH
Will contact owner.

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