Reunited: Tan, Black, Sandy, White Terrier Cross Male

  • Dog ID 56155
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 14 Aug 2013
  • Name RAFA
  • Gender & Breed Male Terrier Cross (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Tan, black, sandy, white
  • Marks & Scars White chest, white toes
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 13 Aug 2013
  • Where Lost Barton Road, Winscombe BS25 1BL
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BS25
  • Date Found 13 Sep 2013
  • Where Found Chew Stoke, taken in by a family
  • Found In Region South West
  • Date Reunited 13 Sep 2013
  • Other Info Rafa is very nervous around people and other dogs. He has only been in country and with present owner for a week. He came from a rescue in Spain. He is wearing a yellow collar with pink heart pattern.
  • Listed By Lunarlake
  • Views 1984
  • RAFAPoster Image
  • RAFAExtra Image


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Rafa has been found alive and well and is being looked after by a family who found him not long after he went missing. Apparently they alerted local dog wardens and vets but because Rafa had travelled some distance, they assumed he had come from the Bristol area. No dog wardens ever contacted me despite my ringing around various local ones every so often.
Thank you to everyone who helped and all your good wishes. Special thanks to Karen for being a constant support. We are so glad and relieved that Rafa is well and safe. Diane Xxx
Di, are you still putting posters up? its important to keep at it! I've got his info on loads of different local sites and national now on facebook so hopefully something will happen! Also is there an alternative contact number? i wont give up on him xxxx Karen xxxx
I've created a page on facebook to help find Rafa - please share it far and wide. someone somewhere must have seen him.
I helped look after Rafa in Spain before he left for the UK and we are all very worried about him
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Please see Found 56851. This dog was found very dirty and thin at Colliford Lake,nr Bodmin, with a blue collar and black lead still attached. The police did a search of the area, found nothing and have no missing person reports. It was picked up by a kennels (out of hours) from Launceston Police Station, who seem to think it went to RSPCA Longdown (Exeter). I tried RSPCA Little Valley Kennels near Longdown who say they don't take strays. The Dog Warden Devon say Launceston is Cornwall so would not come to Devon. The Cornwall Dog Warden will not give any information, even the sex, of the dog to anyone other than the owner. So the only option is to post this to all Border types lost. PLEASE register as lost with the Dog Wardens (and remember they have it listed as a Border Terrier) for them to release details of where it is. Cornwall DW 0300 1234 212. East Devon DW 0845 241 7253. Exeter DW 01392 265155
Mrs Mop
Check this out. This little dog was found in a mineshaft on Banwell Hill. I am sure they would help with advice if you ring them. They organised a search party. If link doesn't work, look up Peppa in Reunited dogs list on doglost.
Thank you Mrs Mop. We did alert the vet but didn't think of the pet shop so thanks for doing this. Nothing from Dog Wardrn and no sightings, which makes me think he may be trapped somewhere. He doesn't trust people so is unlikely to come to someone unless he is desperate for food.

I appreciate everyone's efforts and will keep hoping he is spotted or finds his way back to me.

Best wishes, Diane
Mrs Mop
I emailed HILLYFIELD VETS in Winscombe and told SANDFORD ANIMAL FEEDS but didn't notice a poster yesterday in the pet shop for Rafa. It is a very busy shop as you know and worth postering as is the vets. Good Luck.
Hi Sarah, thanks so much for all your help. I'm sorry the trail seems to have gone cold and I'm wondering whether Rafa might be trapped in a garage or shed perhaps. I will organise a leaflet drop to local homes asking people to check. He can't be far away I hope.

Thanks again, Diane
Hi, I am going to put a poster in Barton Road, allotment gate, as I couldn't see any, I will also put one on the Strawberry Line at the St. Monica Care Home end as many people cycle / walk this route. Best wishes Sarah
Hi, we met earlier in the week as we thought Rafa may have visited the allotment. I'm sorry to say that I've since found out that a terrier was brought in by one of the allotment users so the 'evidence' we found may have came from him. The owner of the allotment / field has emailed colleagues in the area and our local PC so we are spreading the word. I would be happy to put some posters up at the St. Monica's end of the Strawberry Line walk as it gets a lot of use. I hope Rafa is found soon. Best wishes Sarah
Posted to DL SW FB
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in BS 24-29.

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