Reunited: Black And Tan Dachshund Female

  • Dog ID 56879
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Sep 2013
  • Name MINNIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Dachshund (Spayed)
  • Age
  • Colour black and tan
  • Marks & Scars Brain damaged so not self sufficient. Miniature wire haired Daxie.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 02 Sep 2013
  • Where Lost between Stondon Massey and Hornchurch from my truck.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CM15
  • Date Reunited 03 Sep 2013
  • Other Info Minnie cannot be used for breeding as spayed and has brain damage so her head wobbles. She cannot be used for anything so PLEASE, PLEASE return her to us!
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 3314
  • MINNIEPoster Image
  • MINNIEExtra Image


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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Fantastic news! I cannot tell you how pleased I am. I was so worried about this sweet little girl. Maybe her medial issue made her wobble a bit too much over the edge of the truck, bless her little heart. I am so glad she was not stolen! Phew! Absolutely well done to those who helped and prayed for this girl. Well done to Minnie herself - what a clever girl! xxx
Still "stalking" little Minnie & very pleased to hear your update ... she is, indeed a very "special" little girl. Give her a gentle hug from me (I'm so happy she's OK ) x
Minnie got the all clear from the vet this morning. She is bruised and has minor abrasions but is otherwise fit and well. Vet was very shocked that she had survived 12 hours on her own, considering she is so "special". He reckons that because her brain-damage affects her mobility, ie shes like a little wiggly worm, it helped stop her suffering serious injury when she jumped out of the back window of the truck!! I have now purchased doggie window guards lol!! Again thanks to everyone for their help. xx
Awww bless her little heart, pleased she's home safe again x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So pleased to see Minnie is home and safe, hope she feels better soon. Stay safe now little one :)) Well done to all involved.x
Oh, Corrina - I was thinking of Minnie all night & got up especially early to try to help and I see THIS !!! I am overjoyed she is back, I really am.

Give her a big kiss from us x
WE HAVE FOUND MINNIE TONIGHT 2ND SEPTEMBER AT 11.50PM. Thanks to everyone sharing and facebooking a lady called Lizzie Swan messaged me tonight to say that her son had seen a dog of Mins description near Crown Corner farm shop in Kelvedon. My partner immediately left home with our other dog and after 5 mins of calling she came running out!!! Apart from some scrapes and grazes where shes nose-dived out the truck shes fine. We will be taking her to vet in morning to check her out but main thing is she will be laying on my sons bed in the morning when he wakes up!!!!!! HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE ON HERE XXXXX
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owner, pls check the poster and see if this is okay for you? Get these out everywhere you can. Suggest placing all along the roads you travelled in the eye line of motorists,on both sides of the carriageway/road. Maybe on telegraph poles etc. You need MANY. You can do this! Do we have any helpers that way to assist in getting this poor little fur baby home? Thank you. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Also, can you put her chip number in - only we can see this. If she gets scanned with a Halo scanner it will immediately show as stolen and she will be seized back. Make sure the chip company register this too. Get crime number from police and give to them. ASAP. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Okay, if it is possible she has been taken, you need to tell police and you need to get a crime number. Did any dogs bark at any point? Anything strange you can recall? I think we need to put something on poster that says basically she is not suitable for breeding as spayed, nor anything else due to medical condition. We also need to say yes to a reward so that someone may give out on who has taken her if that is the case. Geunine folk rarely ask for reward but it can help if someone knows something. Can I also suggest you call the local papers and tell them you think the dog was taken as this would make a story and that is the only way they would print anything on this. If you really don't think she would have got out herself, then presume stolen and work on that unless we know different. You need to make her too hot to handle so she is let go. Everyone please help with this. Thank you. x
Have tweeted to Hornchurch Rescue...Hornchurch minicabs...maybe worth giving a call..
circulating on twitter....stay strong we will get the word out there.
I have done a further drive again tonight to retrace my steps, no sightings or body. I live in Hornchurch, I loaded my dogs into my truck at 11am. I drove to where my horses are kept in Stondon Massey. When I got to Blackmore Doctors surgery I noticed that two of the dogs had there heads out. I immediately stopped and shut the window of the truckman top, I did not even think to check to see if all were present as they have never ever ever got out. When I got to my yard and saw she was missing, I immediately retraced my steps and couldn't find her. I have placed noticies in all surrounding shops, businesses, contacted vets, brentwood dog warden. I will ring Battersea and police tomorrow.
She has no collar on but is chipped. She has been clipped and her coat is black with traces of silver, she has silver/tan tinge to her four paws, beard and a white patch on her chest. She has brain damage and when she walks her head wobbles from side to side. I am desperate for news good or bad, as my son and I are absolutely devastated, as is her mother who I also own. Minnie is 3 years old.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX Di...
Oh poor littlun - have shared on FB groups. Hope she's found very soon x (Already on Wallace Kennel's FB group - Stondon Massey)Last edited: 2013-09-02 19:03:05 by Di
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh gosh. Poor little mite. Sent email advice and sharing on FB.
Further alerts sent to helpers in RM1,2,3,5,10,11,12,14.
Alerts sent to helpers in CM4,5,12,13,14,15.

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