Lost: White Jack Russell Terrier Female In North East (S21)

  • Dog ID 59486
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 04 Nov 2013
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier (Spayed)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour White
  • Marks & Scars Both her ears are black, along with half her face & a couple of spots on her body. Curly fur
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 04 Nov 2013
  • Where Lost Fields in the High Moor area of Killamarsh, Sheffield. Out for her usual walk but just vanished into thin air within 2 seconds.
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area S21
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By MissWat
  • Views 14188
  • MADDIE SIGHTEDPoster Image


Sightings and Information

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MissWat, just a reminder to double check that Maddie's microchip details are still bang up to date, and no one has tried to change the contact details. Fingers crossed for you that she will be found soon. Xx
Six years today since Maddie went missing. :(
Still looking out for Maddie x Shared to Home Safe Dog UK . Last edited: 2018-07-11 21:00:54 by JEAN
COULD THIS ONE BE MADDIE ????? http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=106853 JUST BEEN CONFIRMED ,NOT MADDIE ,the one in the link is male :( Last edited: 2016-11-03 15:49:36 by JEAN
Unfortunately, although we've had many kind people get in touch with us over the past few months, none of the leads we've had have turned out to be Maddie or are likely enough for us to pursue. We have kept up with posters & lots of sharing on Facebook & we have lots of people helping us with that but she is still missing. We are very grateful for all the help we have received & are still hopeful that we'll get a call one day that brings her back. Any further help will be greatly appreciated x
Sighted recently (25-1-2014) round Goosecarr Lane, Todwick. We have been out looking, put posters up & leaflets through to all the houses on that road. The farmers/people with horses know to keep an eye out for her but we can find no sign of a den or anything yet x
Please do NOT approach Maddie directly or make eye contact, and whatever you do please do not raise your voice. A dog who has been out for a while will not come to anyone, her basic instincts will have kicked in and she will run from everyone. Dogs out on their own are very cautious, they have to rely on themselves so act quite differently from when they are at home. They will run before they have registered that the person calling them is their owner. Best thing is to get down on the ground and have smelly food in your hand. If that is not possible, move slowly at right angles to the dog so she can get a good look at you.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Owners have been out in the area of the sightings searching and I've suggested they start to leave food in the same place each day and to do some scenting there. They need to be certain it is Maddie and not a local dog that is getting out x
We're up to 5 sightings in the area between Wales Bar & Killamarsh now.
~ 08-11-2013 she was seen running down the hill from Wales Bar to Killamarsh
~ 21-11-2013 a lady believe she saw her disappearing into the bushed at the side of the road on the same hill
~ 26-11-2013 a lad reported coming across her in the woods alongside the Rother Valley golf course but that she ran off when he approached her
~ 27-11-2013 a gentleman phoned up to report having seen Maddie ABOUT A WEEK BEFORE in the same area but not having a number to call at the time - she ran away from him too
~ 27-11-2013 a lady called to say at about 2.20pm she saw Maddie on the same hill on the grass roughly halfway between the petrol station & the turn-in for Rother Valley

We're starting to think she may have made herself a den in the bushes or the woods. The chap who called today said she had a large belly when he saw her so she is happily feeding herself. Please can anyone in the area keep their eyes peeled whilst driving/walking incase you see her again? Please approach her if seen, she may not come to you but she is not nasty. Many thanks x
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news.
Sharing again onto the Chesterfield Animal Rescue facebook page, hope she's found soon
Can't find any more info. Think it's a prank as the source of the "sighting" appears not to exist.
Update: reward offered for SAFE return now up to £500 x
Possible sighting Aston area, which is north of Wales Bar, owner trying to find out more.
More posters gone up, leaflets been handed out & Facebook page gaining likes by the second. Someone must see/find her soon x
We put lots more posters up yesterday & Maddie now has a Facebook page: BRING Maddie HOME - anyone who wants to like & view the info, there are more pictures of her to give people a better idea of what she looks like x
That is a manageable run for a fast little dog, going from Whitwell along back roads, tracks and paths to Kiveton Park then over to Wales Bar. We often walk the footpaths and bridleways round there and they are very quiet, so Maddie would not have been seen. I just hope she slows down at Killamarsh and doesn't do another circuit!
Apologies. In my haste, I clicked the "Report This" button instead of the "Edit" button when I spotted a spelling mistake on my last post :( x
Comment awaiting moderation
circulating on twitter...

MADDIE JR SIGHTED http://tinyurl.com/od45n8n #WalesBar #Killamarsh #S21 #NE #lostmydog Plz RT
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Bumped...paws crossed...and local twitter alerts requested to help Maddie get back home.
We think there's been a sighting! A lady is "almost positive" she saw her running down the road from Wales Bar to Killamarsh. She turned round to look for her but she'd already vanished.. But at least if it is her, she's closer & heading roughly for home :) x
Thankyou very much for your help, it's greatly appreciated. Posters have gone up in Whitwell & will be going up in Clowne & Creswell today too (if they haven't already!) so hopefully someone will see something soon. Last time she went into a village however (Barlborough) she doubled back on herself & left.. Maybe realising it wasn't home? So she may have done the same this time or gone straight through, so we're trying to spread the word past Whitwell as much as around it. Fingers crossed someone's already handed her in & we're just waiting on a warden/kennel to get in touch x
Hi I just wanted to get back to you, I have walked all the surrounding alleyways and streets in the Greenway area and unfortunately I haven't come across her, I asked anyone that I came in to contact with (which were a few) if they had seen her and there was no sightings unfortunately, but I have made them aware of her name, breed and colour. I will keep looking and reminding people, I really hope you find her. X
There will be people out searching again today, but we haven't arranged anything for Wispa to come back out just yet x
Hi I am local to Greenway, I will take a walk this morning and ask around and take a good look to see if I can see her. I have texted and FB local people to keep a look out for her. Is anyone going to be searching in the area today and has Wispa done all she can do in terms of tracking?
Next instalment: we started near the cross roads just down from where we stopped yesterday. Torrential rain last night made ground scent hard to follow, but Wispa got an air scent floating about and headed first towards Harthill, then veered down a lane and picked up a better scent along a bridle path, eventually leading us to Whitwell Common where we got a decent scent. Down past the church into Whitwell, along High Street then left at the green, and right into Greenway which is a cul de sac. A terrier could have got through, but Wispa could not take us any further. So Maddie is either somewhere in Whitwell or has recently been through it.
Okay, this is gonna be a long one people..
The tracker has had to retire for the day due to being tired, but so far this is where she thinks Maddie has been:
-she doubled back on herself from Barlborough to the Pebley Pub
-then down from there to Pebley Pond
-round the back of the pond & through Crabtree Wood
-then out onto Harthill Lane (which joins Harthill and the A618)
This is where they stopped tracking her, but my mum thinks she could have gone left towards Clowne/Whitwell Common/Whitwell so could people from those areas keep their eyes extra peeled please!
Tracker dog out again today, just made posters to go up & leaflets to push through doors, been calling dog wardens & keep spreading the word on the internet. Please keep your eyes peeled, someone's got to see her soon x
We tracked from the point near Killamarsh where she went missing and got a trail which led along footpaths and over a footbridge over M1, then on to Barlborough Hall school and then into village. Then it got dark. Starting again tomorrow from Barlborough. Can anyone in Barlborough or indeed Clowne keep eyed peeled for this little dog please?
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Have spoken to owners and advised re dog wardens , Stray kennels etc and postering . Have also advised them to keep returning as they have been doing to the point at which they last saw her in case she finds her way back there and she will pick up their scent
Hoping this girl is found very soon x
Last edited: 2013-11-05 21:11:18 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Been out with a tracker dog & still not found her, nor heard anything constructive from dog wardens or police. Someone must have seen her by now? Please keep your eyes open, we miss her so much x
Pretty sure that's not her, not enough of the face is black & she is microchipped so would hope to have heard from the dog warden. Also quite far away from us. Will double check though. Thanks a lot x
ive spotted this on facebook .......https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=681255928560944&set=a.176432705709938.39173.142216985798177&type=1&theater ?
Thankyou so much, adding her microchip number shortly x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in S12,13,18,20,21,25,26.
Sorry to see that MADDIE SIGHTED is missing.
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